Wikidude's Quotes Page #205

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

You're gonna take him up and FLY like an angel!

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[After a horrible singing rehearsal]

How'd it sound to you out there?

Stunning. Truly joyful noise unto the Lord.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You can't give children everything they want, Harry.

That's right. I can't give her everything she wants. I can't give her a healthy heart. I can't give her another year to live. I can't even give her another month. But I can give her Christmas.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

It's hard sometimes, Tess. Knowing the what but not always knowing the why. Knowing more than human beings and less than God.

When life keeps you in the dark, baby, that's when you start looking at the stars.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

There was Balthasar, there was Melchior and there was Gaspar. And the shepherds were just cowering right about here.

[Annoyed] Is this from your imagination or from memory?

Honey, you'd be surprised what I can remember.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[In front of a painted glass window at the top of a small church]

People have been painting pictures and writing songs and making movies about Heaven and all ever since they could breathe. [Chuckles] They never come close.

[Monica performs a small miracle while they both watch the people going in. They observe a little girl going in singing]

Now, Serena's music. That comes pretty close to the real thing.

Yeah, she and Johann Sebastian have a lot in common. You give them a little glimpse of Heaven and they're off and singing. But some people, you can put Heaven right smack in front of 'em and they still can't see anything to sing about.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

 :[looking at an old family portrait] I've never really liked that picture of the Colonel.

That's too bad because I got such a good deal on him at the garage sale.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Don't be afraid. I'm an angel.

W-what does He have to say? God.

Well, He says: "Big deal." So your name isn't Harrison Theobridge Archibald the IVth. Big deal. God loves you and He knows who you are no matter what your name is.

I've been living my life as a lie.

Why? Would you have done anything different if your name had been Rohass? Would you have been any less of a person? Would you have loved Barbara less? Harrison, who you are is not your name or your family. Who you are is more essential than that. It comes from God. And what you make of yourself? That's what you give back to God.

Maybe God knows who I am but...

I have something for you. [shows him a photo he took with his mother, wife and Luis] This is a family. Not people who share a name or a lineage or a background. But people who belong together because they love each other.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

God loves you.


Because you're Elizabeth. Not Elizabeth the journalist or the prizewinner or the alcoholic but because you're you. God loves you. Elizabeth, this is not who you were created to be. You spent your whole life running and running and trying so hard to catch up to something that was never there for you. But all you've done was go farther and farther away from that precious love that is always there for you. Now you've almost lost that completely.

[Incomprehensibly, in tears] I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Oh, God, I'm so sorry!! What am I gonna do?

You just did it.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[the day of the big game] Tess, any last minute pointers?

Well, same thing I told the Babe. Hit far and run fast.

That's it?

Well, I never got any complaints outta him.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You know, until last night, I was afraid of this. Dying.

Until last night, you weren't really living.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Sniffing coffee] Wow! This smells incredible, Tess.

Honey, will you wake up and stop smelling the coffee? Sooner or later, you gotta drink it. It's like life. You never really know how good it is until you taste it. And all coffee doesn't taste the same.

What's espresso? I always hear about espresso.

Strong and bitter. Some people like it like that: straight ahead, rich, undiluted. There's another side to an espresso kind of life. Heartburn. That's the price you pay for all that flavor.

You make it sound so dangerous.

Well, I've had my flings with danger. But my favorite is a good ol' cup of Joe: straight ahead, honest, no camouflage. 'Cause when you try to hide what's underneath, you end up feeling miserable.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Want a drink?

Oh, I'd love a cup of non-fat decaf mocha latte with a little nutmeg on the side.... Or a cup of Joe?

I got iced tea.

Well, I haven't worked up to tea yet but how about a nice cup of water?

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[At dinner with her daughter Sydney and granddaughter Beth]

I think the last lover I had in Rome was a New Wave director. Now what was his name?

For Heaven's sake, Mother!

Don't give me that holier-than-thou pious look of yours, Sydney. When was the last time you had a lover? Might do you some good, you know.

[interjecting] A good brisk walk in the morning always does me a lot of good.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[As Sydney and Beth leave]

Sydney, I'm sorry. I didn't realize.


That your mother has a drinking problem.

My mother doesn't have a drinking problem. My mother is an alcoholic.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Do you have any idea what it's like to watch your own mother self-destruct? I love her. She's ... She's my mother but I've given up.

No! You must never give up, Sydney.

You know ... You know what the really hard thing is? It's that I know. I know what I need to do. I know what it's gonna take. It's just I can't do it alone.

Well, then. I'll help you.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Why didn't you tell me from the start?

Well, when you met Elizabeth, you made friends with a very strong and talented and interesting woman. If you had known then what you know today, you might have just seen the alcoholic and not the woman. And that's who we love and that's who we wanna help.

But she doesn't want any help.

Then it's up to you to help her want it.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

And here it is. The pin from my ejection seat.

The pilot gave this to you?

Honey, we lost two wheels in ground fire. There was no way I was going to try to land that thing. He thought it was the least I deserved.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

People only carry on in the dark when they don't want you to see what they're doing.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You saved me. Are you...?

I am an angel.

Like... Like a real angel? Sent by...?

Sent by God.

I knew there was something about you. Something so strong. Something so fearless. Something...Something I wanted to be. [Starts to cry]

Shh...Look at me. Look at me, Angela. You are strong. You had the courage to make a sacrifice to save someone that you loved. And you taught me a lesson today. That love erases fear. For when I saw you out there, I would have dived into the deepest ocean to bring you back.

It might not have been such a good idea.

You made the choice, Angela. You want to live. You just don't want to live like this.

But I can't change the past....Can you?

[Shakes her head] But all you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And it is this moment right now that you can choose to make everything new.

You know something about almost dying?

No. actually, I don't.

All of a sudden, there's not a whole lot more to be afraid of.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Something's happening to me, Tess. I'm afraid.

Like being afraid of the sea? Sometimes we're afraid of what we can't control. But Angela is going to make her decision to let her secret free or to bury it deeper.

I wish I could make that decision for her.

That's not what love does.

I've never had a friend before.

And what am I? Chopped liver?

You know what I mean. The more I get to know about human beings, the more I get to know about myself.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

It's funny. You seem to have all this wisdom but you don't know how to make a cup of coffee.

That's the spice of life, I think. Everyone's on a different schedule. Maybe this is the night I'm supposed to learn how to make coffee. And maybe this is the night you're supposed to tell Carter the truth.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Let me tell you something, Lundy. I lived with my father my whole life and I never knew him because he was too afraid to get to know me. Don't make the same mistake he did.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I'm afraid of the water.

Say that again?

I never had to work near lakes and oceans. I always asked to be excused from those and I was. Bad memories of the Flood, I guess.

This is ridiculous! What is the first thing an angel says? "Fear not. Be not afraid. Except for large bodies of water." Is that it?

I know there's nothing to be afraid of. I know it doesn't make any sense.

Well, actually, it makes good sense now. The thing you're terrified of is something she loves.


Your next assignment, Angela Evans. She's fighting a terrible fear. The kind that comes in the night and whispers in your ear 'til dawn and then sends you running to the sea just to get the voices to quit for a little while. But Angela's voices won't quit. Not until her own voice drowns them out.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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