What's crackin', yall? Let me be the first to officially welcome y'all ma-fuckas to my brand-new joint: Scrilla Villa! Aight dog, check it out. Let me explain somethin' to ya. Ya know'm sayin'? Me' n' T had to get somethin' set up with the babies on the way, know'm sayin', with the family, ya know'm mean, so we had to start workin'. That's when I realized the airport has some interesting job opportunities, dog.
That's right. We had to seize the muthafucka!
Carpe dizzem, ya know'm sayin'?
That's right.
That's why we started gankin' luggage.
This is all the shit we ganked from overseas, ya know'm sayin'? It's all from Europe! It's tight! Ma-fuckas come back with some crazy-ass shit, dog. You want a box for ya bling? It's ten ma-fuckas! It's tight, cheap, and dope. I'm out.
This here room is what I call "Liquors of the World", dog. You know'm sayin'? Look at all this shit that ma-fucks bring back. It's ya passport to gettin' drunk, you know'm sayin'? (picks up a bottle shaped like a guitar) Glug-glug, ting-ting-ting-ting-ting!
(picks up a shoe) Real snake! What? Sayin'! We so busy now, ya know'm mean, I had to hire employees, ya know'm mean! That's Lucy right there. Lucy one of my employees. (points to her stomach) That li'l ma-fucka ain't, though! I ain't payin' for that ma-fucka!