Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,129

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[after Mater tells Lightning of Doc's old coach Smokey, Mac catches up to Cruz and comes in front of her; Lightning opens the trailer]

Hey, Cruz.

You won't talk me out of this, Mr. McQueen. I'm going back. I resign as your trainer.

Alright, I accept your resignation. Bye! [closes the trailer]

Oh, okay.

[opens his trailer again] But... since you cleared your calendar, why don't you come with us? I'm looking for someone named Smokey, hoping he can help me. Maybe he can help you, too.


Come on. [pulls out Cruz's broken Crazy 8 trophy, now put together with duct tape] I fixed it.

No. Thanks anyway, but I'm done.

Okay. But maybe this will change your mind?! Hit it! [Luigi and Guido puts on upbeat techno music on the stereo] First, I'm gonna loosen up these ancient joints.

No, please don't!

[singing] I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry that I yelled!! It wasn't your fault that I almost got killed!!


But now, you're leaving, and you won't get on the ramp!!

Alright, I'll go!

You won't get on the ramp!!

[agitated] Alright, I'll go! Just stop!

Cars 3  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Nice spread ya got here. Humina, humina, humina, humina! [looking at a photo] Who is this?

That's my mom.


Awkward. Yeah. [puts the photo in his pouch] Yes, this place will do quite nicely, actually. Yeah. Although those drapes are a train wreck. [laughs then sits down] And this is the lumpiest couch I ever sat on. [begins to bounce] WHO IS THIS DREADFULLY UNCOMFORTABLE WOMAN?!

Get off her. That's our babysitter.

[sits up] What the? "Babysitter"? You don't need one of those, do ya? [picks up a hangar, then hangs a sleeping Mrs. Kwan on it, Conrad and Sally laugh] Lemme get this straight. You pay this woman to sit on babies? That's disgusting. [hangs Mrs. Kwan in the closet] I'd do it for nothing. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The Cat in the Hat  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Stop this right now!

Who said that?

Me! Remember, the fish? Came home in a baggy, loved me for two weeks, and then nothing.

The fish is talking.

Well, sure, he can talk. But is he saying anything? No, not really.

Hey, socks, can it! This cat should not be here. He should not be about. He should not be here when your mother is out.

C'mon, kids! Ya gonna listen to him? He drinks where he pees. [laughs]

The Cat in the Hat  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Okay. Section 8, article, 93, subparagraph 834. Right by the chili stain. Heh heh. It reads "If Conrad, aka Concrete, should open the crate (and we know he will), the contract shall be null and void.". [Conrad and Sally look down in despair] "However, if Sally and Conrad should learn from their mistakes, the contract shall be reinstated.". And I think you 2 have satisfied the legal burden of learning.


So there's just one last game to play. It's called "clean up the house". Kids, meet the Dynamic Industrial Renovating Tractormajigger.


That's right! [wheezing laugh]

The Cat in the Hat  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Okay. We had some good times. We cleaned up the house. We even managed to work in an up-tempo pop tune for the soundtrack, that's important. I guess there's just one last thing to check. [he takes out his phunometer and uses it on Conrad and Sally as it reads "Just Right"] Looks like everything's in balance. [to Sally] But you're still smoking way too many cigars. [to Conrad] And you, lay off the sauce! [he puts away his phunometer]

Cat, this day has been...amazing. Thank you, Cat.

[embraces Sally] For everything.

Conrad? Sally? Adieu. [leaves for the back door]



Wait, Cat!

Don't go!

Aw... [hears the front door] Oh!

The Cat in the Hat  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Chicken Little:
Run for your lives! Everyone run for cover! SOS! Mayday, mayday! Code red! Duck and cover! You're all in danger!

[babies crying]


Chicken Little:
Run for cover!

[steer bellows]

Chicken Little:
Run for your lives!



[siren wails]

Chicken Little:
Emergency, emergency!




[babies crying]

Chicken Little:
Run for your lives!

Look out! Take cover!

[Raiders of the Lost Ark theme]

[car horns honking]


Chicken Little:
Run for cover!

[coughs] Chicken Little, what is it? What's going on?

Chicken Little:
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

The sky is falling?

Are you crazy?

Chicken Little  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

My father... was killed by a god of the. My mother, sister... everyone I loved was killed by a god.

Clash of the Titans  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I'd rather die in the mud with those men than live forever as a god.

Clash of the Titans  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I know we're all afraid. But my father told me: "Someday, someone was gonna have to take a stand. Someday, someone was gonna have to say enough!" This could be that day. Trust your senses, and don't look this bitch in the eye.

