Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,651

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Close your eyes. Happy graduation.

Oh my God.

Some of the charms are old and some are new. That's a musical note, a violin. This one is a flower, what is no sense of matter at all, except it was exquisite much like yourself. Let's see... the train that we took today. And... that's the Eiffel Tower that you've always wanted to see. And... this frying pan, cause you are the only person that I know that can actually do the flipping thing. And... this one's a heart... my heart... it's yours now.

If Only  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Crown Prince Leopold:
You're late.

Chief Inspector Uhl:
My apologies, your Highness. I was attending to loose ends of the case.

Crown Prince Leopold:
Are there still loose ends?

Chief Inspector Uhl:
Very few.

Crown Prince Leopold:
Did he do it again? [Uhl nods] How does he do it?

Chief Inspector Uhl:
I'm afraid I still don't know.

Crown Prince Leopold:
Did you ask him?

Chief Inspector Uhl:
He's not talking at this point.

Crown Prince Leopold:
Well, I'm sure you have methods for that kind of thing. I want you to put an end to it. Surely you have something on him. Something from his past?

The Illusionist  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Crown Prince Leopold:
Well done.

Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoyed it.

Crown Prince Leopold:
Oh, we more than enjoyed it. Stimulated great debate among us, hasn't it? Except of course for your assistant Duchess Von Teschen. You seem to have struck her quite speechless. A feat in itself. Did you hypnotize her?

In a fashion.

Crown Prince Leopold:
I'd like to learn that trick. Rainer here seems to think you have supernatural powers. Do you claim supernatural powers?

I've never said anything of that kind.

Crown Prince Leopold:
Then you won't mind a question or two?

Now let's not ruin it.

Crown Prince Leopold:
You needn't divulge anything I can't guess.

As you wish.

Crown Prince Leopold:
Your assistants are behind the mirrors somewhere, in robes obviously. Lights in the frame perhaps to illuminate them, or angled mirrors.

That would be one way to do it.

Crown Prince Leopold:
I think I understand it all except the ghost. That was very, very good.

Josef Fischer:
Another viewing, perhaps?

Crown Prince Leopold:
You must come to the Hofburg next time. We'll make an evening of it.

That would be my pleasure.

Crown Prince Leopold:
So be it. [motions to Sophie] Sophie? [leaves with Sophie, then turns] And we'll gather our best minds next time. You'll really have a challenge then.

Then I shall prepare something special. Perhaps I'll make you disappear.

The Illusionist  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[angrily] Are you completely corrupt?

Chief Inspector Uhl:
No, not completely, which is why I'll advise you not to accuse anyone.

The Illusionist  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[reading Tira's horoscope] You were born in August.

Yeah, one of the hot months.

It was on the 17th under the sign of Leo, the Lion.

Aw, King of the Beasts, huh.

Ah, you have a wonderful future. I see a man in your life.

What, only one?

But this is one very particular man. He is very wealthy, enormously wealthy.

...What does he look like?

I see he has brown eyes. In fact, I see two men...two different men. In the near future, I see a change....I see a change of position.

Sitting or reclining?...

The horoscope. Keep this where you may consult it frequently.

All right, I'll take it to bed with me.

I'm No Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Five times!...Wedding bells must sound like an alarm clock to you.

The Chump:
I don't suppose you believe in marriage, do you?

Only as a last resort...What do you do for a livin'?

The Chump:
Oh, uh, sort of a politician.

I don't like work either.

The Chump:
Oh, you know I like to get around and travel, and believe me, I've been places and seen things.

I've been things and seen places. That sorta evens us up, huh?


The Chump:
[as Tira seductively dances for him] You're certainly givin' me the time of my life, baby.

Don't say givin'. I don't like that word givin'.

I'm No Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Well anyway, you've been awfully kind. I'll never forget you.

No one ever does.

I'm No Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

A maid:
I been under the impression that you is a one-man woman.

I am. One man at a time.

I'm No Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, Beulah.

Yes, ma'am.

Peel me a grape.

I'm No Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Kirk] He's neglecting important business on your account and, of course, there's Ms. Hatton his fiancee to be considered. [He sits down] Do you mind if I get personal?

Go right ahead. I don't mind if you got familiar. It's all in the family.

I'm No Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tonight, you were especially good.

When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better.

I'm No Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The only thing, I'm going to be jealous...Cause if I could only trust you.

You can. Hundreds have.

Do you know I'm mad about you?

I could tell you'd be the first time I saw ya.

Say, I must be transparent.

Honey, you're just wrapped in cellophane...

