Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,640

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Doyle Neighbor:
What's going on out here?

Dr. Loomis:
Call the police! Tell the sheriff I shot him!

Doyle Neighbor:

Dr. Loomis:
Tell him, he's still on the loose!

Doyle Neighbor:
Is this some kind of joke? I've been trick-or-treated to death tonight.

Dr. Loomis:
[looks at the blood on his hand] You don't know what death is!

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Brackett:
You know, doctor, I'm just about there.

Dr. Loomis:

Sheriff Brackett:
The point where I stop taking orders from you.

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Deputy Hunt:
[getting out of a police car] Leigh? Leigh, they found three bodies.

Sheriff Brackett:

Deputy Hunt:
Across the street from the Doyle house. Three kids. Leigh, one of them was Annie!

Sheriff Brackett:
[shocked] What?! [he, Deputy Hunt, and Dr. Loomis get in the car and drive off]

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

God, they should have handled him more carefully.


Michael Myers.

Michael Myers?

Yeah, he's the guy who was after you.

You mean from the Myers House? That little kid who killed his sister? But he's in a hospital somewhere!

He escaped last night.

How do you know?

It's all over the radio. Television too, it's on right now.

[gasps] Why me? I mean, why me?

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Deputy Hunt:
[as he, Sheriff Brackett, and Dr. Loomis get out of the car and approach the Wallace house] Not now.

Sheriff Brackett:
[after positively identifying his deceased daughter Annie and sadly closing her eyes before she is taken away] I uh... have to... uh... go and tell my wife before somebody else does.

Deputy Hunt:
Go on home, Leigh. Go on home. I'll take care of everything.

Sheriff Brackett:
[glares at Dr. Loomis] Damn you!

Dr. Loomis:
I'm sorry.

Sheriff Brackett:
What have you done?!

Dr. Loomis:
I haven't done anything.

Sheriff Brackett:

Dr. Loomis:
[as Sheriff Brackett angrily leaves] I didn't let him out; I gave orders for him to be restrained.

Deputy Hunt:
Now, is there anything else that we can do for you?

Dr. Loomis:
[still feeling bad for Sheriff Brackett over the loss of his daughter] If that wasn't Michael Myers burning up in that car, then a lot of other kids are going to be slaughtered tonight.

Deputy Hunt:
He's dead. You saw it.

Dr. Loomis:
I saw a man in a mask.

Deputy Hunt:
It was him.

Dr. Loomis:
I want to believe you, but I have to be sure. I cannot stop until I'm certain he's dead.

Deputy Hunt:
You're talking about him like he's some kind of animal.

Dr. Loomis:
He was my patient for fifteen years. He became an obsession with me until I realized that there was nothing within him, neither conscience nor reason nor that was... even remotely human. An hour ago I stood up and fired six shots into him and then he just got up and walked away. I am talking about the real possibility that he is STILL OUT THERE!

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Deputy Hunt:
[about a symbol on the blackboard as a car pulls up outside] What's this?

It's gibberish.

Dr. Loomis:
No. It's a Celtic word. Samhain. It means "the lord of the dead." The end of summer. The festival of Samhain. October 31st.

[entering the classroom] Dr. Loomis?

Dr. Loomis:

I have to talk to you.

Dr. Loomis:
Oh, I didn't recognize you. What are you doing here?

Privately. [Dr. Loomis follows her out of the room; in the hallway, he lights a cigarette in her mouth] Thanks. Dr. Loomis, you've been ordered back to Smith's Grove.

Dr. Loomis:
Ordered? You can't order me.

No. No. But the governor can. He spoke to Dr. Rogers personally a few hours ago.

Dr. Loomis:
[feigning surprise] The governor... [laughs] Well, well.

Dr. Loomis, this thing is all over the state: The patient escapes once, murders three teenagers, you shoot him with a gun, he escapes again.

Dr. Loomis:
Someone should have listened to me earlier.

I know. I'm sorry. Dr. Rogers is just afraid this could jeopardize our whole rehabilitation program. He doesn't want anyone from the mental health department anywhere near Haddonfield.

Dr. Loomis:
Why did he send you down here, then?

In case you'd already found him... alive.

Dr. Loomis:
Tell Dr. Rogers... tell him you couldn't find me, tell him anything. I can't leave Haddonfield now.

I'm afraid you don't have a choice. There's a Marshal waiting for you outside.

