Malcolm X:
[about the disciples of Christ] What color were they?
Chaplain Gill:
Well, I don't think we know that for certain.
Malcolm X:
But they were Hebrews, were they not?
Chaplain Gill:
That's right.
Malcolm X:
As was Jesus. Jesus was also a Hebrew.
Chaplain Gill:
Why don't you just ask your question.
Malcolm X:
What color were the original Hebrews?
Chaplain Gill:
I have told you that we don't know that for certain.
Malcolm X:
Then you can't believe for certain that Jesus was white.
Chaplain Gill:
Just... Just a moment. Just a moment. God is white. [pointing to a painting of a white Jesus hanging on the wall] Isn't it obvious?
Malcolm X:
Well, that [nodding to the painting] is obvious, but we don't know if it's obvious that God is white. The honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that Jesus did not have blond hair and blue eyes. The honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that the images of Jesus that are on prison walls and churches throughout the world are not historically correct because history teaches us that Jesus was born in a region where the people had color. There's proof in the very Bible you ask us to read, in Revelations, first chapter, verse fourteen and fifteen, that Jesus had hair like wool and feet the color of brass.
Chaplain Gill:
Now just... just what are you saying?
Malcolm X:
I'm not saying anything; I'm proving to you that Jesus was not, and I might quote one of my Indian brothers, he was not a pale-face.
Chaplain Gill:
[pensively] Uh-huh.
Malcom X:
Chaplain Gill:
Isn't that interesting.