Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,634

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Dr. Sanderson:
Dr. Chumley, I'm afraid there's been a serious error —

Dr. Chumley:
Dr. Sanderson, we don't permit errors in this institution.

Harvey  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Sanderson:
It sounds funny, but I'll miss this place. I guess I'll miss a lot of things around here.

Miss Kelly:
You will?

Dr. Sanderson:
You won't laugh?

Miss Kelly:
Of course not.

Dr. Sanderson:
You know how it is working around people all day. You sort of get attached to them.

Miss Kelly:
I know, Limon.

Dr. Sanderson:
It may be ridiculous, but I'm gonna miss every one of the psychos, neuros, and schizos in the place.


Miss Kelly:
Well, you can miss your psychos and your schizos, Dr, Sanderson, and you can miss whomever you please. But after you leave here I won't miss a thing — not a single solitary thing.

Dr. Sanderson:
Now what's wrong?

Miss Kelly:
Nothing — I — I came down here to say good-bye to you, so good-bye, good luck and good riddance.

Dr. Sanderson:
Why, you can't even say good-bye without putting it on a personal basis.

Miss Kelly:
Oh, don't flatter yourself, doctor. There's nothing personal about this.

Dr. Sanderson:
I think you've been working too hard, Kelly. You're getting neurotic.

Miss Kelly:
Now don't start analyzing me. Save your psychiatry for your next job.

Dr. Sanderson:
I'm not using psychiatry, Miss Kelly — and let me give you a little friendly advice — that chip on your shoulder stems from a persecution complex that undoubtedly goes back to childhood.

Miss Kelly:
Well, thanks so much for the case history, doctor. Now could you tell me what an over-inflated ego stems from?

Dr. Sanderson:
Now listen here!

Harvey  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Loomis:
Ever done anything like this before?

Marion Chambers:
Only minimum security.

Dr. Loomis:
I see.

Marion Chambers:
The only thing I can't stand is their gibberish... how they keep ranting on and on.

Dr. Loomis:
You haven't anything to worry about. He hasn't spoken a word in 15 years.

Marion Chambers:
Are there any special instructions?

Dr. Loomis:
Just try and understand what we're dealing with here. Don't underestimate it.

Marion Chambers:
Don't you think we could refer to it as him?

Dr. Loomis:
If you say so.

Marion Chambers:
Your compassion's overwhelming, doctor. You're serious about it, aren't you?

Dr. Loomis:

Marion Chambers:
You mean you actually never want him to get out?

Dr. Loomis:
Never, ever. Never.

Marion Chambers:
Then why are we taking him up to Hardin County if you're just gonna lock...

Dr. Loomis:
Because that is the law.

[After Michael escapes]

Dr. Loomis:
He's gone! He's gone from here! The evil is gone!

Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Wynn:
I'm not responsible, Sam.

Dr. Loomis:
Oh, no.

Dr. Wynn:
I told them how dangerous he was.

Dr. Loomis:
You couldn't have! Two roadblocks and an all points bulletin wouldn't stop a five-year-old.

Dr. Wynn:
Well, he's your patient. If you knew that the precautions weren't strong enough, you should have told somebody.

Dr. Loomis:
I told everybody! Nobody listened.

Dr. Wynn:
There's nothing else I can do.

Dr. Loomis:
You can get back in there and get back on that telephone and tell them exactly who walked out of here last night and tell them exactly where he's going.

Dr. Wynn:
Probably going.

Dr. Loomis:
I'm wasting my time.

Dr. Wynn:
Sam, Haddonfield is 150 miles away from here. For God's sake, he can't drive a car!

Dr. Loomis:
He was doing very well last night! Maybe someone around here gave him lessons.

Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Michael Myers' car cruises by the girls walking home from school]

Hey, jerk! Speed kills! [Michael's car screeches to a halt] God, can't he take a joke? [the car resumes cruising down the street]

Laurie Strode:
You know, Annie, someday, you're going to get us all in deep trouble!


I hate a guy with a car and no sense of humor.

Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[looking behind a bush for the stranger Laurie saw] Hey, creep! [coyly] Laurie, dear, he wants to talk to you. He wants to take you out tonight.

He was standing right there.

Poor Laurie. Scared another one away. It's tragic. You never go out. You must have a small fortune stashed from baby-sitting so much.

Guys think I'm too smart.

I don't. I think you're wacko. Now you see men behind bushes.

Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Graveyard Keeper:
Yeah, you know every town has something like this happen... I remember over in Russellville, old Charlie Bowles, about fifteen years ago... One night, he finished dinner, and he excused himself from the table. He went out to the garage, and got himself a hacksaw. Then he went back into the house, kissed his wife and his two children goodbye, and then he proceeded to...

