Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,647

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Inspector Gadget:
Fired? You can't fire me. I quit! (Quimby scoffs) Wait a second, I don't want to quit. Besides, Chief, it's not my fault. Look what Baxter found on me: a circuit override chip.

Chief Quimby:
I don't care! Claw stole the laser, and you tarred and feathered the mayor in toothpaste, and caused $100,000 in damages! Turn in your badge, Gadget.

Inspector Gadget:
Oh, but Chief, all I ever wanted to be my entire life, was a crime fighter.

Chief Quimby:
(sternly) Your badge. (Gadget pulls out his badge from his coat pocket, and slides it in front of Chief Quimby)

Chief Quimby:
That would be all...Mr. Gadget.

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Claw:
Now, the third item that we need... (sees a drawing of himself) Huh? "I'm so evil! Blah, blah, blah!" As I was saying, the third item to complete my superweapon...(taps on the chalkboard with a stick)

I know this one. The ruby.

Dr. Claw:
Yes, but a big ruby, say, about 50,000 karats. (chuckles)

Your Clawsomeness, where we gonna find a rock that big?

Dr. Claw:
The Riverton Museum. The ruby will be unloaded by the Rajah of India Wednesday night at the Mayor's fundraising. We are going to stop by and do a little fundraising of our own. (laughs)

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mayor Wilson:
Do something to stop him, Chief Quimby!

Chief Quimby:
You'll never get away with this, Claw!

Dr. Claw:
We'll see.

Chief Quimby:
[still laughing] G2, see!

Very funny, Claw, but you forget. I am unaffected by laughing gas. Now...(prepares her net guns) stop this felonious and unlawful act, or I shall have to use force.

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What happened?

Inspector Gadget:
I reactivated you.

Inspector Gadget, why you'd do that?

Inspector Gadget:
Well, I hate to see a good detective being recycled and I always have great admiration for your investigating abilities.

Inspector, are you saying you like me? (Gadget drinks some blue substance but spits it out)

Inspector Gadget:
Well, I suppose, in a man of speaking. Strictly professional.

(Inspector Gadget tap his hat to stop the heart icon)

Thank you.

Inspector Gadget:
You're welcome.

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Inspector Gadget:
You've always said, Chief: "No one is above the law."

Chief Quimby:
That's what you said last week when you arrested that troop of girl rangers for selling cookies! (A flashback shows a group of girl scouts posing for mugshots)

Inspector Gadget:
Those cookies were three days past expiration date!

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Claw, you'll never get away with this.

Dr. Claw:
Penny, my dear, prepare to witness a great historical moment.

Of your demise?

Dr. Claw:
I do enjoy your sense of humor.

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Riverton is in a deep freeze your clawcity

That means thime has stopped.

That's what I said.

Dr. Claw:
Good, Now we won't have any trouble with traffic.

Uncle Gadget.

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Claw, it's Gadget.

Dr. Claw:
Not again.

Oh, Uncle Gadget.

Dr. Claw:
Not to worry. Time for Gadget to go out with a bang.

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

He's still after us!

Dr. Claw:
McKibble! Lose him!

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(He sees Gadget making a funny face at the telescope screen) He's on the roof!

On the roof?

Uncle Gadget, help!

Dr. Claw:
McKibble! Get him off!

Take some of this, Gadget! (He swerves the car around but Gadget is holding on to the telescope to avoid falling off)

Dr. Claw:
Time to switch to plan B!! (He grabs Penny and puts her in something)

Inspector Gadget:
Go Go Gadget can opener...hahaha! (He cuts out a hole in the roof and glares at Dr. Claw) Claw, stop the truck and come out with your claw up!

Dr. Claw:
You know, Gadget, there's one true detective in your family and it isn't you. Too bad you didn't listen to her when you had the chance.

Inspector Gadget:
Penny? Penny?

Dr. Claw:
Now it's time to say goodbye to me and to your partner.

(Dr. Claw drops Penny off the truck inside a go kart filled with explosives and chains)

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Uncle Gadget!

Inspector Gadget:
Penny, you okay?

Claw is getting away.

Inspector Gadget:
That's not important right now. Penny, you are the only thing that matters to me.

