Wikidude's Quotes Page #316

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Yan Lin is outside the Silver Dragon, tying up a rubbish bag]

Yan Lin:
I wish you a safe journey to your final destination.

[She throws the rubbish into the large bin/tip]

Yan Lin:
Or as the kids say, "Smell you later".

[Shagon flies past her and she uses her powers as a light source and Shagon starts to charge up his green energy beam. Cut to Hay Lin's bedroom, Yan Lin teletransports]

Hay Lin:

Yan Lin:
[out of breath] Small problem. I nearly got taken out with the trash.

[Later, the girls and Yan Lin are in the basement of the Silver Dragon]

I had a feeling it was Shagon, but why attack Mr Olsen?

Hay Lin:
Maybe he hates grandparents?

[Flames appear in her glasses] Not just grandparents.

[Scene changes to at night, Peter Cook is playing basketball, he throws the ball and Shagon destroys it. Shagon is seen standing on a building and flies away]

[voiceover] I'm pretty sure he went after my brother last night too.

[Scene changes to at night, car headlights are seen on the road]

[voiceover] Join the club.

[Anna Lair is driving, behind her, Shagon's charged up green beam eyes are seen and he flies over the car. The car skids. In the now, lowering car window, Shagon is seen flying into the moonlight]

[voiceover] My mom said a giant bird nearly ran her off the road!

[voiceover] It gets worse.

[Scene changes to Lillian Hale, in bed. She gets woken up - Shagon is levitating outside her bedroom window. Lillian screams. Scene goes back to the basement]

Lillian got a real good look at Shagon - described him to the last feather! Luckily, my parents convinced her it was a nightmare.

Hay Lin:
He is a nightmare.

Going after our families.

Even Phobos didn't sink that low.

I just hate him!

We all do. But that's like exactly what he wants.

I know! I know! Hatred fuels his power, but he'll be back tonight. So, what do we do?

You go to dinner with your mom.

Pizza with the Professor, while Shagon's on the prowl? No chance.

Even if your mom's his next target?

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Nerissa has teletransported herself and Cassidy to Shell Beach]

Shell Beach! My favourite spot! Oh, what a perfectly lovely, and [She flies through Nerissa] totally transparent gesture. [She flies down to the water]

You shouldn't look a gift beach in the mouth. [She flies down] Don't you miss this?

Oh, sure. I'd love to feel the sand between my toes. Breath in the [she walks on the water] salt air and [Nerissa joins her] swim and swim and swim. [She stands still] Maybe even kiss a lifeguard or two.

All that is possible. If you say you want to live.

This may surprise you, Rissy, but I've sort of let go of the whole material world thing. Besides, [she turns to face Nerissa] I know you. There's got to be strings. I've hung onto my soul this long, I'm not selling it now.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Welcome back, Cassidy.

So, how long's it been?

Forty years.

You haven't aged a bit. [Flies around her] You've aged many bits. Draining our life force for power are we? Granted, you have the sad disadvantage of having to live in this world, while I...

I apologise for any role I might have played in...your accident.

'"Might" have played? That's like me saying I might have missed curfew on prom night. [She laughs] Oh, oh, but were I just was, we don't hold grudges. Now, if you'll send me back?

Cassidy, I didn't raise you simply to apologise. We were Guardians together. I...feel a responsibility to show you all that you have been missing.

Really, Nerissa, that's not...

Oh, but I insist. And since I've bound you to the Earth Plane with the Heart of Meridian, we will stick to the plan. [softly] For your own good.

A field trip you can't get out of, that's good for you? Wow, even the afterlife's like high school.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[after a dream about Shagon] Can't I just once dream of unicorns?

[The next day, after Susan has waved to Dean]

[to the girls] Nightmares aren't enough. Now I get daymares too?

Hay Lin:
Last night I dreamt of unicorns.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Yan Lin is travelling on Mount Thanos holding a bouquet of roses. She sees a graveyard. She walks up to a grave]

Yan Lin:
It has been too long, Cassidy, my dear friend. [She puts the roses onto the grave] I promise to see you again soon.

[She teletransports away]

[voice] Perhaps sooner than you think.

[The two gravestones on either side of Cassidy's grave transforms into Nerissa and Shagon]

[Shagon picks up the bouquet and hugs it]

Aww, she shouldn't have.

I have business I must attend, and the Guardians must not interfere.