Dr. Loomis:
Where are we?

Graveyard Keeper:
Eh? Oh, it's, uh, right over here. Yes, Judith Myers. Couldn't believe it... such a young boy. [Dr. Loomis and Graveyard Keeper stop, and the Keeper looks confused]

Dr. Loomis:
[Puzzled] What are you, lost?

Graveyard Keeper:
[The headstone for Judith Myers is missing] Why do they do it? Goddamn kids! They'll do anything for Halloween.

Dr. Loomis:
[deep inhale] He came home!...

Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Loomis:
Does anybody live here?

Sheriff Brackett:
No, not since 1963 when it happened. Every kid in Haddonfield thinks this place is haunted.

Dr. Loomis:
They may be right. [After noticing something in the beam of the flashlight] Look!

Sheriff Brackett:
What? What is that?

Dr. Loomis:
It's a dog.

Sheriff Brackett:
It's still warm.

Dr. Loomis:
He got hungry.

Sheriff Brackett:
...It coulda been a skunk.

Dr. Loomis:
Could have, huh?

Sheriff Brackett:
A man wouldn't do that.

Dr. Loomis:
This isn't a man! [he and Sheriff Brackett go upstairs into Judith Myers' bedroom] It happened in here. [walks to the window] He could've been standing outside, seen us right through this window. [a gutter slams into the window, startling Loomis and causing him to draw a revolver] You must think me a very sinister doctor. Oh, I do have a permit.

Sheriff Brackett:
Seems to me you're just plain scared.

Dr. Loomis:
Yes, I am, uh... I met him fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no, uh, conscience, no understanding and even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes, the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him and then another seven trying to keep him locked up, because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply...evil.

Sheriff Brackett:
What do we do?

Dr. Loomis:
He's been here once tonight. I think he'll come back. I'm gonna wait for him.

Sheriff Brackett:
I still think I should notify the radio--

Dr. Loomis:
No. If you do that, they'll see him on every street corner, they'll look for him in every house. Just tell your men to keep their mouths shut and their eyes open.

Sheriff Brackett:
I'll check back in an hour.

Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What about the boogeyman?

There's no such thing.

Richie said he was coming after me tonight.

Do you believe everything Richie tells you?


Halloween is when people play tricks on each other. It's all make-believe. I think Richie was just trying to scare you.

I saw the boogeyman. I saw him outside.

There was nobody outside.

There was!

What did he look like?

The boogeyman.

We're not getting anywhere. All right, the boogeyman can only come out on Halloween night, right?...Well, I'm here tonight and I'm not about to let anything happen to you.



Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Brackett:
Nothing's going on except kids playing pranks, trick-or-treating, parking, getting high. I have a feeling that you're way off on this.

Dr. Loomis:
You have the wrong feeling.

Sheriff Brackett:
You're not doing very much to prove me wrong!

Dr. Loomis:
What more do you need?

Sheriff Brackett:
Well, it's going to take more than fancy talk to keep me up all night crawling around these bushes.

Dr. Loomis:
I watched him for fifteen years, sitting in a room, staring at a wall, not seeing the wall, looking past the wall, looking at this night, inhumanly patient, waiting for some secret, silent alarm to trigger him off. Death has come to your little town, Sheriff. You can either ignore it, or you can help me to stop it.

Sheriff Brackett:
More fancy talk. Doctor, do you know what Haddonfield is? Families, children, all lined up in rows up and down these streets. You're telling me they're lined up for a slaughterhouse.

Dr. Loomis:
They could be.

Sheriff Brackett:
[thinks for a second] All right, I'll stay here with you tonight, just on the chance that you're right. And if you are right, damn you for letting him go.

Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Was it the boogeyman?

I'm scared!

There's nothing to be scared of, now get changed.

Are you sure? How? [Michael walks up the stairs behind Laurie]

I killed him.

You can't kill the boogeyman! [looks behind her to see Michael; he and Lindsey scream and panic]

Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Last lines]

[after Michael falls off the balcony] It was the boogeyman.

Dr. Loomis:
As a matter of fact, it was.

Halloween  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Doyle Neighbor:
What's going on out here?

Dr. Loomis:
Call the police! Tell the sheriff I shot him!

Doyle Neighbor:

Dr. Loomis:
Tell him, he's still on the loose!

Doyle Neighbor:
Is this some kind of joke? I've been trick-or-treated to death tonight.

Dr. Loomis:
[looks at the blood on his hand] You don't know what death is!

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Brackett:
You know, doctor, I'm just about there.

Dr. Loomis:

Sheriff Brackett:
The point where I stop taking orders from you.

