Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,517

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I don't look too foolish?

Foolish? If this dress were walking down the boulevard all by itself, I would follow it from one end of Paris to the other, and when I caught up with it, I would say, 'Wait a moment, you charming little dress. I want you to meet two were meant for each other.'

Ninotchka  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I have things to tell you about which I can't shout. Darling...I...oh... [He takes her in his arms and kisses her] You see, I couldn't shout that.

Oh Leon, Leon, you know the jokes you told me a few days ago? I wake up in the middle of the night and laugh at them. You know that's wrong. They aren't funny, they're silly, they're stupid. And still, I laugh at them...and when I look at Buljanoff and Iranoff and Kopalski I know they are scoundrels and I should hate them - then I realize who made them like that, and instead of sending my report to Moscow I go down and buy a ridiculous hat, and if this keeps on - am I too talkative?

No, no...go on.

Leon, I want to tell you something which I thought I would never say, which I thought nobody ever should say, because I didn't think it existed...and, Leon...I can't say it...[They kiss again and then embrace]

What a gesture for a Sergeant.

Ninotchka  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The closest I ever came to champagne was in a newsreel. The wife of some president was throwing it at a battleship.

It's always good luck to launch something with champagne; a battleship...or an evening.

It's funny to look back. I was brought up on goat's milk. I had a ration of vodka in the army, and now champagne.

From goats to grapes. That's drinking in the right direction.

[After her first taste, her face grimaces but then breaks into a smile] It's good. [She drinks the whole glass down at once] From what I read I thought champagne was a strong drink. It's delicate. Does anyone ever get drunk on this?

Well, there have been cases...but the headache the next morning is worth while - if you drink it with the right toast. [They toast, raising their glasses] To us, Ninotchka!

Ninotchka  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Is that what they're wearing in Moscow this year?

No, last year, madame.

Isn't it amazing? One gets the wrong impression of the new Russia. It must be charming. I'm delighted conditions have improved so. I assume this is what the factory workers wear at their dances.

Exactly. You see, it would have been very embarrassing for people of my sort to wear low-cut gowns in the old Russia. The lashes of the Cossacks across our backs were not very becoming, and you know how vain women are.

Yes, you're quite right about the Cossacks. We made a great mistake when we let them use their whips. They had such reliable guns.

Ninotchka  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The only thing we have in common is our lawsuit and that will be settled next week. I understand everything will be over by Thursday. Am I right?...It's too bad you have so few more days here in Paris. [To Leon] Now Leon, be sure and redouble your efforts so that Madame can take some pleasant memories when she returns to Moscow.

[Swana leaves]

The only thing that will be over on Thursday will be the lawsuit. There will be no Thursday for us, next week or any other week. I won't let it happen. I'll tear it out of the calendar. Is that a good story?

Ninotchka  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Let's form our own Party.

Right. 'Lovers of the World Unite!'

And we won't stretch up our arms...

No! No!

...and we won't clench our fists...

No! No!

Our salute will be a kiss.

Yes...a kiss. Salute! [She sinks into his arms and they kiss]

I am so happy. Oh I'm so happy. No one can be so happy without being punished. I will be punished and I should be punished. Leon, I want to confess.

I's the Russian soul.

Well, everyone wants to confess and if they don't confess, they make them confess. I am a traitor. When I kissed you, I betrayed a Russian ideal. I should be stood up against the wall.

Would that make you any happier?

Much happier.

All right.

Ninotchka  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Deputy Wendell:
This is turnin' into a hell of a mess, ain't it, Sheriff?

Sheriff Ed Tom Bell:
If it isn't, it'll do until the mess gets here.

No Country for Old Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Ed Tom Bell:
Aw, now that's aggrevatin'.

Deputy Wendell:

Sheriff Ed Tom Bell:
[Gestures to a bottle of milk on the coffee table] Still sweatin'.

Deputy Wendell:
Oh, Sheriff! We just missed him! We gotta circulate this, on radio!

Sheriff Ed Tom Bell:
[Grabbing a glass] Alright. Then what do we circulate? [Takes a seat and pours a glass of milk from the bottle] Lookin' for a man who's recently drunk milk?

Deputy Wendell:
Oh, Sheriff, that's aggrevatin'.

Sheriff Ed Tom Bell:
I'm ahead of you, there.

Deputy Wendell:
You think this boy Moss has got any notion of the sorts of sons of bitches that're on him?

Sheriff Ed Tom Bell:
I don't know, he ought to. [Drinking the milk, looking at the blank TV screen.] He's seen the same things I've seen, and it's certainly made an impression on me.

No Country for Old Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wells is visiting Moss in the hospital]

Buenos Dias. I'm guessing this isn't the future you had planned for yourself when you first clapped eyes on that money. Don't worry. I'm not the man who's after you.

I know that. I've seen him.

[surprised] You've seen him, and you're not dead?

