Wikidude's Quotes Page #291

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

First boy in space. Here to save the Earth.

The Umbrella Academy  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Sir Reginald:
What's wrong, Number One?

Mr. Monocle, sir...when I grow up...I want to go into Space.

Sir Reginald:
And so you shall, Number One... you shall.

The Umbrella Academy  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

00.07 (Vanya Hargreeves):
Dad...? I mean...Mr. Monocle, sir? Why can't I play with the others?

Sir Reginald Hargreeves:
Well, Number Seven... there's just nothing special about you.

"Oh. Where's Number Five? I don't see him down there...

Sir Reginald:
The future, I away from home, no doubt. I can't be sure...nor can I be bothered. Why don't you go play your violin?

The Umbrella Academy  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

00.01 (Spaceboy):
But I believe we can be of assistance.

French Police Officer:
Who the hell are YOU?!

It's your Eiffel Tower...

...It's gone insane...

...and must be stopped at all costs.

Police Officer:
What--? It is you children who are insane.

Allow me to introduce my subordinate, Number Three...

00.03 (The Rumor):
Citizens of Paris...I heard a rumor that the Musée D'Orsay is giving away many of its finest paintings. They're also serving crepes.

The Umbrella Academy  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Ronnie Barker:
Good evening. Here is the news. (his telephone rings and he lifts it up) Yes? Yes. Right, I see. Mm, thank you. (he puts the telephone down) Sorry about that. It appears we've had a slight problem with the news. Our new electronic typewriter has developed a minor fault and it's been typing Os instead of Es. I hope you'll bear with us.

The Two Ronnies  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Minister of Cuts:
I represent the National Institute of Cutting Known Economic Resources, Double Urgent, or N.I.C.K.E.R.S. 2U.

The Two Ronnies  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Minister of Cuts:
We're putting the army on a one-day week, so unless the Russians attack on a Monday, we'll be closed.

The Two Ronnies  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Minister of Cuts:
Parliament will be halved, and many members cut down to size, including Mr. Foot, who will be reduced to six inches. Liberal Party will only be allowed three seats, which means there will only be room for Cyril Smith.

The Two Ronnies  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

And so to our first contender. Good evening, your name please?

Good evening.

In the first heat your chosen subject was "answering questions before they were asked." This time, you have chosen to "answer the question before last" each time. Is that correct?

Charlie Smithers.

And your time starts...Now! What is paleontology?

Yes, absolutely correct.

What's the name of the directory which lists members of the peerage?

A study of old fossils.

Correct. Who are Len Murray and Sir Geoffrey Howe?

Burke's [berks].

Correct. What is the difference between a donkey and an ass?

One's a trade union leader, the other's a member of the Cabinet.

Correct. Complete the quotation: "To be or not to be."

They're both the same.

Correct. What is Bernard Manning famous for?

That is the question.

Correct. Who is the present Archbishop of Canterbury?

He is a fat man who tells blue jokes.

Correct. What do people kneel on in church?

The Right Reverend Robert Runcie.

Correct. What do tarantulas prey on [pray on]?


Correct. What would you use a rip cord to pull open?

Large flies.

Correct. What sort of person lived in Bedlam?

A parachute [parish hoot].

Correct. What is a jockstrap?

A nutcase.

Correct. For what purpose would a decorator use methylene chlorides?

A form of athletic support.

Correct. What did Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec do?

Paint strippers.

Correct. Who is Dean Martin?

He's a kind of artist.

Yes, what sort of artist?


That's near enough. What make of vehicle is the standard London bus?

A singer.

Correct. In 1892, Brandon Thomas wrote a long-running English farce, what was it?

British Leyland.

Correct. Complete the following quotation - (siren goes) I've started, so I'll finish. Complete the following quotation about Mrs. Thatcher: "Her heart may be in the right place but her - "

Charley's Aunt! [charlies aren't]

Correct. You scored 18 with no passes.

The Two Ronnies  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Oh, tap washers, tap washers! (He very nearly breaks, and snatches the customer's list) Look, I've had just about enough of this, give us that list. (He mutters) I'll get it all myself! What's this! (Reading through the list) What's that? (finally breaks) Oh that does it! That just about does it! I have just about had enough of this! (calling through to the back) Mr. Jones! You come out and serve this customer please, I have just about had enough of 'im. (Mr. Jones comes out, and the shopkeeper shows him the list) Look what 'e's got on there! Look what 'e's got on there!

Mr. Jones:
(who goes to a drawer with a towel hanging out of it, and opens it): Right! How many would ya like? One or two?

