Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,648

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Lloyd Barnes:
Are you in any position to be choosy? You haven't written a hit since before the war. And your last picture...

Dixon Steele:
So it stunk. Everybody makes flops except you. You haven't had one, because you've made and remade the same picture for the last twenty years. You know what you are? You're a popcorn salesman.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Capt. Lochner:
[Dixon has replied with sarcasm to Lochner's questions] You're told that the girl you were with last night was found in Benedict Canyon, murdered. Dumped from a moving car. What's your reaction? Shock? Horror? Sympathy? No - just petulance at being questioned. A couple of feeble jokes. You puzzle me, Mr. Steele.

Dixon Steele:
Well, I grant you, the jokes could've been better, but I don't see why the rest should worry you - that is, unless you plan to arrest me on lack of emotion.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dixon Steele:
[noting the geography of their apartments] You know, Ms. Gray, you're one up on me - you can see into my apartment but I can't see into yours.

Laurel Gray:
I promise you, I won't take advantage of it.

Dixon Steele:
I would, if it were the other way around.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Laurel Gray:
[on a scene in Dix's script] I love the love scene - it's very good.

Dixon Steele:
Well that's because they're not always telling each other how much in love they are. A good love scene should be about something else besides love. For instance, this one. Me fixing grapefruit. You sitting over there, dopey, half-asleep. Anyone looking at us could tell we're in love.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dixon Steele:
You know, you're out of your mind - how can anyone like a face like this? Look at it...

[leans in for a kiss]

Laurel Gray:
I said I liked it - I didn't say I wanted to kiss it.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dixon Steele:
You know, when you first walked into the police station, I said to myself, "There she is - the one that's different. She's not coy or cute or corny. She's a good guy - I'm glad she's on my side. She speaks her mind and she knows what she wants."

Laurel Gray:
Thank you, sir. But let me add: I also know what I don't want - and I don't want to be rushed.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dixon Steele:
[setting up a reenactment] You put your right arm around her neck. You get to a lonely place in the road and you begin to squeeze. You're an ex-GI. You know judo. You know how to kill a person without using your hands. You're driving the car and you're strangling her. You don't see her bulging eyes or her protruding tongue. Go ahead, go ahead Brub, squeeze harder. You love her, and she's deceived you. You hate her patronizing attitude. She looks down on you. She's impressed with celebrities. She wants to get rid of you. Squeeze harder. Harder. Squeeze harder. It's wonderful to feel her throat crush under your arm. [pause] Now, are you convinced?

Sylvia Nicolai:
You forgot my hands. I could scratch his eyes out before he could kill me.

Dixon Steele:
Ah, but you didn't. Your first instinct was to grab his arm, try to loosen his grip. That's where you lost the battle, just as Mildred did. I've had a lot of experience in matters of this kind. I've killed dozens of people, in pictures. [pause] No, Sylvia, I didn't do it. I assure you, I could never throw a lovely body from a moving car. My artistic temperament wouldn't permit it...You see, we so-called creative artists have a great respect for cadavers. We treat them with the utmost reverence. Put them in soft beds, lay them out on fur rugs, leave them lying at the foot of a long staircase, but we definitely could never throw them from a moving car as though they were cigarette butts.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dixon Steele:
[to man hosing down the sidewalk in front of the florist shop] Say, do me a favor, will you, pal?

Flower Shop Employee:
Yes, sir.

Dixon Steele:
I want to send two dozen white roses to a girl.

Flower Shop Employee:
Yes, sir. Do you want to write a card?

Dixon Steele:
No, there's no card. Her name's Mildred Atkinson.

Flower Shop Employee:
Mildred Atkinson. Yes, sir. What's her address?

Dixon Steele:
I don't know. Look it up in the papers. She was murdered last night.

Flower Shop Employee:
Yes, sir.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Laurel Gray:
Dix doesn't act like a normal person. You don't go around hitting people, smashing cars, torturing your best friend. I'm scared of him. I don't trust him. I'm not even sure he didn't kill Mildred Atkinson.

Mel Lippmann:
Laurel! You're going too far.

Laurel Gray:
Am I? Have you forgot what you asked me when we first met? You weren't sure of him either, and you knew him better than anybody else. Why can't he be like other people?

Mel Lippmann:
Like other people - would you have liked him? You knew he was dynamite - he has to explode sometimes! Years ago, I tried to make him go and see a psychiatrist. I thought he'd kill me! Always violent. Well it's as much a part of him as the color of his eyes, the shape of his head. He's Dix Steele. And if you want him, you've gotta take it all, the good with the bad. I've taken it for 20 years and I'd do it again.

