Wikidude's Quotes Page #134

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

The martian girl escaped with both the sphere and the Superboy.

That hardly matters. What matters is the successful test of our new partner's delivery system.

(A monitor shows a Boom-Tube transporting the sphere)

More tech will come, tech that will put the sphere, and perhaps even Superboy, to shame.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Superboy and Miss Martian return to reality and are about to have a kiss when they're interrupted by the alien sphere)

Can I keep it?

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(after defeating the soldiers with the help of the alien sphere Superboy re-enters the mental battlefield)

Miss Martian:
He's too strong.

You're strong. And I'm stubborn. Together!

Miss Martian:
Together. (to Psimon) Get... out... of MY HEAD!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Superboy enters Miss Martian and Psimon's mental war)

Miss Martian:
You're here!

(laughs)You sound so relieved. Is that mindless creature supposed to save your mind?

Miss Martian:
No. I save his.

(Miss Martian places her forehead on Superboy's and memories start to flash)

Kick his butt.

(Superboy disappears from Miss Martian's mind)

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I got... confused by um... some old movie I saw the other night. About a ninja girl whose ninja dad ordered her to kill her ninja boyfriend 'cause he was from a rival ninja clan.

Kid Flash:
So, I'm your "ninja boyfriend" huh?

Hey, amnesia, remember? I completely forgot how truly annoying you are.

Kid Flash:
Oh, like you're the Goddess of Congeniality!

Yeesh! Get a room!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Artemis, Robin, Miss Martian, Kid Flash:

Where is he? What happened next?

Miss Martian:
I don't know. That's the last thing I - we remember.

Kid Flash:
We landed 24 hours ago. If Kaldur's been wandering the desert that long, well, that's not good for a guy with gills.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago


Miss Martian:
[telepatically to the team] They're testing something - make that someone. - In pain. Hello? Can you hear me?

I can. An open mind is a dangerous thing.

Miss Martian:
Someone's hacked into our link!

Psimon can't see you. Psimon can't touch you. But Psimon can make you all FORGET!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kid Flash:
My brain's all yours. Try not to let its brilliance overwhelm you.

Or underwhelm you. Hey, why isn't anyone just whelmed?

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Miss Martian:
You know my uncle J'onn? Hello, Megan, of course you do! You're Kid Flash. Wally! And you're Artemis.

Kid Flash:
Wait, wait, wait. Martian Manhunter is your uncle? Is that how you know my name?

Your name is really Wally?

Kid Flash:

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago


Miss Martian:
Careful, Superboy, they're hot.

Kid Flash:
Not as hot as you Babe.

Miss Martian:
Uh, thanks, Wally. That's uh...sweet.

Kid Flash:
Not as sweet as you Sugar.

Oh, grow up!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Robin, Artemis, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash have all met up and are trying to find Superboy and Aqualad)

This must be his.

[gives an S shield to Miss Martian]

Miss Martian:
Yes! Did you see him?

I think we did.

Kid Flash:
Feral boy? Some teammate. He attacked us.

He didn't know who we are. I don't know who we are.

Kid Flash:
[playing with his stealth suit activator] This is so cool.

We look ridiculous. Quit touching yourself!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kid Flash:
(Meeting Miss Martian) Well, J'onn, the costume looks familiar, but I'm not sure the new bod screams 'MANhunter'.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Robin wakes up alone in a desert)

Those were Bialyan Republican Army uniforms. But what are Bialyans do in uhh... Bialya! Ok, better question: what am I doing in Bialya - in September? What happened to March? Better radio Batman.

[flashback] Maintain radio silence at all times.

Or not.


Kid Flash:
Hey, you, wake up.

Mmmm. [groans, then gasps]

Kid Flash:
Hey it's okay. It's okay. I won't hurt you. I-I'm one of the good guys. You know, Kid Flash.

Seen Kid Flash on the news. He doesn't wear black.

Kid Flash:
Uh, little unclear on that myself. What about you? Green Arrow fixation?

[noticing her costume] WHO PUT ME IN THIS?

Kid Flash:
Wow. I am not touching that with a 10-foot - uh, so you know how to use that bow?

Yeah, my dad taught me... DAD! He must've done this. Another of his stupid tests.

Kid Flash:
What kind of test?

He probably wants me to kill you.


Kid Flash:
Sorry, they've got bigger arrows.


Kid Flash:
Hey, I told you. Good guy. Now, uh- not to pry, but uh- what's your name? Oh, and what's this about you killing me?


Miss Martian:
[telepathically] Don't worry, I'm almost there.

Did you just hear a girl talking in your head?

Kid Flash:
Girls are always on my mind, but they're not usually talking.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Hey buddy, how about 20 bucks to get my kid here up on stage?

Captain Feathersword:
I can't take your money, sir. That wouldn't be fair.

Fair? You're a pirate!

Yes, Dear, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Greg Wiggle:
And Hoop-Dee-Doo! You know what? For this next song, we're gonna need some volunteers to help us out with some dancing. Yeah!

You should get Logan up on stage. He loves that.

