Hola, amigo! [Mercury destroys Blade's UV light] Do you remember me?
[Blade fights Quinn's guards and is quickly defeated. One of them takes his sword]
Well, well, well. You took my arm, man. Remember? But it's cool. [Takes off his glove, showing his new left arm, still composed mostly of scar tissue and slightly disproportionate] I got a new one. [Starts laughing] Think I'll ever play piano again? [Motions as if he were playing a piano] You can slice him, you can dice him, but the Quinn-man just keeps on comin'!
[Holding Blade's sword] Check it out! I've... got his pigsticker!!
[Blade grins as the sword explodes in Crease's hand, much to the amusement of everyone else, including Crease himself]
You're a fuck up, Crease! [Imitates him] "I got his pigsticker!" Oh, man. You're just full of surprises, ain't you chief? [Punches Blade several times] Stay with me, sweetness. 'Cause I'm not through with you yet. Oh, lookie here. [he removes a silver stake from Blade's holster] Silver. Must have cost you a pretty penny, huh? Now this here is a man who takes his job just a little too seriously, don't you think? Come to think of it, Blade, I owe you one. [he stabs the stake into Blade's shoulder] Actually, if you want to get technical, Blade... [lifts another stake] I owe you two.
[Blade starts laughing]
Oh, what's so funny, bright eyes?
I'm expecting company.
[Quinn looks closer, and sees the radio piece in Blade's ear, which is chattering. The wall explodes behind them]
Catch you fuckers at a bad time?