Wikidude's Quotes Page #138

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Madame Blueberry:
[seeing her house about to tip] My house!

It's so stuffed full of stuff, it's getting too heavy for the tree!

We've gotta stop those deliveries before it's too late! Come on, Larry! Grab a cart!

[Bob and Madame Blueberry drive two respective shopping carts, while Larry is left sitting in a shopping basket.]

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Well, that about does it for me! What do you say we head home?

Madame Blueberry:
Oh! There are whole aisles we haven't even seen yet! No! I am not leaving until I have everything I need to be happy!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings-

Just a moment! Wait! Stop talking! [Archibald runs out on stage as a bear-trapped Larry stands and watches] Excuse me, I have an announcement. Ahem... Because of the high standard we on this show strive to adhere to, and as a result of the disastrous outcome of the previous Silly Song, management has decided to review compositions from other performers for this segment. Several artists were screened and we chose one based on the applicant's sense of artistry and all-around proprietary. Thank you.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying that Silly Songs is cancelled until further notice.

[blinks in disbelief] Oh yeah?! Well, how'm I supposed to get out of this bear trap?

I'm sure you'll figure something out.

[Construction peas move a new title card into view]

And now it's time for Love Songs with Mr. Lunt, the part of the show where Mr. Lunt comes out and sings a love song.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Larry. How much stuff do you need to be happy?

I don't know. How much stuff is there?

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[last lines]

[yawns] Is it time for the show? [the lights and Qwerty's monitor screen turns off] Aw, nuts.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The next day, they all set off again to march around Jericho. Now, God never said it would be easy. No, the people of Jericho hit 'em with everything they had.

Fire one! Fire two!

But the Israelites remembered that they were following God's directions and they kept on marching. Six days they marched and nothing could stop them. On the seventh day, just like God had told them, they marched around Jericho seven times while the priests blew their horns. [" When the Saints Go Marching In" playing] And just like God said, when they finished marching, the priests blew one long blast and then all the people yelled.


Pa Grape:

[The Israelites look up at the wall as it's still standing. The soldiers laugh at their enemies' seemingly futile attempts to destroy their wall, when suddenly, a brick jumps out of its place. This silences their laughter. As they turn to see the brick, a low rumbling is heard. The rumbling sound gets louder as the ground starts to quake.]

French Peas:
[look at each other for two seconds and realize their wall is collapsing.] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

[Joshua and the Israelites back away from the wall as it starts to collapse. The huge gong bell falls off along with the tower with a loud bang noise. As the walls collapse, a huge dust storm blows as the Israelites shut their eyes tight. Eventually, the dust clears and the Israelites are all covered in dust. Jericho has been reduced to bricks, broken pillars and a single bathtub. The dust covered soldiers are somehow unharmed.]

French Peas:

Hello! My name is Joshua, and God has given us this land!

French Peas:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! [They finally surrender and run away from Joshua and their destroyed fortress in fright]

So the Israelites obeyed God and the walls fell down.


Finally, after 40 years, they were in their new home.

[has dust in his eye] Ow! Hey! Oh, yeah. Oh… Ow! Ow! Boy, did I pick a lousy day to wear my contacts!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Well, Pa? Do you still want to see the pyramids?

I've seen the pyramids. Ha! I built the pyramids! Let's go to Jericho!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Josh finishes explaining God's directions to the Israelites]

So... we're supposed to hop around the city for seven days, blow our little horns, yell, and the walls are just gonna fall down.

Yep. Those are God's directions.

Well... I'm sure that would work great... if the walls were made out of Jell-O!

Ooh! Then we could eat 'em!

Last call for Egypt! Who's coming with me?

Percy Pea:
I will!

Scooter Carrot:
Count me in!

Just a minute! I think you'll find our plan a bit more sophisticated. Blowin' horns in the desert isn't gonna do it. What we need is serious firepower. Jerry, the curtain! [Jerry uncovers a tarp to reveal a giant rocket; Scooter, Pa, and Tom gasp in amazement] Behold our creation: the Wallminator 3000! [the Israelites applaud]

How are we clapping?

