Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,710

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Be seeing you my friend.

Flushed Away  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Le Frog:
We leave immediately!

What about dinner?

Le Frog:
We leave... in five hours.

Flushed Away  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Blimy, it's cold.

That's why I wore me mittens.

Wha... Hitmen don't wear mittens! Take them off! You're embarrassing me!

It's all right for you. You've got little hands. They don't freeze as much.

Flushed Away  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What are you, some kind of rat boomerang?! Give me back my ruby!

I haven't got your ruby!

[the ruby falls on Roddy's hand, Rita gasps]

Okay. Well, now I've got your ruby.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!

Please be careful! That ruby means a lot to me. It's priceless!

Hold on... [looks at the ruby] It's a fake.

Ha, ha, ha! No, it's blooming not. It's real!

No, no, look. It'’s just glass.

It's real!






[short pause]








Look, look, look, look, look, look, look. You can tell. Watch this. [breaks the ruby; Rita gasps in shock, as they watch the ruby pieces sink in the water] There, you see? I mean, you can't break a real ruby. [Rita growls furiously as she looks at him] Ah, right. I probably should've done that, but look on the bright side, I saved your neck. I mean, once the Toad knows it's worthless, he'll stop chasing you for it. Roddy St. James saves the day! [Rita punches him, and he tumbles into the bottom of the boat]

Flushed Away  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Toad:
Where are those idiots? [to his tadpoles] It's so hard to get hope these days, my boys. Yes, that's right. [The Toad speaks in a baby voice] Oh, come on out, my lovelies. Cheer your old dad up. Poor Daddy, surrounded by flithy rats in this joyless, sunless void! But don't worry, my little men. Daddy will get rid of them all! He will. They'll all be deady-weady. [The Toad kisses the jar, and his tadpoles hug their daddy from inside. Spike and Whitey arrive. The Toad hides his jar, but still has his baby voice.] Did you find it?


The Toad:
[snaps out of it] Ah! Did you find it?

Well, we got most of it, boss. [he and Whitey show The Toad pieces of the ruby. The Toad knocks it out of their hands]

The Toad:
Forget! The ruby! It's the master cable that I want. The one that grubby creature Rita took.

Spike and Whitey:

The Toad:
Without it, my plan is ruined!

Okay, chief. Forget the ruby. Ruby's gone. See? See? Moving on. We are now your cable guys.

Focused. Cable-centric, boss.

The Toad:
You need to be back in time for the World Cup Final.

Oh, great! Are we watching the game together, boss?

[The Toad growls angrily; cut to outside his office; Spike and Whitey get thrown through a glass window]

The Toad:

Keep your legs straight!

Flushed Away  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Are you sure about this, Spike? These things are dangerous.

Danger is my middle name!

I thought it was Lesley.

Flushed Away  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, I love a happy ending.

Oh, you've gone soft. I like unhappy endings, with lots of violence.

[A champagne bottle hits away Spike and press him against the wall]

Are you happy now, Spike?

Flushed Away  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After sending a baboon through the telepods, only to have it emerge as a bloody, malformed mess]

[recording him with a camera] We've gotta do this, Seth. Talk to the tape. Get in the habit. The world will want to know what you're thinking--

[angrily] "FUCK" is what I'm thinking!

Good... The world will want to know that... What else? Why didn't it work?

[more calmly] I think it turned the baboon inside-out.


It can't cope with the flesh. It only seems to work on inanimate objects; nothing that's living. Must be my fault.


Computers are dumb. They only know what you tell them. I must not know enough about the flesh myself. I'm gonna have to learn. [is silent for a moment] I don't wanna talk now.

[Ronnie turns off the camera and sadly watches him leave]

The Fly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Listen. I want you to go through. I want to teleport you. As soon as possible, right now! You'll feel incredible, Ronnie! I hardly need to sleep any more, I feel wonderful! It's like a drug, but a perfectly pure and benign drug! The power I feel surging inside me...! And I won't be able to wear you out! We'll be the perfect couple, the dynamic duo! Come on, right now!

Hey, wait! Don't give me that "born-again teleportation" rap! I told you I was scared to do it. What do I have to say?! I'M NOT GOING TO DO IT!

You're a FUCKING DRAG, you know that?!

Something went wrong, Seth. When you went through, something went wrong.

The Fly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Seth teleports again]

[To Tawny] Okay, okay! Now you're going to like it!

I don't want to! [Seth drags Tawny to the lab] I'm afraid!