I'll drive them to distraction! Will, especially. [Picks the flowers] She hates me, she hates me not. She hates me, she hates me not. Who am I kidding? She really, really hates me. [He rips the flowers in half from the stem]

[Nerissa uses the Heart to teletransport Shagon away and unleashes lightning on Cassidy's grave]


[A blast of air comes out from the grave and the ghost of Cassidy rises]

[whispering] Nerissa. [not whispering] Wow! You look awful.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Y'know those Knights of Whatever totally fed on our drama! Icicle Boy called you desperate, which you are, over Eric.

Hay Lin:
Thanks for noticing.

Lava Chick was gloating about Irma being in pain, which she is, over Martin. And Taranee...

I can't be fuzzy, if I'm mad at my mom?

Just try to keep it in check. You especially, Will. Dark Angel wanted you hating him.

[shaking her fists] Then he knew his stuff. Hey, since when are you Miss Intuitive?

Perspective. I'm the only one not starring in a soap opera.

Will, Hay Lin:
This week.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[To Tridart] Back off glacier face! [She charges up a fireball but Kor grabs her arm. In his eyes, we see Taranee's anger and argument with her mother. He starts to fight Taranee]

Watch it, hairball! [She telekinetically moves metal hinges to strike Kor, but Shagon intercepts and destroys them. Will appears in front of Cornelia]

Stay away from her!

The way I stayed away from Matt?

Matt!? Did you hurt him?

How much would you hate me if I did?

[Lightning appears, circling throughout Will's hair, her hair is raised]

You're about to find out! [She hurls a lightning bolt at him. He absorbs it]


W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Lunchtime, Sheffield. And here's a little music to gag to...

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Matt in his room, Mr Huggles on his shoulders]

Hungry again? Mr Huggles, you're a dormouse of a dormoose? [In french accent] Would Monsieur care to try ze Mouse Munchies? Zey are ze specialty of ze house. I'll tell le Chèf you approve.

[Knock on the window. Matt sees Will and climbs out]

Hi. I was just thinking about thinking about you.

[Mr Huggles freaks and Matt tries to catch him]

Mr Huggles, what is your damage? [To Will] I don't know why he's freaking out like this.. Sorry.

No apologies necessary, [Transforms into Nerissa] dear heart.

[Shocked, holding Mr Huggles] Nerissa!

[Nerissa steps in, holds out the Heart of Meridian and all of them teletransport away, leaving Matt's hat on the ground]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yan Lin:
Not anymore.

Yan Lin, Halinor:

Stay out of this, old fools!

Or you'll destroy us, like you destroyed Cassidy?

Yan Lin:
Does her memory mean so little to you?

You've no idea what she meant to me! This is not over! [She teletransports]

Yan Lin:
[sighs] That's what I was afraid of.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[about attacking Nerissa] Why isn't this working?

Hay Lin:
She's got the Heart of Meridian!

Which is equal to the Heart of Kandrakar.

[panicking] So we're tied?

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Why don't you pick on someone with your own power?


[She animates bricks which fly like a missile to Will, she flies, as they chase her]

Oh, I had to ask!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

So the hag has Elyon.

Yan Lin:
It's worse. That hag is Nerissa.

The Oracle, Halinor, Althor:
[shocked] No!

The Mage:

The Oracle:
You are absolutely certain?

[Yan Lin nods]

Okay, see I didn't bring my who's who from Kandrakar, so Nerissa is...?

As you know, you are not the first Guardians. Decades ago there were five others. Cassidy, Halinor, Yan Lin, Kadma... and Nerissa.

Hay Lin:
They were C.H.Y.K.N.? Wow, I'm so glad we're W.I.T.C.H.

The Oracle:
[voiceover] [as the camera pans across W.I.T.C.H, the scene transitions to one showing the former Guardians] Nerissa led the Guardians as Keeper of the Heart of Kandrakar, as you do Will. But I sensed [Nerissa holds up the Heart and sees it glow through a shot of her eye] the power of the Heart was corrupting Nerissa. To save her soul, [The Heart is shown floating and given to Cassidy] I took the Heart from her and gave it to Cassidy. [Nerissa, shocked, walks away] But Nerissa became obsessed with her lost power. [Nerissa and Cassidy are atop Mount Thanos] After begging and pleading, she demanded Cassidy return the Heart. Cassidy refused.

