Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,664

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Liz Blake:
I'm sorry, am I bothering you?

Hood #1:
Naw, you ain't bothering me.

Hood #2:
But you're bothering ME.

Hood #1:
You say she's bothering you?

Hood #2:
That's right, this bitch is bothering me.

Hood #1:
Well, what you gonna do 'bout that?

Hood #2:
I'm gonna kick her ass.

Dressed to Kill  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Peter Miller:
Look, Liz, I've got to get home and get to work.

Liz Blake:
Gee, I'm gonna miss having you on my tail. You made me feel kind of safe.

Peter Miller:
Want to come home with me? I'd love the company.

Liz Blake:
Wouldn't Mike mind?

Peter Miller:
Mike's out of town on a business trip. We've got plenty of room.

Liz Blake:
Great. I could sure use the vacation.

Peter Miller:
Good, good. I'll get the check.

Dressed to Kill  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hoke and Idella are walking to Daisy's house and notice Boolie's car in the driveway]

Hoke Colburn:
Now what do you suppose he's doin' here this early in the morning?

Dunno... can't be good, I promise you that!

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hoke walks in, Boolie and Daisy are there to confront him about a missing can of salmon]

Hoke Colburn:
Morning, Miss Daisy. I think it's gettin' ready to clear up out there! Oh, 'scuse me, Mr. Werthan!

Boolie Werthan:
Hoke, I think we're gonna have to have a little talk.

Hoke Colburn:
All right, sir. Just let me get outta my coat. [pauses, then turns to Daisy] Oh, Miss Daisy, yesterday, while you were out visitin', I went and ate a can of your salmon. Now, I know you said eat the left-over pork chops, but they was kinda stiff! So, I stopped at the Piggly Wiggly and got you another can. You want me just to go on and put it in the cupboard?

Daisy Werthan:
[embarrassed] Yes, that'll be fine... thank you, Hoke. Well, I guess I'd better get dressed now!

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Boolie Werthan:
How're you, Idella.


Boolie Werthan:
Where's that vacuum cleaner I brought over here?

In the closet.

Boolie Werthan:
[turning to Hoke] She won't touch it.

I would if it didn't give me a shock every time I come near it!

Boolie Werthan:
It works for me!

Fine... you clean and I'll go down and run your office!

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm goin' Miss Daisy.

Daisy Werthan:
[from upstairs] Alright, Idella, see you tomorrow.

Hoke Colburn:
I'm goin' too, Miss Daisy.

Daisy Werthan:

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hoke and Boolie are walking thru Daisy's now vacant house discussing how Hoke and Daisy have been since Daisy had to be put in the nursing home]

Boolie Werthan:
I suppose you don't get out to see her very much.

Hoke Colburn:
No, sir, I don't... it's hard not drivin' Miss Werthan anymore. Every now and then I takes a taxi cab, but don't too many taxis go out yonder.

Booile Werthan:
I'm sure she appreciates it.

Hoke Colburn:
Yes, sir. [pauses] Some days, she better than others... but then, who ain't?

[Hoke and Boolie both laugh]

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hoke and Boolie are at the nursing home visiting Daisy. Daisy appears unwilling to speak much]

Boolie Werthan:
Hoke, I thought about you the other day on the road. I saw an Avondale Milk truck.

Hoke Colburn:
Is that right?

Boolie Werthan:
Monster of a thing, looked to have about sixteen wheels.

Hoke Colburn:
You don't say!

Boolie Werthan:
I was wondering how you'd like drivin' that thing around!

Daisy Werthan:
[to Boolie] Hoke came to see me, not you!

Hoke Colburn:
Look like one o' her good days!

Daisy Werthan:
Boolie, go charm the nurses!

Boolie Werthan:
[smiling] She wants you all to herself. [to Daisy] You're a doodle, Mama.

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hoke is trailing Daisy in the car as she walks to the supermarket]

Daisy Werthan:
What are you doing?