Don't be afraid!

[Surprising them] No. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

The Fly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Those weird hairs growing out of your back, I took them to a lab. I had them analyzed.

The hairs? The hairs? Oh. Yeah, that’s a strange thing to do.

Not as strange as the results. The guy at the lab had trouble identifying them. He finally came to the conclusion that they were definitely not human.

[points upwards] Oh, very good.

Not human, Seth. In fact, very likely insect hairs.

[scared; in denial] That's silly, that's ridiculous--

Look, now there's more. Look at your face... Something happened when you went through, Seth. You've got to get some help, I think you must be sick--

[exploding] YOU'RE JEALOUS!! I've become free, I've been released and you can't stand it! You'll do anything to bring me down! Come here, does this look sick? Does this look like a sick man to you?

[Seth starts punching and denting the wall with his bare hands]

No, stop it!

Know any sick man who can do that?!

The Fly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[At Brundle's lab, Veronica finds him scaling the walls]

I seem to be stricken by a disease with a purpose, wouldn't you say? Maybe not such a bad disease after all.

I can't stay here.

[jumps down onto floor] No, no, no! Why not? Why can't you?

I can't take it... It's too much.

What's there to take? The disease has just revealed its purpose. We don't have to worry about contagion anymore, I know what the disease wants.

What does the disease want?

It wants to...turn me into something else. That's not too terrible, is it? Most people would give anything to be turned into something else.

Turned into what?

What do you think, a fly? Am I becoming a hundred-and-eighty-five pound fly? No, I'm becoming something that's never existed before. I'm becoming... Brundlefly. Don't you think that's worth a Nobel Prize or two?

The Fly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Help me. Help me be human.


[indicating the appropriate telepods] Well, I go there, and you go there. We come apart, and then we come together there. You, me and the baby. Together. [starts the countdown]


We'll be the ultimate family. A family of three, joined together in one body. More human than I am alone.


The Fly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Seems that a bunch of kids was raising some hell over at Burlington Cranton's property a few days back. Tore up the fields, turned over a tractor and everything. Today, someone suggested to me there's been some trouble up at the high school. I think it was drugs. You don't happen to know anything about it, do you?


What was that? I can't hear you.

He said no.


I said no, sir.

It seems that a lot of people are pointin' the finger in your direction lately.

And what have they said?

What I have been tellin' you about the trouble and the drugs and it just seems like you've had a lot of problems since you moved. And I figured...

You figured where there's smoke there's fire, right?

Usually works like that. Now, Ren, you know that I would never try to take the place of your father.

Yeah, well, there's no chance of that! [gets up and leaves]

Footloose  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Reverend Moore:
Were you drinking?


Reverend Moore:
Smoking something?

No! I wasn't stealing, I wasn't gambling, I wasn't dancing, I wasn't reading books I'm not supposed to! I am late!

Reverend Moore:
Who were you with?

Ren McCormack.

Reverend Moore:
I don't want you to see him anymore.

Why not?

Reverend Moore:
Because I've heard he's a troublemaker.

Just because he hasn't lived in this town for 20 years doesn't make him a troublemaker!

Reverend Moore:
Ariel, I don't know what I'm going to do with you.

There ain't nothing to do with me, Daddy. You like it or not, this is it. It doesn't get much better.

Footloose  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Reverend Moore:
[discusses his daughter] We're losing her, Vi. Don't you see that?

No. I see you chasing after her and I see her running from you.

Reverend Moore:
She's become so willful, so obstinate.

She's like her father. The two of you were so wonderful once. You had so much to talk about. I was almost jealous.

Reverend Moore:
It's not as if we don't talk. It's just that sometimes people run out of things to say.

[pause] Shaw? It's 20 years now I've been a minister's wife. And I've been quiet, supportive, unobtrusive and after 20 years I still think you're a wonderful, a wonderful preacher. You can lift a congregation up so high they have to look down to see heaven. But it's the one to one where you need a little work.

Footloose  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sarah Marshall:
Peter... as you know, I love you very much...

Peter Bretter:
[horrified] Are you breaking up with me? [drops his towel and covers his face]

Sarah Marshall:
Pete? Are you, um...?

Peter Bretter:
I just need a minute. [turns away, then hunches over and starts whimpering to himself]

Sarah Marshall:


Sarah Marshall:
Do you want to put some clothes on?!

Peter Bretter:
[sarcastically] Would you like to pick out the outfit you break up with me in?!

