Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,665

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

President Wagner:
Dr. Lee, do you want to explain why Devon is not on the field?

Dr. Lee:
No, really.

President Wagner:
Well, let me rephrase. I want my boy on the field now.

Dr. Lee:
There are some issues preventing that.

President Wagner:
No, the only issue, is for you to give me the same show like you did the last game or there won't be a program next year.

Drumline  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Lee... Dr. Lee, just wanted to catch you before rehearsals. I was thinking, that instead of promoting a P2 to replace Devon, we could just keep the snare line at nine.

Dr. Lee:
And how long have you been thinking that?

Just this morning.

Dr. Lee:
Are you sure?

[Sean nods his head yes]

Dr. Lee:
I thought maybe it was the day you showed us all he couldn't read, or was it the night that he took your solo, I don't know. But since you heard him play, you decided that the line or perhaps maybe, just you, would be better off without him. Remember when I first made you section leader?

[Sean nods his head yes]

Dr. Lee:
You were sweating bullets wondering how you could lead this loud, passionate group of your peers. And I said you would be fine. You know why?

You said I loved the sound of the line more than the sound of my own drum.

Dr. Lee:
Yes. And you lost sight of that. And that's okay 'cause we all lose sight of things. But if you don't get it together, Mr. Taylor, you're gonna have a difficult time leading the Senate whether Devon is on it or not.

Drumline  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Lee, got a sec?

Dr. Lee:

Hey, what's up, Dr. Lee?

Dr. Lee:
Mr. Miles.

Well, I was wondering - actually we were wondering - if you needed any entrance cadences for the Classic. Not that I'm trying to get back on the line or anything, I just want you to check 'em out.

Dr. Lee:
Oh... let me see.

Alright... the concept was all Devon's.

Yeah, but my man Sean here had the structure on lock.

But the snare part, all the sticking... that's the kid.

Dr. Lee:
What, you two a couple now?

You got an old-school feel to it, but sometimes you're gonna have to take it back.

Dr. Lee:
It's not a bad idea... not a bad idea at all.

Drumline  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Little Quacker:
[begins to fly as he carries an anvil]

[Tom stops running and shoots at the duckling, but instead breaks the rope and the anvil falls down]

[drops his gun and begins to panic]

[Tom runs around, unsure which way to go, and his shoulders, digs his own grave and smokes a final cigarette as the anvil hits him]

[falls into the grave and is buried]

[Finally the anvil falls in front of the grave, acting as his tombstone]

The Duck Doctor  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Teasdale:
As chairwoman of the reception committee, I extend the good wishes of every man, woman and child of Freedonia.

Rufus T Firefly:
Never mind that stuff, take a card. [Fans out a deck of playing cards]

Mrs. Teasdale:
[Picks one from the fan] Card? What do I do with the card?

You can keep it. I got fifty one left! Now, what were you saying?

Mrs. Teasdale:
As chairwoman of the reception committee, I welcome you with open arms.

Is that so? How late do you stay open?

Mrs. Teasdale:
I've sponsored your appointment because I feel you are the most able statesman in all Freedonia.

Well, that covers a lot of ground. Say, you cover a lot of ground yourself. You'd better beat it; I hear they're gonna tear you down and put up an office building where you're standing. You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff. You know, you haven't stopped talking since I came here. You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle.

Duck Soup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Your Excellency, haven't we seen each other somewhere before?

I don't think so; I'm not sure I'm seeing you now, it must be something I ate.

Look here, sir, are you trying to-?!

Don't look now... but there's one man too many in this room, and I think it's you.

Duck Soup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Not that I care, but where is your husband?

Mrs. Teasdale:
Why, he's dead.

I'll bet he's just using that as an excuse.

Mrs. Teasdale:
I was with him to the very end.

Hmmph. No wonder he passed away.

Mrs. Teasdale:
I held him in my arms and kissed him.

Oh, I see. Then, it was murder. Will you marry me? Did he leave you any money? Answer the second question first.

