Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,514

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Fingernails? That's amazing, you saying that. It made me remember the dream I had last night.

What'd you dream?

I dreamed about this guy in a dirty red and green sweater.

But what about the fingernails?

He scraped his fingernails along things. Actually, they were more like finger-knives or something, something he made himself. Anyway, they made this horrible sound. [imitates screeching sound]

Nancy. You dreamed about the same creep I did, Nancy.

That's impossible.

A Nightmare On Elm Street  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Please God...

[revealing his knives] This... is God.

A Nightmare On Elm Street  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Freddy] What'd he look like? You get a look at him?


Well then how can you say somebody else was there?

Because somebody cut her while I watched.

And you didn't get a look at the guy?

I couldn't even see the fucker. You could just see the cuts happening, all at once.

What do you mean all at once?

I mean it was as if there were four knives [looking down at his hand] cutting at the same time. But invisible ones. I probably could've saved her if I'd moved sooner. But I thought it was just another nightmare, like the one I had the night before. There was this guy who had knives for fingers.

A Nightmare On Elm Street  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Freddy's hat, that she brought back from her dream] It even has his name written in it. Fred Krueger, mom. Fred Krueger. Do you know who that is, mother? Because if you do, you better tell me because he's after me now.

Nancy, trust your mother for once. You'll feel better as soon as you sleep.

Feel better?! You call this feeling better?! Or maybe I should grab that bottle and veg out with you. Avoid everything happening to me by just getting good and loaded.

[Marge slaps her]

Fred Krueger can't come after you, Nancy. He's dead. Believe me, I know.

You knew about him all this time, and you've been acting like he was someone I made up?

You're sick, Nancy. There's something wrong with you. You're imagining things. You need to sleep, (picks up bottle of gin) it's as simple as that.

[throws bottle of gin onto floor] Screw sleep!

Nancy. It's only a nightmare!

That's enough!

A Nightmare On Elm Street  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You want to know who Fred Krueger was? He was a filthy child murderer who killed at least 20 kids in the neighborhood. Kids we all knew.

Oh, mom.

It drove us crazy when we didn't know who was doing it, but it was even worse after they caught him.

Did they put him away?

Marge Well, the lawyers got fat and the judge got famous, but somebody forgot to sign the search warrant in the right place and Krueger was free, just like that.

What did you do, mother?

Marge :
A bunch of us parents tracked him down after they let him out. We found him in an old abandoned boiler room where he used to take his kids.

Go on.

Marge :
We took gasoline, we poured it all over the place, and left a trail of it out the door. Then lit the whole thing up and watched it burn. But he can't get you now. He's dead, honey, because mommy killed him. I even took his knives. [unwraps the cloth, showing the glove] So it's okay now. You can sleep.

A Nightmare On Elm Street  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I know you're there, Freddy.

You think you was gonna get away from me?

I know you too well now, Freddy.

Now, you die.

It's too late, Krueger. I know the secret now. This is just a dream, too. You're not alive. This whole thing is a dream. [turns to face him] I want my mother and friends again.

[starting to shudder] You what?!

I take back every bit of energy I gave you. You're nothing. You're shit.

[Nancy turns and reaches for the door; Freddy tries to lunge at her, but dissolves with a cry of dismay]

A Nightmare On Elm Street  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[As Freddy terrorizes the pool party]

Just calm down, all right? Relax. Yeah... it's gonna be all right. No one's gonna hurt you. Just tell us what you want, all right? I'm here to help you.

Help yourself, fucker! [slices his shoulder and throws him against the flaming barbecue pit]

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Gordon:
l want us to talk about last night. l want us to get our feelings out in the open.

He wasn't strong enough, so he got wasted. That's all.

That's all? is that what you think?

He couldn't hack it, so he got nailed. Period.

Yeah. Big, tough badass. How long will you last?

Longer than any of you.

Just Go ahead and fight. That's what he wants.


Who do you think? What does he want?

[at a group meeting, after Freddy kills Phillip] He's turning us against each other so we will be weak.


No, she's right.

Dr. Simms:
I think We're all missing the point here. Phillip's death was a sleepwalking accident. Nothing more.

No. l could see him up there...his face. He was wide awake... all the way down.

Dr. Gordon:
Then it was suicide. Phillip quit. He gave up.

Joey says it wasn't suicide.

Dr. Gordon:
Listen to me, Joey. Phillip killed himself. That's a cowardly thing. That's an empty thing. He let himself down. He let all of us down.

lt was murder! Can't you understand that? and that bastard murdered him!

Dr. Simms:
I'm not going to take any more of this. How much longer are you going to go on blaming your dreams for your own weaknesses?

Lady, how much longer you gonna keep blowing smoke up our ass?

Dr. Gordon:
That's enough, Kincaid!

Dr. Simms:
There will be no repeat occurrences of last night's events. From now on your doors will be locked during sleeping hours. We'll start a policy of evening sedation for everybody.

[jumping out of his seat] The fuck you will! Anybody tries drugs on me gets his ass kicked!

Dr. Simms:
Well, you just bought yourself a night in the quiet room, mister. Now sit down!

Fuck you! You sit down!

Dr. Gordon:
Easy, Kincaid.

Nobody's putting me to sleep! man! man! Get away! Let me alone! Ain't nobody putting me to sleep! l don't want to go to sleep! l ain't going to sleep!

