Wikidude's Quotes Page #31

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

What does it all mean, Hank? I came here to find answers and now I know less than I did before. I can't even trust my own memories!

X-Men, Season 4  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

[reading from the Bible Nightcrawler gave him] I will give thanks to you, oh Lord. For though You are angry with me, Your anger turned away, and You comforted me. I will trust, and I will not be afraid.

X-Men, Season 4  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Thank you, my friends. Your presence here was a great blessing.

What do you mean, blessing? Look at this place! We blew it!

I disagree. Brother Reinhardt understands his tragic mistake and has repented. The townspeople no longer look at me with fear in their hearts. There was no loss of life. All are reasons to be thankful.

What about the monastery?

A great tragedy. But it was only stone and mortar. The foundation God has built in our hearts can never be destroyed.

Man, I don't get you.

[hands Logan a Bible] Here, I've marked a few passages you may find rewarding. Remember, Herr Logan, "Different eyes."

X-Men, Season 4  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

[unsheathes claws] Don't tell ME about God! What kind of God would let men do THIS to me?

Our ability to understand God's purpose is limited. But we take comfort in the fact that His love... is limitless!

Huh. I used to buy into all of that. But I've lived too long... and I done too much.

Life will ALWAYS be hard. I understand this better than most. Yet, despite it all, people of EVERY faith believe there is a God who LOVES them. Can so many be wrong? Open your heart, Herr Logan. Would it hurt so much to see the world... through different eyes?

X-Men, Season 4  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Brood Queen:
Secure them!

[Wolverine puts down Storm]

Secure this!

X-Men, Season 3  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

The ship's moving! They're leaving. Rogue, we gotta hustle! Out of my way, roaches!

X-Men, Season 3  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

We will be together! You can't stop this!

[Cody whips Wolverine with his tail after he turns into the brood roach alien]

Wanna bet, pal?

Wolverine, don't hurt him!

X-Men, Season 3  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Let him go, roach, or your head is shish kebab.

Be gone, hissing vermin!

X-Men, Season 3  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Rogue, is this gentleman your guest?

So that's Cody... This is what's so personal?

It's none of your blame business, Mr. Ladies' Man! Or any of ya!

Professor X:

X-Men, Season 3  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Playtime's over.

X-Men, Season 3  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Gambit can't help but notice you saved him chère and not Wolverine, must be my way with women.

Don't flatter yourself swamp boy. [Rogue drops Gambit in a pond]

Little piece of advice cajun, never make that woman mad atcha.

X-Men, Season 3  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

[Spyke starts to approach the manhole when Storm approaches him.]

Evan, please. You don't have to go back with them. Return to the Institute.

Sorry, Auntie O. But this? [Picks up Duncan's gun] This isn't over. And you guys don't need me, not like they do.

Then just know that I am proud of you.

[Spyke looks at his aunt and the rest of the X-Men, then chuckles and goes down into the sewers.]

X-Men: Evolution, Season 4  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

[The Xavier Institute.]

I'm just saying I'm practically an X-Man. I don't need to learn this stuff. None of us do.

Look- [Wipes an apple in his hand with a cloth] -I understand that Jean and I aren't that much older, but we have been doing this for longer. [Puts down the apple on Bobby's table]

We've learned a lot since we've been here, working with the professor, Storm, and Logan. [Telekinetically levitates the New Mutants into the air]

We could say we've got experience on our side. [Lifts up his sunglasses and fires an optic beam that barely misses Bobby, reflects off the walls and ceiling, barely missing the New Mutants by an inch, and comes down and splits an apple on Bobby's desk in two]

[Impressed] Whoa.

[Telekinetically lowers the New Mutants back into their seats] Now do you guys wanna something from us old timers or not?

[Logan, who is outside looking on, chuckles. As Logan walks away, the doors close.]

X-Men: Evolution, Season 4  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

[Jack, Wuya, and Blind Old Man touch the sack of Wu at the same time]

Blind Old Man:
I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown Trio!

Come on, let's take 'em!

No, we cannot dishonor his challenge.

Our Thorn of Thunderbolt and Silk Spitter against your Mantis Flip Coin and the Treasure of the Blind Swordsman.

Blind Old Man:
The game is Emperor of the Train. Last man standing wins.

Jack, Wuya, & Blind Old Man:
Let's go! Xiaolin Showdown!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Christine: (sipping from a glass of milk) Ahh - milk. Just chock full of vitamins and minerals, and protein, which is very good for your ha- (remembering that when she mentioned earlier that eating eggs is good for your hair, an egg was dropped on her, she thinks of something else) ... uh, your skin! Good for your skin. (she is drenched with a shower of milk from above) ... Whoever writes these clever little ditties should be advised that writing may be hazardous to your health. (takes out a gun and points it at the camera)

You Can't Do That on Television, Season 2 (1981)  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

When Yo meets the two bunnies, everybody is bugging.

(Yin and Yang laugh)

Don't miss Yin Yang Yo. Coming Soon.

Yin Yang Yo!  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

[Final lines. Sir Humphrey enters the Cabinet Room]

Ah, Humphrey, come in, come in, come in! (Chuckles) How did your broadcast go?