Forgetting Sarah Marshall  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rachel Jansen:
Wow, we’re really going up to the edge of this, huh?

Peter Bretter:

Rachel Jansen:
Wow, this is really beautiful. All right, so now that your show’s done, are you gonna finish the Dracula musical?

Peter Bretter:
It’s not that was, you know. Sarah always thought it was crazy and...

Rachel Jansen:
Well, you're definitely crazy. But so is everyone, right? So who cares?

Peter Bretter:
I just don't feel like doing anything.

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
'Cause my heart is broken, and I can't imagine doing anything right now. It's probably the same reason... you don't go back to school, you know? Maybe it's good we got hurt like that, you know? don't know about you, but it makes me feel impervious to pain.

Rachel Jansen:
Yeah. Kind of like there's nothing left to be afraid of.

Peter Bretter:
Yeah. No, exactly.

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
We could leap off this rock, and it won't hurt us as had as they did.

Rachel Jansen:
So, jump then.

Peter Bretter:
No, I meant that, like as a metaphor, you know?

Rachel Jansen:
No. Just do it. You’ll be fine. Jump.

Peter Bretter:
Oh, god. Oh god. I made her kill yourself. You must be crazy.

Rachel Jansen:
So, are you gonna jump, or what.

Peter Bretter:

Rachel Jansen:
Come on, Peter! I can see vagina from here. I can see hoo-ha.

Peter Bretter:
I mean, I'll jump!

Rachel Jansen:
Chicken, come on.

Peter Bretter:
[while hanging from a cliff] So what should I do? I should just let go?

Rachel Jansen:
No, no, no, no, no. If you fall straight down, you'll probably hit a rock and kill yourself!

Peter Bretter:
Totally. So what do I do?!

Rachel Jansen:
Why don't you just press your feet up against the rock, and like, shoot yourself off!

Peter Bretter:
What, like a frog?!

Rachel Jansen:
I don't know, Peter- just get off the fucking rock!

Peter Bretter:
Here I go! One! [pause]

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
Two! [pause] Two and a half-

Rachel Jansen:

Peter Bretter:
Three! [jumps, falls awkwardly, but safely, into the sea near Rachel]

Rachel Jansen:
Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. You saw right?

Peter Bretter:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw it.

Rachel Jansen:
I was there I witnessed it.

Peter Bretter:
[smiling] Thanks.

[She kisses him]

Forgetting Sarah Marshall  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sarah Marshall:
[after she, Peter and Rachel have each had a lot of wine] So... just so we're clear, and so that I can kinda hone in on your, your central thesis of the night, wade through all the bullshit, you're telling me you think you have the right to just fuck anyone, anywhere, anytime? That's what you're saying?

Aldous Snow:
Yes! That's right, there it is! Not so eloquently as you just put it, sweetheart, but... [spills his cranberry juice over the Tommy Bahama shirt Sarah bought him, and doesn't notice] Ultimately, that is... [notices the spill and laughs] Oh, no! Not the shirt! [laughing] Take my eyes, but not the shirt! Mmm, yeah, that's pretty much what I believe, Sarah.

Sarah Marshall:
When you're done making jokes, are you gonna get a napkin?!

Aldous Snow:
D'you know what, I think I've improved it, actually! Against all odds, I think I deserve a design award!

Sarah Marshall:
[quietly and angrily] Just please get some seltzer water.

Aldous Snow:
Um, garcon, could we get some... [Matthew rushes over and tries vigorously to clean off Aldous' shirt, while Aldous tries to fend him off; Rachel laughs]

Matthew Van Der Wyk:
I saw it from farther away. Okay, just lean back for a sec. Let me...

No, it's all right, it's not there. You're very diligent, and I appreciate it, but, let go of the glass now, you're gonna have to walk away, bless you. [Matthew reluctantly backs off as a waitress brings dessert]

Peter Brenner:
[in mock reaction to the dessert] Oh me, oh my, call the doctor.

Rachel Jansen:
Oh, good! [they both laugh; Rachel feeds Peter some of her dessert.]

Peter Bretter:
I love Hawaii.

Rachel Jansen:
[laughs] It's good, huh?

Sarah Marshall:
Yeah, it's nice, but I think, for like a week, tops. Any more than that, and I know I'd go crazy, because I think that Hawaii is a place to escape for people who can't deal with the real world.

