Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,811

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

First rule of crime: Keep It Simple. What's simple? Carbon Monoxide.

Pathology Resident:

Dr. Wheeler:
Carbon Monoxide?

Sure, it's perfect. Anesthetist feeds the patient some carbon monoxide instead of oxygen. It's colorless and makes the blood very red so the surgeon doesn't notice anything funny. But the brain dies from lack of oxygen. End of operation - the patient doesn't wake up.

Dr. Wheeler:
No other effects?

Pathology Resident:
Sure, other effects. Cardiac irritability.

Which this case had.

Pathology Resident:
You know, it'd be much better to block the neuro-muscular junction with succinylcholine. Now that's a nice murder.

Yeah, who's gonna do it?

Pathology Resident:
Well, who's gonna feed you carbon monoxide?

That's the problem. Been about a dozen of these coma cases here in the last year. They're always different. Different case, different anesthetist, different operation. Hard to imagine it's murder.

Dr. Wheeler:
Are you sure?

What do you think? There's a conspiracy at the Boston Memorial Hospital, involving all the anesthetists?

Coma  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Harris:
I've had a rather hysterical call from Dr. George in anesthesiology. Dr. George is a powerful person here, not only because of his position. There are other reasons.

Dr. Wheeler:
I gather.

Dr. Harris:
What does that mean?

Dr. Wheeler:
Just because he has a rich wife, he's able to throw his weight around.

Dr. Harris:
You're looking for truth and justice.

Dr. Wheeler:
I'm looking for fairness.

Dr. Harris:
In fairness, you've challenged the professional competence of a chief of service at this hospital. And he didn't take it well. No reason he should. Now he's out for blood.

Dr. Wheeler:
I've noticed.

Dr. Harris:
Sue, believe me, I'm on your side for all kinds of reasons. I don't want to let another chief of service get one of my house officers fired.

Dr. Wheeler:
Dr. Harris, I just wanted to look at his charts.

Dr. Harris:
Sue, right now, I can protect you because you're good. And frankly, because you're a woman.

Dr. Wheeler:
I don't want concessions.

Dr. Harris:
At the moment, you'd better take any you can get.

Dr. Wheeler:
You know what happened to Greenly?

Dr. Harris:

Dr. Wheeler:
What happened?

Dr. Harris:
She died.

Dr. Wheeler:
How do you feel about that?

Dr. Harris:
How do I feel? I feel...

Dr. Wheeler:
She was my best friend. She understood me. She understood me. It's not fair. None of this is fair.

Dr. Harris:

Dr. Wheeler:
Nobody understands. No one.

Dr. Harris:
I know, I know.

[on the intercom] Dr. Harris, the secretary of HEW is on the phone from Washington.

Dr. Harris:
Call back. Too many of us shut ourselves off from our feelings. We don't explore them. We don't understand them. We don't understand ourselves. It's the toughest thing about our profession.

Dr. Wheeler:
Dr. Harris...

Dr. Harris:
I'll take care of the politics. You just look out for yourself. Take the weekend off, Sue. Go walk on the beach. Get away from the hospital.

Dr. Wheeler:
I'm so embarrassed by this.

Dr. Harris:
Don't be. Don't be. Our emotions are what make us human.

Coma  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nurse Emerson:
[at the Jefferson Institute] Can I help you?

Dr. Wheeler:
I'm Dr. Wheeler.

Nurse Emerson:
You're early, aren't you, doctor?

Dr. Wheeler:

Nurse Emerson:
You're supposed to come on Tuesday, day after tomorrow, when the tour is scheduled.

Dr. Wheeler:
The tour?

Nurse Emerson:
Yes, it's every Tuesday at 11. The regular tour for physicians.

Dr. Wheeler:
Could I see it now?

Nurse Emerson:
I'm afraid that's impossible.

Dr. Wheeler:
I just thought as long as I'm here...

Nurse Emerson:
We're simply not set up for it.

Dr. Wheeler:
May I speak with the physician in charge?

Nurse Emerson:
There is no physician in charge.

Dr. Wheeler:
Well, then, your supervisor.