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Loomis:
[as he, Marion, and the Marshal drive out of Haddonfield] You didn't believe me, nobody did.

I'm sorry.

Dr. Loomis:
Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for that little town back there. It'll be years before they forget this.

Dr. Loomis, I think there's something else you should know.

Dr. Loomis:
Did you see the blackboard back there in the elementary school?


Dr. Loomis:
In order to appease the gods, the Druid priests held fire rituals. Prisoners of war, criminals, the insane, animals... were... burned alive in baskets. By observing the way they died, the Druids believed they could see omens of the future. Two thousand years later, we've come no further. Samhain isn't evil spirits. It isn't goblins, ghosts or witches. It's the unconscious mind. We're all afraid of the dark inside ourselves.

Dr. Loomis, please listen to me; this is very important. There's a file on Michael Myers that nobody knew about.

Dr. Loomis:
I've seen everything.

No! No. It was hidden, sealed by the court after his parents were killed. Now after the Governor heard what happened tonight, he authorized Dr. Rogers to open it.

Dr. Loomis:
What file?

It isn't fair. They should have allowed you to examine everything. That girl, that Strode girl, that's Michael Myers' sister. She was born two years before he was committed. Two years after, his parents died, and she was adopted by the Strodes. They requested that the records be sealed in order to protect the family!

Dr. Loomis:
[realizing why Michael returned home to Haddonfield] Geez! Don't you see what he's doing here in Haddonfield?! He killed one sister fifteen years ago, now he's trying to kill the other! [remembering that he just defended Laurie from Michael a few hours ago] Tonight, after I shot him, where did they take her?

The clinic.

Dr. Loomis:
The clinic, where-- [To the marshal] Do you know this area well?

A little bit.

Dr. Loomis:
Where is the hospital located?

Dr. Loomis, we're under orders from the governor!

It's back on Route 17, about 3 miles.

Dr. Loomis:
Turn this car around now!

I can't do that. I've got orders.

Dr. Loomis:
[pulls out his pistol and points it at the marshal] Those orders just changed!

Dr. Loomis!

[calmly] Doctor, you're getting yourself into a lot of trouble.

Dr. Loomis:
What do you fellows usually do? Fire a warning shot, right? [shoots out window. The marshal stops the car and turns it around]

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Loomis:
[he, Marion, and the Marshal have just arrived at the hospital] I ought to handcuff you to the wheel, but I have a feeling I'm going to need you in there. Can I trust you?

What have I got to lose, except my job? [the three of them exit the car]

Help... me... Help... [they walk inside without even hearing or noticing her] Help me!

Dr. Loomis:
[To the marshal] Go and check all the rooms down there. Go on! [the Marshal walks down the hallway]

[angrily] Dr. Loomis!

Dr. Loomis:
You stay with me and shut up.

[gets to her feet and limps towards the door; she sees Michael appear and runs for the door as he slowly approaches her] Help! [pounds on the door repeatedly while screaming "Help!"; the marshal hears her screams and runs back to the entrance] Please! Help! Please! [Dr. Loomis races to the door as Michael gets closer to Laurie]

Dr. Loomis:
[opening the door for Laurie] Come on, get in!

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Unit calling, identify.

Marion Chambers with Dr. Loomis at the clinic - he's here!

Ah, ten-four. Unit calling, identify suspect.

Michael Myers! Just get your ass over here!

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Loomis:
I'm sorry I left you. Are you all right?

Why won't he die?

Halloween II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Conal Cochran:
Enjoy the horror-thon, doctor... and don't forget to watch the big giveaway afterwards.

Daniel Challis:
Why, Cochran, why?

Conal Cochran:
Do I need a reason? Mr. Kupfer was right, you know... I do love a good joke and this is the best ever, a joke on the children. But there's a better reason... you don't really know much about Halloween... you thought no further than the strange custom of having your children wear masks and go out begging for candy.

Conal Cochran:
It was the start of the year in our old Celtic lands, and we'd be waiting... in our houses of wattles and clay. The barriers would be down, you see, between the real and the unreal, and the dead might be looking in... to sit by our fires of turf. Halloween... the festival of Samhain! The last great one took place three thousand years ago, when the hills ran red... with the blood of animals and children.

Daniel Challis:

Conal Cochran:
It was part of our world... our craft.

Daniel Challis:

Conal Cochran:
To us, it was a way of controlling our environment. It's not so different now... it's time again. In the end... we don't decide these things, you know... the planets do. They're in alignment, and it's time again. The world's going to change tonight, doctor, I'm glad you'll be able to watch it. And... happy Halloween.

