Wikidude's Quotes Page #295

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

LA County Sheriff's Deputy Keith Wetzel:
[Riding along with COPS cameraman] I don't know what it is about a full moon - It's just, something about it. People just go off the wall. I mean these are some pretty scary neighborhoods to begin with - I haven't been on the job that long myself, but, I've seen more than my fair share of crazy stuff. When the moon is full - It's just, like, times ten... I don't know, uh.. I don't know - Maybe it's the tides of something.. But irregardless - we're on the job, and if that makes people breathe a little easier knowing we're out there, or, be a little less nervous walking the streets at night, well, that's a good feeling.

[Computer beeps, receiving info about call - Wetzel types in and checks]

Deputy Wetzel:
Ok, we got a report of somebody lurking around the neighborhood making noise.. Actually, I take that back (looks at monitor) - We got a report of a.. "monster".. lurking around the neighborhood? Wha-? (turns to camera) ..Hey, it's a full moon.

The X-Files, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Deputy, can you describe for me what you saw?

Deputy Wetzel:
Um - Well, I mean it was pretty dark, you know.. I-I didn't really see.. I don't know wha-, I don't know.

Well you must have seen something in order to run away from it, huh? You were responding to the same call we were - Of a monster prowling the neighborhood.

[camera moves to Sergeant Duthie - Scully, behind her, hides behind the ambulance door whenever camera is pointed towards her and Duthie]

Sergeant Paula Duthie:
We've been to this house before - The lady has a history of medication - You know what I mean?

Yeah, maybe - But she's not the only one seeing monsters. There's been half a dozen such sightings in this area in the past 60 days. Were you aware of that? (looks at Wetzel and Duthie)

Deputy Wetzel:
(shrugs) ..No.

The X-Files, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[COPS crew rides with Mulder and Scully]

I'd have to say that at, uh, this point in the investigation, I'm-I'm usually more secure in-in what it is we are actually investigating, but.. we've had so many conflicting eyewitness reports that it's-it's hard to ascertain exactly what it is we're looking for... But the crimes we are investigating are-are paranormal. Uh, I can say that - With absolute conviction. Um.. and-and the nature of these crimes - they're-they're notoriously difficult to quantify on any rigorous scientific level, as Agent Scully will tell you.

Ohh yeah.

Yeah, which-which in its own way is-is a kind of a validation, if you think about it in and of itself. Uh, but, you know, that-that's our job - That's why they pay us the big bucks.

The X-Files, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[ending dialog]

(speaking about Mulder) Whatever you and I may differ on.. I'll find him, Agent Scully.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(over the phone) What’re you saying? Ray Pearce has become some kind of metal man? 'Cause that only happens in the movies, Agent Scully.

Does it, Agent Doggett? [Sly reference to Patrick's prior role in T2.]

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

In my experience, dead men don't tip, Agent Scully.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Then why did you shoot him?

Because it's what the boy saw. And in an instant, I realized that it's what Mulder would have seen.. or understood. Because that's just how he came at things - without judgement and without prejudice.. (starting to sob) ..and with an open mind that I am just not capable of.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(to Scully) Ok.. I'll be your eyes and ears.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(angrily) Look, there is something down there and I am not going to risk bringing it up here 'till I figure out what it is!

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Hey, good morning, Agent Scully. How ya feelin' today?

..I'm fine. How are you feeling?

Me? Good. But then, I don't have a little J. Edgar to lug around.

A.D. Skinner just called. He told me about your meeting with Kersh.

Well, whatever he told you, I'm still going to be here to drive you crazy with questions and nagging doubt.

..You'd be crazy to stay, Agent Doggett. This is a huge career opportunity for you.

It's not my career he's got in mind.

What do you mean?

In six weeks, you go on maternity leave. Kersh transfers me out, guess what? He gets to lock that door over there for good. (motioning to the door to the X-Fills office)

You don't owe me anything, Agent Doggett.

They put me down here to find Mulder - I found him. So what? We still got an open file on this case, and I got big questions.

