[Seeing smoke coming from the LexCorp building]
Green Arrow:
No, we can't be too late. I cannot have failed him again!
Red Arrow:
No wait, look!
[Points at Speedy emerging from the building, carrying a briefcase]
Hey guys. What took you so long?
Green Arrow:
You didn't...
Kill Luthor? No. Not yet.
Red Arrow:
What's in the case?
Satisfaction. (opens the case to reveal a cyborganic arm) It's not elegant. Won't fool anyone into thinking it's actual flesh and bone, but it's more powerful versatile than the one he gave his own bodyguard. And it will literally make me a living weapon. No one's putting me on ice again. Ever.
Green Arrow:
Speedy, are you sure you're all right?
Speedy died eight years ago. But I kind of like the sound of... [smirks] Arsenal.