What's this guy supposed to be, the ultimate badass?

No, I wouldn't describe him as that.

How would you describe him?

I guess I would say he doesn't have a sense of humor.

No Country for Old Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Tom and Susan are making out in the limo when Tom notices the driver is watching them]

What's your name?

Bill the Limo driver:

Hi Bill. Could you close the slide, please?

Bill the Limo driver:
Uh, sure.

[as the window goes up] Sorry, Bill.

No Way Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Scott Pritchard:
[about Brice] He's the most extraordinary person I've ever met in my life. If it came to it, I'd lay down my life for him.

Is that a job requirement?

No Way Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[A Contra has chased Tom to the Secretary's Office when they are stopped by the MPs]

[to nearest MP] I am your superior officer and I am giving you a direct order to arrest this man.

I have orders from Pritchard!

Do it!

I have my orders from Pritchard!

[to Contra] Shut up!

[Tom kicks Contra in the groin, who is then dragged away by the MPs]

And if he resists, shoot him!

Yes, sir!

No Way Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Scott Pritchard has committed suicide and Major Donavan has just stormed into Brice's office]

David Brice:
Your search is over, Major!

Maj. Donovan:
[looking at Scott's corpse] Is that...?

David Brice:
He shot himself!

No Way Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[running joke]

Miss Beryl:
Can I interest you in a cup of tea?

No. Not now. Not ever.

Nobody's Fool  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Toby] Don't tell me she's pregnant.

Knocked up like a cheerleader. Eh, I suppose now you're gonna to want to be godfather.

Hey... I can't be the father and the godfather. You got to goddamn do something.

Nobody's Fool  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, you're a man among men, Sully.

Well, thanks.

That wasn't a compliment!

Nobody's Fool  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You ain't naked or anything, are ya?

No, but I can be in about 2 seconds.

Well, take your time. I need a cup of coffee. [on phone] Ace Towing? Sullivan. I'm just around the corner. 313 Harvin. Pick me up. Charge it. Tip Top Construction Company. Thanks. [hangs up phone] Horace?...

Horace Yaney:
Hi, Sully. I ain't naked either.

Thank God for that!

Nobody's Fool  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Go home, you jerk. You're married to the best-looking woman in Bath.

Who was it that said, "A man's reach should exceed his grasp?"

Nobody's Fool  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I want to thank you for thinking of me.


I, uh... You know, until a while ago, I could've... I could've... but... I just found out I'm somebody's grandfather. I'm somebody's father, and... and maybe... I'm somebody's friend in the bargain. So...

Yeah. You are a man among men.

I know, it's not a compliment.

No, this time it is.

Nobody's Fool  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You'd keep my leg, wouldn't you?

You don't need a leg, you need a parrot.

Nobody's Fool  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How about that? Intelligence, hard work and good looks finally pay off.

And to think we were here to see it.

Nobody's Fool  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

But I never lost hope. I knew that someday I'd find another somebody to share my life with. All I had to do was just be patient.

9-Year-Old Norbit:
[After two twin bullies smash his sandcastle] What d'ya do that for?

One of the Bullies:
'Cause we felt like it.

Both Bullies:
What are you gonna do about it?

[The bullies pick on Norbit, by one of them simply shaking him on his side and the other beating him up. Suddenly, a 10-year-old Rasputia comes over and lifts the bullies up by the shirts]

10-Year-Old Rasputia:
[to the bullies] Leave him alone!

Both Bullies:
Says who?

[Rasputia knocks the bullies' heads together and throws them off sideways]

9-Year-Old Norbit:
Who are you?

10-Year-Old Rasputia:
Rasputia. What's your name?

9-Year-Old Norbit:

10-Year-Old Rasputia:
"Norbit"? That's a stupid name.

9-Year-Old Norbit:
Why'd you beat those boys up?

10-Year-Old Rasputia:
To protect you. You got a girlfriend, Nesbitt?

9-Year-Old Norbit:
Uh, Norbit. No...

10-Year-Old Rasputia:
Well, you do now. Get your ass up and hold my hand.

9-Year-Old Norbit:
Okay. [the source of Rasputia's catchphrase] How you doing?

Norbit  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After seeing Norbit, trying to get out of the house] NORBIT!!

Oh! Good Morning, Rasputia! Good Morning! How are you this morning?

Where the hell YOU going?!

Oh... ummmm. Nowhere special. I was just going to Raging Waters.

Raging Waters?

Norbit  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rasputia, we took vows. I'm your husband. RASPUTIA!! WE TOOK VOWS, AND YOU CHEATED ON ME!!


YES IT DID!! [Rasputia stops and gasps] AND THAT MAKES YOU... THE QUEEN OF WHORES!!!

Aagh!! [Rasputia suddenly turns back and runs towards Norbit]

Norbit  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane." ?
A Mission: Impossible
B Shawshank Redemption
C Blues Brothers
D Die Hard