[Scully considers him a moment and chuckles and smiles very slightly.]


I heard the same speech come out of my mouth seven years ago.. (goes and sits down at Mulder's desk) Get out while you can, Agent Doggett.. Or you may never get out at all.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Doggett is called to look at a body at a crime scene to see if he was a 'vision' of it appearing burned/ashen.]

Sorry, Agent Reyes - I don't see it. (turns and begins walking away)

I think you do.. You're just afraid to go there.

Whew.. Man, you just keep shooting 'til you hit something, don't you?

You'd rather blind yourself to the connections, but I can't.

You keep talking about these connections - Connections to what? To who?

What if this is a thread of evil, connecting through time.. though men, through opportunity - Connecting back to you? ..In India, in Africa, in Iran, in the Mid-East, in the Far East, most of the world - they take it as a given. They see evil in death the way other people see God in a rose.

I saw Elvis in a potato chip once.

(To Mulder) You know what I'm talking about.

Yes, I do. I do. But if this man doesn't see it, he doesn't see it, right?

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Talking about Doggett) Can you help him?

You can't help a man who can't help himself.

He's worth the effort, Mulder.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What are you scared of? ..Why does it scare you?

..I gotta believe I did everything I could to find.. my son.

You did do everything to find your son.

I gotta believe I did everything I could to save him. To get him back safe. To not let him down. I gotta believe I did everything humanly possible.. 'Cause if I can't believe that.. then these-these 'other possibilities' that you talk about, that Mulder talks about, that Agent Scully talks about - If they're real.. If they're real, then.. that's something else I could have done to save my son.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

We, uh, we caught this killer, Jeb Dukes. He's in the ICU - He may not make it.

And now you're wondering if there really was a connection? (Doggett gives him a slight look) ..You know, when I uh, I first came to work at the FBI, I worked at Violent Crimes. And I saw.. I saw the worst of humanity - I saw monsters. And I wondered how they became that way, how these men became so evil. I knew there were psychological explanations - victims of their environment, victims of their parents - but.. the scientific explanations were never truly satisfying, and I began to think about evil like a disease. You know it goes from man to man or age to age. Most of us walk around thinking we're incapable of any acts of evil, and we are - You know we can stifle that momentary urge to kill, or to hurt. We have some kind of immunity to it. But I think it's possible that there's.. an occurrence in somebody's life; a tragedy or a loss that.. leaves them vulnerable - hurts their immunity to evil. And all of a sudden, at that point in their lives, when they're weakened - they're open to evil, and they can become evil.

If that were true, then what you're saying is.. this man when wheeled in here tonight is infected with evil - The same evil that killed my son.. You really believe that, Agent Mulder?

Uh, I'm not really a good test for questions like that - I'll believe almost anything, you know? But the uh.. the pisser is that you may never know. It may be like Agent Reyes says, it could be random and meaningless - who it affects, who it goes to.

What if it isn't?

Well then you'd be seeing something I don't, Agent Doggett.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I never would've believed it - These stories about you.

Really? What stories are those?

That you could find a conspiracy at a church picnic.

..What church?

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

..I'm out. I'm eighty-sixed, Agent Doggett.

What do you mean - You're out of the FBI?

Kersh could barely contain himself when he - (slaps his hands) stuck it to me.

..So you're taking the fall? Not for me?

For you, for the X-Files - You're all the credibility this office has left. You have Kersh's ear and you've seen it now. Out on that platform, you saw it for yourself.

[phone on Mulder's desk rings]

..Answer the phone, Agent Doggett. You're in charge now.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Knocks on Scully's door) Hey. Ready to roll?

Yeah. I'll just get my keys.

Hey, don't forget this - (grabs a pillow from the couch) - Relax the back. Breathe in, breathe out. (makes panting breaths)

How do you know all these things, Mulder?

I'm unemployed - I got a lot of time on my hands... Oprah. I watch a lot of Oprah.

Thank you for doing this with me. (looks anxious)

What's the matter?

..I don't know. I, uh... Maybe it's hormones or... This is just - I'm just feeling so strange about all this.

