Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,838

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Up in Care-a-lot, the Care Bears are testing their new invention.]

Share Bear:
With this Rainbow Rescue Beam, we can send a Care Bear anywhere in the whole a matter of seconds!

Birthday Bear:
Or, bring them back again, in case of an emergency.

Share Bear:
We'll be able to help people share their feelings...a lot quicker.

Grumpy Bear:
We've got to get it working first, Share Bear, and then we still won't know what will happen until we give it another test! Oh...! How come I'm always the one fixing things around here?

Share Bear:
Because you never complain, Grumpy Bear. (giggles)

Grumpy Bear:
Uh-huh! I think I know why the first test didn't work... (grunting to remove bug) There! This little star got itself stuck in the gears!

Share Bear:
Now that's what I call star-stuck, Grumpy Bear!

(Looking angrily at it, Grumpy lets the yellow star go free.)

The Care Bears Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Birthday, Share and Grumpy are helping Grams Bear look for her grandchildren, Baby Hugs and Baby Tugs. Without them noticing it, the infant duo slide down near the Beam.]

Baby Hugs Bear:
What's this thing, Tugs?

Baby Tugs Bear:
It's not a thing, Hugs. It's, uh...a thingamabilly.

Baby Hugs Bear (giggles and hugs her brother):
You know everything, Tugs! What's it do?!

Baby Tugs Bear:
Oh, it...huh...oh, it makes bubbles. Square bubbles!

Baby Hugs Bear:
Square bubbles? Howee! Make square bubbles, Tugs!

Baby Tugs Bear:
Any...special colour?!

(Baby Tugs presses some keys at random on the Beam. Nothing happens on the monitor.)

Baby Hugs Bear:
No square bubbles, Tugs. Not even round ones. (as Beam starts to work) You broke the thing!

Grumpy Bear:
Baby Hugs! Baby Tugs! What have you done?!

Birthday Bear:
It's obvious, Grumpy Bear. They got the Rainbow Rescue Beam working.

Grumpy Bear:
But we still don't know if it will transport anyone.

The Care Bears Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Instead of the bubbles Hugs and Tugs wanted, the Beam brings in Kim, Jason, Secret Bear and Friend Bear back from Earth, much to the Bears' surprise.]

Cheer Bear:
Oh, my stars! You brought visitors! What are they doing here?!

Friend Bear:
We didn't bring them. They just came along. Someone brought us here.

Grumpy Bear:
I knew it! Baby bear mischief.

Bedtime Bear:
What are we going to do about the children?

Bear #1:
I don't know.

Bear #2:
Well, it wouldn't...

Bear #1:
This has never happened before.

Bear #3:
That's what she said!

Bear #2:
...try to be good...

Bear #3:
Perhaps we can let them stay.

Hey! Could we say something? Where are we?

Funshine Bear:
Oh! We're terribly sorry. Bears?

Care Bears:

Kim and Jason:
More friends?!

Funshine Bear:

Friend Bear:
Come on. We'll give you a tour.

Okay. But we're not gonna like it.

The Care Bears Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wish Bear has spotted something from her star-o-scope, and is rushing to tell Kim and Jason]

Wish Bear:
Jason, Kim! Wait 'til you hear about this.

(Before she can get there, Wish Bear trips, falls and lands face first into a cloud. Everyone laughs. Secret Bear and Friend Bear run up to the stuck bear)

Friend Bear:
Look Secret Bear, Wish Bear's got her head stuck in the clouds again.

(Secret Bear sticks his thumb into his mouth and pulls it out with a popping sound. The bears then pull Wish Bear out of the cloud, secret Bear stand his head up and looking at her)

Wish Bear:
Now where's my star-o-scope?

Grumpy Bear:
(pops out of the cloud, the star-o-scope on his head) Looking for this?

The Care Bears Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

'Bert has just been caught shoplifting by Tommy, the gruff shopkeeper.

Boy, you want to give me one good reason why you would steal a Snickers bar?

The nougat?

Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Karen and Paul are laying alone together on a raft on a lake

When you've known someone a long time, you just want to kiss them just to see if they're a good kisser. There's nothing wrong with that, right?

Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Out of the five students, two have begun bleeding from the deadly disease, and one seems close to death. Bert has driven off alone to find help but has become ill himself. Marcy's boyfriend, Jeff, has just abandoned her to quarantine himself alone in the forest, taking the beer with him. Marcy and Paul are now the only two people left in the cabin who have not yet shown signs of being ill.

We're all going to get it. We're all going to get sick and Jeff's off in the woods getting drunk!

Bert's going to get help. Karen will be fine, I promise.

It's like being on a plane when you know it's going to crash. Everybody around you is screaming and yelling, "We're going down! We're going down!" And all you really want to do is grab the person next to you and fuck the shit out of them, because you know you're going to be dead soon, anyway.