Rachel Jansen:
Yeah, you know, there's so few personal shoppers and pet therapists. Gosh, it's such a hard life. [she feeds Peter another bite of dessert, then grabs his face and kisses him.] I like living here.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sean Archer:
Any word from the LAPD intelligence? If there IS such a thing?

Not yet, sir.

Sean Archer:
Of course not, because we're a covert anti-terrorist team that is so secret, that when we snap our fingers nothing happens!

Face/Off  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Archer and Castor are in a Mexican standoff in the hangar]

Sean Archer:
[jams his pistol into Castor's neck] Give up, Castor! Your time's up! [beat]

Castor Troy:
[laughs as his pistol is jammed into Archer's neck] Well, you better hit me, Sean, 'cause you got only one bullet left!

Sean Archer:
So do you. [Troy stands up and the two point pistols at each other's heads]

Castor Troy:
Wow! We've got something in common! We both know our guns.

Sean Archer:
What we don't have in common is that I don't care if I live, and you do.

Castor Troy:
Sean, that hurts. You're not having any fun, are you, Sean? Why don't you come with us? Try terrorism-for-hire. We'll blow some shit up! It's more fun!

Sean Archer:
Shut the fuck up!

Castor Troy:
You watch your fucking mouth! I'm about to unleash the biblical plague "Hell-A" deserves! But I'll give this shithole a break if my brother and I walk.

Sean Archer:

Castor Troy:
Oh-oh, oh, I-I see, I see. Y-You think I'm bluffing. Maybe I am. But then, maybe, I am not. More importantly, what would you do with me locked up? You'd drive your wife and kid crazy! Say, how is your daughter, anyway? Your... your darling Janie? Your little peach? Is she ripe? Ri-ripe-r...I'M READY!! [pulls the trigger but there is no bullet. Castor drops his gun]

Face/Off  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Archer sits down to interrogate Sasha]

Sean Archer:
Hello, Sasha. When was the last time you saw Castor Troy?

Sasha Hassler:
Who cares? He's dead.

Sean Archer:
Answer the question.

Sasha Hassler:
I know my rights. I don't have to answer shit.

Sean Archer:
You're right. But know this: you're a convicted felon, on probation for harboring Castor Troy. One phone call from me and your son will end up in a foster home. [beat]

Sasha Hassler:
[takes a deep breath] I understand why you would use such a threat. But you try to take him away from me, I swear to you....I haven't seen him for years.

[Archer looks at her for a moment. He then gets up and goes to another interrogation room where Dietrich is sitting]

Sean Archer:
This reeks of you. It's got your signature all over it. [Dietrich gives a hard look at Archer]

Dietrich Hassler:
Maybe. But you ain't got nothing on me, and you know it.

Sean Archer:
Maybe so. But I can keep you within city limits, or I can talk to your sister again. She's right outside. [Archer backs away from Dietrich] Only this time, I'll be nice. [He walks around the table Dietrich is sitting at]

Dietrich Hassler:
Hey, Sean, how's your dead son?

[Dietrich breaks out laughing. Archer suddenly pushes him to the floor by the neck and jams his pistol into Dietrich's eye]

Dietrich Hassler:
I don't know anything! Okay! Okay, I heard something about the 18th, but that's all I know! [Archer puts his pistol away]

Face/Off  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tito Blondi:
Great, so we've got a date. Now where the hell's the damn bomb?

Sean Archer:
Only Pollux Troy will know that.

Hollis Miller:
It's your call, Sean.

Sean Archer:
Does Lazarro know your plan?

Hollis Miller:
No, this is a black bag operation. Strictly off the books. You can't tell Lazarro, and you can't tell your wife.

Sean Archer:
[rubs his cheeks] Oh, god. What are you asking me to do? Okay, let's see. You're asking me to break the law, risk my neck, and you're asking me to put in the dark all the people that're above me and trust me. [He takes a deep breath] I'll do it.

Face/Off  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Archer has entered Erewhon posing as Castor]

Burke Hicks:
What's the matter, pal? Dontcha remember the little people? [Archer turns and recognizes him]

Sean Archer:
Burke Hicks.

Burke Hicks:

Sean Archer:
I bust... [catches himself] I believe Sean Archer busted you for stalking the UN Secretary General.

Burke Hicks:
Oh, no, Archer framed me. I had nothing to do with that. Word was you got wasted. [beat]

Sean Archer:
You want to see what "wasted" looks like, little man?

Face/Off  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
A Joseph Stalin
B Albert Einstein
C Oppenheimer
D Charles Dickens