Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,385

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I'll give up my room to you gladly.

Don Antonio:
Give up? I wouldn't hear of it.

Well, the truth is, uh, please forgive me sir, but since I was little, since I was a child, I've always disliked sharing my room with anyone. So you take the room and I'll go elsewhere.

Don Antonio:
I wouldn't hear of it. There isn't another free bed in the inn.

Well, I'll sleep before the fire.

Don Antonio:
Am I so unpresentable? Do my manners disgust you? Does my speech bore you? If you find me so unbearable, forgive me for having imposed myself on you for so long. Good night, sir.

Please, I...

Don Antonio:
Say no more about it. I shall sit before the fire all night.

Oh no, no, I-you couldn't. I wouldn't, uh... You shall share my room with me.

Don Antonio:
Oh, thank you very much. I'll be delighted. If you're ever in Spain, I'll return the hospitality.

Queen Christina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[To Christina] Shall I help you off with your boots, sir?

No thank you...

Don Antonio:
You're very pretty, Elsa. Are you also good?

When I do not like a man, yes.

That's true virtue.

Don Antonio:
The basis of all morality in a sentence.

Can I get you anything, sir?

No, thank you.

The master says you're to have everything you need.


If you should need anything, my room is at the end of the passage.

Don Antonio:
She prefers you. You have the better chance.

I'd give her up gladly if you're interested.

Don Antonio:
No, I'm not interested. Well, don't you think since we're going to share the same bed we should be introduced?

Queen Christina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Don Antonio:
What are you doing?

I have been memorizing the room. In the future, in my memory, I shall live a great deal in this room.

Don Antonio:
You wait. I'll show you the whole living world.

Queen Christina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I have imagined happiness but happiness you cannot imagine. Happiness you must feel, joy you must feel. Oh, and this great joy I feel now. Antonio.

Don Antonio:

This is how the Lord must have felt when he first beheld the finished world with all his creatures breathing, living.

[They kiss.]

Don Antonio:
And to think a few snowdrifts might have separated us forever.

We might have been born in different centuries.

Don Antonio:
No, I never would have permitted that. We're inevitable, don't you feel it?

I feel it. But you, how can you be so sure? You know me so little.

Don Antonio:
That's true. There's a mystery in you.

Is there not in every human being?

Don Antonio:
Yes. Tell me, you said you would, why did you come to this inn dressed as a man?

In my home, I'm very constrained. Everything is arranged very formally.

Don Antonio:
A conventional household.

Very. I like to get away from it sometimes, to be free.

Don Antonio:
I can understand that.

You're going to court. What if the Queen keeps you there?

Don Antonio:
Let her try.

If half of the Queen's reputation is well-founded...

Don Antonio:
After you, she'll be tiresome. Ah, to have found anyone in this wilderness would have been miracle enough but to have found you - ah, this is too improbable. I don't believe in you. You're an illusion. You'll vanish before my eyes.

Queen Christina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Antonio, I feel just the same.

Don Antonio:
I don't. I feel unlucky being the thirteenth.

Oh, but I was lying, terribly. And now you don't love me anymore?

Don Antonio:
Don't despair, your Majesty. My master, the King of Spain, has the honor of asking your hand in marriage. It isn't pleasant to betray one's King, to dishonor him in a far country.

Queen Christina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Don Antonio:
Why did you go out of your way to make me ridiculous? All that idiotic talk of love and beauty that made my heart beat, and made me dream like a fool and talk like one.

I thought you would understand when you saw me again what had happened. That it had been so enchanting to be a woman, not a Queen, just a woman in a man's arms.

Don Antonio:
Yes, if you'd left my heart alone.

But I fell in love with you. I love you Antonio. Look! [She pulls a coin from her bodice] The coin you gave me for helping you. I've slept with it in my hand each night. Forgive me for being a Queen.

Don Antonio:
What do you want of me?

What do I want? What? I want back that room in the inn, the snow that fell, the warm fire and the sweet hours, beloved one.

