Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,667

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Traudl Junge:
Is it German artillery that I hear?

Otto Günsche:
I'm afraid not.

But hasn't Steiner's attack started?

Hermann Fegelein:
You have to go as fast as you can. Time is running out.

But the Führer has the situation under control. Steiner will make all the difference. He says it will change military history.

Everybody, the Führer, knows that's a fantasy. I even wonder if he believes it himself.

Why would he be playing games?

What does he have to lose?

Gerda Christian:
I don't believe a word of it.

Downfall  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hans Krebs:
The enemy made a breakthrough. They took Zossen and are advancing towards Stahnsdorf. They're at the northern city border, between Frohnau and Pankow. In the east, they reached Lichtenberg, Mahlsdorf and Karlshorst.

Adolf Hitler:
With Steiner's attack, that will be all right.

My Führer... Steiner...

Alfred Jodl:
Steiner couldn't gather enough forces for the attack. Steiner's attack didn't proceed.

[Hitler pauses to take off his glasses]

The following stay in the room: Keitel, Jodl, Krebs and Burgdorf. (The four named generals, along with Goebbels and Bormann, remain in the room as the others leave. The door closes behind them) That was an order! Steiner's attack was an order! Who are you to dare disobey my order? (Hitler's ranting is clearly audible outside the room) So this is what it's come to: the military lied to me. Everybody lied to me, even the SS! The entire general command is nothing more than a bunch of vile, faithless cowards!

Wilhelm Burgdorf:
My Führer, I can't accept that the soldiers who bled for you—

They're cowards! Traitors! Failures!

My Führer, what you're saying is outrageous!

The general command are the pests of the German people! (flings a pencil onto the table) Not a shred of honor! You call yourselves generals because you spent years at a military academy, only to learn how to hold a knife and fork! For years the entire military has hindered my campaigns. It has only put every kind of resistance in my way. I would have done well years ago to liquidate all the senior officers like Stalin! I never went to the academy. And yet I alone — all on my own — conquered all of Europe. Traitors! From the very beginning I've been only betrayed and deceived. Such enormous betrayal of the German people! But all these traitors will pay. They will pay with their own blood! They will drown in their own blood!

Traudl Junge:
(To Gerda, outside the room) Gerda, please calm yourself.

My orders were spoken into the wind. It is impossible to lead under these circumstances. It's over. The war is lost. But gentlemen, if you think that I'll leave Berlin for this, you're greatly mistaken. I'd rather shoot a bullet through my head. Do what you will.

Downfall  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Otto Günsche:
We cannot find Gruppenführer Fegelein. He is not in the bunker.

Adolf Hitler:
What's that supposed mean, you can't find Fegelein? Then look for him! I want to see Fegelein at once! If he left without orders, it's desertion! Treason! Bring me Fegelein! (pounding the table) Fegelein, Fegelein, Fegelein!

Downfall  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Adolf Hitler:
Frau Junge, Frau Christian. Get changed. In one hour, a plane will take you south. Everything is lost. Completely lost.

Eva Braun:
You know I'll stay with you. You can't send me away.

Traudl Junge:
I'm staying too, my Führer.

Downfall  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Felix Leiter:
Where did you get that suit?

James Bond:
My tailor, in Savile Row.

Felix Leiter:
Mine's from Washington. Felix Leiter, Central Intelligence Agency.

Dr. No  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

James Bond:
Moneypenny! What gives?

Miss Moneypenny:
Me, given an ounce of encouragement. You've never taken me to dinner looking like this. You've never taken me to dinner ...

James Bond:
I would, you know. Only M would have me court-martialed for... illegal use of government equipment.

Miss Moneypenny:
Flattery will get you nowhere — but don't stop trying.

Dr. No  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bond outruns a hearse full of henchmen through a construction site on a hill, causing the hearse to careen off the road and explode]

Construction worker:
How did it happen?

James Bond:
I think they were on their way to a funeral.

Dr. No  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After singing "Underneath the Mango Tree"]

Honey Rider:
Who is that?

James Bond:
It's all right. I'm not supposed to be here either. I take it you're not. Are you alone?

Honey Rider:
What are you doing here? Looking for shells?

James Bond:
No. I'm just looking.

Honey Rider:
Stay where you are.

James Bond:
I promise I won't steal your shells.

Honey Rider:
I promise you won't either. [draws her knife] Stay where you are!

James Bond:
I can assure you, my intentions are strictly honorable.

[Honey Rider sheathes her knife]

Dr. No  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Professor Dent arrives at a cottage room]

James Bond:
Drop it, professor, hands behind you!

[Professor Dent drops his gun]

James Bond:
That's funny, I thought you'd turn up sooner or later. Sit down.

Professor Dent:
The girl talked?

James Bond:
But of course. I was suspicious|at the Queen's Club anyhow when it turned out you were the only one who'd seen Strangways' new secretary.

[while Bond is talking, Dent pulls the blanket he dropped his gun on towards him with his foot]

James Bond:
And then later, at the lab, you made no reference to the fact that Strangways' samples were radioactive.

Professor Dent:
Very clever, Mr Bond. But you're up against more than you know. You shoot me and you'll end up like Strangways.

James Bond:
Then you killed him?

Professor Dent:
He was killed, but never mind how.

James Bond:
Who are you working for, Professor?

Professor Dent:
You might as well know as you won't live to use the information. I'm working for...

[Professor Dent draws his gun, only to find that it is empty]

James Bond:
It's a Smith & Wesson, and you've had your six.

[Bond shoots Dent, killing him]

Dr. No  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Count Dracula:
I am Dracula.

Oh. It's really good to see you. I don't know what happened to the driver and my luggage,and... well, and with all this, I thought I was in the wrong place.