[Nerissa casts a lightning bolt at the cliff, and Cassidy falls to her death, Nerissa is shocked by her actions]

The Oracle:
[voiceover] [Nerissa runs across the cold of the mountain] Devastated, Nerissa fled. [An energy cell appears around Nerissa in a cave inside Mount Thanos] But I imprisoned her. [scene shows Yan Lin, The Oracle and Halinor standing outside her cell] Hoping that she would redeem herself [Nerissa lifts her head up] by facing her guilt. I fear [Nerissa's youthful face changes into the old Nerissa] I may have aired.

[The scene transitions to present day, in Kandrakar]

When Phobos' reign on Meridian forced us to raise the Veil, we could no longer watch over her.

Yan Lin:
She must have escaped, and gone into hiding.

The Mage:
On Meridian. Perhaps a portal opened on Mount Thanos, allowing her escape.

The Oracle:
Nerissa is a greater threat now, than she was then. Every world has a source of mystic energy, like the Heart of Kandrakar. Elyon was the Heart of Meridian. With her power, Nerissa's might equals the five of yours...combined.

Right! Cause otherwise, way too easy.

At least, she doesn't know we're on to her. If we head to Meridian now, we can still take her down.

The Mage:
Hmmm, a wise plan.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Will. Irma, Cornelia and Hay Lin are in the basement of the Silver Dragon. Cornelia is sitting on a chair, Irma - lying on her back, with her head over the bed, Will is sitting on the bed, with her back rested on the wall, as is Hay Lin, who is writing in a notebook]

Is anyone else worried that we haven't heard from Elyon or Caleb in, I don't know, weeks?!

[yawns] Not really. Caleb knew I was travelling and Meridian is definitely a roaming charge.

Besides, we've kicked enough bad guy booty to earn our vacation.

Hay Lin:
But vacation's over! School starts tomorrow.

[They all sigh. Taranee enters holding a laptop]

Hey, guys. Isn't it great? I thought summer would never end. And, in honour of school, I have completed my first assignment.

Oh, can I hurt her? Please.

[typing] Welcome to Taranee's handy dandy guide to... [The Four Dragons and the nymph, which is the dragons of the Guardians' powers appears on the screen] ...Quintessece.

[They all crowd round the screen]

Quintessence?! That's the word that hag used to attack us!

Hay Lin:
But, what does it have to do with the legend of the Four Dragons? That's about our powers!

Right! Each of the dragons controlled one of the four ancient elements. :[She points to each dragon, as she says the elements that they control] Earth. Air. Fire. Water. [She points to the nymph, in the middle of the screen] But the nymph, Xin Jing, had a power too.

Oh, an X Factor, like Cafeteria Mystery Meal.

[Typing and saying aloud each syllable as she types it] Quin-tessence. The fifth element.

[The scene changes to one of Nerissa standing atop a hill in Meridian, under a red sky]

[voiceover] The Ancient Sages described it as exactly [shot of Nerissa summoning Quintessence from lightning] like electricity. They believed it could be found in lightning, but [Nerissa shoots a lightning bolt at the ground] they also called it "the stuff of life", like bio-electricity. [Farm men charge at Nerissa.] [Back to the girls]

Quintessence has the power to make things come alive.

Hay Lin:
Kinda like Doctor Frankenstein!

Kinda like me. Throwing lightning bolts, talking toasters. My powers sound exactly like Quintessence.

The fifth Guardian gets the fifth element. Makes sense.

[Scene changes to Nerissa standing atop the hill, laughing and casting lightning bolts at the farm men]

[voiceover] What doesn't make sense is that the sorceress [Nerissa holds up the Heart of Meridian and it emits a shock wave which makes the farm men's tools attack them] has the same powers. Only hers are the extra strong version.

[Scene shifts back to the girls, and as the camera zooms out, we can see Yan Lin listening to the conversation]

What's her connection to the Guardians? What's her connection to me?

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

After all, we must [she slowly raises the jewel] save the Queen. [The jewel is now in the centre of the screen, showing Elyon banging on the walls of the jewel] Musn't we? [She cackles]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[In the palace, Caleb, Elborn, Miriadel, Blunk and The Mage are there]

I don't understand. Elyon's gone?!

Captured by a sorceress, hiding in our midst...Trill.

[Miriadel cries]

You mean she was posing as Trill?