Laurel Gray:
You make me feel ashamed, Mel.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Laurel Gray:
I'll stay with you, Dix, I promise. I'll stay with you. I love you, Dix. I'll marry you. I'll go away with you. Take me...

Dixon Steele:
You'd run away from me the first chance you get.

Laurel Gray:
Don't act like this, Dix, I can't live with a maniac.

Dixon Steele:
[choking her] I'll never let you go.

In a Lonely Place  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to Eirik, with his eyepatch] Aye-aye!

Take your pick, Mr. Waters.

An UZI? Ha, I'm not from South Central Los fucking Angeles. I didn't come here to shoot 20 black 10-year olds in a fucking drive-by - I want a normal gun for a normal person.

I knew he wouldn't kill the guy. I could see it in his eyes when I was telling him about the alcoves.

...about the what?

The alcoves - the alcoves in the Koningin Astrid Park. Oh, I also have some dimdims. You use this word, "dimdims"? The bullets that make the head explode?

"Dumdums", yeah.

Would you like some of these dimdims?

I know I shouldn't...


But I will.


Is he talking to me?

No, Eirik's on your side, Mr. Waters. Your young friend blinded him last night.

Ray did?

I was trying to rob him. And he took my gun from me. And the gun was full of blanks. And he shot a blank into my eye. And now I cannot see from this eye ever again, the doctors say.

Well, to be honest, it sounds like it was all your fault.


I mean basically, if you're robbing a man and you're only carrying blanks, and you allow your gun to be taken off you, and you allow yourself to be shot in the eye with a blank which I assume that the person has to get quite close to you then, yeah, really, it's all your fault for being such a poof, so why don't you stop whining and cheer the fuck up.

[Eirik, furious, stands up]

Eirik - I really wouldn't respond.

I thought you wanted the guy dead?

I do want the guy dead, I want him fucking crucified. But it don't change the fact that he stitched you up like a blind little gay boy, does it?

In Bruges  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nancy Clutter:
Daddy, you know Jolene? I promised to teach her how to bake a cherry pie.

Herb Clutter:
Sounds serious.

Nancy Clutter:
She insists on today.

Herb Clutter:
That makes it practically a catastrophe.

In Cold Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

That was stupid - stealin' a lousy pack of razor blades! To prove what?

It's the national pastime, baby, stealin' and cheatin'. If they ever count every cheatin' wife and tax chiseler, the whole country would be behind prison walls.

In Cold Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Where are the black stockings?

They didn't have black.

Stop someplace else.


A Catholic hospital.

Sure. We'll just barge in like it was a goddamn five-and-dime.

Sister, sweetie, we gotta have some black stockings to hide our face.

Okay, forget it. Anyway, nuns are bad luck.

Kind of sexy, though.

You wouldn't think so if you'd lived in one of those orphan homes... with those black widows always at you. Always sneaking up in the dark, spying while you sleep. Hitting you with a flashlight for wetting the bed. That's the first time I was saved by the yellow bird.

The what?

Sort of a parrot. Taller than Jesus. Brilliant yellow, like a sunflower. It attacked those nuns like an avenging angel. The nuns begged for mercy. But the yellow bird slaughtered them anyway. Then the bird folded me in its wings...and lifted me up to paradise.

That's one hell of a bird to have on your side.

Anyway, that's why I have an aversion to nuns...and God and religion.

Forget it. Black stockings are a waste of time. No one's gonna remember us because we're leaving no witnesses.

In Cold Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Next move... Mexico. Once we beat it out of the country.

On what? $43 and a smile and bullshit.

You guessed it, chief. It's the smile that does it. Like it says in the commercials, the family that sticks together lives forever.

In Cold Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

They say Nancy's boyfriend is the prime suspect.

Alvin Dewey:
Is that what they say?

Well, he was the last one to see them alive.

Alvin Dewey:
Except for the killers.

In Cold Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What about Perry? Don't you get along?

Nobody can get along with him. There's five guys waiting here for the big swing. Little Perry's the only one yapping against capital punishment.

Don't tell me you're for it?

Hell, hanging's only getting revenge. What's wrong with revenge? I've been revenging myself all my life. Sure. I'm for hanging. Just so long as I'm not the one being hanged.

In Cold Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alvin Dewey:

What for? What does it add up to, anyway?

Alvin Dewey:
Well, four innocent and two guilty people murdered. Three families broken. Newspapers have sold more papers. Politicians will make more speeches. Police and parole boards will get more blame. More laws will be passed. Everybody will pass the buck. And then, next month, next year... the same thing will happen again.