I could be your slave.

Well, I guess that could be arranged.

I'm No Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why did you admit knowing so many men in your life?

Well, it's not the men in your life that counts, it's the life in your men.

I'm No Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alan Turing:
They only beat me up because I'm smarter than they are.

Christopher Morcom:
No, they beat you up because you're different.

The Imitation Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Alan, Hugh, Joan and Joan's friend, Helen, are having a conversation about workplace romance]

Hugh Alexander:
So who do you agree with? Alan or myself?

Well, Alan, of course.

Alan Turing:
[stammering] I'm very flattered really, but I... I don't think that... [Joan kicks him under the table]

Hugh Alexander:

Well, I work beside a man every day, and I can't help but have developed a bit of a crush on him.

Hugh Alexander:
Well, who is this man? So I can kick his arse.

Oh, there's no need to worry, it's been chaste. We've never even met. He's a German.

Hugh Alexander:
Now I really want to kill him.

[Helen chuckles]

Alan Turing:
Er... How... How do you mean you work alongside a German?

Well, each of us intercepts messages from a specific German radio tower. So we have a counterpart on the other side, who's tip-tapping out the messages. Everyone types a touch differently, so you get to know the rhythm of your counterpart. It's strangely intimate. I feel as if I know him so well. It's a pity he has a girlfriend, but that's why I disagree with you, Mr. Alexander, because I'm in love with a coworker of sorts and we've never even met.

Hugh Alexander:
Well, allow me to buy you another pint and I'll tell you why you're wrong.


Hugh Alexander:

[They get up and head to the bar. As they order, Alan sits completely silently, in a daze - having come to a realisation]

Joan Clarke:
In case you were wondering, that's what flirting looks like.

Alan Turing:
[loudly] HELEN!!

Joan Clarke:
[slightly embarrassed, as his shout has drawn attention to them] Alan!

Yes, Alan?

Alan Turing:
[gets up and faces her] Why do you think your German counterpart has a girlfriend?

It's just a stupid joke. Don't worry about it.

Alan Turing:
No, no, no, no, no, tell me.

Well, each of his messages begins with the same five letters. C-I-L-L-Y. So I suspect that Cilly must be the name of his amore.

[By this point, Joan, Peter Hilton and John Cairncross have begun to catch on]

Alan Turing:
But that's impossible. The Germans are instructed to use five random letters at the start of every message.

Well, this bloke doesn't.

Hugh Alexander:
Love will make a man do strange things, I suppose.

Alan Turing:
In this case.... Love just lost Germany the whole bloody war!

[He rushes off, barging into Hugh and causing him to spill the pints he has just bought on Helen. John, Peter and Joan rush off after him and Hugh, realising what has happened, apologises and dashes off after them]

The Imitation Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hugh Alexander:
My God, you did it. You just defeated Nazism with a crossword puzzle.

John Cairncross:
There are five people in the world who know the position of every ship in the Atlantic. They are all in this room.

Joan Clarke:
Oh, good God.

Hugh Alexander:
Oh, I don't think even He has the power that we do right now.

Joan Clarke:
[getting closer to map] No. There's going to be an attack on a British passenger convoy. Right there.

John Cairncross:
God, you're right. Those U-boats are only twenty, thirty minutes away.

Joan Clark:
Civilians. Hundreds of them. We can save their lives.

John Cairncross:
And knock out a whole German fleet in the process.

Hugh Alexander:
I'll phone Denniston's office so that he can alert the Admiralty.

Alan Turing:

Joan Clarke:
Do you think there's enough time to save them?

John Cairncross:
There should be. If we can get a message to that convoy—

Hugh Alexander:
[into phone] Commander Denniston's office please, it's urgent—

Alan Turing:
No, no! [grabs and hangs up phone]

Hugh Alexander:
What the hell are you doing?

Alan Turing:
You-you can't call Denniston. You-you can't tell him about the attack.

Hugh Alexander:
What are you talking about?

John Cairncross:
We can have air support over that convoy in ten minutes.

Alan Turing:
Let the U-boats sink the convoy.

John Cairncross:
Look, it's been a big day, maybe you're suffering from—

Alan Turing:
Oh, shut up—

Hugh Alexander:
[tries to grab phone back] We don't have time—

Alan Turing:

[Alan smashes the phone on the ground. Hugh punches him in the face, knocking him down]

Joan Clarke:
Oh, Hugh! Hugh! Stop! That's enough!

John Cairncross:
Stop, Hugh!

Peter Hilton:
John, the attack is in minutes.