Halloween III: Season of the Witch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now let me ask you something I've always wondered about. After you have the baby, does your pussy ever go back to it's natural tightness?

I'm a dyke. It's not an issue.

Inside Monkey Zetterland  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Brent Zetterland:
But seriously, Monkey, does my hair look okay like this?

Brent, you live in a beautiful shell - go with it.

Inside Monkey Zetterland  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I gotta go!


[angrily] I gotta go!!!

Okay, could you please just please tell me which way is... Oh, no! Friendship Island! What! Oh, not Friendship.

Oh, Riley love that one. And now it’s gone.

Inside Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Riley storms off from the ice hockey rink after botching a fumbling shot]

Riley, what's wrong?

Let's go!

You're not going to finish tryouts?!

What's the point?

Hey, it will be all right. Let's just--

Stop saying everything will be all right!

[As Riley storms off, back in Mind World, Hockey Island collapses and falls into the Memory Dump]

Hockey!? Oh, no, no, she loves hockey. She can’t give up hockey. Bing Bong, we have to get to that station.

Bing Bong:
Sure thing. This way, just past Graham Cracker Castle. Hey, that’s weird. Graham Cracker Castle used to be right here. I wonder why they moved. Well, that's... odd. I would have sworn Sparkle Pony Mountain was right here. Hey, What’s going on.

Yeah, yeah. I don’t know. We’ll have to come back.

Bing Bong:
Princess Dream World! Oh, no. The stuffed Animal Hall of Fame! My rocket! Wait! Riley and I, we’re still using the that rocket! It still has some song power left! Who’s your friend who likes to play? No! No, no, no. NO, You can’t take my rocket to the dump! Riley and I are going to the moon! Riley can’t be done with me. [Sits down]


Hey, it’s going to be okay! We can fix this! We just need to get back to Headquarters. Which way to the train station?

Bing Bong:
I had a whole trip planned for us.

[gasps] Hey, who’s ticklish, huh? Here comes the tickle monster! Hey, Bing Bong! Look at this! Oh, here’s a fun game! You point to the train station and we all go there. Won’t that be fun? Come on, Let’s go to the train station.

I’m sorry they took your rocket. They took something that you loved. It's gone. Forever.

Sadness. Don't make him feel worse.


Bing Bong:
It's all I had left of Riley.

Inside Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago


Hang on.

Oh, I wish Joy was here.

[Joy and Sadness are hanging on to the windowsill of Headquarters]

It’s Joy.

Stand back! [he tries to smash the window open with a chair, but it bounces off]

[sarcastically] That worked.

Well, what would you do if you're so smart?!

[gets an idea] I'd tell you, but you're too dumb to understand.


Of course your tiny brain is confused! Guess I'll just have to dumb it down to your level! [The top of Anger's head starts to get brighter and hotter] Sorry I don't speak moron as well as you, but let me try! [makes a weird face] Duuuhhhh… [Anger screams as flames explode from his head and Disgust uses Anger's flames like a blowtorch to melt a hole in the window]

Oh, thank goodness, you’re back!

Do you things really miss up.

We found this idea.

We were just trying to make happy memories.


Joy, you got to fix this! Get up there!

Sadness, It’s up to you.


Disgust, Fear, Anger:

I can’t, Joy.

Yes you can. Riley needs you.

Inside Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Brown:
You're under arrest for the murder of Artemis Bradford, Scolex.

God, you're irritating.

John Brown:
(To RoboGadget) And you, you're under arrest for impersonating a police officer. Oh, what tangled web we weave.

Inspector Gadget  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Having another hero cop dream, Uncle John?

John Brown:
Every time I close my eyes. How was school?

Fine. Don't forget: tomorrow's the day parents come over to talk about their careers.

John Brown:
Oh, well, I might have to work.

Inspector Gadget  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Brown:
[through megaphone] Attention: Driver of the wrecked limo attached to the "Yahoo!" billboard, this is security officer John Brown. Please step out of the vehicle immediately, or... else.

[Scolex emerges from the sunroof, with his hands up]

Sanford Scolex:
Fine work, Mr. Security Guard, you got me. Here. [pulls out cigar] Have a victory cigar.

John Brown:
[through megaphone] No, thanks.