Well, maybe this will help to stop it.

Alvin Dewey:
Never has.

In Cold Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Chief Gillespie:
Got a name, boy?

Virgil Tibbs.

Virgil? [Laughing] Well, I don't think we're going to have any trouble, are we, Virgil?

No trouble at all.

You can go now, Sam. [Deputy Sam Wood leaves the room] Whatcha hit him with?

Hit whom?

"Whom"? "Whom"? Well, you a Northern boy? What's a Northern boy like you doing all the way down here?

I was waiting for the train.

There ain't no trains this time in the morning.

Tuesdays only 4:05 to Memphis.

You say. [train horn blowing] Well, alright. You say right. Now, look. I try to run a nice, clean, safe town here. A town where a man can sneeze and not get his brains beat out. You follow me?


Why don't you tell me how you killed Mr. Colbert, and I promise you you're gonna feel a whole lot better.

In the Heat of the Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I earned that money, ten hours a day, seven days a week.

Colored can't earn that kind of money [a few hundred dollars], boy. Hell, that's more than I earn in a month! Now where did you earn it?!




Now just what do you do up there in little old Pennsylvania to earn that kind of money?

I'm a police officer.

[After checking Tibbs' wallet, Gillespie is silent for several moments; until now he didn't know his deputies had arrested another law enforcement officer.]


[Enters the office] Yes, sir?

Did you question this man before you brought him in?

No, sir.

Would you mind takin' a look at that?

[Wood checks Tibbs' wallet and finds his police identification. He puts the wallet back down, looking embarrassed.]

Yeah! Oh, YEAH! Alright, now, I'll check on this wise city boy from Philadelphia; you take 'im outside and hold 'im.

May I suggest you call my chief rather than send a wire or anything, I mean, it would be quicker, and I'll pay for the call.

You hear him? You hear him say he'll pay for the call? How much they pay you to do their police work?

A hundred and sixty-two dollars, and thirty-nine cents per week.

[Whistles] A hundred and sixty-two dollars and thirty-nine cents a week? Well, boy! Sam, you take him outside but treat him easy, because a man that makes a hundred and sixty-two dollars and thirty-nine cents a week, man, we do not want to ruffle him!

In the Heat of the Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So, you're their number one homicide expert.


Boy, I bet you get to look at a lot of dead bodies, don't'cha?



Well, what?

Well, I just thought that, maybe, uh, maybe you wouldn't mind takin' a look at this one?

No, thanks.

Well, why not, expert?

Because I've got a train to catch!

Now, wait a minute! That train don't leave till twelve o'clock noon! They pay you a hundred and sixty-two dollars and thirty-nine cents a week just to look at bodies- why can't you look at this one?!

Why don't you look at it for yourself?

Because I'm not an expert! Officer!

In the Heat of the Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Colbert:
I came by to make it as clear as I possibly can: that I do not want the Negro officer taken off this case.

Mayor Schubert:
Negro officer?

Yeah, well he, uh... he comes from up North, you see, and he was, uh, kinda... passing through...

Mrs. Colbert:
I don't care what he is. If it wasn't for him, your impartial chief of police would still have the wrong man behind bars. I want that officer given a free hand, otherwise I will pack up my husband's engineers... and leave you... to yourselves.

In the Heat of the Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

When I examined the deceased, it was obvious that the fatal blow was struck from an angle of seventeen degrees to the right, which makes it almost certain the person who did it was right-handed.

So what?

Ol' Harv's left-handed, Chief. Everyone in town knows that.

Yeah, that's what we figured out, Chief, uh-huh, Harvey's lefty.

Well, you're pretty sure of yourself, ain't you, Virgil? Virgil—that's a funny name for a nigger boy that comes from Philadelphia! What do they call you up there?

They call me Mr. Tibbs!

"Mr. Tibbs"? Well Mr. Wood, take Mr. Tibbs, take him down to the depot, and I mean boy right now!

The bold quote is ranked #16 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.

In the Heat of the Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Let me understand this. You two came here... to question me?

Well, your attitude, Mr. Endicott, your points of view, are a matter of record. Some people- well, let us say, the people who work for Mr. Colbert- might reasonably regard you as the person least likely to mourn his passing. We were just trying to clarify some of the evidence. Was Mr. Colbert ever in this greenhouse, say, last night, about midnight?

[Losing his composure, Endicott slaps Tibbs across the face. Tibbs slaps Endicott right back, visibly shocking him.]



You saw it.

I saw it.

Well, what are you gonna do about it?

I don't know.

I'll remember that. [to Tibbs] There was a time... when I could've had you shot.

In the Heat of the Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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