[They kiss.]

Don Antonio:

Queen Christina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

There is too great a burden you put on me. I have grown up in a great man's shadow. All my life I've been a symbol, a symbol of eternal changelessness, an abstraction. A human being is mortal and changeable with desires and impurities, hopes and despairs. I'm tired of being a symbol, Chancellor. I long to be a human being, this longing I cannot suppress.

And yet you must, you will. His hand is upon you, the King's.

I have always listened to you with awe, Oxenstierna...Yet something in me cries out that this cannot be true, that one must live for oneself. After all Chancellor, one's own life is all one has.

Yes, your Majesty, that is all one has. Therefore, you must give it up to your duty. Greatness demands all.

Am I great, Chancellor? I feel so little and helpless and futile.

Yes, your Majesty, when you are alone. But tomorrow when this great hall is filled with the pride of your realm, you will meet the occasion, you will do your duty, you will marry Prince Charles.

Duty. Duty.

My heritage, your Majesty, and yours.

Queen Christina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Count Magnus has mortally wounded Don Antonio in a duel]

Don Antonio:
Have you said goodbye to your country?

Yes, to everything but you.

Don Antonio:
How sweet your eyes are.

Shhh, you mustn't talk.

Don Antonio:
When the wind is with us, we sail.


Don Antonio:
Spain - my home is on a white cliff overlooking the sea. You'll never leave me, will you...?

No, never.

Don Antonio:
Your Majesty.

Shhh, you must rest. Rest.

Queen Christina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

But I never understood until I met you.

What do you mean?

You’re beautiful to me because you’re human. Your frailty, your short years, your heart; even as you think it’s breaking. All that seems suddenly more precious than anything I’ve ever known.

Not as precious as you think.

Queen of the Damned  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Maharet has just become a living statue]

She drank Akasha's last drop. She took Akasha's death into herself.

No, she's not dead. She sleeps.

Queen of the Damned  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Yes, but these other vampires, aren't they going to be pissed off at you giving away their secrets?

Mmmmm... I imagine they are... Yes...!

Queen of the Damned  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

King Arthur:
It's been ten years we celebrate, All that made our kingdom great, Liberty and justice for all, Each of us we now divide, for equal shares our countryside, promising equality for all we reside!

Knights of the Round Table:
United we stand, now and forever, in truth, divided we fall. Hand upon hand, brother to brother, no one shall be greater than all.

Liberty – Justice – Trust

Freedom – Peace – Honor

Goodness – Strength – Valor

ME!!! [non singing] Charming sing along. Now let's get down to business. I waited a long time for this day. What about my new land!

King Arthur:
Sir Ruber. Always thinking of yourself. As knights of the round table our obligation is to the people, not to ourselves. The land will be divided according to each person’s needs.

Then I need more than everyone. I wouldn't have supported you all these years if I thought you were running a charity.

Sir Lionel:
The King has decided!

Then it's time for the new king, and I vote for me.

Sir Lionel:
I will not serve a false king.

Then serve... A DEAD ONE!

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

King Arthur:
[After they all put Sir Lionel in the stone coffin with stone pillars at Lady Juliana's Farm. Tears run down Kayley's face as Arthur gave Sir Lionel's dented shield to Lady Juliana, who also cries] Your husband died saving my life. And saving Camelot. Lady Juliana, the gates of Camelot will always be open to you. [He then gives an Eulogy] Sir Lionel was my most trusted knight. And also my dear, dear friend. We will always remember how he bravely upheld the ideals of Camelot. [He then takes out Excalibur and held it in the air and the other knights take out their swords and held them in the air in respect for their deceased knight.]

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

King Arthur:
In the ten years since Sir Lionel's death, equality, and freedom, have spread throughout the lands. Excalibur, has given us the strength to stand together against all injustice. Camelot has prospered beyond our greatest dreams- [Arthur's speech was cut short when a Griffin crashes into the tower roof and lands on the round table with pieces of broken wood from the roof]

Knight 4:
It's a Griffin [The Griffin growls as King Arthur is about to reach Excalibur with his hand very slowly but the Griffin grabs Excalibur with his beak, Also broke a piece of the chair and slashed King Arthur's arm. The Griffin flys up from the round table as the other Knights start to charge and throw their swords at the Griffin]

Knight 5:
It's taken Excalibur!