Hoke Colburn:
I'm tryin' to drive you to the store!

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Daisy Werthan:
[on the phone, trying to get a ride to her hair appointment] Well, I need you now, I have to be at the beauty parlor in half an hour... no, I most certainly did not know you have to call a minimum of two hours ahead! I don't know why you call yourselves a taxicab company if you can't provide taxicabs!

[in the other room, polishing a table] Why don't you call your son down at the mill? He'll send someone to carry you.

Daisy Werthan:
That won't be necessary... I'll just cancel the appointment and fix my own hair!

Sometimes I think you ain't got the sense God gave a lemon!

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hoke Colburn:
Hey, there, Oscar, you boys doin' this morning?

How the old lady treatin' you, Hoke?

Hoke Colburn:
Lord, I tell you one thing...she sho' know how to throw a fit!

[Hoke, Oscar, and Junior break out in laughter]

Daisy Werthan:
What's so funny?

Hoke Colburn:
Nothin', Miss Daisy. We jus' carryin' on.

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Boolie Werthan:
What I need is for somebody to drive my mother around.

Hoke Colburn:
Well, if you don' mind my askin', sir—how come she's not hirin' for herself?

Boolie Werthan:
See, it's kind of a delicate situation.

Hoke Colburn:
Oh, yessir, yessir...done gone around the bend a little bit. Well, now, that'll happen as they get old...

Boolie Werthan:
Oh, no, she's all there. Too-much-there is the problem! [Hoke laughs]

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hoke Colburn:
(calling Boolie after convincing Daisy to be driven for the first time) Hello, Mr. Werthan? Yeah, it's me...guess where I'm at? I just finished drivin' your mama to da store...yeah, she flap around some, but she alright, she in da store...oh, Lord, she just looked out the window and seen me on the phone...prob'ly gonna throw a fit right there at the checkout...yeah, you sho' right about that...only took me six days, same time it took the Lord to make the world!...alright, 'bye now!

Driving Miss Daisy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Chief Wyatt Rash:
Tell me something Cubby, you notice anything odd lately?

You mean other than the fact that no one seems to care about this woman's death?

Chief Wyatt Rash:
Along those lines.

Hell Wyatt, I've seen people more upset over losing change in a candy machine.

Drowning Mona  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ellen Rash:
Bobby! Sheesh I can't believe you killed somebody!

[she walks off]

Bobby Kalzone:
Where ya goin?

Ellen Rash:

Bobby Kalzone:
[quietly] We need milk.

Drowning Mona  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[while selling drugs, eyes Nadine] How much do you want for that foxy female?

Hey what do you think I am, some closet pimp? I've never heard such a violation of women's rights in all my life! [pauses] Just out of curiosity, how many bags of speed would you give me for this girl?

[Reaches his hand out to touch Nadine] I don't know...

[Hits him] You little twerp, you touch me and I'll knock your block off!

Drugstore Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Drug Counselor:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

Yeah, a few times.

Drug Counselor:
What were they? What felonies were you convicted of?

[pauses] What do you want? You want my life story? [Gets up] I'm a junkie, I like drugs, I like the whole lifestyle. But it just didn't pay off. You know, you don't see my kind of people. Because my kind of people don't beg dope, they go out and get it.

Drugstore Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Father Murphy? Hey Tom.

Tom the Priest:
Well well. Bad Bobby Hughes. Imagine seeing you here after all these years.

You live here too?

Tom the Priest:
I have nowhere else to go. There is no demand in the priesthood for elderly drug addicts.

Drugstore Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Buck Wild:
Let’s go!

If you can’t hang, put your drum in storage and go home. Now move your ass, lift your feet, and you’ll make it to the top.

Buck Wild:
Y’all can’t wear my colors running like that. Let’s go Uncle Ben! I bet your country ass would run faster if I had one of your grandmama’s hot butter biscuits!

I guess it ain’t white boy day, is it?

