Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,777

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[shouts impatiently] All I wanted was a measly sandwich! I very nicely explained that I was starving. I'm starving! PLEASE!

Mr. Ryan:
Sorry, ladies. I guess you'll just have to wait. You remember, no one is as important in this community as Pee-wee Herman. All you other shoppers will just have to play second fiddle to Pee-wee. I guess that's just the way things are around here. My whole purpose in life is to serve Pee-wee Herman. And everything else comes second! [finishes Pee-wee's sandwich] There's your sandwich. Is there anything else I can do for you, Pee-wee?

Well, I would like to have a pickle, if it's not too much trouble.

Mr. Ryan:
No! No trouble at all, Pee-wee. Sorry, Otis. Sorry, Deke. [opens a barrel, knocking over Otis and Deke's chess board; extracts a pickle and hands it to Pee-wee] Game's over. Pee-wee Herman wants a pickle. Here. Here's your darned pickle. Are you happy now?


[the sheriff enters]

Listen up, everybody!

Mr. Ryan:
What's up, Sheriff?

I just got a call from Porterville. There's a big storm headin' this way. You folks better get on home. Smilie, you start boardin' up the store.

Big Top Pee-wee  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[snaps her fingers to get a waitress' attention] Miss. Miss?! MISS! Miss, please, we're starving over here.

[the waitress walks up to other customers]

Excuse me. We were here before them.

What do we have to do to get served over here?!

I'm gonna take a bite outta that broad's bazoo if she doesn't get over here now!

Down, Duke. Don't work yourself into a lather!

Big Top Pee-wee  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Splendid! I'm very satisfied with these results, Pee-wee.

Me, too, Vance. If we keep going at this rate, people will only have to buy 1 tomato a year.

We do not wanna end up with a low potassium level.

Duh, Vance. You'd think I never went to agricultural junior college!


Big Top Pee-wee  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm on my way to a career in agriculture. I hope to be the next George Washington Carver. You know who George Washington Carver was, Mace?

Yes, I do. First President of the United States.

(laughs) No. He was a scientist. His research as an agricultural chemist revolutionized farming. He was the father of the peanut. He discovered over 300 uses for it! Instant coffee, soap, and ink, to name just a few.

Big Top Pee-wee  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Winnie's students are staring at Pee-wee and Winnie]

Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer!

[the students whip out their cameras and take pictures of Pee-wee]

AAH! Paparazzi! [poses suggestively]

Oh, Pee-wee, really. Now, children, Mr. Herman and I would like to have a quiet lunch. Why don't you play with Vance?

Yes, Miss Johnson.

Big Top Pee-wee  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You okay, boss?

Well, my shins are banged up pretty bad. I think my ribs are broke, and it feels like I punctured a major organ, Andy. But I'm circus.

Big Top Pee-wee  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[points to his computer monitor] If you want to continue working at this newspaper, you will put something in here before you go home.

Eliot Arnold:
Why don't I put something in there right now?

[He climbs onto Deeber's desk and kicks his shoe straight through the screen.]

Eliot Arnold:
[v.o.] Deeber picked the wrong day to be a jerk. Earlier that day I found out my wife was having an affair with her tennis instructor.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[In the Jolly Jackal Russian's bar; Leo is holding a baseball bat]


[about Puggy] He broke my ankle!

I break your head!

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You can stay.

[about the muggers] They took all my money.

It's okay. Free beer.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Leo has just beat Snake and Eddie with a baseball bat]

Aluminum, huh?

We sponsor girl's softball team.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to Puggy] You want to make five dollars?

[Puggy carries the heavy metal suitcase from the van into the bar's stockroom.]

Lay down gentle, so as not to fall. [Puggy does.] Strong... come back tomorrow one o'clock, maybe I have more job for you.

[Later that evening, Puggy is walking down a Miami street and pitches camp in a luxurious home's banyan tree.]

Eliot Arnold:
[v.o.] After only one day in Miami, Puggy had a more rewarding career and lived in a better neighborhood than I did.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Matt and Andrew are preparing to ambush their classmate, Jenny with a squirt gun, in her home.]

So, what's the plan? Through the front?

Matt Arnold:
[sarcastically] Yeah. "It's Matt Arnold. I'm here to kill your daughter, Jenny." No, we gotta go over the wall, dickweed. I just she doesn't see this stupid turdmobile.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[preparing to ambush Jenny]

Here we go...

I'll witness from here, in case her dad shoots us.

With what, the remote control?

This is Miami, he has a gun.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jenny Herk:
Good thing you ran away, Arthur, you might have gotten wet.

Arthur Herk:
Shut up!

Officer Monica Romero:

Arthur Herk:
Don't tell me easy, this is my goddamn house!

Officer Monica Romero:
And these are my handcuffs, and if you don't take it easy, you'll be wearing my handcuffs in your goddamn house.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Eliot Arnold:
Look, I'm sorry that my kid squirted your daughter... I-I mean, I'm sorry that he got her wet... I mean... the way he described it, it was just supposed to be a game.

Anna Herk:
Well, hey, kids.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Henry is talking on a pay phone]

Henry Desalvo:
There was another shooter.

William Spaulding:
What do you mean?

