Crown Prince Leopold:
Well done.
Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoyed it.
Crown Prince Leopold:
Oh, we more than enjoyed it. Stimulated great debate among us, hasn't it? Except of course for your assistant Duchess Von Teschen. You seem to have struck her quite speechless. A feat in itself. Did you hypnotize her?
In a fashion.
Crown Prince Leopold:
I'd like to learn that trick. Rainer here seems to think you have supernatural powers. Do you claim supernatural powers?
I've never said anything of that kind.
Crown Prince Leopold:
Then you won't mind a question or two?
Now let's not ruin it.
Crown Prince Leopold:
You needn't divulge anything I can't guess.
As you wish.
Crown Prince Leopold:
Your assistants are behind the mirrors somewhere, in robes obviously. Lights in the frame perhaps to illuminate them, or angled mirrors.
That would be one way to do it.
Crown Prince Leopold:
I think I understand it all except the ghost. That was very, very good.
Josef Fischer:
Another viewing, perhaps?
Crown Prince Leopold:
You must come to the Hofburg next time. We'll make an evening of it.
That would be my pleasure.
Crown Prince Leopold:
So be it. [motions to Sophie] Sophie? [leaves with Sophie, then turns] And we'll gather our best minds next time. You'll really have a challenge then.
Then I shall prepare something special. Perhaps I'll make you disappear.