Sanford Scolex:
[lights the "cigar", which turns out to be a fuse] Remember: Smoking kills. [tosses it]

John Brown:
[through megaphone] I don't smoke!

Sanford Scolex:
Oh, really? You will now.

[Scolex laughs evilly as the fuse lands near John's car.]

John Brown:
Oh, boy.

[the fuse blows up John Brown; also sending a bowling ball rocketing out of Brown's car. Scolex almost closes his sunroof, but the bowling ball falls through the sunroof before closing, and crushes his left hand.]

Sanford Scolex:

Inspector Gadget  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Claw:
Not bad, Kramer. Not bad at all. [Kramer sighs, relieved] This is sort of post-modern Captain Hook kind of feel it. Very "diabolical." I deserve a dashing appellation.

Dashing appellation? What is that, a hillbilly with a tuxedo?

Dr. Claw:
No, you idiot!

[jumps back] Oh!

Dr. Claw:
It's a nickname. One that send my enemies cowering in fear. Ah. Aw, too bad Hook is taken, huh?

How about, eh, Captain Claw?

[coming up with an idea.] Oh.

Dr. Claw:
No, no, no, no--

Or Santa Claw.

Dr. Claw:
Just Claw. One word. Like Madonna.

Well, any-hoo, captain, sir, uh, Mr. Claw, I know how much you like to maintain an active lifestyle, so I have managed to, um, design a few interchangeable options. [waves with interchangeable hand] Hi hi.

Dr. Claw:
Oh, very clever, Kramer.

[mocking] "Oh, very clever, Kramer."

Dr. Claw:
Very clever, indeed. [Claw snaps near Kramer's face]

Well, first we have the opera hand, for those special nights out. And I know how much you enjoy Japanese food so I made you a sushi hand. See there? [mimics eating] Tasty.

Dr. Claw:

[nervously] Also, I don't remember if, uh, you enjoy that medieval fair, but--

Dr. Claw:
Kramer, that's enough. [To Sykes] Sykes, bring on the foot. [Dr. Claw closes the case, accidentally pinning Kramer's hand, and he squeals in pain.] Oops!

[Kramer opens the case to remove his hand, and closes it again.]

Inspector Gadget  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Claw:
An android of this quality could have a myriad of uses: shock troops, kamikaze pilots, hit men.

International rescue workers, teachers.

Dr. Claw:
Oh, yes, I was getting to them. Well, let's see it in action, huh?


[Dr. Claw lowers the helmet on his head.]

Dr. Claw:
Ohh. I'll just strap myself in. Okay, turn me on, Kramer. [Kramer activates machine, and Dr. Claw strains heavily] Move! Darn you, move!

It's a lemon.

[Dr. Claw stops straining as the machine powers down.]

Dr. Claw:
Thank you for that, Sykes. You put it on. Come on.

Why can't he do it?

Dr. Claw:
He's capable of intelligent thought. That's useful to me. [chuckles] Now I'll strap you in. Perhaps if we give him maximum voltage.

[uncertainly] Yeah, that, uh, might work.

[Claw activates machine to maximum voltage, but Sykes howls in pain.]

[in pain] I want my MAMA!!! [continues howling in pain.]

Dr. Claw:
Something got left behind. What does Brenda have that I don't?

Inspector Gadget  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Brenda Bradford:
I've got something special to show you. Ta-da! The Gadgetmobile.

Inspector Gadget:

Brenda Bradford:
It's for you. [Gadget is stunned] I made it myself. Come on.

Inspector Gadget:
You made me a car? The only thing anybody's ever made me before is a sweater.

Brenda Bradford:
All right. Now, it may look simple, but this thing has just about as many factory extras as you do. [Gadget hesitates] Come on! Get in there!

Inspector Gadget:

Brenda Bradford:
Watch the coat. Okay.

Inspector Gadget:
[intrigued] Gosh. She's Incredible.

Brenda Bradford:
Oh, it's a he.

Inspector Gadget:
Excuse me?

Brenda Bradford:
You'll see. Okay, now, it has voice activation, ejection seats, a power-assisted metamorphic camouflage system, a cardio-homing device, then there's a periscope, a candy--

Inspector Gadget:
Dr. Bradford, there's something I just have to ask you.

Brenda Bradford:
Oh, just say "Go Go Gadgetmobile."

Inspector Gadget:
Yes, but will you-- "Go Go Gadgetmobile"?

