Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,430

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Bill Clinton:
Could I offer one piece of serious advice? If it's not too presumptuous?

Hillary Clinton:
Oh, here we go. Tony, can I make a disclaimer here. Please, feel free to ignore him.

Tony Blair:
No please, I'd like to hear.

Bill Clinton:
Hit the ground running. Now we got off to a bad start, and it's taken us four years to recover. The other thing is to start thinking now about what you want your legacy to be.

Tony Blair:
I've been in the office less than a month. You want to work out my legacy?

Hillary Clinton:
No, no, no. Bill's right. Because if you don't do it, other people will do it for you. Legacy is reductive. People tend to remember you for one thing. You have to make sure you get ahead and define what that is.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bill Clinton:
Let me just start by saying that it's a real pleasure to welcome Prime Minister Blair here to Washington. Today on the verge of a new century, a new millennium. America is prouder then ever to stand shoulder to shoulder with it's close friend, United Kingdom. It continues a great tradition, and a special relationship between our two countries. [the press begin holding their hands up for questions] Eric!

Prime Minister, as a friend and as a religious man. I was wondering whether you offered your personal advice to President Clinton during these difficult times of criminal investigation into his sexual behavior?

Tony Blair:
That's what in the British media recall helpful questioning. Uh, no. [points to another person] Michael.

Prime Minister, some people are struck by the warmth of the personal statements of support that you've been giving to the President. Could I ask, had you ever considered that might be a politically risky strategy?

Tony Blair:
[pause] You heard the President talking about the special relationship between our two countries, and the great tradition of standing shoulder to shoulder with one another. And I'm reminded of a story from the height of World War II, when Britain desperately needed America's help. It wasn't always certain that they would come to our help, and at one point Harry Hopkins, the emissary to the American President Roosevelt, was sent to Britain. Hopkins said to Churchill, "I suppose you wish to know what I'll be saying to President Roosevelt on my return." Well, he said he would be quoting from a passage from the Bible. "Whither thou goest, I will go. Whither thou lodgest, I will lodge. Thy people, shall be my people, and thy God, my God. Even to the end." You just asked whether my support, my friendship is a politically risky strategy. I've worked with President Clinton for some nine months. I have found him throughout someone I could trust, someone I could rely upon. Someone I am proud to call, not just a colleague, but a friend, and I happen to think that if you look at the American economy. If you look at the respect with which America has held right around the world today. It's a pretty impressive record for anyone.

Mr. President, do you appreciate Mr. Blair's support?

Bill Clinton:
[jokingly] No.

[they laugh]

Bill Clinton:
I think he should've just come over here and jumped all over me. Thank you.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tony Blair:
Politically, I've really stuck my neck out here.

Bill Clinton:
Why don't we step outside for a moment.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bill Clinton:
In you go, Senator!

Hillary Clinton:
Oh, Bill, for heaven sake's. [laughs]

Bill Clinton:
Just practicing, hon. [to Tony and Cherie] Isn't she something. Only First Lady in US history to win elected office.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alright, pop quiz. Airport, gunman with a hostage. He's using her for cover. He's almost to a plane. You're one hundred feet away. [Jack doesn't respond] Jack?

Shoot the hostage.


Take her out of the equation. Go for the good wound and he can't get to the plane with her. Clear shot.

You're deeply nuts, you know that? "Shoot the hostage." [chuckles]

Speed  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Payne is holding Harry hostage in the parking garage at gunpoint with explosives strapped to his chest.]

End of the line. This day has been real disappointing, I don't mind saying.

Why, 'cause you didn't get to kill everyone?

There will come a time, boy, when you'll wish you'd never met me.

Mister, I'm already there.

Speed  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[on the phone] What do you think, Jack? You think you pick up all the bus driver's teeth they'll give you another medal?


You think I wouldn't have been prepared? Two years I spent setting up that elevator job, two years I invested in it. You couldn't understand the kind of commitment that I have. You ruined a man's life's work and you think you can walk away? You got blinders on to the world! But I got your attention now, didn't I Jack?