Henry Desalvo:
What do I mean? What do you mean "what do I mean"? I mean there was another shooter is what I mean.

[a bunch of mean-looking gangstas approach him.]

William Spaulding:
So, did you take care of the job or not?

Henry Desalvo:

William Spaulding:
Did the other shooter take care of it?

Henry Desalvo:
Uh, hold on a second.

[Henry pretends to drop the piece of paper with the phone number on it, bends down to pick it up, and draws a revolver from his ankle holster.]

Henry Desalvo:
Not right now, okay?

Gang Leader:
It's cool, man.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Arthur Herk:
[asked who might have shot his TV set] I'll tell you who did it. It's probably some goddamn kids. 'Cause these goddamn kids today, they all got goddamn guns, and they're all sniffing glue!

Officer Monica Romero:
Any additional insights, Mr. Herk? Any information can help us to protect you.

Arthur Herk:
I seriously doubt that you or any other member of the police force in this town could protect their own dicks with both hands.

Officer Monica Romero:
Thank you for that observation. [to Matt] I'm not gonna arrest you, Matt, unless Mrs. Herk wants to press charges.

[Everyone looks at Anna.]

Anna Herk:
Hey... kids.

Arthur Herk:
I want to press charges! Cuff him!

Officer Monica Romero:
My hands are kind of full right now, what with holding my dick and all.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Arthur Herk:
[to Eliot] Good, now you and your shithead kid can get the hell out of here, and never come back.

Eliot Arnold:
Thanks for everything.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Anna Herk:
Listen, I'm sorry my husband's such an idiot.

Eliot Arnold:
He's probably really upset because someone shot his TV...

Anna Herk:
No, he's an idiot.

Eliot Arnold:
Do you think someone's trying to kill him?

Anna Herk:
God, I hope so!

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Eliot Arnold:
What does a guy like Arthur do for a living?

Anna Herk:
He's an executive at Penultra Corporation.

Eliot Arnold:
[chuckles] I did an article on them once. They built the jail downtown where the plumbing doesn't work. I called it, "Crapital Punishment."

Anna Herk:
Eliot Arnold, from The Herald? I used to read your column! You were so funny. What happened?

Eliot Arnold:
I lost my sense of humor in the divorce.

[Anna laughs]

Eliot Arnold:
[more seriously] How does a guy like Arthur end up with someone like you?

Anna Herk:
I married him when Jenny was little. My first husband left us kind of early, and we had to move to this crappy little apartment, and I met Arthur. He was different then. I keep looking up divorce lawyers in the phone book, but then I think about that horrible apartment.

Eliot Arnold:
It's unavailable. I live there.

[She laughs again.]

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Eliot and Anna go for a walk on the beach after passionately making out in his office.]

Eliot Arnold:
Can I get personal?

Anna Herk:
[laughs] Now you're asking?

Eliot Arnold:
Your daughter really likes you.

Anna Herk:
Yeah, we have a pretty good relationship.

Eliot Arnold:
Your divorce, Arthur... she doesn't throw any of that in your face?

Anna Herk:
No, I told Jenny a long time ago that I wasn't perfect. She tried to accept my mistakes, and I try to accept hers.

Eliot Arnold:
Sounds simple.

Anna Herk:
Well, I mean it wasn't that simple when she came home with that scorpion tattooed on her butt.

Eliot Arnold:
Matt hates me. He basically thinks I'm a loser. Called me a loser. So I called him a shithead. If we had bad teeth, we could go on Jerry Springer.

[Anna laughs.]

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[While approaching the annoying cigar smokers.]

Henry Desalvo:
Gentlemen; would you mind putting out your cigars, please?

Come again?

Henry Desalvo:
I asked, would you mind putting out your cigars, please?

As a matter of fact I would mind.

Henry Desalvo:
Well you see the reason I asked -- all due respect -- is because I got a great New York strip over there cost me twenty-seven dollars and change, and it tastes like I'm eating a cigar.

Well, first of all, Ace: you're eating a steak at a place called "Joe's Stone Crab"? And secondly, there's no rule that says we can't smoke.

Henry Desalvo:
Well, first of all: My name is not Ace. And number two: I'm not talking about rules, here, I'm talking about manners. You see, there is no rule that says I can't come over here and fart on your entree, but I don't do it. Why? Because it isn't good manners. Now I will ask you again in the nicest way to please, put out the cigars, okay?

[Bruce blows smoke in Henry's face and laughs with his friends. Finally snapping, Henry grabs the cigar, snaps Bruce's fingers and puts out his cigar in his drink. Shocked, the others follow suit.]

Henry Desalvo:
Thank you.

[Pained] I hope you realize you've just committed assault.

Henry Desalvo:
I know, I know. You know, I remember time was you actually had to hit somebody.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Henry Desalvo:
[back at his table] You go tell your employer it's gonna cost him another 10 G's apiece.

His Boss:
Okay. But we want this finished as soon as possible.

Henry Desalvo:
Well, believe me, we don't want to spend anymore time in this garden spot than we have to.

Got that right.

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jenny walks away from Matt and Andrew again.]

Matt Arnold:
Are you staring at her ass?

You're not?

Big Trouble  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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