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, very well, very well.

What did you say?

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, nothing in particular. I think I pointed out some of the difficulties in allocating responsibilities as between politicians and civil servants.

But you were discreet?

Sir Humphrey:
Why do you ask?

Were you or weren't you?

Sir Humphrey:

Yes, you were or yes, you weren't?

Sir Humphrey:


Sir Humphrey:
Wouldn't you expect me to be discreet?

Yes, of course.

Sir Humphrey:
There you are, then.

Good. Well, that's all right, then, isn't it?

Sir Humphrey:
Why do you ask, Prime Minister?

Well, it's just that the BBC sent me a tape.

Sir Humphrey:
A tape? What tape?

A tape of your broadcast. I thought we might listen to it together.

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Why not?

Sir Humphrey:
No, it isn't at all interesting.

Not interesting? The Cabinet Secretary talking to the nation?

Sir Humphrey:
Well, not VERY interesting.

You mean you were too discreet? (to Bernard) Play it, would you, Bernard?

[Bernard plays the tape]

Sir Humphrey:
[on tape. We hear what Humphrey said after he assumed recording had stopped.] My dear Ludo, nobody tells the truth about unemployment.

Ludovic Kennedy:
[on tape] Oh, why not?

Sir Humphrey:
[on tape] Because everyone knows you can halve it in a few weeks.

Ludovic Kennedy:
[on tape] How?

Sir Humphrey:
[on tape] Cut off all Social Security to all claimants who refuse two job offers. There's genuine unemployment in the north...


Sir Humphrey:
I'm terribly sorry, Prime Minister, I didn't know! They didn't tell me! The interview was over!

The indiscretion! The irresponsibility! Is there any more?

Sir Humphrey:


Play it, Bernard.

Sir Humphrey :
[on tape] ...may be off the register as soon as you could say "parasite". Frankly, this country can have as much unemployment as it's prepared to pay for in social security, and no politicians have got the guts to do anything about it!

[Bernard stops the tape. ]

You said that!?

Sir Humphrey:
It was Mike Yarwood...

I'm in somewhat of a difficulty as to know what to do about this, Humphrey. I think I need advice.

Sir Humphrey:

Perhaps I ought to play it to the Cabinet, get their reaction.

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, please!

Or the Privy Counsel.

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, please!

Or... Her Majesty?

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, God!

Do you realise what this would mean if it got into the papers, the damage it would do to me, to the government?

Sir Humphrey:
I could say I got it wrong! I've checked, it isn't true!

But it is true.

Sir Humphrey:
But I could say it isn't! Nobody can prove it, it's never been tried!

You would tell an untruth in public?

Sir Humphrey:
Yes, for YOU, Prime Minister! We can issue a clarification.

I think you already made yourself very clear.

Sir Humphrey:
No, Prime Minister, a clarification is not to make oneself clear, it is to put oneself IN the clear.

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave". (to Bernard) Give me the tape, would you, Bernard? (Bernard gives him the tape and Hacker turns back to Sir Humphrey) Now I've got something to tell you. (Shows Sir Humphrey the tape) This is a copy... (Takes out the film reel from inside his jacket) ...but this is the original, the master.

Sir Humphrey:
You mean?

They were retrieved from the BBC.

Sir Humphrey:
By whom?


Sir Humphrey:
So no one else will ever know?

Well, that rather depends on what I choose to tell them. Of course, I could just hand over the tapes or... I could hold onto them while I consider the security and disciplinary implications. I certainly have no intention of joining "some shabby cover-up". Oh, that reminds me, have you decided yet what you're going to tell the Privileges Committee?

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, yes, yes, Prime Minister. I've decided that, uh, in the interests of national security, that, um, the only honourable course is to support your statement in the House.

And say that Hugh Halifax's telephone has never been bugged?

Sir Humphrey:
And say I have no evidence?

No, Humphrey, and say the government has never authorised the bugging of MPs' telephones.

Sir Humphrey:
...say the government has never author... Supposing they find out the truth?

You'll just have to say that nobody told you, because you didn't need to know. Agreed? (Sir Humphrey sighs) Splendid. Well, that's settled, then.

Sir Humphrey:
May one have one's tapes back?

[Hacker extends the cassette and the original tape reel toward Humphrey but then withdraws them]

Tomorrow. After the Committee on Privileges. All right, Humphrey?

Sir Humphrey:
Yes, Prime Minister. (Leaves the table)

Yes, Minister, Series Two (1987-88)  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

The fact that you needed to know was not known at the time that the now known need to know was known, and therefore those that needed to advise and inform the Home Secretary perhaps felt that the information that he needed as to whether to inform the highest authority of the known information was not yet known, and therefore there was no authority for the authority to be informed because the need to know was not, at that time, known or needed.

Yes, Minister, Series Two (1987-88)  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

[The Prime Minister believes that he gave a clear, simple, straightforward and honest answer.]

