Ready to lose and suffer? First, I activate Necro Sacrifice! So that means two monsters appear on your side, but don't get too excited because there's a downside. Once I remove these two monsters from my graveyard, I can summon one that's even more powerful to my side of the field! So I think I'll give you my Empress and Emperor. [the Empress and Emperor both now appear on Aster's side] And because I'm nice, you can choose their mode.
Fine. Defense mode!
How boring, but I'm not surprised.
If they're heads up, I get their abilities, but what if they're upside down?
You're about to find out!
[The Empress and Emperor cards both stop in their upside-down positions]
Come on!
Can't you see? It's your destiny to fail, Aster! Since the Empress is upside down, each time a monster is summoned to my side, one of your cards goes to the graveyard! But there's more. Just look. The Emperor is upside down as well. Therefore both of your new monsters become 500 attack points weaker.
He can't catch a break! This is just plum ridiculous!
Talk about bad luck.
And now, it's time you met the newest addition to my arsenal, for I can finally summon this card-- my Arcana Force XV!
The Fiend!