Wikidude's Quotes Page #317

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Rust Cohle:
People out here, they don't even know the outside world exists. Might as well be living on the fucking Moon.

Marty Hart:
There's all kinds of ghettos in the world.

Rust Cohle:
It's all one ghetto man, giant gutter in outer space.

True Detective, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rust Cohle:
I'd consider myself a realist, alright? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist.

Marty Hart:
Okay, what's that mean?

Rust Cohle:
It means I'm bad at parties.

Marty Hart:
Let me tell you, you ain't great outside of parties either.

True Detective, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rust Cohle:
I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody. I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction. One last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

Marty Hart:
So what's the point of getting out of bed in the morning?

Rust Cohle:
I tell myself I bear witness, but the real answer is that it's obviously my programming. And I lack the constitution for suicide.

True Detective, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rust Cohle:
This place is like somebody's memory of a town, and the memory is fading. It's like there was never anything here but jungle.

Marty Hart:
Stop saying shit like that. It's unprofessional.

True Detective, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Marty Hart:
And I don’t hold grudges, I believe that’s the shit that leads to cancer.

True Detective, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rust Cohle:
I think about my daughter now, and what she was spared. Sometimes I feel grateful. The doctor said she didn't feel a thing, went straight into a coma. Then, somewhere in that blackness, she slipped off into another, deeper kind. Isn't that a beautiful way to go out, painlessly as a happy child? Trouble with dying later is you've already grown up. The damage is done. It's too late. You got kids? I think of the hubris it must take, to yank a soul out of nonexistence into this meat; and force a life into this thresher. As to my daughter, she spared me the sin of being a father.

True Detective, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rust Cohle:
You know me. I don't see the connection between two dead cats and a murdered woman. [pause] But I'm from Texas.

True Detective, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rust Cohle:
Came close another time... Lori. Maggie introduced us. It broke off. It was for the best, you know, I gave her cause. I can be hard to live with. I don't mean to, but I can be... critical. [sigh] Sometimes I think I'm just not good for people, that it's not good for them to be around me. I wear 'em down. They... they get unhappy.

Maynard Gilbough:
Hmm... yeah, I think the job does that to a lot of guys. Changes ya. Some guys just notice, that's all.

Rust Cohle:
I can't say the job made me this way. More like me being this way made me right for the job. I used to think about it more, but you reach a certain age you know who you are. Now I live in a little room, out in the country behind a bar, work four nights a week, and in between I drink. And there ain't nobody there to stop me. I know who I am. And after all these years, there's a victory in that.

True Detective, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Marty Hart:
[about Beth] That girl's not 18. Sheriff know you got underage workin' here?

What do you know about where that girl's been? Where she come from? You wanna know Beth's situation 'fore she ran out on her uncle?

Marty Hart:
There are other places she could go.

Such holy bullshit from you. It's a woman's body, ain't it? A woman's choice.

Marty Hart:
Well, she don't look like a woman to me. At that age she is not equipped to make those kinda choices. But I guess you don't give a shit what kind of damage she's doin' to herself as long as you're makin' your money.

Girls walk this Earth all the time screwin' for free. Why is it you add business to the mix and boys like you can't stand the thought? I'll tell you. It's cause suddenly you don't own it the way you thought you did.

Marty Hart:
[Gives money to Beth] Do something else.

[they leave]

Rust Cohle:
That a down payment?

Marty Hart:
Is shitting on any moment of decency part of your job description?

True Detective, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Alan Jones:
I think it's a strong case.

Wayne Hays:
You get paid to think that, right?

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Police Chief Holloway:
Honestly, Ray, nobody had any idea you were this competent.

True Detective, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Frank Semyon:
We met? You're a cop, right? Lady cop.

Antigone "Ani" Bezzerides:
What gave me away - the tits?

True Detective, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Ray Velcoro:
A turn here, a turn there, and it goes on for years, becomes something else. I'm sorry, you know, for the man I became, the father I was... I hope you got the strength to learn from that. And I hope you got no doubts how much I loved you, son. You're better than me. If I'd been stronger, I would've been more like you. Hell, son, if everyone was stronger, they'd be more like you.

True Detective, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Antigone "Ani" Bezzarides:
These facts were paid for in blood, so honor that. I don’t know if it will make any difference, but it should, because we deserve a better world.

True Detective, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Wayne Hays:
Yeah, of course I remember.

Jim Dobkins:
Not too long ago?

Wayne Hays:
10 years is nothin'. I remember everything.

Jim Dobkins:
Well, we can't know. What you don't remember, you don't know you don't remember.

Wayne Hays:
That's some education on semantics you're givin' me. Hey, let's skip the deposition and I'll just take notes on your lecture.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Roland West:
I'm a feminist. They want to sell me a piece of ass, they got the right. Shit. You're gonna pay for it one way or another.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Roland West:
You see yourself gettin' married, Purple?

Wayne Hays:
No, sir. I'm not a big enough asshole to put a woman and children through that.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Brett Woodard:
I ain't one of them burnouts. Y'know - come back and start bustin' guys up, gettin' high. And I ain't a bum. I keep a house. I pay my way.

Wayne Hays:
Hey, I ain't judgin', man. Look, I punch in and out. I put on a suit in the morning. And to be honest, I don't have much of a life.

Brett Woodard:
So why? Why punch in? Why the suit?

Wayne Hays:
I don't ask myself questions like that. Could be I'm too chicken-shit, Mr. Woodard.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Tom Purcell:
Are we going to find Julie or what? 'Cause I can't live through this, man. Neither of us can. If we're not going to find her, I just need to know now. I can't go to sleep. And I can't wake up.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Brett Woodard:
You ever been somewhere you couldn't leave, and you couldn't stay, both at the same time?

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Roland West:
Do you like kids generally?

Brett Woodard:
Do I-- What the fuck's the right answer to that?

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Amelia Reardon:
What is love? One name for it is knowledge.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Roland West:
Steve McQueen died today.

Wayne Hays:
We should do something.

Roland West:
We could go to Miss Minnie's.

Wayne Hays:
Give me a break. I can't pay for it, man.

Roland West:
It's more honest than most relationships. You never bought no Saigon trim while you was over there?

Wayne Hays:
Guess I'm a romantic.

Roland West:
I'm a feminist. If they wanna sell me a piece of ass, they got the right.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Ray and Ani have just had sex]

Ray Velcoro:
I haven't been like this in a long time. Years.

Antigone "Ani" Bezzarides:
I could tell.

Ray Velcoro:

Antigone "Ani" Bezzarides:
It seemed like you were making up for lost time.

True Detective, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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