I have no idea.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Discouraged by the giant walls of Jericho, the Israelites discuss plans over a campfire]

Tom Grape:
That's a big wall!

Pa Grape:
This time, I really mean it! We should go back to Egypt. [everybody looks at him in disbelief] Don't you remember? Snorkeling in the Nile? Three square meals a day? Plenty of exercise? Oh, it was paradise!

We were in slavery.

Nothing is perfect.

Listen, kids! That land is rightfully ours! And the only way we're gonna get it is by taking down that wall! Right, Jerry?

Jerry Gourd:
Uh, yeah. Th-That's right, Jimmy.

So Jerry and I are gonna put our heads together and come up with a plan... to take down the wall!


They are so aggressive.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[The defenders of Jericho, played by the French Peas, are taunting the Israelites from atop the city's great wall]

Josh (Larry the Cucumber):
Who are you?

Who are we? I think we should ask. Who are you?

Oh, um... I am Joshua. And these are the children of Israel.

Ooh! Hello, children!

Jimmy Gourd:

It was nice to meet you. Now go away!

Yes! [blows raspberry]

[clears throat] No, you don't understand. God has given us this land for our new home. So, well... you're gonna have to leave.

[laughs] Did you hear that, Jean-Claude? The little pickle says we have to leave!

I'm a cucumber.

[laughs] That is hilarious! [clears throat] Let me point something out to you, pickle. We have a wall!


You do not!


If anyone is to be doing the leaving, it will be you!

Oh, that is right!

Now, listen to me! Our God said that this land was ours, and that all we had to do was follow His directions. So... I'm afraid... if you don't come out, we're gonna have to come in there after you!

[Jean-Claude and Philippe laugh.]

I'd like to see you try! You could never get over our giant wall, [under breath] tiny pickle!

Yes, tiny pickle! You are not a mighty dill, you are just a baby gherkin!

[feeling insulted] I'm a cucumber!

[Jean-Claude and Philippe laugh]

[bumps his slushie off the edge] Ooh! My slushie!

[The slushie hits Jimmy on the head. Josh is appalled]

[frustrated] Maybe we should fall back and regroup.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I! Am! That! Hero!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Mr. Nezzer is about to send Bob, Larry, Junior, and Louie over the broken Puggslyville bridge]

Mr. Nezzer:
One more thing. If those parents really care about the true meaning of Christmas, where are they now?

Dad Asparagus:
We're right here!

Mr. Nezzer:
Huh? [turns to see the Veggie parents and their kids glaring back]

Dad Asparagus:
We care much about the true meaning of Christmas, Mr. Nezzer!

Dad Carrot:
That's what we came here... to give you what you deserve!

Mr. Nezzer:
Wha-wha-oh! You didn't really think I was going to... heh... oh, that was just... just a joke! I wouldn't... What are you going to do?

[Laura confronts to Mr. Nezzer, now with a happy face, handing him a present.]

Mr. Nezzer... Merry Christmas!

Mr. Nezzer:
Huh? Is that for me? Oh, it's a little bear! Oh, I always wanted a Christmas present, but we were too poor! You don't know how happy this makes me! Look! Isn't it cute!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Rack, Shack and Benny are nearly dumped in the furnace, but Laura saves them, and puts them in her flying delivery truck]

Sorry, sir! Can't let you cook my buddies!

Mr. Nezzer:
GUARDS! Get them!

[Two carrot guards jump into their own flying vehicles]

Hang on, guys!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[after Laura unplugs the robotic arms]

I said, NOBODY bakes my buddies!

Mr. Nezzer:
[as a pin holding the door shut starts to bend under their weight] Listen here, young lady, if you don't plug that back in, you're gonna be in BIIIIIIG trouble!

[The pin breaks and the three veggies fall out. Laura gasps as the flames rage.]

Mr. Nezzer:
[laughs evilly] Nobody's ever gonna stand up to me again! [lights turns off] Hmm?

