Wikidude's Quotes Page #133

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Final lines of the English dub, leading fans unaware of season four to presume that Jaden died]

Where's the sargent, Syrus?

[crying] Out there, among the stars.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[After Syrus wishes on a shooting star for Jaden to come back. Star comes crashing down in the forest, and Syrus runs after it. Smoke clears revealing Jaden standing, facing away from Syrus.]


[Turns head around] Syrus, we're having fried shrimp for dinner tonight, right?

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Now I understand, the bitterness of separating from everyone I myself as a teacher have learned many things from them. As a teacher, I must keep taking a new step.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Judai's final lines in the anime]

[Thinking] Thank you, Yugi-sama, for everything. Gotcha!

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Used when beginning a duel; also used during the series' opening theme] Get your game on!

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[After winning a duel (Eng. dub)] That's game!

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[After winning a duel (Jap. dub)] Gotcha!

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Bonds Beyond Time

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Hey, Seto Kaiba, maybe we should duel sometime.

No thanks, I think I'll have much more of a challenge playing solitaire.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Draw your last pathetic card so I can end this, Yugi!

Yami Yugi:
My Grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba. But it does contain... the unstoppable Exodia!

Aaaaargh! Impossible!

Yami Yugi:
I've assembled all five special cards... all five pieces of the puzzle!

[Exodia the Forbidden One suddenly appears on the field towering over the Blue-Eyes White Dragons]

Exodia? It-it's not possible! No one's ever been able to call him!

Yami Yugi:
Exodia, obliterate!

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

But if you put your heart in the game, there's nothing you can't do.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Mr. Pegasus, sir, Seto Kaiba, our uncontested champion he's been defeated in a duel, sir, by someone named Yugi.

Maximillion Pegasus:

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

In another few hours, the sun will rise!

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Weevil Underwood:
Uh-Uh-But i'm the regional champion, The regional champion!

Yami Yugi:
You call yourself a champion, Weevil, but you only won your duels through lying and cheating. True champions- They play with honor. They play fair.

Joey Wheeler:
Aw, Don't waste your breath on this sneaky slug. He's a dueling disgrace. And i hereby relieve him of his dueling gauntlet.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(thinking) I can't believe my associates would turn on me after a single defeat. Then again losing to Yugi since he had lost myself too.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[laughs] Yugi, you don't have a ghost of chance beating Kaiba because this time he is a ghost.

Yami Yugi:
A ghost?

Stop it, Kemo!

It's a fact. two witnesses saw him fall to his doom.

[All gasp]

Lair! Take back what you said!

Get used to it. All that's left of Kaiba are memories. Plus, a very cranky ghost just looking for revenge.

Yami Yugi:
It's not him!

Well, he's seen better days. It's time to duel with the ghoul.

Yami Yugi:
It can't be! That guy's nothing but a fake, a trick by Pegasus.

[Back at Pegasus' castle]

Yami Yugi:
[on tv] Don't worry, Mokuba. I'll win your freedom. Then we'll find your brother.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Yugi and his friends are about to start a duel against Bakura (who is controlled by the evil spirit of the Millenium Ring)]

Before we get started there's a little something I'd like to share with you all... and especially with you Yugi.

What's that?

[The Millenium Ring is appearing around Yami Bakura's neck]

[spooked] This is getting freaky.

[stunned] It can't be. A millenium item.

Yami Bakura:
Yes! And the magic of my Millenium Ring will take us to the Shadow Realm!

Man, I hate magic.

Why are you doing this, Bakura?

Yami Bakura:
You have something I want Yugi and I aim to take it.

[Yami Bakura uses the powers of the Millenium Ring to spirit Yugi's and his friends souls away, locking them in their favourite Duel Monster cards]

Yami Bakura:
Their souls have been locked away. And now after waiting for countless centuries, the legendary Millenium Puzzle is mine!

[Yami Bakura tries to grab the Millenium Puzzle, but Yami Yugi takes control of Yugi's body, much to Yami Bakura's surprise and chagrin]

Yami Bakura:
It can't be!

Yami Yugi:
You want my Millenium Puzzle? Then, you're going to have to duel me for it.

Yami Bakura:
There is more at stake here then you comprehend and this is one shadow game you cannot win!

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yami Yugi:
Bakura, what have you done? Why have you taken us to the Shadow Realm?

Yami Bakura:
[chuckles] Bakura... Bakura's no longer here.

Yami Yugi:
If you're not Bakura, then who are you?

Yami Bakura:
I'm a thief and a stealer of souls. And I have done terrible things in my quest to possess the Millenium Items. You do remember the legends don't you?

[Yami Yugi's eyes widen in shock]

Yami Bakura:
Whosoever fields all seven Millenium Items will possess power unimaginable. And before I'm done with you, your Millenium Puzzle will be mine!

Yami Yugi:
That's not going to happen, whoever you are.

Yami Bakura:
Then let the shadow game begin! The first move is yours.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Yami Bakura uses his "The White Magical Hat" to attack and destroy Yugi's "Cyber Commander", which has Tristan's soul sealed within it]

Yami Yugi:
No, Tristan!

Yami Bakura:
[chuckles] Aww... looks like that card has been defeated and your poor friend's soul was trapped in it.

Yami Yugi:
Where is he? What have you done with Tristan?