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Deputy Hunt:
[getting out of a police car] Leigh? Leigh, they found three bodies.

Sheriff Brackett:

Deputy Hunt:
Across the street from the Doyle house. Three kids. Leigh, one of them was Annie!

Sheriff Brackett:
[shocked] What?! [he, Deputy Hunt, and Dr. Loomis get in the car and drive off]

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

God, they should have handled him more carefully.


Michael Myers.

Michael Myers?

Yeah, he's the guy who was after you.

You mean from the Myers House? That little kid who killed his sister? But he's in a hospital somewhere!

He escaped last night.

How do you know?

It's all over the radio. Television too, it's on right now.

[gasps] Why me? I mean, why me?

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Deputy Hunt:
[as he, Sheriff Brackett, and Dr. Loomis get out of the car and approach the Wallace house] Not now.

Sheriff Brackett:
[after positively identifying his deceased daughter Annie and sadly closing her eyes before she is taken away] I uh... have to... uh... go and tell my wife before somebody else does.

Deputy Hunt:
Go on home, Leigh. Go on home. I'll take care of everything.

Sheriff Brackett:
[glares at Dr. Loomis] Damn you!

Dr. Loomis:
I'm sorry.

Sheriff Brackett:
What have you done?!

Dr. Loomis:
I haven't done anything.

Sheriff Brackett:

Dr. Loomis:
[as Sheriff Brackett angrily leaves] I didn't let him out; I gave orders for him to be restrained.

Deputy Hunt:
Now, is there anything else that we can do for you?

Dr. Loomis:
[still feeling bad for Sheriff Brackett over the loss of his daughter] If that wasn't Michael Myers burning up in that car, then a lot of other kids are going to be slaughtered tonight.

Deputy Hunt:
He's dead. You saw it.

Dr. Loomis:
I saw a man in a mask.

Deputy Hunt:
It was him.

Dr. Loomis:
I want to believe you, but I have to be sure. I cannot stop until I'm certain he's dead.

Deputy Hunt:
You're talking about him like he's some kind of animal.

Dr. Loomis:
He was my patient for fifteen years. He became an obsession with me until I realized that there was nothing within him, neither conscience nor reason nor that was... even remotely human. An hour ago I stood up and fired six shots into him and then he just got up and walked away. I am talking about the real possibility that he is STILL OUT THERE!

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Deputy Hunt:
[about a symbol on the blackboard as a car pulls up outside] What's this?

It's gibberish.

Dr. Loomis:
No. It's a Celtic word. Samhain. It means "the lord of the dead." The end of summer. The festival of Samhain. October 31st.

[entering the classroom] Dr. Loomis?

Dr. Loomis:

I have to talk to you.

Dr. Loomis:
Oh, I didn't recognize you. What are you doing here?

Privately. [Dr. Loomis follows her out of the room; in the hallway, he lights a cigarette in her mouth] Thanks. Dr. Loomis, you've been ordered back to Smith's Grove.

Dr. Loomis:
Ordered? You can't order me.

No. No. But the governor can. He spoke to Dr. Rogers personally a few hours ago.

Dr. Loomis:
[feigning surprise] The governor... [laughs] Well, well.

Dr. Loomis, this thing is all over the state: The patient escapes once, murders three teenagers, you shoot him with a gun, he escapes again.

Dr. Loomis:
Someone should have listened to me earlier.

I know. I'm sorry. Dr. Rogers is just afraid this could jeopardize our whole rehabilitation program. He doesn't want anyone from the mental health department anywhere near Haddonfield.

Dr. Loomis:
Why did he send you down here, then?

In case you'd already found him... alive.

Dr. Loomis:
Tell Dr. Rogers... tell him you couldn't find me, tell him anything. I can't leave Haddonfield now.

I'm afraid you don't have a choice. There's a Marshal waiting for you outside.

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Loomis:
[as he, Marion, and the Marshal drive out of Haddonfield] You didn't believe me, nobody did.

I'm sorry.

Dr. Loomis:
Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for that little town back there. It'll be years before they forget this.

Dr. Loomis, I think there's something else you should know.

Dr. Loomis:
Did you see the blackboard back there in the elementary school?


Dr. Loomis:
In order to appease the gods, the Druid priests held fire rituals. Prisoners of war, criminals, the insane, animals... were... burned alive in baskets. By observing the way they died, the Druids believed they could see omens of the future. Two thousand years later, we've come no further. Samhain isn't evil spirits. It isn't goblins, ghosts or witches. It's the unconscious mind. We're all afraid of the dark inside ourselves.

Dr. Loomis, please listen to me; this is very important. There's a file on Michael Myers that nobody knew about.

Dr. Loomis:
I've seen everything.