[Mr. Nezzer turns to see a heavenly glow coming out of the furnace. He and Laura watch in surprise. Mr. Lunt peeks through a window.]

Mr. Lunt:
Hey boss, how many guys did we throw in the furnace?

Mr. Nezzer:
Uh, three?

Mr. Lunt:
Well, it looks like four guys in there now and one of them's REAL SHINY! One more thing, boss. They ain't burnin' up.

Mr. Nezzer:
Rack! Shack! Benny, come out of there!

[The door opens as Rack, Shack and Benny step out, completely unharmed, thanks to God. As the heavenly light dies down, the lights in the factory turn back on.]

Mr. Nezzer:
God has saved you from the fiery furnace. Oh I was wrong to try and make you do things you weren't supposed to do. What was I thinking? I must have forgot everything my mommy taught me. Can you ever forgive me?

Rack, Shack and Benny:
We forgive you.

Mr. Nezzer:
Oh, thanks. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?

Well, you could sing one of our songs.

Mr. Nezzer:
How's it go?

You know. I was hoping you'd ask.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[A sheep falls over by Jimmy]

Jimmy Gourd:
Oh, Dave! One of my sheep fell over! Will you come pick it up for me?

Dave (Junior Asparagus):
[struggling to pick up another sheep] I'm kinda busy right now.

[miffed] Do you remember the time we dipped you in tar and stuck you to the backside of an angry water buffalo?

I'll be right there!

[Another sheep falls over by Tom]

Tom Grape:
Hey, Dave! One of my sheep fell, too!

Just a minute!

[Jerry knocks over a row of sheep]

Jerry Gourd:
[smugly] Oh, look! All of my sheep fell over. Dave!

Oh, Dave! After you pick up our sheep, could you run and get me a bite to eat? I'm famished!

Oh, yeah! Me, too! Get me something, too!

You know, sometimes I think I could eat a whole camel!

Oh, yeah? Well, sometimes I think I could eat a whole spaceship!

[confused] Uh, what's a spaceship?

I have no idea.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[The Philistines, portrayed by the French Peas, are taunting the Israelites from across the battlefield]

Hello, Israelites! You are pigs, and soon we will put apples in your mouths and stick you in our toaster ovens! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Ah, yes, after we defeat you, you will be our slaves and you will have to fetch us our slippers.

Yes, and iron our trousers!

Ho-ho, and wipe our little noses.

Ha-ha, and scratch that spot on our backs that we cannot reach no matter how hard we try. Ha! [no response from the Israelites] Don't you have anything to say?

Um... Do you guys have any fried chicken? I've got a real hankering for fried chicken.

Yeah, me, too!

[to Christophe] This is going to be easier than we thought.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Who will fight me?!

I will fight you, Goliath!

[to Tom and Jerry] You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say that sounded like Dave!

[laughs] Well, yeah! [spots Dave running out onto the battlefield] You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say that looks like Dave!

Dave's Brothers:
[shocked] Huh?! [Dave smiles at his brothers] DAVE?! [Jimmy faints]

Bob the Tomato:
[narrating] Goliath was equally surprised.

Who said that?

[clears throat] I did!

Huh? [sees Dave] Oh ho ho! Am I a dog that you come at me with sticks?

[Philistines laugh]

I don't exactly know what you mean, but you are not a dog! You're just a really big guy who wants to beat me up! And I come at you not with sticks, but in the name of the God of Israel, who this day will help me defeat you!

We will see who defeats who! Now we fight!

It's showtime!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[The Veggie kids watch intently as a TV commercial plays]

Wally P. Nezzer:
[dressed as Santa Claus] Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Hey kids, do you have the "don't know what I want for Christmas" blues? If I know my toys, and you know I do, than I know just what you're looking for. You want a toy that's fun. You want a toy that's cute. Most importantly, you want a toy with a fully-functioning buzzsaw in his right hand. That's right, you want Buzz-Saw Louie!

