[Rust sniffs]
Marty Hart:
Rust Cohle:
You wash up, you got some pussy on ya.
Marty Hart:
Key to a healthy marriage.
Rust Cohle:
Oh, that's Maggie, huh?
Marty Hart:
Hey! What's with your fucking nose?
Rust Cohle:
Nothing man, sorry, forget it.
Marty Hart:
I get a connotation being implied here... about my wife?
Rust Cohle:
Are you saying that's your wife? That high tide you're walking in with?
Marty Hart:
[Angrily slams Rust into a locker] You got some idea how my wife's pussy is supposed to smell?
Rust Cohle:
No, I just meant you're wearing the same clothes as you did yesterday. [slowly grabs Martin's wrists] Coupled with the fact that I ain't stupid. Wasn't making no comment as to the particularity of the scent.
Marty Hart:
You don't say fuck-all about my wife... don't say her name!
Rust Cohle:
You got some self loathing to do this morning, that's fine, but it ain't worth losing your hands over.
Marty Hart:
How would that work exactly?
Rust Cohle:
I'd just apply a couple of pounds of pressure. [tightens the grip on Martin's wrists] Snap your wrists. You're senior detective, think I'm lying?