(He removes the towel to reveal the label on the drawer - 'Bill hooks', the joke most likely being the shopkeeper misreading the customer's handwriting as "bollocks" or "pillocks")

The Two Ronnies  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
These are the players, with or without a scorecard. In one corner, a machine. In the other, one Wallace V. Whipple, man. And the game? It happens to be the historical battle between flesh and steel, between the brain of man and the product of man's brain. We don't make book on this one, and predict no winner, but we can tell you that, for this particular contest, there is standing room only... in the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Major Ivan Kuchenko, on his way west, on his way to freedom, a freedom bought and paid for by a most stunning ingenuity. And exit one Commissar Vassiloff, who forgot that there are two sides to an argument - and two parties on the line. This has been the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Bob and Millie Frazier, average young New Yorkers who attended a party in the country last night and on the way home took a detour. Most of us on waking in the morning know exactly where we are; the rooster or the alarm clock brings us out of sleep into the familiar sights, sounds, aromas of home and the comfort of a routine day ahead. Not so with our young friends. This will be a day like none they've ever spent - and they'll spend it in the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
The moral of what you've just seen is clear. If you drink, don't drive. And if your wife has had a couple, she shouldn't drive either. You might both just wake up with a whale of a headache in a deserted village in the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Two men alone in an attic; a young Japanese-American and a seasoned veteran of yesterday's war. It's twenty-odd years since Pearl Harbor, but two ancient opponents are moving into position for a battle in an attic crammed with skeletons - souvenirs, mementos, old uniforms and rusted medals - ghosts from the dim reaches of the past that will lead us into... the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Two men in an attic, locked in mortal embrace, their common bond and their common enemy: guilt, a disease all-too prevalent amongst men both in and out of the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Introducing Mr. Jared Garrity, a gentleman of commerce, who in the latter half of the nineteenth century plied his trade in the wild and wooly hinterlands of the American West. And Mr. Garrity, if one can believe him, is a resurrecter of the dead - which, on the face of it, certainly sounds like the bull is off the nickel. But to the scoffers amongst you, and you ladies and gentlemen from Missouri, don't laugh this one off entirely, at least until you've seen a sample of Mr. Garrity's wares, and an example of his services. The place is Happiness, Arizona, the time around 1890. And you and I have just entered a saloon where the bar whiskey is brewed, bottled and delivered from the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Exit Mr. Garrity, a would-be charlatan, a make-believe con man and a sad misjudger of his own talents. Respectfully submitted from an empty cemetery on a dark hillside that is one of the slopes leading to the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
In retrospect, it may be said of Mr. Floyd Burney that he achieved that final dream of the performer: eternal top-name billing. Not on the fleeting billboards of the entertainment world, but forever recorded among the folk songs of the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Introduction to a perfect setting: colonial mansion, spacious grounds, heated swimming pool. All the luxuries money can buy. Introduction to two children: brother and sister. Names Jeb and Sport. Healthy, happy, normal youngsters. Introduction to a mother: Gloria Sharewood by name, glamorous by nature. Introduction to a father: Gil Sharewood. Handsome, prosperous, the picture of success. The man who has achieved every man's ambition: beautiful children, beautiful home, beautiful wife. Idyllic? Obviously. But don't look too carefully. Don't peek behind the facade. The ideal might have feet of clay.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Fear, of course, is extremely relative. It depends on who can look down and who must look up. It depends on other vagaries, like the time, the mood, the darkness. But it's been said before, with great validity, that the worst thing there is to fear is fear itself. Tonight's tale of terror and tiny people on the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown. And here are two characters about to partake of the meal: Miss Charlotte Scott, a fashion editor, and Mr. Robert Franklin, a state trooper. And the third member of the party: the unknown, that has just landed a few hundred yards away. This person or thing is soon to be met. This is a mountain cabin, but it is also a clearing in the shadows known as the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Séance:
[hiding behind a piece of a ride with Space, Rumor and several children, avoiding fire from The Terminauts] I was better off at Shinyview--at least you get a sponge bath from a large ex-con.

Séance-- I don't think this is the time or place--

Terminaut Lucius:

The Séance:
The papers all said I was cracked, but I checked myself in...Comatose ward...I preferred the company.

The Rumor:
Jesus, Klaus...

The Umbrella Academy  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Mr. Floyd Burney, a gentleman songster in search of song, is about to answer the age-old question of whether a man can be in two places at the same time. As far as his folk song is concerned, we can assure Mr. Burney he'll find everything he's looking for, although the lyrics may not be all to his liking. But that's sometimes the case - when the words and music are recorded in the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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