Knight 6:
Arthur is wounded!

King Arthur:
Never mind me! Find Merlin and go after the sword!

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Knock Knock?

Lady Juliana:
Who, who are you? [Ruber takes off his helmet. Lady Juliana gasps] Ruber!

Juliana. I was in the neighborhood, and I thought I'd invade. How about a kiss? I hear you're still single...

Lady Juliana:
[She slaps his hand away from her chin] Impertinent pig!

Is that a no?

Lady Juliana:
I demand that you leave immediately!

So rude! And after I came all this way. Just to see you.

Lady Juliana What do you want?


Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Excuse me? You lost Excalibur? How?!

I was attacked by a falcon.

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What? My magnificent beast outmatched by a puny, little pigeon?

It wasn't a pigeon. It was a falcon, with silver wings.

[softly] Silver wings? [sarcastically] Oh, scary. [Yelling as he grabs the Griffin by the ear] You stupid animal! Where is the sword now?

In a place of untold danger.

The Forbidden Forest.

Precisely, Master.

[runs his finger along the Griffins beak and up to the top of his head] [softly] Have I told you today, how magnificently and totally...worthless you are?!! [He rips the Griffin's eyebrow. The Griffin Screeches] Excalibur is the one thing, that can keep me from my conquest of Camelot!

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[screaming] Oh! The-the girl!

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to Bladebeak] You! You! You! Fancy Feet! After her! And bring her back! [to the Griffin] And you... [he grabs hold of the Griffin's head] you are going to lead me, to [emphasising the syllables] Excalibur!

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We're not going in there, are we?


But I got a wife and two eggs at home! Hey, don't leave me here!

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Garrett saves her from Ironmen] That was... incredible! How you, smashed those creatures! How you-you avoided that-that-that, thing! You're amazing! You're- [Notices Garrett's not listening to her]

[Agrees uncaringly, as he looks over his ruined net] Mmhmm.

Not, even, listening to me!

Great, took me six weeks to make this net!

Net? You saved my life. Thank you.

Well, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

Oh, I get it. This is where King Arthur sends his unfunny jesters, right?

And now I'll thank you...

For what?

For reminding me why I'm a hermit! Good day! [Begins to walk away]

But wait! What's your name?

It's Garrett.

I'm Kayley! [Garrett seemingly continues to ignore her by walking on] Garrett! Why won't you look at me when I'm talking to you? ...Oh. Oh, I didn't realize you were...

What? Tall? Rugged? Handsome?

[Astonished] Blind.

[Chuckles lightly and replies sarcastically] ...You know, I always forget that one.

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, hey, easy with the stick, buddy.

What are you?

Well, frankly, we're the reason cousins shouldn't marry.

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Trapped! Aah! Trapped!

Stuck here with you for 500 years!

Oh dear, it's learned to count.

If you'd got me a good lawyer, I would have split 400 years ago.

Now, listen here, pal! I didn't come here to be insulted!

Oh? Well, where do you usually go?

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Well, the good news is, we're out of dragon country. The bad news is, this is where we say goodbye.

You can't leave us here! If we try to go back, we'll be banished! Ostracised. Exiled...

Not to mention kicked out.


Cause we just broke the dragons' cardinal rule!

What, never wear brown shoes with the blue suit?

No, you moron. Never help a human.

Come on, Kayley. We must make camp before dark.


Garrett. Let's take them with us. Please.

Oh, I suppose so. But no more singing!

How about interpretive dance?

Quest for Camelot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said, "To lead the people walk behind them"?
A Martin Luther King Jnr
B Mahatma Gandhi
C Nelson Mandela
D Lao Tzu