Mrs. Teasdale:
He left me his entire fortune.

Is that so? Can't you see what I'm trying to tell you? I love you! [jumps into her arms]

Mrs. Teasdale:
Oh, your Excellency!

You're not so bad yourself.

Duck Soup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Treasury minister:
Your Excellency, here's the Treasury department's report. I hope you'll find it clear.

"Clear?" Huh! Why, a four-year-old child could understand this report! (passes the report to Bob Roland) Run out and find me a four-year-old child, I can't make head or tail of it. And now, members of the Cabinet, we'll take up old business.

Trade Minister:
I wish to discuss the tariff.

Sit down, that's new business. [pause] No old business? Very well, we'll take up new business.

Trade Minister:
Now about the tariff-

Too late, that's old business already. Sit down.

Secretary of War:
Gentlemen, as your Secretary of war-

The Secretary of War is out of order! Which reminds me, so is the plumbing. Make a note of that. Never mind, I'll do it myself.

Duck Soup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Labor Minister:
The Department of Labor wishes to report that the workers of Freedonia are demanding shorter hours.

Very well, then we'll give them shorter hours. We'll start by cutting their lunch hour to 20 minutes. (the Cabinet exchange startled looks) Now, gentlemen, we've got to start looking for a new Treasurer.

Labor Minister:
But you appointed one last week!

That's the one I'm looking for!

Secretary of War:
Gentlemen, gentlemen. Enough of this. How about taking up the tax?

How about taking up the carpet?

Secretary of War:
I still insist we take up the tax!

[to Bob Roland] He's right—you've got to take up the tacks before you take up the carpet.

Secretary of War:
I give all my time and energy to my duties, and what do I get?

You get awfully tiresome after a while.

Secretary of War:
Sir, you try my patience.

I don't mind if I do. You must come over and try mine some time.

Secretary of War:
That's the last straw! I resign. I wash my hands of the whole business!

Good idea. You can wash your neck too.

Duck Soup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, for heaven's sake, don't make a sound. If you found, you lost.

Oh, you crazy. How can I be lost if I'm found?

Duck Soup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Teasdale:
But I saw you with my own eyes!

[in disguise as Rufus T. Firefly] Well, who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?

Duck Soup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hello, boss!

Chicolini, I bet you eight-to-one we find you guilty.

At's-a no good; I can get ten-to-one at the barbershop.

Chicolini, you're charged with high treason, and if found guilty, you will be shot.

I object.

[scoffs] Oh, you object? On what grounds?

I couldn't think of anything else to say.

[raps gavel] Objection sustained.

Your Excellency, you sustained the objection?!

Sure, I couldn't think of anything else to say, either. Why don't you object?

Duck Soup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I wouldn't go out there unless I had one of those big iron things that go up and down. What do you call those things?


You're welcome.

Duck Soup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Is it possible that we got so wasted last night that we bought a lifetime supply of pudding and then totally forgot about it?

[opens the cupboard to find it's entirely full of pudding] I'd say it's entirely possible.

Dude, Where's My Car?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Chinese Food Intercom:
And then?

And then... (laughs nervously) I'm gonna come in there... (grows livid) and I'm gonna put my goddamn foot in your fucking ass IF YOU SAY "AND THEN" AGAIN!!!!

(pause; Jesse almost gives in)

Chinese Food Intercom:
(repeatedly) And then! And then! And then! And then! And then! And then! And then! And then! And then! And then! And then! And then!

(Jesse angrily smashes the speaker box, but Chester and Nelson pull him back inside the car, and they drive away)

Chinese Food Intercom:
(severely damaged) And then...?

Dude, Where's My Car?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Wait a second. I just got a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Maybe you should go sit on the toilet?

No. No. You know what the feeling is? It's love!

Is that what that is?

Yeah. I'm in love with Wanda and you're in love with Wilma.


You see. Now that we know that we've been sucky boyfriends... we can change.

