Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,690

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Red Cloak:
[pleasantly] Please, come forward. May I have the password?


Red Cloak:
That's correct, sir! That is the password... for admittance. But may I ask, what is the password for the house?

The password for the house...

Red Cloak:

I'm sorry. I... seem to have... forgotten it.

Red Cloak:
That's unfortunate! Because here, it makes no difference whether you have forgotten it, or whether you never knew it. You will kindly remove your mask. [Bill removes mask] Now, get undressed.

[nervously] Get... undressed?

Red Cloak:
[sternly] Remove your clothes.

Uh... gentlemen...

Red Cloak:
Remove your clothes. Or would you like us to do it for you?

Eyes Wide Shut  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Listen... Bill... The reason I, uh, asked you to come over is I... I... I need to talk to you about something.


It's a little bit awkward. And I have to be completely frank.

What kind of problem you having?

It isn't a medical problem. Actually... it concerns you. Bill... I... I know what happened last night. And I know what's been going on since then. And I think you just might... have the wrong idea about one or two things.

I'm sorry, Victor. I, uh... what in the hell are you talking about? [chuckles]

Please, Bill, no games. I was there. At the house. I saw everything that went on. Bill, what the hell did you think you were doing? I couldn't... I couldn't even begin to- to imagine how you- how you even heard about it, let alone got yourself through the door. Then I remembered seeing you with that- that- that- that prick piano player Nick whatever the fuck his name was at my party. And it didn't take much to figure out the rest.

It wasn't Nick's fault. It was mine.

Of course it was Nick's fault. If he hadn't mentioned it to you in the first place, none of this would've happened. I- I recommended that little cocksucker to those people and he's made me look like a complete asshole.

Victor? What can I say? I... I had... absolutely... no idea you were involved in any way.

I know you didn't, Bill. But I also know that you... you went to Nick's hotel this morning and talked to the desk clerk.

How do you know that?

Because I had you followed.

You had me followed?

I- Okay. Okay, I'm sorry. All right? I owe you an apology. This was for your own good, believe me. Now look, I know what the desk clerk told you, but what he didn't tell you is all they did was put Nick on a plane to Seattle. By now he's... he's probably back with his family, you know, banging Mrs. Nick.

The clerk said he had a bruise on his face.

Okay, he had a bruise on his face. That's a hell of a lot less than he deserves. Listen, Bill, I don't think you realize what kind of trouble you were in last night. Who do you think those people were? Those were not just ordinary people there. If I told you their names... I'm not gonna tell you their names, but if I did, I don't think you'll sleep so well.

Was it the second password? Is that what gave me away?

Yes, finally. But not because you didn't know it. It's because there was no second password. Of course, it didn't help a whole lot that those people arrived in limos and you showed up in a taxi. Or that when they took your coat, they found the receipt from the rental house in your pocket made out to you-know-who.

There was a... there was a... there was, uh, a woman there. Who, uh... tried to warn me.

I know.

Do you know who she was?

Yes. She was... she was a hooker. Sorry, but... that's what she was.

A hooker?

Bill, suppose I told you that... that everything that happened to you there... the threats, the- the girl's warnings, her last minute intervention, suppose I said that all of that... was staged. That it was a kind of charade. That it was fake.


Yes, fake.

Why would they do that?

Why? In plain words... to scare the living shit out of you. To keep you quiet about where you'd been and what you'd seen.

Eyes Wide Shut  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The woman lying dead in the morgue was the woman at the party.


Well, Victor, maybe I'm missing something here. You call it fake, a charade... Do you mind telling me what kind of fucking charade ends up with somebody turning up dead!?

Okay, Bill, let's cut the bullshit, alright? You've been way out of your depth for the last twenty-four hours. You want to know what kind of charade? I'll tell you exactly what kind. That whole play-acted "take me" sacrifice that you've been jerking off with had nothing to do with her real death. Nothing happened after you left that hadn't happened to her before. She got her brains fucked out. Period.

Eyes Wide Shut  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[berating Bobby J] You call that Canola? That was embarrassing. What're you, a moron?

Bobby J:
Moron? You're the moron. [kicks his dad, and Lance falls into the wall's supports, making the wall collapse; condescendingly] Wall comin' down. [the wall lands on Canola's trophies and smashes them to bits; angrily] That's for telling everyone you're not my dad!