Count Dracula:
I bid you welcome.

[Dracula goes up the stairs. Renfield starts to follow him. Suddenly, Dracula hears wolves howling.]

Count Dracula:
Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.

[Dracula goes up the steps, and waits for Renfield, who without difficulty, cuts open a huge spider's web using his walking stick.]

Count Dracula:
The spider spinning his web for the unwary fly. The blood is the life, Mr. Renfield.

Why, er... yes.

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

He came and stood below my window in the moonlight. And he promised me things, not in words, but by doing them.

Abraham Van Helsing:
Doing them?

By making them happen. A red mist spread over the lawn, coming on like a flame of fire! And then he parted it, and I could see that there were thousands of rats, with their eyes blazing red, like his, only smaller. Then he held up his hand, and they all stopped, and I thought he seemed to be saying: "Rats! Rats! Rats! Thousands! Millions of them! All red-blood! All these will I give you! If you will obey me!"

Abraham Van Helsing:
What did he want you to do?

That which has already been done! [giggles sinisterly]

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mina Seward:
[doing an impression of Dracula] "It reminds me of the broken battlements of my own castle in Transylvania." [chuckles] Oh, Lucy, you're so romantic!

Lucy Weston:
Laugh all you like. I think he's fascinating.

Mina Seward:
Oh, I suppose he's all right. But give me someone a little more normal.

Lucy Weston:
Like John?

Mina Seward:
Yes, dear, like John.

Lucy Weston:
[dreamily] Castle... Dracula...Transylvania!

Mina Seward:
Well, Countess! I'll leave you to your count and his ruined abbey!

[Both giggle]

Mina Seward:
Good night, Lucy.

Lucy Weston:
Good night, dear.

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Count Dracula:
Van Helsing.

[Van Helsing turns to face Dracula]

Count Dracula:
Now that you have learned what you have learned, it would be well for you to return to your own country.

Abraham Van Helsing:
I prefer to remain and protect those whom you would destroy.

Count Dracula:
You are too late. My blood now flows through her veins. She will live through the centuries to come, as I have lived.

Abraham Van Helsing:
Should you escape us, Dracula. We know how to save Miss Mina's soul if not her life.

Count Dracula:
If she dies by day. But I shall see that she dies by night.

Abraham Van Helsing:
And I will find Carfax Abbey torn down, stone by stone, excavated a mile around. I will find your earth-box and drive that stake through your heart.

Count Dracula:
Come here.

[Dracula raises his hand to hypnotize Van Helsing.]

Count Dracula:
Come here.

[Van Helsing takes three hypnotized steps towards Dracula but soon steps back, resisting Dracula's power over him.]

Count Dracula:
Your will is strong, Van Helsing.

[Van Helsing reaches out for his crucifix as Dracula looms toward him.]

Count Dracula:
More wolfbane?

Abraham Van Helsing:
More effective than wolfbane, Count.

Count Dracula:

[Dracula lunges towards Van Helsing. Van Helsing holds up the crucifix. Dracula snarls and turns away. Van Helsing, in triumph, puts away the crucifix.]

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

He's crazy!

They're all crazy. They're all crazy except you and me. Sometimes I have my doubts about you.


Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Count Dracula:
To die, to be really dead, that must be glorious!

Why, Count Dracula!

Count Dracula:
There are far worse things awaiting man than death.

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Abraham Van Helsing:
You'll die in torment if you die with innocent blood on your soul.

God will not damn a poor lunatic's soul. He knows that the powers of evil are too great for those with weak minds.

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Count Dracula:
This is very old wine. I hope you will like it.

Aren't you drinking?

Count Dracula:
I never

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Abraham Van Helsing:
Gentlemen, we are dealing with the undead.


Abraham Van Helsing:
Yes, Nosferatu.

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ain't you ashamed now? Ain't you? Spiders now, is it? Flies ain't good enough!

Flies? Flies?! Poor puny things! Who wants to eat flies?!

You do, ya loony!

Not when I can get nice fat spiders!

All right, have it your own way.

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, Dr. Seward! Send me away from this place! Send me far away!

Abraham Van Helsing:
Why are you so anxious to get away?

My cries at night, they might disturb miss Mina.

Abraham Van Helsing:

They might give her bad dreams, professor Van Helsing. Bad dreams.

[A wolf starts howling. Meanwhile, at Carfax Abbey, Count Dracula leaves his coffin.]

[Back at Dr. Seward's office]

Abraham Van Helsing:
That sounded like a wolf.

Dr. Jack Seward:
Yes, it did. But I hardly think there are wolves so near London.

He thinks they're wolves. Me, I've heard them howl at night before. He thinks they're talking to him! He howls and howls back at them. He's crazy!

Abraham Van Helsing:
I might have known. I might have known.

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Abraham Van Helsing:
What have you to do with Dracula?

Dracula? I've never even heard the name before.

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I hope I've brought enough labels for your luggage.

Count Dracula:
I'm taking with me only three, uh... boxes...

Oh, very well...

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, Mr. Harker! Oh, Mr. Harker, it's horrible! Oh, it's horrible! Dr. Seward! Miss Mina... Out there, dead!

Dr. Jack Seward:
Out where?

Out there!

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Isn't this a strange conversation, for men who aren't crazy?

Dr. Jack Seward:
Renfield! You're compelling me to put you in a straitjacket!

Abraham Van Helsing:
You forget, doctor, that madmen have great strength. Dracula has great strength. Eh, Renfield?

Words, words, words!

Drácula  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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What TV series is this quote from: "Everybody lies."?
A Fargo
B Grey's Anatomy
C House
D The West Wing