Oh, Yeah! I can get it on videotape. Hey, buddy. Want to get up on stage?


Yes, Dear, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[first lines]

[Sammy watches The Wiggles on TV. Greg eats ice cream.]

Hey. Look at you. Watching The Wiggles. Yeah.

Dance, Daddy, Dance!

Oh, no. Daddy doesn't want to dance right now. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ice cream. Okay?

Dance, Daddy, Dance!

You want me to dance? Okay. If you want to do The Wiggles, let's get our arms going. Get your arms moving. Do the monkey. Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah! Do the monkey. Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!

[Sammy steals Greg's ice cream as he runs upstairs.]

Hey! That's my ice cream! Sammy! Sammy, stop it! Sammy! All right. That's it, mister. I'm telling.

[Greg walks away.]

Sammy stole my ice cream, again!

Yes, Dear, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What's going on?


Look. I don't know how the other guy understands you, but I have no idea what you're saying. How do I get outta here?

[Blue leaves a paw print on the screen.]

I get it. That's how I'll figure it out. I have to find clues. Blue's Clues. I have to find a paw print. That's the first clue. We put it in our notebook, and then what do we do? Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues!

Come on.

Jimmy, what are you doing here?

Come on. You've lost your mind. Let's get outta here.

But, I'm about to play Blue's Clues. I have to find the notebook. Where's the notebook?

Let's go.

[Jimmy and Greg both skidoo to the "Yes, Dear" set. Jimmy wakes Greg up with his hand.]

What?! I'm playing Blue's Clues!

You use the tape to keep the little guy quite, didn't you.

Yeah I was, dreaming I was in the show.

Yeah, those tapes will drive you crazy.

I'll tell you what, Greg. Why don't you get out of the house and, and I'll watch Sammy.

Yes, Dear, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Kim and Greg has just found Gloria, their babysitter, on their couch with a guy] Oh, I'm sorry... have you met my husband Guillermo?

Kim Warner:
No, I don't believe I have.

Well, if you do, don't tell him about Lou.

Yes, Dear, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Last lines of the series]

Master Fung:
As I told you, a leader would rise from the quest, and now... one has.

[Raimundo is suddenly lit up, and as he's engulfed by the light, his original red robes and his medallion soon disappear and are replaced with a black robe with a dragon on the sleeve and a red sash on him, revealing that he has become the official leader of the team]

Way to go, Rai! [Jumps into his arms and kisses him on the cheek]

You did it, partner!

[He has look of amazement, Kimiko jumps into his arms and kisses him on the cheek] I-I don't know what to say. Except I never thought it would be me...[Kimiko and Clay give him a look]...Well maybe a little.

[Raimundo then notices Omi standing behind Master Fung with a let down look on his face. However Omi comes out from behind Master Fung and sheds a few small tears... as from the moment Master Fung told Omi about the new students coming to the temple, Omi vowed to be a great leader. Omi, with tears in his eyes spreads a smile across his face. He and Raimundo bow to each other at the same time. Master Fung, Dojo, and the chosen ones smile too. Then, an explosion outside the temple occurs. Monks notice that every single villain they've encountered during the series are there with their original enemy, Jack Spicer smiling]

Master Fung:
[to chosen ones, especially Raimundo who's busy removing his bandages before taking a second to survey their enemies] Now that you have risen to Shoku Warrior, your job has only begun. The survival of the world depends on you.

[With that, the team launch themselves into battle against the Heylins]

Not too much pressure there...

[It then cuts to show Kimiko, Clay and Omi whose dots have begun to glow, running alongside each other and seconds later, Raimundo appears. As they edge closer, Raimundo then jumps into the air and prepares to launch a kick just as the screen goes black]

Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, and Clay:

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Omi, Raimundo, Kimiko, Clay and Dojo shake their bodies after they return to the temple]

Master Fung:
I hope you have learned well from your quest.

I'm not quite sure what just happened. But I'll know, I'll never forget it.

What happened? Really happened?

Jack Spicer:
[screams when he appeared behind Clay while Raimundo and Kimiko turn their heads] I wanna go home! [screams as he starts to run out of the temple while he freaks out]

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Omi is stuck to a cactus]

Omi! Are you okay?

[cringing] I have a thousand needles in my backside! WHAT DO YOU THINK?!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Doing a crossword] What's a four-letter word for idiot?



Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Blind Old Man:
[As he's being kidnapped] Hey! Who is that? Where am I? I need to use the bathroom.

[To Jack] What about the treasure chest?

What?! That's disgusting! [Pauses] You- you were talking to me?

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

She's not your mom, she's a robot!

[shocked] A robot!?

[The Xiaolin monks furiously turn to Jack Spicer]

[gesturing to Wuya and Hannibal; cowering fearfully] Hey, they made me do it. They made build all other robots. Hannibal Bean then used the Moby Morpher to make my robots look like your relatives. If you had any.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "I'm sure in 1985, plutonium is available at every corner drugstore, but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by"?
A Pulp Fiction
B Back to the Future
C Love & Plutonium
D The Big Lebowski