Buck Wild:
Come on let’s roll, come on tubas, let’s go.

Come on, boy. That’s why your raggedy ass gets a raggedy drum. Boy you gonna graduate in that white t-shirt, damn!

Drumline  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Lee:
Mr. Miles, I guess you didn't like the required piece as written.

Naw, I just thought I'd add a little somethin' somethin' on the end. [leaves]

He can play. We all know that, but his attitude is messed up. Now I put three years into building this line. In chemistry's grading, I don't wanna jeopardize that.

Dr. Lee:
[a car horn makes one long blast to indicate that Devon is a P1] Your line seems to think otherwise.

Drumline  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Lee:
Good morning.

The Band:
Good morning.

Dr. Lee:
Good morning to music. Good morning and welcome to Atlanta A&T University marching band training. The next two weeks will be your introduction and possibly induction into a great marching band legacy. If you are here, it's because you believe in musicianship. If you are here it's because you believe in Coltrane, Miles Davis, Stevie Wonder, and the elements known as Earth, Wind, and Fire. If you are here, it's because you have a fervent, unequivocal belief in teamwork.

[Several students just arrive at the A&T field]

Dr. Lee:
And if you wish to remain here, you better start believing in being on time. [points at Ernest] You...who's your roommate?

Uh, Devon... Miles, sir.

Dr. Lee:
[looks at Devon, walks off the platform, and approaches him] Eyes front!

Hey, what's up, Dr. Lee?

Dr. Lee:
It's all good, Mr. Miles, glad to have you here.

Thank you, sir.

Dr. Lee:
Why was he late?

I, um... guess he overslept.

Dr. Lee:
Well, why didn't you wake him?

I'm not his mother, sir.

Dr. Lee:
I asked Mr. Miles why his roommate was late, he says he guesses he overslept. I asked, "Why didn't you wake him?" and he says he is not his mother. Section leaders, what is our concept?

Section Leaders:
One band, one sound!

Dr. Lee:
One band, one sound. When one of us is late, we are all late. When one of us looks or sounds bad, we all look and sound bad. So what's the concept?

The Band:
One band, one sound.

Dr. Lee:
Now I want ten laps from those who are not their roommates' mama.

Drumline  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mini-Me, I need a volunteer to polish the drums for tomorrow.

Aw, that's a P4's job.

Now, I'm making it your job. You don't like it? Quit.

[puts a towel on Devon's drum]

Drumline  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I've had it with your no talent, wannabe gangster ass! You wanna prove once and for all that I'm better than you? Strap up!

Bring it on, big brother tin man!

Get you sound check.


Fake thug little wannabe drummer boy.

Whatever you big bald headed bourgie my first drum having.

No method man.

Yeah, fluff daddy. Say I’m better than you.

I ain’t trying to hear you.

You ain’t heard me since I stepped on campus!

‘Cause I know what you’re about!

You don’t know shit about me!

Drumline  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Lee:
What was that? What did we rehearse? Why... do we rehearse? You're out there showboating for five minutes. If I wasn't able to signal a drum major to wrap you up, you'd still be out there beating your damn drum!

Dr. Lee, sir, maybe there's an explanation. Devon...

Dr. Lee:
Do I look like I need you to explain anything to me right now?

No, sir.

Dr. Lee:
I don't know what the beef is, but you better grill it up and eat it. Because it is my ass that is on the line.

President Wagner:
[arrives] Now that is a new beginning. That's exactly what I'm talking about. [shakes Devon's hand] Great job, son. You are something. You are something special.

Thank you, sir.

President Wagner:
Great job, all of you. Now let's see Morris Brown top that! [band cheers] Some alumni wanna speak with you. There they are. Don't keep them waiting. New beginning! NEW BEGINNING!

Dr. Lee:
Sean, I want you to polish the drums tonight. And I'd better be able to see myself in the silver.

Yes sir.

I left the polisher on the bottom shelf, B.

Drumline  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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