Brenda Bradford:
I've got something special to show you. Ta-da! The Gadgetmobile.
Inspector Gadget:
Brenda Bradford:
It's for you. [Gadget is stunned] I made it myself. Come on.
Inspector Gadget:
You made me a car? The only thing anybody's ever made me before is a sweater.
Brenda Bradford:
All right. Now, it may look simple, but this thing has just about as many factory extras as you do. [Gadget hesitates] Come on! Get in there!
Inspector Gadget:
Brenda Bradford:
Watch the coat. Okay.
Inspector Gadget:
[intrigued] Gosh. She's Incredible.
Brenda Bradford:
Oh, it's a he.
Inspector Gadget:
Excuse me?
Brenda Bradford:
You'll see. Okay, now, it has voice activation, ejection seats, a power-assisted metamorphic camouflage system, a cardio-homing device, then there's a periscope, a candy--
Inspector Gadget:
Dr. Bradford, there's something I just have to ask you.
Brenda Bradford:
Oh, just say "Go Go Gadgetmobile."
Inspector Gadget:
Yes, but will you-- "Go Go Gadgetmobile"?
Good mornin', Riverton! Hey! Who's in the car? I work alone! [he drives off with Gadget in tow] Hey. Before we hit the road, I gotta tell you somethin'. Duck!
[Gadget hits his head on garage door.]
Inspector Gadget:
I don't think the car likes me!
Who you calling "car"? I'm a crime-fighting machine. Watch this. Back turn! Haven't you fallen out yet?
Inspector Gadget:
No, sir, I haven't!
Who are you, rookie?
Inspector Gadget:
I'm Officer John Brown, and you're exceeding the speed limit.
[Inspector Gadget tries to stop the Gadgetmobile, but can't]
Speed limits are for cars, not the Gadgetmobile.
Inspector Gadget:
Are you-- Are you talking to me?
Speaking of breaking the law, who's not wearing a seat belt? You gotta wear the belt, baby. [brings out belt with the "Inspector Gadget" logo.] It's a Disney movie. Now, I'm gonna find me some crime. Whoo! More back turns!
Inspector Gadget:
Can you slow down, please? I-- I get carsick.
Well, you know what makes me people sick? A rookie who thinks he's good enough for Dr. B.
Inspector Gadget:
Not that it's any of your business, but what makes you think I was putting the moves on Dr. Bradford?
Hey, I got heat sensors, and I know what you're thinkin' when Dr. B. gave you that smile. Now, look here, come clean with me, or I'm gonna bounce you right outta here.
Inspector Gadget:
I can assure you my interest on Dr. Bradford is professional.
[laughs sarcastically] Professional, huh? Well, good. Keep it that way, and that's an order. You got it?
Inspector Gadget:
Uh, I'm the inspector, you're the car.
I'll tell you what you are. You're-- [Gadget punches Gadgetmobile] Don't make me go "De-La-Hoya!" on you.
Inspector Gadget:
Isn't there an off button or something? A mute? [Paintball hits a man] Sorry, sir!
Don't push my buttons without reading the manual! [sees hot dog vendor] Ooh, watch out there, now! [avoids hot dog vendor] Ha-ha!
Hot Dog Vendor:
Oh, man, I got a June bug in my grill. [spits out June bug, which splats on the camera lens.]
Inspector Gadget:
Shouldn't we be working together, helping people?!
Why didn't you say so? [stops]