Marcy looks over at Paul (who is sitting right beside her) suggestively. A few minutes later, both Paul and Marcy are naked. Marcy throws Paul down on to the bed forcefully and begins to ride him.

You don't use condoms?

Don't worry, I'm healthy.

Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

A stranger has just emerged from the woods with a dog that's barking threateningly

Wait... Is your dog friendly?

Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

While washing her face in the bathroom, Marcy discovers a suspicious pair of sores on her back where Paul had been grabbing her when they had sex.

Jesus, Paul, you really did a number on my back!

Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

For no discernable reason, mentally handicapped Dennis suddenly begins to shout at Bert

Dennis :
(yelling) Pancakes! PANCAKES! PANCAKES!

No, No Pancakes!


No Pancakes!

Dennis suddenly begins doing a bizarre set of martial arts kicks

Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know what it's like when you go to a new town, and you're the new guy? All the girls see you walking down the street. They don't know you've got five pounds of ding-a-ling meat. They're looking for no commitment. You understand what I'm saying? I've heard that theory before. This is that town!

Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jeff! Jeff, it's the water! Wherever you are, don't drink the water!

Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

After her boyfriend suddenly abandons her, fearing she may have caught the disease, and runs off in to the forrest alone.


Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The visiting out-of-town college students have just found a jar of fox piss on the shelves of eccentric Old Man Cadwell's shop.

Old Man Cadwell:
Oh Lord, don't drop that! If you do, that's powerful stuff! All the foxes around would come down here, you'd have friends like you'd never had before.

Cabin Fever  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I gotta go to college. I gotta.

Oh, Danny, this isn't Russia. Is this Russia? This isn't Russia, is it? I didn't think so. I like you, Betty.

It's Danny, sir.

Danny. Danny, I'm going to give you a little advice. There's a force in the universe that makes things happen; all you have to do is get in touch with it. Stop thinking...let things happen...and be...the ball.

Caddyshack  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[with heavy Scottish brogue]: Carl, I want you to kill all the gophers on the course.

Check me if I'm wrong, Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers, they'll lock me up and throw away the key.

Not golfers, you great git! Gophers- the little brown, furry rodents!

We can do that. We don't even have to have a reason.

Aye! Well, do it, man!

All right. Let's do the same thing, but with gophers. [Sandy storms off] It's not my fault nobody can understand what you're saying.

Caddyshack  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ty, what did you shoot today?

Oh, Judge, I don't keep score.

Then how do you measure yourself with other golfers?

By height.

You know, you should play with Dr. Beeper and myself. I mean, he's been club champion for three years running and I'm no slouch myself.

Don't sell yourself short Judge, you're a tremendous slouch.

Caddyshack  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Judge Smails, sir?

Sit down, Danny. I think you know why you're here, so I'll do us the courtesy of not reviewing what happened yesterday. My niece is the kind of girl that has a certain zest for living. The last thing any of us needs now is a lot of loose talk about her behavior.

I swear I didn't tell anybody anything, sir.

Good, good. You know, despite what happened, I'm still convinced that you have many fine qualities. I think you can still become a gentleman someday if you understand and abide by the rules of decent society. There's a lot of...well, badness in the world today. I see it in court every day. I've sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. I didn't want to do it- I felt I owed it to them. The most important decision you can make right now is what you stand for- goodness...or badness.

Now I know I've made some mistakes in the past. I'm willing to make up for that. I want to be good!

Very good! I know how hard it is for young people today and I want to help. Just ask my grandson, Spaulding. He and I are regular pals. Are you my pal..."Mr. Scholarship Winner"?

Yes, sir! I'm your pal!

[ruffles Danny's hair] How about a Fresca?

Caddyshack  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I demand satisfaction.

You demand satisfaction? Well I'll tell you what's satisfying: cash. I'll shoot you 18 holes for ten thousand bucks!

[laughs] Wha... I could beat you with one arm!

Well, how about teams then, for twenty thousand? You can have Dr. Frankenputz...

Dr. Beeper:
[mortified] I beg your pardon!

And I'll take Ty, here.

Guys, don't include me in this.

Come on, Ty, you're an ace. Everybody knows it.

I don't play golf, for money, against people.

What are you, religious or something?

You might say that.

Ty, can I have a word with you? In private?

Sure thing, Judge.

Listen, your father and I prepped together, went to war together, played golf together. We built this club, he and I. And let's face it, some people simply do not belong. Let's not... cave in too easy. What do you say, Ty?

[Smails and Ty start to laugh]

Let's make it $40,000.

Hey, great!

[to a glaring Smails] You know, Judge, my dad... never liked you.

Caddyshack  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lt. Greenwald:
Well, well, well! The officers of the Caine in happy celebration!

Lt. Maryk:
What are you, Barney, kind of tight?