Why didn't you just come after me?

No this is about me! This is about my money, this is about money due me! Which I will collect! 3.7 Million dollars! It's my nest egg, Jack, at my age you have to think ahead.

[angry] When I find you...

[cuts him off] Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?

I'd want to know what bus it was...

You think I'm going to tell you that?


Aha, very good. There are rules, Jack, and I want you to get this right. NO ONE goes off the bus. If you try to take any passengers off the bus, I will detonate it. I want my money by 11AM.

We can't pull that kind of money in time!

Focus Jack! Your concern is the bus. And don't try to call. The radio's down. Now, the number of the bus is 2525, it's running downtown from Venice. It's at the corner of Ocean Park & Main.

[Jack takes off for his car as sirens from approaching fire engines can be heard]

Speed  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jack calls Harry in his office while he is trying to get on the bus and tells him the bomber's back. Mac enters Harry's office.]

We got a random demand from your dead terrorist. He's rigged a city bus. Where's Jack?

[puts down the phone] Where do you think?

Speed  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to Mac] Sir, we have a serious problem.


This freeway isn't finished.

What are you talking about?

The aerial unit caught it. About three miles away there's a section missing.

But it's on the map. It's finished on the goddamn map!

I guess they fell behind.

Fuck! You're fired! Everybody's fucking fired!

Speed  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We're at the airport.

Yeah, so?

I already seen the airport.

Speed  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jack says he is going to get off the bus for a minute.]

Are you just gonna leave us here?

I would.

Speed  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Harry! Tell me good news, man.

Oh, I'm sorry, Jack. He didn't make it.

You fuck!

It was the watch that led him to me, wasn't it? Huh? It seemed a little hammy to me to build a bomb out of my precious retirement gift, but, you know, I figured a sign that said "Howard Payne" would be pushing it.

I'm gonna rip your flicking spine out, I swear to God.

You're gonna do exactly as you're told! Jack, we both know he was the brains of your particular operation. You can't beat me, you're gonna pay me every dollar. Otherwise, you, the wildcat, and every innocent person on that bus, are gonna end up just like your friend. You paying attention? Jack, you listening to me? Jack? Jack!


Speed  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You didn't leave me. I can't believe it... you didn't leave me.

Didn't have anywhere to be just then. [they kiss] I have to warn you, I've heard relationships based on intense experiences never work.

OK. We'll have to base it on sex then.

Whatever you say, ma'am.

[they continue kissing, but with more passion]

Speed  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[before killing the Captain] Traditionally speaking, isn't it true that the Captain goes down with his ship?

Speed 2: Cruise Control  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to her husband about her nicotine patch] The only way that patch is going to help me is if I roll it and smoke it.

Speed 2: Cruise Control  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now, I have no time left, and I don't know what this guy's capable of!

[confused, he grabs Juliano's arm] What guy?!

Speed 2: Cruise Control  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[on the phone to Cruncher Block] Ineptitude. IS THIS WHAT I PAY YOU FOR?!?!

Cruncher Block:
They ain't chequered yet.

If they do, I assure you, it will be a very costly mistake for everyone!

Speed Racer  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Racer X:
Are you hurt?


Racer X:
Then get up.

Speed Racer  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[first lines]

Peter Parker:
Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody said it was a happy little tale...if somebody told you I was just an average ordinary guy, not a care in the world...somebody lied. But let me assure you: This, like any story worth telling, is all about a girl. That girl. The girl next door. Mary Jane Watson. The woman I've loved since before I even liked girls. [referring to Flash Thompson sitting next to her] I'd like to say that's me sitting next to her. [referring to an overweight kid in front of them messily eating a jelly doughnut] Aw, heck, I'd even take him. [he and the other kids see a nerdy Peter running along the bus, asking to stop] That's me.

