Wikidude's Quotes Page #329

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Rod Serling:
Portrait of a bush-league Führer named Peter Vollmer, a sparse little man who feeds off his self-delusions and finds himself perpetually hungry for want of greatness in his diet. And like some goose-stepping predecessors he searches for something to explain his hunger, and to rationalize why a world passes him by without saluting. The something he looks for and finds is in a sewer. In his own twisted and distorted lexicon he calls it faith, strength, truth. But in just a moment Peter Vollmer will ply his trade on another kind of corner, a strange intersection in a shadowland called the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Introduction to Mr. John Selig, a reasonably average man who goes through life with both eyes open and both hands firmly on the wheel. Mr. John Selig, practical and steady, who's about to be the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
A fable? Most assuredly. But who's to say at some distant moment there might be an assembly line producing a gentle product in the form of a grandmother whose stock in trade is love? Fable, sure, but who's to say?

The Twilight Zone, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
As of this moment, the wonderful electric grandmother moved into the lives of children and father. She became integral and important, she became the essence. As of this moment, they would never see lightning, never hear poetry read, never listen to foreign tongues without thinking of her. Everything they would ever see, hear, taste, feel would remind them of her. She was all life and all life was wondrous, quick, electrical - like Grandma.

The Twilight Zone, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
You're watching a ventriloquist named Jerry Etherson, a voice thrower par excellence. His alter ego, sitting atop his lap, is a brash stick of kindling with the sobriquet 'Willie'. In a moment, Mr. Etherson and his knotty-pine partner will be booked in one of the out-of-the-way bistros, that small, dark, intimate place known as the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
At four o'clock, an evil man made his bed and lay in it, a pot called a kettle black, a stone-thrower broke the windows of his glass house. You look for this one under 'F' for fanatic and 'J' for justice - in The Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Oliver Crangle:
Four o' clock, Pete. That's when we'll make it occur. We'll make it occur at four o'clock. At that moment, at that precise moment, we shall...destroy evil. This is both my charge and my obligation, Pete: to destroy evil. And we shall do it at four o'clock. I'm not quite sure of the method yet, but that will come to me. It will come to me assuredly and it will be...a revelation. It will be the exploration of immorality, the exordium of the end. Four o'clock, Pete. That's when we'll make it happen, Pete, whatever form I choose. Four o'clock.

Rod Serling:
That's Oliver Crangle, a dealer in petulance and poison. He's rather arbitrarily chosen four o'clock as his personal Gotterdammerung, and we are about to watch the metamorphosis of a twisted fanatic, poisoned by the gangrene of prejudice, to the status of avenging angel, upright and omniscient, dedicated and fearsome. Whatever your clocks say, it's four o'clock - and wherever you are, it happens to be the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Cameo of a man who has just lost his most valuable possession. He doesn't know about the loss, yet. In fact, he doesn't even know about the possession. Because, like most people, David Gurney has never really thought about the matter of his identity. But he's going to be thinking a great deal about it from now on, because that is what he's lost. And his search for it is going to take him into the darkest corners - of The Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Respectfully submitted for your perusal – a Kanamit. Height: a little over nine feet. Weight: in the neighborhood of three hundred and fifty pounds. Origin: unknown. Motives? Therein hangs the tale, for in just a moment, we're going to ask you to shake hands, figuratively, with a Christopher Columbus from another galaxy and another time. This is the Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Rod Serling:
Some one-hundred-odd years ago, a motley collection of tough mustaches galloped across the West and left behind a raft of legends and legerdemains. And it seems a reasonable conjecture that if there are any television sets up in cowboy heaven, and any one of these rough-and-woolly nail-eaters could see with what careless abandon their names and exploits are being bandied about, they're very likely turning over in their graves - or worse, getting out of them. Which gives you a clue as to the proceedings that'll begin in just a moment, when one Mr. Rance McGrew, a three-thousand-buck-a-week phony-baloney discovers that this week's current edition of make-believe is being shot on location - and that location is The Twilight Zone.

The Twilight Zone, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[After Lex has drunk the last dose of antidote, the Mall Rats have to flee the Mall]

Once we’re out of the City, I don’t wanna set eyes on you again.

Jee! Thanks Bray. I love you too!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Control the antidote and we control the City. Maybe even the world. You and me.

I’d rather take a bath with a shark!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[talking about the antidote] There isn’t enough to go around the whole City anyway.

Well, that’s not a problem. I mean, if we have the formula, we can just cook up some more. [everyone is quiet] We do have the formula right? [pause] Somebody please tell me you’ve brought back the formula! Tai-San?


I’m surrounded by idiots!!

How could you come back without the formula?

I guess we don’t all have your razor-sharp brain power.

Well, Dal. Let’s go get it ourselves. At least WE know what to look for!!

Right. [to Ebony] Dumb, dumb.

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[talking about the antidote] Maybe we can make some more?

All we gotta do is analyse it.

Oh, no, no, no! You see, I’m not a chemist.

You’re the nearest thing we’ve got to one. Apart from Tai-San, of course.

No. Tai-San is NOT a scientist!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Listen, I’ve been thinking.

That’s something new!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[takes the last dose of antidote from Bray] Where did you get this? And why didn’t you tell me?

We had to keep it for Jack to analyse.

You mean you had this all along?

Yeah, but…

You had this and you were gonna let me die?

If Jack can find out what’s in it …

I don’t believe this. I know you hated my guts.

It’s not like that!!

This ..

That’s our last chance of saving everybody and that’s all we’ve got!

.. is all I need.

Lex. DON’T! [Lex drinks the antidote] You selfish idiot!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[sees Lex] Lexy! Lexy baby!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Guardian:
Oh mighty Zoot! We are now on the journey for justice. Those responsible will pay!!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Those will need sorting. [she leaves]

Who does she think she is?

She’s been like that all day. Someone ought to tell her that slavery has been ABOLISHED!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[talking about Ebony] I don’t trust her.

Join the club!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Ebony, we’re a Tribe, not a stopping refuge!

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Spike and other ex-Locos have invaded the Mall]

How did they get in here?

[looks at Lex] Ask the Head of Security.

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Remember the eleventh commandment? Thou shalt not shoot thyself in the foot?

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Dal :
[Tai-San has found the formula for the antidote] Can you imagine what the Demon Dogs would do to get that formula?

But what’s to stop the Demon Dogs from thinking we all know what the formula is?

We make it known that no one else knows. Except me.

But that makes you a target.

And it makes – us – her bodyguards. Nice one, Tai-San! Free of chores for life, heh?

The Tribe, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Here's looking at you, kid."?
A Casablanca
B In the Line of Fire
C Taxi Driver
D Unforgiven