[In the third ending]
Professor Plum:
It must've been Mr. Green who shot the singing telegram!
Mr. Green:
I didn't do it!
Col. Mustard:
Well, there's nobody else left!
Mr. Green:
But I didn't do it! The gun is missing! Whoever's got the gun shot the girl!
[Wadsworth draws the gun]
I shot her.
Col. Mustard, Mrs. Peacock, Mrs. White, Ms. Scarlet, Prof. Plum:
Mr. Green:
So it was you. I was going to expose you.
I know. So I choose to expose myself.
Col. Mustard:
Please! There are ladies present.
You thought Mr. Boddy was dead, but why? None of you even met him until tonight.
Mr. Green:
You're Mr. Boddy!
[Wadsworth grins and laughs]
Prof. Plum:
Wait a minute! So who did I kill?
My butler.
Prof. Plum:
Oh, shucks.
He was expendable, like all of you. I'm grateful to you all for disposing of my network of spies and informers. Saved me a lot of trouble. Now there's no evidence against me.
Mrs. White:
This all has nothing to do with my disappearing nuclear physicist husband or Colonel Mustard's work on the new top secret fusion bomb?
No. Communism is just a red herring.
Mr. Green:
But the police will be here any minute. You'll never get away with this, any of you.
Why should the police come? Nobody's called them.
Mrs. Peacock:
You mean-- Oh, my God! Of course!
So why shouldn't we get away with it? We'll stack the bodies in the cellar, lock it, leave quietly one at a time, and forget that any of this ever happened.
Mr. Green:
And you'll just- just go on blackmailing us all.
Of course. Why not?
Mr. Green:
Well, I'll tell you why not.
[he draws a revolver, and shoots Wadsworth; Wadsworth drops his gun]
Oh, good shot, Green! [slumps to the floor, reaches a hand inside his coat, and looks at the blood on his fingers] And very good.