Nurse Emerson:
I have no supervisor.

Dr. Wheeler:
Who runs the staff?

Nurse Emerson:
There is no staff.

Coma  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Wheeler:
Mark, it's so awful! It's so terrible.

Dr. Bellows:
Take it easy. Honey, slow down.

Dr. Wheeler:
He was trying to kill me. And I had to keep going. And all the bodies. It's horrible!

Dr. Bellows:
Take it easy. Slow down.

Dr. Wheeler:
Mark, it's all happening. It's really happening. Somebody's putting people into comas. They're murdering them. No, no, really. Kelly's dead. I was down there. I found the gas line. It starts in the basement and it goes up the main tunnel then plugs into the oxygen line in the ceiling that goes to O.R. 8.

Dr. Bellows:
Honey, slow down.

Dr. Wheeler:
They're killing people with carbon monoxide in O.R. 8. They have a radio to turn the valve.

Dr. Bellows:
I believe you.

Dr. Wheeler:
All the cases happened in O.R. 8. And they all went to the Jefferson Institute. And this guy, he chased me all over. And there were so many bodies.

Dr. Bellows:
It's all right. It's okay.

Dr. Wheeler:
And this is real. Call the police. We have to do something! This is real, Mark. I can prove it.

Dr. Bellows:
Sure, you can. You can. Just lie down.

Dr. Wheeler:
This is real.

Dr. Bellows:
I know you can. Now one thing at a time. I want to give you a Valium and how about a cup of tea to settle you down? A cup of hot tea? Then we're going to talk after you settle down. So you just rest right here. You just stay right here on the bed? That-a-girl. That's it. You just relax.

Dr. Wheeler:
I can't...

Dr. Bellows:
That's it. Just relax. Close your eyes. That's it. Okay, that-a-girl. Now, I'll get you a cup of tea.

Dr. Wheeler:
You're so great, Mark.

Dr. Bellows:
Stay here, honey. Just stay right here. [calling out from the kitchen] That's a hell of a story, Susan. You really had a lot of people worried. Don't worry. Everything's going to be okay now. [quietly into the phone] She came back. No, she's here now. Of course. No, I can manage that. I'll keep her here. Look, I'd better go. [turns to fins Susan gone]

Coma  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Harris:
You've put me in a difficult position. It seems you know everything.

Dr. Wheeler:
You're George.

Dr. Harris:
I wonder if you can understand, if you can take the long view, the view of a person in my position.

Dr. Wheeler:
You did it.

Dr. Harris:
No decision is easy, Sue. It only looks that way when you're young. When you're older, everything is complicated. There is no black and white, only gray.

Coma  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Harris:
But our society faces momentous decisions. Decisions about the right to die. About abortion. About terminal illness, prolonged coma, transplantation. Decisions about life and death. But society isn't deciding. Congress isn't deciding. The courts aren't deciding. Religion isn't deciding. Why? Because society is leaving it up to us, the experts. The doctors.

Dr. Wheeler:
You're crazy.

Dr. Harris:
Americans spend $125 billion a year on health. More than defense. Because Americans believe in medical care. These great hospital complexes are the cathedrals of our age. Billions of dollars, thousands of beds. A whole nation of sick people turning to us for help.

Dr. Wheeler:
You, you ought to see somebody.

Dr. Harris:
They're children, Sue. They trust us. We can't tell them everything. Our job is to make things easier for them. I'm sure you agree.

Dr. Wheeler:
You're killing people.

Dr. Harris:
We must always take the long view. Not of the individual, but of society as a whole. Because medicine is now a great social force. The individual is too small.

[Susan begins to lose focus and feels pain in her abdomen]

Dr. Harris:
That's the drug. It produces abdominal spasm and peritoneal symptoms. It must be very painful. It's too bad. But look at it from the practical standpoint. Somebody has to make these decisions. We can't wait around forever. If society won't decide, we'll decide. We'll make the hard decisions.

[Susan collapses]

Dr. Harris:
[picks up the phone] This is Dr. Harris. Schedule an emergency appendectomy in O.R. 8. It's a member of the house staff, Dr. Wheeler. I've examined her. She requires immediate surgery.