Daddy Day Camp  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What's going on?

Your worst nightmare.


Mr. Broccoli's a no-show.

Daddy Day Care  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How was your day, baby?

I lost my J-O-B.

You lost your J-O-B?

I got F-I-R-E-D. Me and 300 other people.

They cannot do that.

Daddy Day Care  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Miss Harridan reads a flyer for a fundraiser called "Rock for Daddy Day Care"]

Miss Harridan:
"Rock for Daddy Day Care. Help us finance our new permanent home." [put the flyer on her desk; to Jenny] Do you know what this means?

It's a chance to improve ourselves through a little healthy competition?

Miss Harridan:
[frustrated] No, you bubble-headed idiot. It's a death sentence. If they get their hands on a big enough space, they'll ruin me. They're selling fun. I can't compete with fun. [turns away in anger] I should've crushed them in the beginning when they were weak. It'll be harder now, but I have no choice. I've got to stop them.

How're you gonna do that?

[Miss Harridan turns back to Jenny and smiles cruelly]

Miss Harridan:
By any means necessary.

Daddy Day Care  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We need more learning about things!

More learning about things?

Yes. We're at a very critical age. You have to feed our minds!

Daddy Day Care  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jamie's Mom [to Jamie]:
Who are you going to call if there's any problem? (gives her a phone)

911, Mommy.

Jamie's Mom:
Oh, such a good girl!

Daddy Day Care  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[In heaven, after the inflatable duck explodes and kills everyone]

Daffy Duck:
You know, maybe that wasn't such a hot idea after all.

Casper Caveman:
Good night, folks.

[The films iris out]

Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Abominable Snowman:
And I searched and I searched... hooo it's hot... but I never caught up with my little bunny rabbit.

Bugs Bunny:
Jee, that's tough Mr. Abominabuble.

Abominable Snowman:
And now I'll never... gosh, it's hot... never see my bunny rabbit again.

Bugs Bunny:
Don't give up hope yet, doc. If you love him, he'll come back.

Daffy Duck's Quackbusters  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Daffy Duck:
Oh Bugsy! Bugsy buddy!

Bugs Bunny:
Oh hi, uh, what's up, Duck?

Daffy Duck:
Come here old pal, hm?

[picks up Bugs Bunny] My OWN little bunny rabbit, d'oy.

Bugs Bunny:
Hey! An abominabuble snowman!

I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him...

Daffy Duck:
Oh sure, I know I'm a louse, but I'm a live louse.

And I will give him security! And I will keep him warm like a mother hen, so he will never feel rejected or lack for love.

Daffy Duck:
Poor old Bugs. But, anyway you look at it, it's better HE should suffer. After all, it was me or him, and obviously it couldn't be me. It's a simple matter of logic. I'm not like other people, I can't stand pain, it hurts me.

Daffy Duck's Quackbusters  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[answers door] Yeeeessss?

Daffy Duck:
Your troubles are over, Jeeves! Leave me to your stricken master.

Be gone!

Daffy Duck:
Can't go in, huh?

Eeh, no.

Daffy Duck:
Ohwell, no hard feelings, shake. [shocks Butler with hand buzzer, squirts him with flower, hits him in the face with a cigarette box, and tickles him]

[laughing] Oh oh, you can see him, you can see him! Right this way.

Daffy Duck's Quackbusters  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Daffy Duck:
It all adds up. You and the upstairs maid, 'do the old boy in' you said, 'elderberry wine and old lace' you said, 'then, the quick getaway' you said. Champagne nights, tropical music and a heavy bank account!

No no!

Daffy Duck:
Yes yes! But you weren't clever enough, were you John, alias Johnny, alias Jack, alias Jackie? Whew! What's Humphrey Bogart got that I ain't got?

Daffy Duck's Quackbusters  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Count Bloodcount:
I am a vampire.

Bugs Bunny:
Oh, yeah? Well, abracadabra, I'm an umpire.

[an umpire uniform appears on Bugs]

Count Bloodcount:
Hocus-pocus! [turns into a bat] I'm a bat!