Sir Humphrey:
Unfortunately, although the answer was indeed clear, simple, and straightforward, there is some difficulty in justifiably assigning to it the fourth of the epithets you applied to the statement, inasmuch as the precise correlation between the information you communicated and the facts, insofar as they can be determined and demonstrated, is such as to cause epistemological problems, of sufficient magnitude as to lay upon the logical and semantic resources of the English language a heavier burden than they can reasonably be expected to bear.

Epistemological — what are you talking about?

Sir Humphrey:
You told a lie.

A lie?

Sir Humphrey:
A lie.

What do you mean, a lie?

Sir Humphrey:
I mean you… lied. Yes, I know this is a difficult concept to get across to a politician. You… ah yes, you did not tell the truth.

You mean we are bugging Hugh Halifax's telephones?

Sir Humphrey:
We were.

We were? When did we stop?

Sir Humphrey:
[checks his watch] Seventeen minutes ago.

Yes, Minister, Series Two (1987-88)  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Sir Humphrey:
I wonder if I might crave your momentary indulgence in order to discharge a by no means disagreeable obligation which has, over the years, become more or less established practice in government service as we approach the terminal period of the year — calendar, of course, not financial — in fact, not to put too fine a point on it, Week Fifty-One — and submit to you, with all appropriate deference, for your consideration at a convenient juncture, a sincere and sanguine expectation — indeed confidence — indeed one might go so far as to say hope — that the aforementioned period may be, at the end of the day, when all relevant factors have been taken into consideration, susceptible to being deemed to be such as to merit a final verdict of having been by no means unsatisfactory in its overall outcome and, in the final analysis, to give grounds for being judged, on mature reflection, to have been conducive to generating a degree of gratification which will be seen in retrospect to have been significantly higher than the general average.

Yes, Minister, Series Three (1982)  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Councillor Brian Wilkinson:
I can't believe this! You mean I've got to go and tell the people back home that you've gone back on your word? I mean, it was your own idea!

I mean, it's not me, it's the law!

Councillor Brian Wilkinson:
Well, why didn't you find out until now?

Well, um--

[Bernard coughs, attracting the Minister's attention, and keeps glancing at the paperwork for increased allowances for councillors, until Hacker finally gets the hint]

[taking the paperwork in hand] Let me be absolutely frank with you. The truth is, it would be possible to push this through. Just possible. But it would take an awful long time.

Councillor Brian Wilkinson:
Okay, take the time! We've spent enough!

Yes, but the trouble is, you see, something else would have to go by the board. And the thing that's taking my time at the moment is forcing through this increase in councillor's expenses and attendance allowances. You see, I can't put my personal weight behind both schemes. I suppose I could forget about the increased allowances for councillors...

[Wilkinson and his fellow councillors look at each other, alarmed]

...concentrate on the legal obstacles to the sale of the art gallery.

Councillor Brian Wilkinson:
[in a less confrontational tone] Tricky things, legal obstacles.

Sir Humphrey:
And this is a particularly tricky one.

Councillor Brian Wilkinson:
And at the end of the day, you might still fail.

Every possibility.

Councillor Brian Wilkinson:
Well, if that's the way it is... [turns to one of his fellow councillors] There is a chance that we might want to close Edgehill Road Primary at the end of the year. That site should fetch a couple of million, give or take.

[the councillors rise from their chairs]

Councillor Brian Wilkinson:
Well, there it is, then! No ill feelings, Jim! [shakes hands with the Minister]

Good! And you'll explain locally that we can't overcome the legal obstacles?

Councillor Brian Wilkinson:
Of course we will!

[Councillor Wilkinson points at the paperwork regarding increased allowances for councillors]

Councillor Brian Wilkinson:
Ah, carry on with the good work, eh?

[the councillors depart]

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, Minister...a work of art.

Yes, Minister, Series Three (1982)  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Sir Humphrey:
In addition to your existing responsibilities, you will be Cabinet Minister responsible for the Arts.

[smiling] Eh? I say, that's rather good, isn't it? Hold on -- how do you know about this before I do?

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, I just happened to be with the Cabinet Secretary shortly after the decision was taken.

[pleased] Cabinet Minister with the responsibility for the Arts, eh? Well well well!

Sir Humphrey:
Yes indeed!

Thank you for letting me know, Humphrey! Anything more? I'm just about to start a meeting.

Sir Humphrey:
Oh, the meeting, yes. Now Minister, I do hope that you've considered the implications of your new appointment on the subject you're discussing.

What, rescuing a football club?

Sir Humphrey:
No, no, no; I was wondering how it would look if, as Cabinet Minister responsible for the Arts, your first action would be to knock down an art gallery.

Yes, Minister, Series Three (1982)  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Nothing wrong with subsidising sport. Sport is educational.

Sir Humphrey:
We have sex education too. Should we subsidise sex, perhaps?

[earnestly] Oh, could we?

Yes, Minister, Series Three (1982)  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

Sir Humphrey:
[calmly] Bernard, subsidy is for art, for culture. [almost furiously] It is not to be given to what the people want! It is for what the people don't want but ought to have!

Yes, Minister, Series Three (1982)  Show Quote

added 8 months ago

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