Lt. Greenwald:
Sure. I got a guilty conscience. I defended you, Steve, because I found the wrong man was on trial. '[pours himself a glass of wine]' So, I torpedoed Queeg for you. I had to torpedo him. And I feel sick about it.

Lt. Maryk:
Okay, Barney, take it easy.

Lt. Greenwald:
You know something... When I was studying law, and Mr. Keefer here was writing his stories, and you, Willie, were tearing up the playing fields of dear old Princeton, who was standing guard over this fat, dumb, happy country of ours, eh? Not us. Oh, no, we knew you couldn't make any money in the service. So who did the dirty work for us? Queeg did! And a lot of other guys. Tough, sharp guys who didn't crack up like Queeg.

Ensign Keith:
But no matter what, Captain Queeg endangered the ship and the lives of the men.

Lt. Greenwald:
He didn't endanger anybody's life, you did, all of you! You're a fine bunch of officers.

Lt. JG H. Paynter Jr.:
You said yourself he cracked.

Lt. Greenwald:
I'm glad you brought that up, Mr. Paynter, because that's a very pretty point. You know, I left out one detail in the court martial. It wouldn't have helped our case any. [to Maryk] Tell me, Steve, after the Yellowstain business, Queeg came to you guys for help and you turned him down, didn't you?

Lt. Steve Maryk:
[hesitant] Yes, we did.

Lt. Greenwald:
[To Paynter]' You didn't approve of his conduct as an officer. He wasn't worthy of your loyalty. So you turned on him. You ragged him. You made up songs about him. If you'd given Queeg the loyalty he needed, do you suppose the whole issue would have come up in the typhoon? [to Maryk] You're an honest man, Steve, I'm asking you. You think it would've been necessary for you to take over?

Lt. Maryk:
[hesitant] It probably wouldn't have been necessary.

Lt. Greenwald:

Ensign Keith:
If that's true, then we were guilty.

Lt. Greenwald:
Ah, you're learning, Willie! You're learning that you don't work with a captain because you like the way he parts his hair. You work with him because he's got the job or you're no good! Well, the case is over. You're all safe. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. '[To Keefer]' And now we come to the man who should've stood trial. The Caine's favorite author. The Shakespeare whose testimony nearly sunk us all. Tell 'em, Keefer!

Lt. Keefer:
No, you go ahead. You're telling it better.

Lt. Greenwald:
You ought to read his testimony. He never even heard of Captain Queeg!

Lt. Maryk:
Let's forget it, Barney!

Lt. Greenwald:
Queeg was sick, he couldn't help himself. But you, you're real healthy. Only you didn't have one tenth the guts that he had.

Lt. Keefer:
Except I never fooled myself, Mr. Greenwald.

Lt. Greenwald:
I'm gonna drink a toast to you, Mr. Keefer. '[pours wine in a glass]' From the beginning you hated the Navy. And then you thought up this whole idea. And you managed to keep your skirts nice, and starched, and clean, even in the court martial. Steve Maryk will always be remembered as a mutineer. But you, you'll publish your novel, you'll make a million bucks, you'll marry a big movie star, and for the rest of your life you'll live with your conscience, if you have any. Now here's to the real author of "The Caine Mutiny." Here's to you, Mr. Keefer. [splashes wine in Keefer's face] If you wanna do anything about it, I'll be outside. I'm a lot drunker than you are, so it'll be a fair fight.

The Caine Mutiny  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain DeVriess:
[Heavy with authority] Keith.

Lt. Keith:
Yes sir?

Captain DeVriess:
Take her out.

Lt. Keith:
Aye, aye, sir! Single up all lines!

Single up all lines!

Lt. Keith:
Stand by to cast off!

Stand by to cast off!

The Caine Mutiny  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

A thousand pardons, Milady. Wait! Don't run. [She stops and looks at him coweringly] Please! I won't harm you.

You lie! You'll leap at me and throw me to the ground.

I won't do any such thing. [He takes a step toward her. She takes a step backwards. He stops]

Then you'll twist my arm and tie me to a tree.

But I won't.

Then you'll sling me over your shoulder and carry me off.

No, no, no! I swear it! By the Sword Excalibur! I swear I won't touch you.

[Hurt] Why not? [Sudden rage] How dare you insult me in this fashion. Do my looks repel you?

No. You're beautiful.

Well, then? We're alone. I'm completely defenseless. What kind of a cad are you? Apologize at once.

Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The next time you traffic with me, remember... you challenge the right hand of King Arthur!

I am King Arthur!

What? You... are the king?

Almost the late king...

Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

But for what purpose? Might isn't always right, Jenny.

Nonsense, dear, of course it is. To be right and lose couldn't possibly be right.

Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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What TV series is this quote from: "I demand a trial by combat!"?
A Game of Thrones
B Gotham
C Fargo
D Vikings