Yami Bakura:
Your friend is gone on his way to the discard pile or the graveyard as we call it in Duel Monsters.

Yami Yugi:
[shocked] It can't be. Tristan can't be gone.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yami Bakura:
[chuckles] When you duel in the Shadow Realm, the stakes are always higher, Yugi! You made a sloppy move and now your friend paid for it with is very soul! Now, which of your friends will you sacrifice next?

Yami Yugi:
[draws "Dark Magician", which has normal Yugi's soul sealed within it] [thinking] Huh! "The Dark Magician"! He's my favourite card but is it also my soul card? What happens when I play it?

Yami Bakura:
With a new hand... [places a monster face-down] comes a whole new perspective... the game... [places a face-down trap card] ever shifting. New dangers surround every turn.

Yami Yugi:
[thinking] He's trying to freak me out but I can't figure out what he's up to. I'm just going to have risk playing. [speaking] "The Dark Magician"! ["Dark Magician", which has normal Yugi's soul trapped in it, is summoned]

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yami Yugi:
[draws "The Magician of Faith", which has Tea's soul sealed within it] No! "The Magician of Faith"!

Yami Bakura:
Hmm... isn't that Tea's favourite card? Do you suppose her mortal soul is trapped within it? Hmm... I wonder. Maybe you should play it and find out. But then again... [places another monster face-down] you don't know what I'm playing here, so you might be putting her in danger. A dilemma. And while you decide, I'll just activate this trap card [activates his face-down trap card "Just Desserts"]

Yami Yugi:

Yami Bakura:
"Just Desserts"! I think you find it will help you come to grips with your present situation. [a foggy disembodied hand appears and grabs Yami Yugi by his head, causing apparent pain, while Yami Yugi's lifepoints drop down to 500 due to the effect of "Just Desserts"]

Yami Bakura:
[chuckles] "Just Desserts" takes 500 points for each of your monsters on the field and you feel like each and every point has been ripped from your beating heart.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Yugi has summoned "The Magician of Faith", which has Tea's soul trapped in it, on the field face-down and Yugi and his friends try to hid her from Yami Bakura by standing in front of her]

Yami Bakura:
Don't bother, you fools! I can see her perfectly well!

Yami Yugi:

Yami Bakura:
Now, I have four of you right where I want you... helpless on the field, easy prey for my "Man-Eater Bug" [plays his "Man-Eater Bug" face-down on the field]

"Man-Eater Bug"? Glad, I'm a girl.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Yugi has used "Monster Reborn" to bring back "Flame Swordsman", which has Joey's soul trapped in it, back on the field]

Yami Bakura:
[coldly] You waste your time and your turns rescuing these foolish mortals.

Yami Yugi:
My friends are never a waste of time. Make your move.

Yami Bakura:
[chuckles] Oh, I'll move and you will lose. This is the play that will end the match and win me your Millenium Puzzle. First, I will play "The Lady of Faith" in attack mode and then the card that will turn your friends against one another... "The Change of Heart".

"The Change of Heart"? Isn't that Bakura's favourite card?

Yami Bakura:
And a very magical card it is. With this card I can turn you against your comrades. The very friends you sought to protect you will now destroy.

No, I refuse!

Yami Bakura:
You won't have a choice in the matter. "The Change of Heart" card allows me to control any opposing monster and I choose you, little Yugi.

Yami Yugi:
Leave the young one out of this!

Yami Bakura:
Why should I? By simply destroying him might defeat you as well. You're here to die and PROTECT HIM! THEN PROTECT HIM AGAINST THIS!





Uhh! Huh?

It's Bakura!

The real Bakura!

Bakura! So your soul was sealed into your favorite card, too!

[sighs] I want to help, but we must act quickly, Yugi.

[Bakura becomes "Lady of Faith".]

I've taken over one of his cards instead of yours.


Yami Bakura:

I'll control her while you attack me. You can win against the evil Bakura.

I can't! I'd be destroying you, sending you to the graveyard.

I don't care it's better than being enslaved by an evil spirit. Do it!

Yami Bakura:

Yami Yugi:
I have a better idea. If the evil power of Bakura's Millennium Ring can pull souls from people, perhaps the power of my Millennium Puzzle can put them back.

All right! Our Bakura's back where he belongs.

But where's the evil dude?

[Yami Bakura becomes "Lady of Faith".]

Yami Bakura:
Uhh! This can't be!

Yami Yugi:
Listen closely, Yugi. Use the power of the Dark Magician sent him to the graveyard now!

You got it, Dark magic attack!

[Yami Yugi defeats Yami Bakura and Yami Bakura gets sent to the card graveyard]

Yami Bakura:
Uhh! The Millenium Puzzle was almost mine!

[The Reaper of Cards approaches Yami Bakura]

Yami Bakura:
[screams in horror]

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Joey Wheeler:
Oh, no!

Oh, yes! Dragon Zombie, destroy Axe Raider! Deadly Zombie Breath! [Dragon Zombie's decaying breath causes Axe Raider to turn to dust] One down, and one to go. Now your puny swordsman is outnumbered three to one.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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In which cartoon does this quote appear: "Rule number three, I can't bring people back from the dead. It's not a pretty picture. I don't like doing it!"?
A Aladdin
B The Jungle Book
C Ice Age
D Alice in Wonderland