Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,658

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Father Sandor:
[after stopping a mob, led by a local priest, from driving a stake into the body of a girl who has died of natural causes. He orders the body be brought to a churchyard] I will bury her. Now do as I say.

[nobody moves to carry out his instructions]

Father Sandor:
Do as I say!

You're out of your jurisdiction! I'll complain to the bishop!

Father Sandor:
Do... and tell him that I stopped you from performing an act of blasphemy! Or would you prefer that I told him?

Well... We have to be sure.

Father Sandor:
You are an idiot, Father. Worse than that: you're a superstitious, frightened idiot.


Father Sandor:
[to the crowd] Take care that I do not have cause to ride this way again!

Dracula: Prince of Darkness  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Helen Kent:
[after Klove leaves to get their dinner] Please, let's leave here.

Charles Kent:
Oh dinner sounds like a splendid idea.

Diana Kent:
I agree!

Helen Kent:
Diana! You can't!

Diana Kent:
Oh, why not? Ten minutes ago we were stranded in the cold, miles away from anywhere. Now we're warm. We're going to be fed. And if that man's master is anything like I think he's going to be, we're going to be entertained as well.

Charles Kent:
Yes, Diana's right. Let's sit down.

Dracula: Prince of Darkness  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Charles Kent:
[as Klove starts to serve dinner] What's your name?

Klove, sir.

Charles Kent:
Well, uh, Kove, isn't your master joining us for dinner?

No, sir. I'm afraid not.

Charles Kent:
Is he indisposed?

He's dead.

Charles Kent:
[hesitates] I'm sorry if we appear a little dense. Perhaps you could explain?

Explain, sir?

Charles Kent:
Yes, you seem to have expected us. Ah, this dinner. our rooms, the carriage... everything.

You see, sir, my master is dead but instructions were left that the castle should always be ready to receive guests. I am merely carrying out his wishes.

Charles Kent:
I see. Who was your master?

His name was Count Dracula. An old and distinguished family. That is the coat of arms over the fireplace. [points to the fireplace]

Charles Kent:
Does no one hold the title now?

My master died without issue, sir... In the accepted sense of the term.

Dracula: Prince of Darkness  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Diana Kent:
Wheres Charles?

Helen Kent:
You don't need Charles. [shows her fangs]

[Diana tries to run then Dracula appears on the stairs and hisses loudly]

Dracula: Prince of Darkness  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Father Sandor:
It's too late. Kent get away from there, it's too late!

[Dracula rises and attacks Charles]

Diana Kent:
Why don't you shoot him?

Father Sandor:
It would do no good my dear.

Dracula: Prince of Darkness  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Garth:
Where's Janet?

Countess Marya Zaleska:
Safe - so far.

Dr. Garth:
If you've harmed her...

Countess Marya Zaleska:
You're not in London now Doctor Garth with your police. You're in Transylvania in my castle.

Dracula's Daughter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[comes out of Dracula's castle] Some man is in there with a stake through his heart.


[looks at Von Helsing] You know anything about this?

Prof. Von Helsing:
Yes, I did it.

Who is he in there?

Prof. Von Helsing:
His name's Count Dracula.

How long has he been dead?

Prof. Von Helsing:
About 500 years.

Dracula's Daughter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why are you looking at me that way? Will I do?

Countess Marya Zaleska:
Yes, you'll do very well indeed. Do you like jewels, Lily? It's very old and very beautiful, I'll show it to you.

I think I'll pass tonight. I think I'll go if you don't mind... Please don't come any closer!

[She screams]

Dracula's Daughter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[on a multi-lane highway, traffic all around is passing and sounding horns]

You know, uh. Friday, we're allowed to go 55... On some occasions, even faster.

I'm well aware of the federally mandated speed limit, Streebeck. But did it ever occur to you that, by going 8 miles an hour slower, we might save some gasoline and ease the burden on the poor taxpayers out there who pay our salaries?

Friday, a little extra gas isn't going to put the city in hock; besides, this looks bad! Come on, live a little - it's the vertical pedal on the right.

Dragnet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[opens her top] Do these look like the breasts of a 43-year-old woman?

No, ma'am. They're quite impressive... bordering on spectacular.

Dragnet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Friday is about to eat a chili dog]

You know the kinds of things that can fall into an industrial sausage press? Not excluding rodent hairs and... bug excrement?

[Friday gives a disgusted look]

I hate you, Streebeck.

Dragnet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Chemical Engineer:
Basically, it burns the eyes, lungs and throat, causes vomiting and if continuously inhaled, death.