Clash of the Titans  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I cannot be a king. I serve you better as a man.

Clash of the Titans  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

If I do this, I do this as a man.

Clash of the Titans  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Det. Nick Mckenna:
We don't have a love/hate relationship. We have a hate/hate relationship.

Cop and a Half  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Det. Nick Mckenna:
Hey, kid, what comes after "L"?

Cop and a Half  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Devon Butler:
Damn Cilvlians.

Cop and a Half  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Vinnie Fountain:
McKenna, I'm gonna kill you!

Cop and a Half  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Why don't we play the game with school? We're the wolves, they're the sheep.

Cry Wolf  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade! I heard what happened with the convoy–[Walks in and sees Deadpool with Blind Al; gives a loud shout of shock]...why wouldn't you cover that up?

[Deadpool is shown with a toddler-sized lower half of his body, the hem of his shirt barely covering his groin]

A true warrior has nothing to be ashamed of.

Yeah, but you do. I mean, look at you; you're just straight up shirt-cocking it toddler-style?

Oh, yeah. Full Winnie the Pooh.

Blind Al:
What the hell's happening? Describe it.

[To Al] I wouldn't ask him to do that if I were you-

It's like, um...

[quietly] Here we go.

It's like he was giving birth anally, but they quit halfway through. They got the legs out and they said, "You know what? I'm done."

[To Al] Happy?

He's like a Muppet from the waist down, but this time, you can see the Muppet's dick. Grover's got a cock-

[Comes in] Sorry, I'm late. I had to take care of the inventory–[Sees Deadpool] Aaaaahhhh! Oh, no, no, no, DP, not again.

This has happened before? [Dopinder starts to gag] Jesus, either vomit or don't. The indecision is killing me.

Blind Al:
Why couldn't God take my hearing?

Deadpool 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Zip it, Thanos!

Deadpool 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[To Cable, after he saved his life] I don't know how to thank you, but I do know how to hug you.


Yes. [Hugs Cable] There we go, bring it in, come on. Pelvis to pelvis. Let's go, tip-to-tip, there we go. The kids call this "docking". [The sound of a knife is heard] ...Is there a knife in my dick?

There's a knife in your dick, yeah.

Deadpool 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade Wilson / Deadpool:
[narrating while he is shown blowing himself up] FUCK Wolverine! First he rides my coattails with the R-rating, then the hairy motherfucker ups the ante by dying! What a dick! Well, guess what, Wolvie? I'm dying in this one too.

Deadpool 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade Wilson / Deadpool:
[narrating while executing Russian criminals] I know what you're thinking: "I'm so glad I left the kiddos at home." But that's where you'd be wrong. And believe it or not, Deadpool 2 is a family film. True story. And every good family film starts with a vicious murder. Bambi, The Lion King, Saw 7... [a guy on fire runs around screaming]

Deadpool 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade Wilson / Deadpool:
Is it just me or does "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" from Frozen sound suspiciously like "Papa, Can You Hear Me?" from Yentl? [singing] "Papa, can you hear me?" [spoken] And nobody fucking realizes it.

Deadpool 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade Wilson / Deadpool:
[while going around the X-Mansion using Professor X's wheelchair] All these elderly white men on the walls. Should have brought my rape whistle. [in the Super Duper Cut: All these old guys on the wall. Who lives here, Calista Flockhart?] [chuckles and knocks busts onto the floor, breaking them] Those were already damaged after they fell there!

Deadpool 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Wade Wilson / Deadpool:
[riding around the X-Mansion on Professor X's wheelchair] What am I supposed to do around here, anyway? Sit in a share circle, talk about my feelings? And how would I do that, exactly, 'cause... where the heck is everyone? It's always just you and Negasonic Teenage-Longest-Name-Ever- [Colossus (grabbing Wade by the shoulder): Enough!] I said no touching. [Colossus throws him off the wheelchair and onto the floor] You'd think the studio would throw us a bone – one that doesn't end up in my mouth. The first movie made more money than the guy who invented pants. But they can't just dust off one of the famous X-Men? How 'bout that putz with the giant pigeon wings? What do those do anyway, huh? [cut to behind Wade; Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler, Beast, Quicksilver and Professor X are actually in an adjoining room. Beast quickly closes the door without Wade noticing] Carry him three feet off the ground to snatch up the nearest muffin crumb? No, no, no, no, no. No.

Deadpool 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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Who Said, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”?
A Franklin D. Roosevelt
B John F. Kennedy
C Evel Knievel
D Lyndon B. Johnson