[Grizzly and Ice Bear learn from Panda they are in space]
[screaming; as Ice Bear gasps] WHAAAT?! [Panda continues to fiddle with the console in hopes of steering the ship back to Earth] Wait. This is for real?! We're actually in space?! There's got to be some way to turn this thing around, right?
I'm trying!
[the ship steers to the direction of Earth...]
[...then to the direction of the Sun.]
[The bears scream as they prepare to crash into the Sun.]
[The bears run away from the console] D'oh. There's got to be another way out. Oh, geez, oh, geez, oh, geez. [covers his eyes] Guys, I'm so sorry for dragging you into this.
Yeah, no time, Panda, okay? [they find an escape pod] Look! The escape pod! Come on!
[Grizz and Ice Bear hop into the escape pod, but it can hold only the both of them]
Aw, nuts. [they both turn around] Uh, there's not enough room for all of us. [Panda closes the pod] Got to find a... Huh? [realizing Panda won't join them; muffled] Panda! Wait. What are you doing?
[Panda breaths heavily, and decides to launch the pod into space]
Panda, NO! [inside the pod] Panda! Panda! What have you done? [Panda turns on the monitor to communicate with Grizz and Ice Bear] Aah!
Hey. Hello? Bros, I-I don't know if this thing is on, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry it's ending like this... and for being selfish. You guys might mess stuff up sometimes, sure, but you're just being you.
And you know what? That's what I love about you. So I guess this is goodbye, bros. [touches the camera with his right paw, Grizz also touches the monitor where Panda's paw is] Take care of Miki-chan.
Panda? Panda? [monitor goes static, and soon there is no more signal.]
[both Grizz and Ice Bear crying] NO, PANDA!
[in the last moments, Panda looks up, and tearfully shuts his eyes as the ship crashes into the Sun...]