Good mornin', Riverton! Hey! Who's in the car? I work alone! [he drives off with Gadget in tow] Hey. Before we hit the road, I gotta tell you somethin'. Duck!

[Gadget hits his head on garage door.]


Inspector Gadget:
I don't think the car likes me!

Who you calling "car"? I'm a crime-fighting machine. Watch this. Back turn! Haven't you fallen out yet?

Inspector Gadget:
No, sir, I haven't!

Who are you, rookie?

Inspector Gadget:
I'm Officer John Brown, and you're exceeding the speed limit.

[Inspector Gadget tries to stop the Gadgetmobile, but can't]

Speed limits are for cars, not the Gadgetmobile.

Inspector Gadget:
Are you-- Are you talking to me?

Speaking of breaking the law, who's not wearing a seat belt? You gotta wear the belt, baby. [brings out belt with the "Inspector Gadget" logo.] It's a Disney movie. Now, I'm gonna find me some crime. Whoo! More back turns!

Inspector Gadget:
Can you slow down, please? I-- I get carsick.

Well, you know what makes me people sick? A rookie who thinks he's good enough for Dr. B.

Inspector Gadget:
Not that it's any of your business, but what makes you think I was putting the moves on Dr. Bradford?

Hey, I got heat sensors, and I know what you're thinkin' when Dr. B. gave you that smile. Now, look here, come clean with me, or I'm gonna bounce you right outta here.

Inspector Gadget:
I can assure you my interest on Dr. Bradford is professional.

[laughs sarcastically] Professional, huh? Well, good. Keep it that way, and that's an order. You got it?

Inspector Gadget:
Uh, I'm the inspector, you're the car.

I'll tell you what you are. You're-- [Gadget punches Gadgetmobile] Don't make me go "De-La-Hoya!" on you.

Inspector Gadget:
Isn't there an off button or something? A mute? [Paintball hits a man] Sorry, sir!

Don't push my buttons without reading the manual! [sees hot dog vendor] Ooh, watch out there, now! [avoids hot dog vendor] Ha-ha!

Hot Dog Vendor:

Oh, man, I got a June bug in my grill. [spits out June bug, which splats on the camera lens.]

Inspector Gadget:
Shouldn't we be working together, helping people?!

Why didn't you say so? [stops]

Inspector Gadget  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Claw:
[sees Gadget's picture on TV] Why, it's that annoying little security guard from the institute. [Terra continues on TV] So, he's the lucky duck they plucked for the Gadget Program. Heh! Irony bounds.

[Sniffy, Dr. Claw's cat, meows, takes Sykes' cruller, chortles, and jumps off couch.]

[notices offscreen] Hey, that's my cruller! Give me that!

[Sykes and Sniffy fight over cruller, offscreen]

Dr. Claw:

[offscreen] Yes, boss?

Dr. Claw:
Get my tuxedo ready. Tomorrow promises to be quite an evening.

[at Gadget's house.]

So, anyone special going tonight?

Inspector Gadget:
Well, the Mayor, the Governor.

[smiling] Any doctors?

Inspector Gadget:
[confused] Doctors?

You know, female doctors. Very attractive female doctors?

[Gadget imagines seeing Brenda, while on a podium.]

Inspector Gadget:
Wowser. [Gadget's head is lifted and twirls making monkey noises, and comes back down, as fireworks ignite from his head. Revert to reality.] Is it that obvious?

Come on, Uncle John, you just need to...loosen up. Be cool.

Inspector Gadget:
Have you been talking to my car?


Inspector Gadget:
Huh. You'll see.

Inspector Gadget  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Dr. Claw interrupts Brenda and John's dancing.]

Dr. Claw:
May I cut in? [John and Brenda look at Dr. Claw.] Hello. Sanford Scolex. We were at Harvard together.

We were?

Dr. Claw:
Oh, you don't recognize me. That's because I've changed. [whispers to Brenda] I was obese. [chuckles] Maybe you remember me like this. [fills his mouth with air to simulate his prior obesity]

[shocked gasp] Yes! [Dr. Claw and Brenda laugh] Wow! [Dr. Claw stops laughing] Well, i-it's nice to see you again.

Inspector Gadget:
[opens thumb lighter, to Dr. Claw.] Here you go.

You look...different.

Inspector Gadget  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Barbra Streisand's first line in her first movie was...?
A "Papa, can you hear me?"
B "Hello gorgeous!"
C "Hi, I am here!"
D "Hello, Dolly!"