Omi, what happened?
I am afraid, uh… Mala Mala Jong has come to life.
I can't believe we got here too late.
Oh, man, I feel more embarrassed than a mule at the Kentucky Derby.
[Back at the Xiaolin Temple...]
Master Fung:
According to the scroll, the rise of Mala Mala Jong will allow a new Shen Gong Wu to be revealed. It is called the Emperor Scorpion. Whoever possesses it will have control over all Shen Gong Wu. If we can find it, we can use it to break Mala Mala Jong apart before it turns into the Fearsome Four.
Excellent! Great ending and not too long. Dragged a little in the middle though.
Don't get too excited, Raimundo. Here comes the bad part.
Master Fung:
If the Emperor Scorpion falls into the wrong hands, the Fearsome Four will be unstoppable. This will be our only chance to save the world from certain destruction.
Why does there always have to be a bad part?