Spider-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Harry Osborn:
[to driver in Rolls Royce] Uh, hey, could you drive us around the corner, please?

Norman Osborn:
[sitting next to Harry] Why? The entrance is right there.

Dad, these are public school kids. I'm not showing up for a field trip in a Rolls.

What, so you want me to just trade in my car for a Jetta just because you flunked out of every private school I ever sent you to?

It wasn't for me.

Of course it was. Don't ever be ashamed of who you are.

I'm not ashamed of who I am. It's just...

Just what, Harry?

Forget it.

Spider-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ben Parker:
Hey, listen, Pete, we need to talk.

We can talk later.

We can talk now... if you'll let me.

Well, what's so important? Why do we need to talk now?

Because we haven't talked for so long, your Aunt May and I don't even know who you are anymore: You've shirked your chores, you have all those weird experiments in your room, you start fights at school–

I didn't start that fight, I told you that.

Well, you sure as Hell finished it.

What was I supposed to do, run away?

No, you're not supposed to run away, but– Pete, look, you're changing. I know, I went through exactly the same thing at your age.

No. Not exactly.

Peter… these are the years when a man changes into the man he's going to be for the rest of his life. Just be careful who you change into. This guy, Flash Thompson, he probably deserved what happened… but just because you can beat him up, doesn't give you the right to. Remember, with great power... comes great responsibility.

Are you afraid that I'm gonna turn into some kind of criminal? Quit worrying about me, okay? Something's different. I'll figure it out. Quit lecturing me, please.

I don't mean to lecture, and I don't mean to preach. And I know I'm not your father-

Then stop pretending to be!

Spider-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ring Announcer:
Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Bonesaw McGraw! [the crowd cheers and two spectators move their cardboard saws back and forth against their arms] For $ there no one here man enough to stay in the ring for three minutes with this titan of testosterone? [the crowd cheers as Bonesaw McGraw's girls are adoring him] WHOOOOOO?! I know who. The Flying DUTCHMAAAN! [The crowd boos]

Spider-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bonesaw McGraw:
Next victim!

Ring Announcer:

[takes microphone] Bonesaw is READY!

Man in Crowd:
Oh, yeah!

[crowd cheers]

Ring Announcer:
Will the next victim please enter the arena at this time? If he can withstand just 3 minutes in the cage with Bonesaw McGraw, the sum of $3,000 will be paid to– What's your name, kid?

The Human Spider.

Ring Announcer:
"The Human Spider"? That's it, that's the best you got?


Ring Announcer:
Oh, that sucks. The sum of $3,000 will be paid to...the terrifying, the deadly, the amazing SPIDER-MAN! [the curtains open up, revealing Peter in his homemade Spider-Man costume as the crowd jeered at him]

My name's "The Human Spider".

I don't care, get out there.

No, he got my name wrong! I'm tellin' you-!

[pushes Peter out of the door] Get out there, you moron!

Spider-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after he gives Peter a $100 bill] Now get outta here.

A hundred bucks? The ad said $3,000.

Well, check it again, web-head. It said three grand for three minutes, and you pinned him in two. For that, I give you $100, and you're lucky to get that.

I need that money.

I missed the part where that's my problem.

[Peter leaves with the $100 bill and a carjacker enters with an empty bag and throws it at the promoter]

Hey, what the hell-!?

[draws his pistol] Put the money in the bag. HURRY UP! [hits the promoter hard with his pistol, puts all the money in the bag, and runs out]




[the carjacker quickly enters the elevator that Peter was about to use]

[to Peter] Thanks! [the elevator doors close]

What the hell’s the matter with you? You let him go! [to the other cops] Cut him off from the lobby, and call the cops!

You could've taken that guy apart! Now he's gonna get away with my money!

I missed the part where that's my problem.

Spider-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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What TV series is this quote from :"Oh my God! They killed Kenny!"?
A SpongeBob SquarePants
B South Park
C Scooby Doo
D The Simpsons