It seems there never was a Trill. People who've known her for years can't recall her history, family, or even where she lives.

But she helped the rebellion!

She may have had her own reasons for toppling Phobos or her need to get close to our daughter, to the Queen. She took Elyon and her power. All of it!

So we fetch some power players of our own, the Guardians.

[Blunk gets the tooth necklace out]

The Mage:
No! Stop! Your tooth...did Trill touch it?

[Blunk nods, as the Mage touches it, it glows a white light. As she removes her hand, her ring glows white]

The Mage:
It is as I feared, Trill, uh, the sorceress, also touched my ring. She cursed our talismans. Whom so ever touches it to fold, will be destroyed.

Aargh! [He quickly rips the necklace off] Blunk too pretty to be destroyed!

Wait! Then how do we get to Earth?

The Mage:
I will try to counteract the spell.

[She walks away. In another hall, The Mage transforms into Nerissa]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[In the palace, Elyon, Elborn and Miriadel are eating. Trill is feeding Blunk and notices the necklace to create folds]

Oh! This trinket is...Queen Elyon what is wrong?

How could you all lie to me about my birth parents.


Elyon, we would never!

How can you say such a thing?!

Weira and Zadan were horrible people. They didn't love me!

Your mother loved you! She gave you that jewel! [notices the jewel sparkle]

Take it back! I don't want it!

[She rips the necklace off, throws it, Trill catches it, laughs villainously and transforms into Nerissa. She floats over to the trio, Elyon tries to use her powers, to no avail]

My powers! What have you done?

This jewel, a true jewel from Weira's crown, has been draining your power for months. That's why I gave it to you.

You lie! The real Trill gave me that. Where is she?

There is no Trill. There never was. I have served you as I served Phobos and the rebellion, in humility, waiting for this day. When the gem pulsed this mornng I knew my time had come. No more need for knights or vengeance. All that remained was to convince you to give it to me willingly. [Her hair raises up] Which is why I fed you false visions of your parents.


[She walks up to her, hands held out and walks into the jewel]

Too slow, whelp!

The Heart... of Meridian... is mine!

[She cackles and teletransports away]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yan Lin:
How'd it go?

Ah, we only... beat Phobos!

Actually, Hay Lin beat him.

Hay lin:
Me? I almost blew it.


Where's that coming from?

Yan Lin:
Is this about a boy?

Hay lin:
What? No! Well actually... I did see this realy cute- The point is, this was the first time it was up to me. Everyone was spread out and-

Yan Lin:
And you gathered them here.

Hay Lin:
Not without your help.

Yan Lin:
You think needing help is bad? Working together you find true power, in others and in yourself.

Hay Lin:
I dont know.

Yan Lin:
You are a jewel, grandaughter. In the rough perhaps, but a jewel all the same, and someday I won't be the only one to see. [They hug. Cornelia and Will high-five each other. Irma and Taranee hug]

Hi. Hate to spoil the greeting card moment, but, how do we all get back?!

Yan Lin:
Don't look at me.

[Hay Lin shrugs]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Phobos! Who said you could leave your room, brother?

No! You shall not rob me of my throne a second time! You [He powers up an electrical attack and flies over to Elyon] shall...not! [gets teletransported back to his cell]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Destroy the weakest link and the rest will soon fall.

Hay Lin:
You may be right.

[Trasforms into a whirlwind. Then she makes the whirlwind even bigger and is inside it, not part of it anymore. Phobos is trapped inside the whirlwind]

Hay Lin:
But if I'm the weakest link, then you must really be in trouble! [She kicks Phobos out of the whirlwind and he crashes]

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[After Caleb has kissed Cornelia on the cheek, Cornelia looks wistful, Will is smiling and Hay Lin is flying upside down, smiling, with her hand over her mouth]

Ah, boys!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 1 (2004-2005)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Hay Lin:
[About the Heart of Kandrakar, which after assimilating the Seal of Phobos, can now open portals] Woah! The Heart of Kandrakar got turbo charged!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 1 (2004-2005)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[After showing Caleb the Heart of Kandrakar's new power to open portals] All aboard for Earth!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 1 (2004-2005)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Referring to the extrema skating] Uh, we're supposed to be having fun, remember?

Oh, but kicking his [Uriah's] rhyming challenged butt is going to be extreme fun!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 1 (2004-2005)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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