[camera shows the toy and demonstrates the buzzsaw]

Mr. Nezzer:
Cool, huh? But wait, there's more! Buzz-Saw Louie also knows the true meaning of Christmas. All you have to do is push his nose and... [presses the Louie's nose]

Buzzsaw Louie:
Christmas is when you get stuff! You need more toys!

Mr. Nezzer:
Getting your own doll is easy. Just have your parents place an order, and one of our trained penguins will deliver it right to your door.

Delivery not available to Pugslyville due to the collapse of the Pugslyville Bridge.

Mr. Nezzer:
So take it from me, Mr. Nezzer... I mean, Santa Claus and his little elf helper.

Mr Lunt:
[wearing pointed ears and hat] Look at me, I'm an elf!

Mr. Nezzer:
You just won't be happy until you have Buzz-Saw Louie, the only toy with a working buzzsaw and the true meaning of Christmas.

Buzzsaw Louie:
Billy has more toys than you.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[The commercial ends, and the Veggie kids run home to beg their parents for more toys]

[crying] Mom! Mom! We need more toys!

Billy has more toys than me!

Dad Pea:
Who's Billy?

I dunno, but he has more toys than me!

[whines loudly] I want a Buzz-Saw Louie!

I want ten Buzz-Saw Louies!

Laura and Lenny:
Cuz that's the true meaning of Christmas! [crying]

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Bob is lying upside down in a snow pile after crashing in Junior's sled]

Bob, Bob! Are you okay!?

Mouse Trap!


I wanted to play Mouse Trap! You roll your dice, you move your mice. Nobody gets hurt.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Junior; as he is about to climb the water tower] Let's see if your little purple friend can help you up here. [cackles]

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Larry and Alfred are playing Candy Land, stomach growling]

I'm still stuck in the Molasses Swamp. I've been here for 38 turns. Your turn, Alfred.

Alfred (Archibald):
Right, let's see. [draws a card] Oh, look! I get to go all the way to Princess Lolly! What luck! HA! Your turn.

[draws a card] Still stuck. I sure hope the rest of Bumblyburg is having more fun than I am.

[Larry looks out the window to see the Larry-Signal flashing urgently. He and Alfred immediately stand up]

Alfred, I've got work to do. Consider our game... postponed.

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Fib crushes a car with his foot, then about to step on a bus when...]

Fib! Why are you doing this to me?! I thought you were my friend!

That's the thing about fibs, Junior, we grow. Now that I'm big, it's my turn to call the shots and you belong to me!

[offscreen] Not so fast, monster!

[turns to see LarryBoy on the LarryMobile, confronting him] Huh?

[as he, Laura and Lenny are hiding] If anyone can stop that fib, Larry-Boy can.

[Cut to LarryBoy standing on the LarryMobile.]

Drop the asparagus!

Why won't you come and make me, little purple man?

If that's the way it's gonna be! [jumps back in and shuts the hatch]

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Passes by Junior and Fib as Percy, Laura and Lenny arrives to confront him.]

There he is!

Hi, guys.

[runs into a nearby alleyway] Uh, if you need me I'll be over here.

Huh? [he looks to Laura, Lenny and Percy]

[they argue about Junior's lies in unison]

Lenny says he didn't break the plate. Laura says she didn't break the plate.


It's a great, big, ugly lie!


No, no, that's not what I said at all. You didn't break the plate, and you didn't break the plate! No. It was these space aliens. They came down, and they grabbed these cows. And they switched brains with the cows. And the cows... with the brains of the space aliens... broke... the plate! [Looks at his friends]

Funny. I've just seen that same thing happen in a movie. "Invasion of the Cow Snatchers!"

You did?

It's another lie! [a sound of thunderous footsteps emerge while Percy talks] Nothing but a big... fat... ugly!

Huh? [looks up in fear] F-F-F-F-F-Fib?!

Hi, Junior! [he grabs him]

[being grabbed] What are you doing?

Don't worry, Junior. A little fib couldn't hurt anybody. Right?! [Fib cackles]

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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What movie is this sentence taken from? "You're gonna need a bigger boat."
A Jaws
B Titanic
C All is Lost
D Dead Calm