This - having a baby, this?

No. No.. Leaving work, I guess. I mean, I.. walked out of that office today feeling like a deserter.

You've paid your dues there, Scully. More than paid them. (Scully still looks anxious) You're concerned about Agent Doggett.

You know, the entire time I was down there, I had someone to watch my back.

I'm betting that Agent Doggett can take of himself. He's a big boy. You got to worry about the little boy.. or little girl. Boy? Or girl? (Scully manages a brief smile)

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Deputy Director Alvin Kersh:
(reading Doggett's report) "Super Soldiers, a Navy ship, a woman at the Department of Justice who drowned two men - All disappeared now, but which constitute a conspiracy like a cancer in the U.S. government." (flicks through the rest of the report) ..Not a mention of my name, John.

Special Agent John Doggett:
No, sir. I found nothing on you. Nothing damning that I could honestly include in my report, let me say. ..And 'cause I got nothing to lose, let me say that I know your hands are dirty on this, sir - filthy.

(smirking) That's why you're here - Take a last wild punch before the bell.

(begins removing his weapon and holster) There's one thing I can't figure, and then I'll be on my way (unclips his ID) - Is why you slipped that obituary under my door?

You think I did that?

Over and over in my mind, it had to be you. You're the only one who had a reason.

What's my reason?

You tell me - You looking to just get me fired, or get me killed?

[Doggett sets his ID and weapon on Kersh's desk, turns and begins to walk out]

..You ever hear of King George III?

(turns around, angry) You answer my question!

He was king of England when America declared independence in 1776. King George III kept a diary. On July 4th, 1776, he made an entry in it... 'Nothing Important Happened Today.'

What the hell does that got to do with me?

Revolution started. Things that changed the world forever - And even kings can miss them if they're not paying attention.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(entering Reyes' new residence) So, this is how the uptown crowd lives, huh?

This is it! Moving on up.

So is there anything really heavy that I can move for you, a dresser, a fridge?

(smiling) No, but thank you, John - you just missed the movers.

You don't say? (Reyes chuckles) I brought you a housewarming gift. (Doggett opens the bag he's carrying)

(Reyes looks) Hot dogs?

Polish sausage! It's the best in the city. There's a little stand a couple of blocks over on M Street. You'll be able to walk to it.


Try one.

Mmm. Like I'm back in Gdansk. Let me get some plates.

Plates? For crying out loud.. who eats Polish sausage with plates?

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You saw him? Mulder?

They've accused him of murder?

And they have him believing that he did it.

Of murdering who?

Knowle Rohrer.

Knowle Rohrer? It can't be. I watched Knowle Rohrer die.

He can't die. Knowle Rohrer's a super soldier.

(Skinner hangs up phone) Mulder side-stepped security at a facility known as Mount Weather - a place where they say our so-called shadow government is installed.

What about this murder charge?

Thirty government workers are ready to testify they witnessed Mulder push a military officer to his death.

Killing a man who can't be killed? (Scully begins to leave, Doggett turns to her) Where are you going?

..To beg mercy with the man upstairs.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Neil, Vyvyan and Rick are digging in the basement for oil. Unlike Rick and Neil who are using pickaxes, Vyvyan is using his head whilst wearing a helmet.]

Oh, sorry, Vyv.

[Vyvyan slowly stands up only to have the pickaxe right through his head.]

[calmly] That's ok, Neil. It was bound to happen... sooner or later [faints].

The Young Ones, Series 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

TV Set:
And don't forget to unplug your set.


TV Set:
'Cause it'll blow up you silly boy.

The Young Ones, Series 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I'll handle this.

I'll handle this!

I'll handle this!

I can't handle this.

The Young Ones, Series 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Agent Mulder wasted no time closing that case. I just try to think like him. What would Agents Mulder and Scully do if they were in this situation?

Agents Mulder and Scully aren't in this situation - Agents Doggett and Reyes are. I don't know about Agent Reyes, but Agent Doggett's going to sit his tired ass down.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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