No! No. It was hidden, sealed by the court after his parents were killed. Now after the Governor heard what happened tonight, he authorized Dr. Rogers to open it.

Dr. Loomis:
What file?

It isn't fair. They should have allowed you to examine everything. That girl, that Strode girl, that's Michael Myers' sister. She was born two years before he was committed. Two years after, his parents died, and she was adopted by the Strodes. They requested that the records be sealed in order to protect the family!

Dr. Loomis:
[realizing why Michael returned home to Haddonfield] Geez! Don't you see what he's doing here in Haddonfield?! He killed one sister fifteen years ago, now he's trying to kill the other! [remembering that he just defended Laurie from Michael a few hours ago] Tonight, after I shot him, where did they take her?

The clinic.

Dr. Loomis:
The clinic, where-- [To the marshal] Do you know this area well?

A little bit.

Dr. Loomis:
Where is the hospital located?

Dr. Loomis, we're under orders from the governor!

It's back on Route 17, about 3 miles.

Dr. Loomis:
Turn this car around now!

I can't do that. I've got orders.

Dr. Loomis:
[pulls out his pistol and points it at the marshal] Those orders just changed!

Dr. Loomis!

[calmly] Doctor, you're getting yourself into a lot of trouble.

Dr. Loomis:
What do you fellows usually do? Fire a warning shot, right? [shoots out window. The marshal stops the car and turns it around]

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Loomis:
[he, Marion, and the Marshal have just arrived at the hospital] I ought to handcuff you to the wheel, but I have a feeling I'm going to need you in there. Can I trust you?

What have I got to lose, except my job? [the three of them exit the car]

Help... me... Help... [they walk inside without even hearing or noticing her] Help me!

Dr. Loomis:
[To the marshal] Go and check all the rooms down there. Go on! [the Marshal walks down the hallway]

[angrily] Dr. Loomis!

Dr. Loomis:
You stay with me and shut up.

[gets to her feet and limps towards the door; she sees Michael appear and runs for the door as he slowly approaches her] Help! [pounds on the door repeatedly while screaming "Help!"; the marshal hears her screams and runs back to the entrance] Please! Help! Please! [Dr. Loomis races to the door as Michael gets closer to Laurie]

Dr. Loomis:
[opening the door for Laurie] Come on, get in!

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Unit calling, identify.

Marion Chambers with Dr. Loomis at the clinic - he's here!

Ah, ten-four. Unit calling, identify suspect.

Michael Myers! Just get your ass over here!

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Loomis:
I'm sorry I left you. Are you all right?

Why won't he die?

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Conal Cochran:
Enjoy the horror-thon, doctor... and don't forget to watch the big giveaway afterwards.

Daniel Challis:
Why, Cochran, why?

Conal Cochran:
Do I need a reason? Mr. Kupfer was right, you know... I do love a good joke and this is the best ever, a joke on the children. But there's a better reason... you don't really know much about Halloween... you thought no further than the strange custom of having your children wear masks and go out begging for candy.

Conal Cochran:
It was the start of the year in our old Celtic lands, and we'd be waiting... in our houses of wattles and clay. The barriers would be down, you see, between the real and the unreal, and the dead might be looking in... to sit by our fires of turf. Halloween... the festival of Samhain! The last great one took place three thousand years ago, when the hills ran red... with the blood of animals and children.

Daniel Challis:

Conal Cochran:
It was part of our world... our craft.

Daniel Challis:

Conal Cochran:
To us, it was a way of controlling our environment. It's not so different now... it's time again. In the end... we don't decide these things, you know... the planets do. They're in alignment, and it's time again. The world's going to change tonight, doctor, I'm glad you'll be able to watch it. And... happy Halloween.

Halloween III: Season of the Witch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Daniel Challis:
[last lines; on the phone with the TV network; the Silver Shamrock commercial begins] If it goes on, it means the death of millions of people, everyone watching, don't you understand that? Well... well say it's a bomb then, say whatever you want, just get it off the air! Please, you jus... No, no I can't prove it, you gotta believe me! Believe me! Take it off the air now, please! You've got to, it...

[the commercial is interrupted] Please excuse the interruption, we're having technical problems. Please stand by.

[Kid changes channel. The commercial is interrupted]

We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by.

[Kid changes channel again, the commercial plays and shows no signs of stopping]

Daniel Challis:
The third channel, it's still on. Please, take off the third channel. The third channel, it's still running. Stop it, please, for God's sake, please stop it. There's no more time! Please stop it. Stop it now. Turn it off! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!!!!

Halloween III: Season of the Witch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A Star Trek Generations
B Conquest of Space
C Apollo 13
D 2001: A Space Odyssey