Joan Clarke:
[rushes to Alan's side] Are you all right?

Alan Turing:
Yes, no, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm fine. [to Hugh] Do you know why people like violence, Hugh? It's because it feels good. Sometimes we can't do what feels good. We have to do what is logical.

John Cairncross:
What's logical?

Alan Turing:
The hardest time to lie is when the other person is expecting to be lied to.

Joan Clarke:
[getting it] Oh, God.

John Cairncross:

Alan Turing:
If someone's waiting for a lie, you can't just, uh, give them one.

Joan Clarke:
Damn it, Alan's right.

Peter Hilton:

Alan Turing:
What would the Germans think if we destroy their U-boats?

Peter Hilton:
Nothing. They'll be dead.

John Cairncross:
No. No, you can't be right.

Alan Turing:
So our convoy suddenly veers off course... a squadron of our air bombers miraculously descends on the coordinates of the U-boats... what will the Germans think?

Hugh Alexander:
The Germans will know that we have broken Enigma.

Joan Clarke:
They'll stop all radio communications by midday, and they'll have changed the design of Enigma by the weekend.

Hugh Alexander:

Alan Turing:
Two years' work. Everything we've done here will all be for nothing.

John Cairncross:
There are 500 people in that convoy. Women. Children. We're about to let them die.

Alan Turing:
Our job isn't to save one passenger convoy, it is to win the war.

Hugh Alexander:
Our job was to crack Enigma.

Alan Turing:
Oh, we've done that. Now for the hard part. Keeping it a secret.

Peter Hilton:

Joan Clarke:

Peter Hilton:
[points to the map] The convoy you're about to... it's, uh... The HMS Carlisle is one of the ships. We can't act on every piece of intelligence? So fine, we won't. Just this one.

Joan Clarke:
Peter, what's the matter with you?

My brother's... well, he's on the Carlisle. A gunnery ensign.

Alan Turing:
I'm... I'm so sorry.

Peter Hilton:
Who the hell do you think you are? This is my brother. He's my big brother, alright, and you have a few minutes to call off his murder.

Alan Turing:
We can't.

John Cairncross:
He's right.

Peter Hilton:
Alan. Joan. Hugh. John. Please, I... the Germans, they won't get suspicious just because we stopped one attack. No one will know. I'm asking you. As your friend. Please.

Alan Turing:
I'm so sorry.

Peter Hilton:
You're not God, Alan. You don't get to decide who lives and who dies.

Alan Turing:
Yes, we do.

Peter Hilton:

Alan Turing:
Because no one else can.

The Imitation Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[on the plane, flying to Thailand] Did you set the alarm before we left?

Yeah, it was the last thing I did.

No, I was the last one to leave. I was the last one to leave, and I'm sure I didn't set it.

No darling, I was the last one out, and I did. I promise.

You sure?



[after a long pause] No, no, I was the last one, 'cause I went back in, and that means the alarm is not set, 'cause I didn't set it.

[shrugs] Well, um, I guess that means we'll be coming home to a large bunch of hippies sleeping in our bed.

[smiles] What, just like your old college days?

The Impossible  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

And you, you don't work?

Maria Bennett:
I'm a doctor. I'm not practicing right now. Just taking care of the kids.

I see, you got promoted.

The Impossible  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Trembling and distraught, after he and Maria have managed to take refuge on a tree in the rushing wave] I thought I was a brave kid, Mum...! I'm scared! [sobbing]

[moves closer to embrace Lucas] Shhh! [whispers into his ear] I'm scared, too.

Is it over?

[Maria is looking around]

Is it over?

I don't know! I don't know.

The Impossible  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after Lucas makes her eat some fruit] You're so bossy.

I wonder who I take after.

The Impossible  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Old Woman:
Some of those stars have been burnt out for a long, long time. They're dead, but once they were so bright that their light is still travelling through space. We can still see them.

How can you tell which one is dead and which one is not?

Old Woman:
No, you can't, it's impossible. It's a beautiful mystery, isn't it?

The Impossible  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Look, everyone wants to talk to Diane Sawyer or Joan London, and my network's killing me. They want me blond!

With your coloring?

In & Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

There's only two times when that kind of thing's okay: In prison where it's a substitute and guys in space.

Guys in space?

Well, not on purpose. They just float into each other.

In & Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[at confession, about "a friend"] He's just never had a physical relationship with her.

Father Tim:
Never? In three years?

He respects her.

Father Tim:
He's gay!

In & Out  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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B Titanic
C Dead Calm
D All is Lost