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Coughing in the smoke) Uncle Gadget? Uncle Gadget? [Gadget falls onto the car's hood]

Inspector Gadget:
Not to worry. I only landed on my head.

They're alive!

They're alive! They're alive!

They're alive!

Uncle Gadget!

(Inspector Gadget and Penny hug)

You saved my life!

Inspector Gadget:
I'm so worried about you.

Good work, Penny.

Thanks to you, too.

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Claw:
WHAAT??? It's Gadget again! There's only one way to deal with a pest. McKibble, run him over.

One order of road kill coming right up!

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Good night, Gadget. See you on Monday.

Inspector Gadget:
Good night, Baxter.

'Night, Baxter. Come on, Brain.

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Inspector, I just wanted to say I may have been a bit premature in my eariler evauluation of your abilities.

Inspector Gadget:
Well, that's very bit of you, G2.

I was wrong to think of you as inept, clumsy, imbecilic...

Inspector Gadget:
Don't mention it.

Obsolete, simple-minded, malfunctioning...

Inspector Gadget:
Yes, yes, I get the picture.

Anyway, I look forward to more teamwork in the future.

(Inspector Gadget and G2 shake hands and they have glowing hearts in their hats. They kiss and Inspector Gadget's hat is shooting fireworks)

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Chief Quimby, Mayor Wilson:

Inspector Gadget 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gus Petch:
You want tact, call a tactician! You want ass nailed, you call Gus Petch. Christ, you seem to be taking this pretty good. I have seen them come in here weeping like Baptists at a funeral, like they hired me to prove their husbands weren't fooling around.

Marylin Rexroth:
Don't get me wrong Mr.....

Gus Petch:
Petch. Gus Petch.

Marylin Rexroth:
Whilst I don't find this terribly entertaining, I'm delighted you found this material. This will be my passport to wealth, independence and freedom.

Gus Petch:
[Amused] Sounds like to me, you gonna nail his ass.

Intolerable Cruelty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Uh, I'll just have a, um, salad, please. Um, baby field greens.

Nero's Waitress:
What did you call me?

Uh, no, I-I... I-I didn't call you anything.

Nero's Waitress:
You want a salad?

Yeah. Do you... Do you have a, uh, green salad?

Nero's Waitress:
What the fuck color would it be?

Why are we eating here?

Nero's Waitress:
What's his problem?

Miles Massey:
Just bring him an iceberg lettuce and a mealy tomato wedge smothered with French Dressing.

Nero's Waitress:
And for you?

Miles Massey:
Ham sandwich on stale rye bread. Lots of mayo, easy on the ham.

Nero's Waitress:
Slaw Cup?

Miles Massey:
What the hell.

Intolerable Cruelty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The tape is being shown in court of Gus busting Rex cheating on Marylin. Watching it, she cries on cue and is comforted by Bender. However, Miles isn't fooled by this.]

Marylin Rexroth:
I'm devastated. Completely devastated.

Freddy Bender:
No further questions.

Intolerable Cruelty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Miles Massey:
Attila the Hun. Ivan the Terrible. Henry the Eighth. What do they have in common?

[thinks] Middle name?

Intolerable Cruelty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Miles Massey:
[of Rex's wife] Has she retained counsel?

I don't know... She has Rottweilers.

Miles Massey:
Not a good sign.

Intolerable Cruelty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dad Tobias:
[after seeing the message on the ceiling] It's just a prank. [clicks off flashlight] Anton.

Mom Tobias:
Anton? Our little scooter would never do something like that!

Dad Tobias:
Quit calling him that baby name. Anton would not scoot his behind off the couch if the house was on fire!

Idle Hands  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[hears moaning coming from Mick's grave] Mick?

Over here. Anton, help me. Come on, man, I can't breathe down here. Anton? Anton, can you hear me?

[kneels and leans over Mick's grave] Mick?

Yeah man, it's Mick.

You're dead!

No I'm not! You conked me on the head pretty good. I must've been unconcious.

You think?

I know fucker, now dig me up!

Idle Hands  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after cutting his hand off] Where did it go?

What, you mean the hand?

Of course I mean the hand!

Try looking up your ass.

Idle Hands  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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