Bugs Bunny:
Okay, I'm a bat, too. Abracadabra! [turns into a baseball bat]

Count Bloodcount:
[puts glasses on] You wouldn't hit a bat with glasses on, would you?

[Bugs as the baseball bat hits the bat on the head]

Daffy Duck's Quackbusters  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bugs Bunny:
Ok Abom, here's your bunny rabbit.

D'oya... bunny rabbit... George?

Daffy Duck:
Bunny rabbit, me?

Bugs Bunny:
Yes, you, Doc.

Daffy Duck:
Ho ho, very funny, ha ha, very droll. Hey, shorty! What do you consider to be the distinguishing characteristics of a rabbit?

D'oy... distinguishing... character...

Daffy Duck:
Yeah, yeah, what makes a rabbit look like a rabbit?

Why, d'uh, d'uh, long ears!

Daffy Duck:
And whom around here has long ears? [to Bugs] Sorry to hafta do this to ya, bud.

Bugs Bunny:
[ties ears down around face] Eh, don't give it a second thought.

[picks up Daffy] Oh boy! Just what I always wanted! My own little bunny rabbit! I will...

Bugs Bunny:
They really do make a charming couple.

...and pet him, and squeeze him, and rub him, and stroke his bill, and rub his pretty feathers... Hey, wait a minute. Bunny rabbits don't have feathers and bills.

Daffy Duck:
I know, I know. [pointing at Bugs, who is tunneling away] There's goes your bunny rabbit!

Hey, uh, George, wait! [tunnels after Bugs]

Daffy Duck:
Ho ho, look out, bunny rabbit! This I gotta see. [tunnels after Bugs and Hugo]

Daffy Duck's Quackbusters  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Daffy Duck:
Alright, what's holdin' up the works. What's all the... the... huh. [sees Abominable Snowman] Aaahh!

D'oh! What a cute little pink bunny rabbit. [picks up Daffy] Just what I always wanted. My own little bunny rabbit! I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him, and squeeze him.

Daffy Duck:
I'm not a bunny rabbit.

And pat him, and pet him, and...

Daffy Duck:
You're hurting me... put me down, please.

And rub him, and caress him, and...

Daffy Duck:

Not a bunny rabbit, George? Then how come you have long ears, how come?

Daffy Duck:
Long ears? Ooh! [laughs] Those aren't ears, those are sleeves! So, now put me down, please, huh?

Oh George... you were naughty to pretend you was a bunny rabbit. I will punish you good. Bad old George!

Daffy Duck's Quackbusters  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Come on. I used to play down here when I was a little kid.

You was some fucked up little kid.


Me too.


Dance of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Yo man, they're jackin' your car!

Dance of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Can you do me a favor?

Yeah anything.

Kill em all (Kyle dies)


hat are we going to do?

Uh Jimmy, he just got bit so shouldn't we like leave

Dance of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey you guys. We're in a funeral home.


Jimmy, Lindsey, Gwen, Stephen, George, Jules and Kyle:
Go, Go, Go, Go, Run!

Dance of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're fantastic. You just have to listen to your heart, Cvalda.

I don't want you to call me Cvalda.

You're Cvalda to me.

Dancer in the Dark  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[in the cinema, asking description of the movie because she can't see] How is she doing?

It's when she cannot keep up, and she's going to faint. Ah, she fainted.

Angry man:
Please be quiet.

Oh, give us a break. She doesn't see that well.

Angry man:
I paid good money to see this film.

Well, so did she.

I love it when they dance.

Angry man:
For Pete's sake, it's a musical. Of course they're dancing!

We know that!

Angry man:
Oh, you're so smart.


I think you made friends, Kathy. [laughing]

Dancer in the Dark  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Would it make you feel better If I told you a secret?

What secret could you tell me?

I'm going blind. Not yet, but... soon. Maybe sometime this year.


It's not as bad as it sounds. It's, uh... It's a family thing.

But, blind?

I've always known it. From... when I was a little girl, I knew.

And you're okay?

Well, I came to America because in America, they can give Gene an operation.

Dancer in the Dark  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Which Avenger said this, “That guy is playing galaga, didn’t think we’d notice but I did.”?
A Bruce Banner/ The Hulk
B Clint Barton/ Hawkeye
C Nick Fury
D Tony Stark/ Iron Man