Coma  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marine Recruiter:
The Marine Corps builds body, mind and spirit. Thank you.

High School Class Pres.:
And now, with a different perspective, we have Luke Martin, combat veteran of the Marine Corps.

Luke Martin:
Sergeant, do you mind if I ask you a question?

Marine Recruiter:
No, sir.

Luke Martin:
Just call me Sergeant. That’s what I was. Where were you stationed?

Marine Recruiter:
Da Nang.

Luke Martin:
You know, you want to be a part of it, patriotic, go out and get your licks in for the U.S. of A. And when you get over there, it's a totally different situation. I mean, you grow up real quick. Because all you're seeing is, uhm, a lot of death. And I know some of you guys are going to look at the uniformed man and you're going to remember all the films and you're going to think about the glory of other wars and think about some vague patriotic feeling and go off and fight this turkey too. And I'm telling you it ain't like it's in the movies. That's all I want to tell you, because I didn't have a choice. When I was your age, all I got was some guy standing up like that, man, giving me a lot of bullshit, man, which I caught. I was really in good shape then, man. I was captain of the football team. And I wanted to be a war hero, man, I wanted to go out and kill for my country.And now I'm here to tell ya that I have killed for my country, or whatever. And I don't feel good about it. Because there's not enough reason, man, to feel a person die in your hands or to see your best buddy get blown away. I'm here to tell ya it's a lousy thing, man. I don't see any reason for it. And there's a lot of shit that I did over there that I find fucking hard to live with. And I don't want to see people like you, man, comin' back and having to face the rest of your lives with that kind of shit. It's as simple as that. I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm a lot fuckin' smarter now than when I went. And I'm just tellin' ya, there's a choice to be made here.

Coming Home  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[carrying garbage] I was afraid you'd miss me...

[drawing his gun] Don't worry. We won't.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now that is American workmanship. You think the Japanese invented that? Bullshit. We did. Oh, for a while there we lost it. But we got it back.

I like Cadillacs.

You like Cadillacs, well come round around here, brother, and get into this Cadillac. You gonna love it. This is style and beauty... Comfy, right? Oh, I know what you gonna say, that's vinyl. Take it from me, you don't want leather, brother. Leather's hot. It's uncomfortable. It cracks. Nothing but trouble. Look at the headroom you've got in here. A guy like you is not gonna have any problem. [Cooke turns the key and starts the car] Go ahead, start it up. Listen to that. That's power. That's performance.

You know what I like best?

What's that?

... The price. [Cranks up the car and backs up]

Hey! Wait a minute! You can't drive that car in here! Whoa! Whoa! [Cooke speeds up and runs over Forrestal]

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[reading one of Jenny's teen magazines] Why can't they just call him "Girl George"? It would get rid of all the confusion.

Dad, that is so old.

You know, when I was a boy and rock and roll came to East Germany, the Communists said it was subversive... (thinks for a moment) Maybe they were right?

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[To Jenny, referring to a sandwich she made him] What's in this?

(Jokingly) You don't wanna know.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Kirby leaves] Is it bad?

I'm not going away, if that's what you mean.

Then it can't be bad.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Where is she?

Mellow out man. We can't talk business with you waving guns in people's faces... Your daughter is safe, Colonel. Now whether she stays that way is up to you. My people got some business with you. And if you want your kid back, then you gotta co-operate, right?

Wrong. [shoots him between the eyes]

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bennett? I thought you were--

Dead? You thought wrong. Ever since you had me thrown out of your unit, I've waited to pay you back. Do you know what today is Matrix? Pay day!

[Bennett fires a tranquilizer at Matrix]

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[John Matrix, fully restrained in chains, comes out of sedation from being tranquilized. Bennett, Sully, Henriques, and despotic former dictator Arius are staring down at him]

Tranquilizers. I wanted to use the real THING!

Where's Jenny?

[Matrix discovers Arius]

You remember me, Colonel?

I remember you, scumbag! Especially the people you've tortured and killed!

Colonel Matrix, you do not understand a country like Val Verde. It is a country that needs a president who has an understanding of discipline.