[to Friday] Oh, sort of like your aftershave.

Dragnet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Up late last night, partner? I thought the Christian Science Reading Room closed at 10.

Not that it's any of your business, Mr. National Enquirer, but I spent a quiet evening in the company of Connie Swail.

Connie Swail...Don't you mean the virgin Connie Swail?

[Joe looks slyly at Pep as the Dragnet theme plays]

Dragnet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Foxxy, the only thing you're good at is giving head, and you managed to do the opposite!

You too Wooldoor?

[Foxxy runs away crying and Wooldoor feels sad]

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The housemates are waking up in their house]

Good morning, people and Foxxy. It's a lovely day to be on a reality show.

And it's a great day to deny wettin' the bed. WHICH I DID NOT DO!

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rhino Guard:
Do you not know that impersonating a princess is a serious offense, punishable by death?

[slapping the guard] Do you not know that sucking my dick is a serious offense, punishable by FUCK YOU! Now let us in at once or I'll have your children killed! [to the camera] Yeah, it's good to be home.

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Suck My Taint Girl:
Look, Make-A-Point Land!

Where? I can't see it.

It's right over there, between Why-You-So-Bitter-About-Being-Canceled Land and You-Had-Three-Or-Four-Seasons-You-Should-Be-Happy-With-What-You-Got-Most-Shows-Don't-Even-Get-That Land.

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Guys, I solved a mystery.

The only mystery you've ever solved is the mystery of the empty uterus. [Everybody except Foxxy laughs]

If that's true, then how did I found out that the Drawn Together had been canceled?


That's ridiculous!

Captain Hero:
Girl, you crazy.


Oh, really? Then why can I say, "You can all fuck my titties with your shit-covered cocks, you cum-guzzling faggots" without being bleeped?

Yeah! How the fuck is... Whoa! I just said "fuck!"

Captain Hero:
Fuck! Oh, well, I'll be darned.

Dick-gobbling, blood-soaked, ass-eating turd taster! Whoo-hoo! This is fun!

If we not on TV anymore, then why have I been bleaching my anus?

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Never trust a Jew producer. I'm obviously a real Disney princess. If I weren't, why would I be so much better than all you people and Foxxy?

Maybe the Jew Producer was tellin' the truth. I mean, Clara, you may look like a Disney princess, but how many Disney princesses have done the things you done done? [cut to various shots of Clara doing un-princess-like things] And how many times you seen Josie and the Pussycats do what I doed? [cut to various shots of Foxxy doing things not befitting of Josie and the Pussycats]

Captain Hero:
Now, Foxxy, let's not jump to any conclusions here.

C'mon, Captain Hero, how many real superheroes do you know that bang corpses?

Captain Hero:
I don't know. Molly, how many superheroes HAVE you been with? [cut to various shots of Molly in sexual encounters with various superheroes, the last one in which Batman can be seen fellating Robin on a toilet]

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jew Producer:
You don't talk much, do you, I.S.R.A.E.L.?

I.S.R.A.E.L. talks when I.S.R.A.E.L. has something to say.

Jew Producer:
OK, just trying to pass the time here. Listen, I know you're a robot and everything, but don't you have feeling? Isn't it hard for you to destroy things that have never wronged you?

Everyone has wronged I.S.R.A.E.L.!

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You out your fuckin' mind? I said fuck, and they didn't even beep it! Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! [gasps] What about shit? What about cunt? What about shitcunt? [gasps again] No beeps! They ain't beeping the curse words! [to Wooldoor] Go on, try it! Say something!

Okay. Uh, schwartza. Mud baby. Smoked Irishman. Ink face!

Nah, dummy, they never censor racism. I'm talking about words like "shitcunt".

Ooh, I could never say that. Those are bad words.

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Well, like a colostomy bag, I'm on Foxxy's side. I liked being a reality TV star.

Yeah! We need to get our show back. Otherwise, I'll have to go back to my old gig: exposing myself to children, and that union has THE worst health plan!

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Hero:
Psst! That guard outfit makes you look fat.

Ryan the Rhino Guard:
It does? [runs off crying]

Another Rhino Guard:
Oh, great! Now I'll have to deal with that all night. Ryan, wait up!

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I.S.R.A.E.L. must kill you all

Wait, can't we just work something out?

I.S.R.A.E.L. must be aggressive to survive. It's a common sense policy

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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In which movie did this phrase get tattooed on someone back: "I never wish to be parted from you from this day on"?
A The Ultimate Life
B After We Collided
C Sex and Lucia
D Memento