The time of reckoning is now, rapscallions! IT'S MELON TIME!
WHERE'D HE COME FROM? Jonny! No! Wait!
No thanks are necessary, citizens.
You idiot! Leave our friends alone!
Back off, melon dweeb!
Leave some produce for Rolf!
Sorry about that. Say, let's go to my place. Jawbreakers are on me!
We did it, Double D! Everyone loves us! We're finally in, baby!
And it only took 130 episodes, 4 specials and a movie, Eddy!
Let's sing a song! [the Eds and the kids (except Jonny, who is pounded by the kids) then sing "Friends are There to Help You", with the "second verse" which is the "same as the first"]
[singing] When you stub your toe and it hurts you know…
The Kids (except for Jonny and including the Eds): [singing] ...Friends are there to help you.
When you trip on your face and your teeth are misplaced, friends are there to help you.
When you're flying low and you're giving a show, friends are there to help you.
When you take off your shoe and your feet stink PEE-YEW, friends are there to help you.
[As the kids sing the song, Wilfred eats out of Captain Melonhead's downed helmet. The Kankers are focused on something else entirely:
dragging Eddy's brother inside.]
First one inside gets to give him mouth to mouth! [When the Kankers finish putting Eddy's brother inside, Marie reattaches the door and shortly thereafter, a flurry of girlish giggling erupts.]
Second verse, same as the first! [singing] When you stub your toe and it hurts you know…
The Kids (including Jonny too this time with the Eds): [singing] ...Friends are there to help you.
When you trip on your face and your teeth are misplaced, friends are there to help you.
When you're flying low and you're giving a show, friends are there to help you.
When you take off your shoe and your feet stink PEE-YEW, friends are there to help you.