Why tell me?

Because you're going to return to Val Verde and you are going to kill the president that you helped to overthrow me.

Why don't you have Bennett do it? Sounds like something he would get off on.

Because President Velasquez trusts you, Colonel. After all, he made you the hero of the revolution. Why, Captain Bennett left, shall we say, uh, under a cloud. Yes?

Yeah, 'cause he enjoyed killing a little TOO much.

Your training, Matrix.

You can get close to President Velasquez. You will kill him. You know, Colonel, we went to a lot of trouble to find you. We had to pretend Captain Bennett's death so that General Kirby would become agitated and lead us to you, and now that I have you, you will do exactly as I tell you.

Fuck you.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sully will make sure you get on the plane. Henriques is to stay with you, make sure you get off. If I don't hear of either one of them, she's dead.

How much are they paying you, Bennett?

They offered me a hundred grand. You want to know something? When I found out I could get my hands on you, I said I'd do it for nothing...

Hey, hold it! [grabs Matrix by the arm]

I'll be back, Bennett!...

[Henriques takes Matrix away from Bennett]

... John, I'll be ready, John!

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Have a nice trip, uh? Take care. Oh, here. Have some beers in Val Verde, Matrix. It'll give everyone a little more time with your daughter.


You're a funny guy, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last...


...Hasta luego, fellas.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Any carry-on luggage?

[pointing to Henriques] Just him.

[to Matrix] Open your mouth again and I'll nail it shut.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[voice over] Ladies and gentlemen, we are now preparing for departure. If you'll please make sure all your carry-on luggage is safely stored in the overhead compartments. Make sure your seat belts are fastened and extinguish all cigarettes. Once we reach our cruising altitude, we're gonna be serving our beverages and then, a little later on, our dinner. Shortly after that, we'll be showing our feature film.

[When no one is looking John covertly snaps Henriques' neck. He then covers Henriques in a hat and blanket to make it look like he is snoozing]

[voice over] Your flight attendants are Susan and Lance...and I'm Vicky. We're here to make your trip as comfortable as possible. Thank you, and have a safe and enjoyable flight.

Excuse me, how long is the flight?

We land in Val Verde in exactly eleven hours.

Thank you. And do me a favor: Don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sir! During takeoff you must remain seated.

I'm airsick...

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Sully is at a pay phone talking to Bennett]

OK boss, he got on with Henriques, he is on the plane.

[Sully hangs up phone then eyeballs an off-duty stewardess named Cindy]

You know I've got something I'd really like to give you.

I'm not interested!

Oh, you don't know what you're missing.

Well from here it looks like a nightmare, will you please leave me alone!

... You fucking whore!

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Matrix abducts Cindy]

Don't move! I'm not going to hurt you. Step aside.

You said "don't move"!

Do it! Get in the car.

[Matrix and Cindy get in a car to pursue Sully with Matrix ripping the passenger side seat and casting it away]

Do exactly what I tell you to do.

Listen, I've got a 7:30 advanced karate class and I can't help you.

We're not gonna make it.

[Sully drives away and tries to escape]

Follow him!

I knew you were gonna say that.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[In pursuit of Sully]

Don't get offended by this question but, are you gonna kill me or something?


I suppose you wouldn't tell me if you were.

Sure I would.


Trust me.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Can you tell me what this is about?

Yeah. A guy I trusted for years wants me dead.

That's understandable. I've only known you five minutes, and I want you dead too.

Out. Come. Hurry up.

Listen, if you're in a hurry, I can just I'm almost through with you.

Listen to me. My daughter has been kidnapped. He's the only chance I've got of finding her. If he sees me or I lose him, he'll kill her. What I need you to do is follow him, tell him you're crazy about him.

Try to bring him over here. I will do the rest and you can go back to your normal life, got it?

No. Please, help me. You're the only chance I've got. She has less than 10 hours left. Don't you understand? They're gonna kill her.

Okay. All right. I'll help you.

Commando  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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"Dirt in the fuel line... just blowed it away."
A The godfather
B Bonnie and Clyde
C Gone in 60 seconds
D Casablanca