We can?

Yeah, and you know what else? I'll bet you that we did buy them super cool anniversary gifts. You know why? 'Coz we love them.

And we wrapped them really cool wrapping paper?


Dude, Where's My Car?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'll be a good girl, ma'am. I promise I will. I want to be like you. That's what my father wanted.

Laura Belle:
I'm afraid that neither your father nor I found happiness child. I hope you will.

Duel in the Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How'd they come to name you Pearl?

I don't know, sir.

They couldn't have had much eye for color, could they? [laughter] They might have better called you Pocahontas or Minnie-ha-ha. Ain't I right?

I guess so.

Duel in the Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sin Killer:
Pearl? You can be a woman of sin or a woman of God. Which is it to be?

I want to be a good girl.

Sin Killer:
And remember that the devil is always aimin' to hog-tie ya. Sometimes he comes ghostin' over the plains in the shape of a sneakin' rustler. And sometimes, beggin' your pardon Laura Belle, he stakes out the homes of the worthy and the god-fearin'. Pearl, you're curved in the flesh of temptation. Resistance is gonna be a darn sight harder for you than for females protected by the shape of sows. Yes siree, bob. You gotta sweeten yourself with prayer. Pray till you sweat, and you'll save yourself from eternal hell-fire. You understand me girl?

Yes sir.

Duel in the Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I might as well say it. I loved you. Somehow you touched me.

You, you loved me?

I thought of what you'd be like when you grew up a little.

Oh, I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me, Jesse?

I didn't think it would be fair to tell ya. I was a fool. I came to your room to say goodbye, to tell you that someday I'd be back for you. That I'd think about you and I'd write. I'll write to you, Pearl.

You will, Jesse, you will?

If you need me, I'll come back, senator or no senator.

And you'll forget about, about tonight, won't you? You'll forget it?

No, I don't think I'll forget. I don't think I'll ever be able to. I shouldn't have told you the way I felt. It wasn't fair. There I go again. Gotta be fair.

[sobbing] Trash. Trash, trash, trash, trash, trash.

Duel in the Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Am I your girl, Lewt?

Of course you're my girl.

Then we can be married, can't we?

Ah, I guess so.

Now, if I'm not good enough to marry, I'm not good enough to kiss...It wouldn't do no harm to tell folks, would it?

Sure it wouldn't.

Can we tell 'em soon, Lewt? Can we tell 'em Saturday at the barbecue?

Sure we can. Why not?

Duel in the Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after Sam proposes to her] You don't know about me. If you did, you wouldn't ask.

You mean about Lewt?

So you know about me and Lewt too. Yeah, I guess ain't nobody don't know.

Pearl, I've knocked around plenty.

I'm trash I tell ya, trash.

Don't go telling me that! I'd kill the first man who said anything like that.

But I don't love you, Sam. Don't that matter?

You've only known me a little while, Pearl...

Duel in the Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Of all the ornery females. One minute you're yammerin' 'cause I don't love ya enough. And when I go out and show ya how much I do, you're wantin' to plug me. You're my girl, honey.

I was your girl.

Anybody who was my girl is still my girl. That's the kind of guy I am, you know, loyal.

Stay back.

There ain't nobody gonna take my girl. Nobody. Same little tigercat. You know, just when I figure I'm doin' fine and dandy, I start thinkin' about ya, I start thinkin' about ya and nothin' else is any good...

Duel in the Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lem Smoot:
There's a funny glow in the sky tonight, ain't there? I remember once hearing one of them injun legends about how their ancestors lit bonfires in the sky when the chief's son was dying.

Senator McCanles:
You see them plains and hills. I was so almighty proud of what I carved out of this country. I figured I was building something. Lewt and Jesse. And what have I got now? Lewt a murderer, an outlaw. And Jesse, Jesse...I'm just a lonely old man who needs a friend. Like you said, Lem.

Duel in the Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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B The Swan Princess
C Robin Hood
D Mirror Mirror