Hi, Sidney. How are you?
Sidney Purcell:
Oh, you know, full of free shrimp.
Hey, here's the thing: Clean Jobs...
Sidney Purcell:
Clean Jobs, yeah. What's going on there? You guys got a name yet? You too afraid of wrecking the Earth's resources to print up a press release?
I was actually gonna run a name by you...
Sidney Purcell:
Don't say Chuck Furnham. [sees Amy's expression] Do not say Chuck Furnham! If you say Chuck Furnham, I will go into anaphylactic fucking shock.
I'm saying Chuck Furnham—
Sidney Purcell:
FUCKING HELL!! Are you kidding me? Chuck Furnham, that's fucking official?!
Chuck is oil.
Sidney Purcell:
No. No, no. Hey, I'm sorry, no. He's not oil. He's a fucking fossil but he's not oil. We need somebody who is plugged in. The only thing Chuck is plugged into is his fucking piss-bag.