Dr. Simms:
Stay in your seats.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[referring to the model house that Kristen built herself] I used to live in this house.

That's just a house I dream about.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[talking about Freddy] The man in my dreams, he's real, isn't he?

He's real.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[at a group meeting] I know who's trying to kill you.

Save it lady. We're not in the mood.

He wears a dirty brown hat. He's horribly burned. He has razors on his right hand.

Wh-who is he?

His name is Freddy Krueger. He was a child murderer when he was alive. After he died, he became something much, much worse. Six years ago, he killed my friends. He almost killed me. And now he's back.

But why is he after us?

Yeah, what did we do?

It's not you. It's your parents, my parents. They burned him alive, and now we're paying for their sins. You are the last of the Elm Street children.

Mom and Dad? That's crazy, they never mentioned anything like that.

[sarcastically] Oh, yeah, that's just the kind of thing your parents want to let you know. "Good night darling. Say your prayers. Oh, by the way, your dad and I just torched some maniac last night."

A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[in his dream] In the name of Lowrek, Prince of Elves, demon begone!

[Will zaps at Krueger with magical beams while running toward him]


[Freddy grabs Will, stopping the zapping]

Sorry, kid. I don't believe in fairy tales. [stabs Will in the heart]

A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

He's strong; he's never been this strong.

Yes. The souls of the children give me strength. [rips sweater, revealing faces in chest.]

Oh, God.

Always room for more.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Donald Thompson:
It's really you.

[Freddy's skeleton snarls at him with recognition and hate]

Donald Thompson:
I've killed you once before, you son of a bitch!

A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We have matching luggage again. The bags under your eyes. Nightmares?


God, I hate dreaming.

Mmm. I love to dream. I just hate the ones about my Dad.

How do you handle your nightmares?

My Mom taught me when I was little. Did you ever hear of the dream master?

Sounds like a game show host to me.

No, it's a rhyme. Just have to dream about someplace fun. Remember, you're in control.

How do you know so much about dreams?

When, when it's all you have, you kinda become an expert.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[in Debbie's dream] I don't believe in you.

I believe in you.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Rick comes in and sits next to Alice, who is watching a video with Rick and Kristen in it in their happier days] You made her so happy then.

Yeah, before all this Freddy shit.

[Turns to Rick] You know, I saw it in my dream. Th-There was this horrible man...

[Interrupting Alice with a tone in his voice] Oh, who, Freddy? Freddy? Look, I don't want to hear about Freddy, okay? I heard it all from Kristen and I don't want to hear anymore. So just stop it.

I could smell the smoke. I could feel the fire. It wasn't a dream it was real!

I said stop it! She wasn't crazy and neither are you, so just stop it, please. God, why are you acting this way?

I don't know, Rick. Something happened in the dream and now it's like she's a part of me.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Kristen! Freddy's back! Freddy's back! Freddy's back!

[Freddy stabs Kincaid in the stomach]

I'll see you in hell.

Tell 'em Freddy sent ya.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Elaine Parker:
Something matter with the cuisine?

Well, Mom, I'll tell you, when two of your friends die in the same day, let me know what it does to your appetite.

Elaine Parker:
You're just tired. Don't think I haven't noticed you haven't been sleeping, young lady. That has got to stop, honey.

[suddenly gets up, feeling drowsy instantly] What's wrong with me?

Elaine Parker:
Adolescent anxiety. This will make it better.

[confused, she looks at lemonade which is murky. She drops the glass, which shatters onto the table] Oh, God! What did you do!

Elaine Parker:
Oh, please!

[grabs mom's purse and sleeping pills fall out]

Jesus! Sleeping pills!

Elaine Parker:
Look Kristen, I'm sorry. It's just...

Sorry! Sorry after you and your tennis pals torched this guy, and now he's after me? In case you haven't been keeping score, it's his fucking banquet, and I'm the last course.

Elaine Parker:
Kristen, we went over this in therapy!

No mother, you just murdered me. Take that to your goddamn therapy.

Elaine Parker:

[runs out of the dining room, sedated and falling]

A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Chorus Children:
Now I lay me down to sleep. The Master of Dreams my soul will keep. In the reflection of my mind's eye...

Evil will see itself, and it shall die!

[shines stained glass pane at Freddy]

A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dan Jordan:
[possessed by Freddy Krueger] Hi, Alice. Want to make babies?

A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Security Guard:
[is checking Alex's bag] What's this?

Alex Rover:
It's for my soup.

Nim's Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Security Guard:
Not allowed.

Alex Rover:
How am I supposed to open it? With my teeth?

Security Guard:
[Holds up Purell] What are these?

Alex Rover:
Oh its hand sanitizer, it is an excellent...[stammers as guard confiscates Purell]

Security Guard:
Not allowed! I'm sorry madame. No liquids greater than 3 ounces allowed.

Alex Rover:
But I...

Security Guard:

Nim's Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alexandra Rover:
I took a plane, I took a helicopter, I stole a boat!

Nim Rusoe:
[to Alexandra] You came here all the way from San Fransisco and you don't know how to do anything.

Nim's Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said: "It is an ideal for which I hope to live for and to see realized. But, My Lord, if it needs to be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."?
A Che Guevara
B Pep Guardiola
C William Wallace
D Nelson Mandela