Wikidude's Quotes Page #200

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

As a boy, my people's homes were burned to ash because we dared to call God by another name. Then, my people hunted me with those who had once hunted them. I was a freak, born a mutant -- an abomination to their misnamed gods. In history's sad song, there is a refrain: "Believe differently, love differently, be of different sex or skin, and be punished." We sing this song to one another. The oppressed become oppressors. Xavier knew this, and dreamed we could change. Find harmony -- a future where human and mutant could relinquish the past and finally... ugh... You claim justice is overdue. Indeed. But so is healing.

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Poetic, isn't it? The inevitability of my vision. Even now, Professor Xavier must pave the path to my dream in order to honor his own. A dream as crippled as its dreamer, built to die. You mutants lost at birth, too. The Neanderthal 2.0. Buggy stillborns flapping upstream, draining yourselves dry so that the tide can more easily drown you. See me. The future's tide. Despite this little toy you X-Men would use to abort the bond to my creations.

Your creations are prisoners! Held hostage by ignorance and coercion! [Bastion blasts him with a laser beam, rendering him unconscious]


Think. Had the good professor taken me in when mother begged him, I'd be hanging here with you freaks. In the name of peace, tolerance, and equal opportunity suicide. Even then, fate got my back.

Charles Xavier wanted to help you! He came to your mother, but she was too afraid! You would have been one of the first X- [Bastion grabs her by the neck]

Get your filthy paws off her!

I didn't ask for this, either. To be born with this... programming... This destiny inside me. The urges.

None choose to be born, Bastion, thus why we must never begrudge them being!

Did you just try to appeal to my humanity? Look at me. Yet another reason why Operation Zero Tolerance must skip to final phase. [Bastion lets go of Storm's neck]

Slavery and genocide ain't enough?

As I told Dr. Cooper right before she betrayed me and her kind, people are good. Too damn good. Thus, to protect humanity, I must protect humanity from itself. From the hearts that start dripping red at the latest token underdog. From seeing themselves in those that would use their same hearts against them. Tolerance is extinction. What is worse, is empathy.

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Wolverine and Gambit find themselves surrounded by Sentinels]

Get out of here, Cajun!

[They both run for the door, but Wolverine shuts it between them. Gambit pounds on the door]


[Wolverine defeats some Sentinels before getting blasted. Gambit blows the door open]

I'm not finished yet...

[Later, the two of them are standing atop a pile of destroyed Sentinels]

Next time I try to save your life, have sense enough to let me do it.

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You can't make me do this! You were designed to protect humans from mutants!

That is not logical. Mutants are humans. [Trask gasps] Therefore, humans must be protected from themselves.

No... you misunderstood!

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

All right, Mama. We're safe now.

You may be, but I have failed Apocalypse. He wanted Kelly assassinated to ensure the human race the future it deserves.

Leave him!

He made me what I am, gave me purpose. Just like Professor Xavier did with you.

It ain't the same, Mama. Apocalypse wants slaves, like you tried to turn me into back on Muir Island. Why?

It seemed like the only way to get you back.

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kelly's gone, Professor! There must've been more mutants in that gang than we knew about!

Professor X:
I don't believe this is the work of the same gang.

Jean Grey:
Why not, Professor?

Professor X:
Because my watch has stopped.

I don't understand. Why is that important?

Professor X:
[drops his watch, which sticks to his chair] Because it's been magnetized.

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Let'em go, Sabretooth! I don't wanna fight you anymore! I don't care who started it. It's time to bury it.

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

When I was a child, my people talked while others prepared for war! They used reason when others used tanks, and they were destroyed for their troubles. I won't stand by and watch it happen again, I WON'T!

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You always were second best. And in this business bub [brandishing claws] ...second best just don't cut it.

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You always did like pushing around people smaller than you. Well I'm smaller; try pushing me!

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Life don't get much beddah dan dis!

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Huh huh, you wanna play wit Gambit? Here, take a card. House wins.

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Come on boys, let's go for a little moonlight swim. Don't get a moonburn!

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I go where I wanna go!

X-Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You killed those, sugar. Now you deal with me.

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Aren't you people meant to be the good guys?

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Want to know a secret? Coexistence is messy. Thus, my love for education, for my X-Men. Their heroism teaches a lesson we mustn’t forget. That the universe is very old, and all of us, very young. Born of ancient stardust, and all children of the atom.

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The name's Gambit, Mon Ami. Remember it.

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

His name was Gambit. Remember it!

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

King T'Chaka:
Robert -- vote "Yes", and you best pray our children read their textbooks more than their Bibles. For only history could be conned into forgiving us.

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Valerie Cooper:
You know, in Genosha, I felt a lot of things: pain, grief, admiration for those who fought despite the odds. But you know what the oddest thing was? No one seemed shocked or surprised — not even me. Yes, I was scared, but really I just had the most profound sense of déjà vu, as if past, present, and future didn't matter and never had, because we always end up in the same ugly place. Thing is, Magneto knows us better than Charles ever did, knows we know better, that most of us experience tragedies like Genosha as a bit of déjà vu before getting on with our day. But the scariest thing about Genosha wasn't the death or the chaos. It was a thought, the only sane thought you can have when being chased by giant robots that were built to crush you: Magneto was right.

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Valerie Cooper:
Most other nations don't allow a terrorist to be their leader.

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yet so many allow their leaders to be terrorists.

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Jean, my sister: You of all the X-Men know the heartbreak of saying goodbye, having said it so many times. So I ask that you help the others understand why I could not stay to say it this day. My faith in your family's future is strong, and I cannot rob you of a bond you have more than earned. It is human nature to crave connection, as it is also mutant nature to be heard. Seen. To feel another's soul finally seeing yours... Connection is a fragile treasure -- one we sacrifice so much to maintain. Only to then sometimes watch it break in a blink that changes your life forever. We are no longer connected, Jean. And now, we walk in two very different worlds. But trust that I will cherish what we shared as X-Men, memories that already feel like a lifetime ago...

[reading the letter] " another woman's life, or another person's dream. Love, Ororo."

X-Men '97  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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