Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,817

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Timo Cruz tries to punch Coach Carter, but Carter blocks it and slams him against the wall]

Timo Cruz:
Teachers ain't supposed to touch students.

Coach Carter:
I'm not a teacher. I'm the new basketball coach.

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Coach Carter:
You, shooting the ball, what's your name sir?

Jason Lyle:
Jason Lyle, but I ain't no sir.

Coach Carter:
Oh, well are you a madam?

[team laughs]

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Coach Carter:
Well... not quite your storybook ending huh. Not for us anyway. But you men played like champions... you never gave up. And champions hold their heads high. What you achieved goes way beyond the win-loss column or what’s gonna be written on the front page of the sports section tomorrow. You’ve achieved something that some people spend their whole lives trying to find... what you achieved is that ever elusive victory within, and gentlemen... I am so proud of you. 4 months ago when I took the job at Richmond I had a plan.. that plan failed. I came to coach basketball players and you became students. I came to teach boys, and you became men. And for that I thank you. If someone walked in this door right now and offered me the coaching job at any school in the state of California, you know which school I’d choose?

St. Francis?


Coach Carter:

Whole team:

Coach Carter:

Whole Team:

Coach Carter:
Where we from?

Whole Team:

Coach Carter:
What's my home town?

Whole Team:

Coach Carter:
What we love?!

Whole Team:

Coach Carter:

Whole Team:

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jason Lyle:
[to Coach Carter as he walks into the gym] Sir, they can cut the chains off the door, but they can't make us play.

Damien Carter:
We've decided we're going to finish what you've started, sir.

Yeah, so leave us be, coach. We've got shit to do, sir.

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Coach Carter:
What's your deepest fear?

Why he keep saying that? What's your deepest fear? What's that mean?

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Principle Garret:
Your job, Mr. Carter, is to teach these boys basketball. I suggest you start doing your job.

Ken Carter:
Your job is to educate these students- I suggest you start doing yours.

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Kenyon Stone:
[running suicides] Yo, how many we gonna do?

Coach Carter:

Kenyon Stone:
Yo, sir, how many we gonna do?

Coach Carter:
Let's see how many you can do in... one hour and seven minutes.

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Coach Carter:
I end up taking a road trip to the suburbs where I find my drunk ass point guard on top of Daddy's little princess!

Actually, I was on the bottom, coach, she was on the top.

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Coach Carter:
[talking to his players] "What is wrong with you? What's wrong with all of you? Since when is winning not enough, playing hard not enough? No, you have to humiliate your opponents. Taunt'em after every score. You won 4 games last season. FOUR! What gives you the right to the game that I love with trash talk and taunting? What gives you the right to wear Richmond on your chest and act like punks?

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Coach Carter:
So? You can't show some class? Act like a champion? You owe me 500 push-ups a piece. On the line, NOW!

Coach Carter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You are in training my son.

In training for what?

For stardom. No matter how liberal this world may become, a man will always be judged on the amount of alcohol he can consume, and women will be impressed with it, whether they like it or not!

Cocktail  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What is all this? You've keep secrets from your own family?!

It's all that time he spends in the plaza!

Filled his head with crazy fantasies!

It's not a fantasy! That man was Ernesto de la Cruz, (gives Papa the photo) the greatest musician of all time!

We've never know anything about this man, but whoever he was, he still abandoned his family. This is no future for my son!

But Papa. You said my family would guide me. Well, de la Cruz is my family. I'm supposed to play music.

Never! That man's music was a curse! I will not allow it!

But if you would just--


You will listen to your family! No more music!

(picks up a guitar) Just listen to me play!

End of argument!

(Miguel tries to play the guitar, but Abuelita snatches it from him)

You want to end up like that man? Forgotten? Left off your family's ofrenda?

[angrily] I don't care if I'm some STUPID ofrenda!

(Abuelita along with the whole family gasps in absolute shock at what Miguel has said)

(glares angrily at the guitar and prepares to destroy it)

[terrified] No!


[furiously smashes the guitar against the ground, destroying it] There! [throws the broken guitar and makes the Cross sign] No guitar, no music. [sees Miguel starting to cry] Aw, come. [tries to comfort him] You'll feel better after you eat with your family.

[snapping in venge of tears] I don't want to be in this family! [snatches the photo away from Papa and runs away]

[runs after him] Miguel, Miguel!

[Miguel runs out of his home]

Coco  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Miguel gasps, Petipa roaring]


This nonsense ends now, Miguel! I am giving you my blessing and you are going home.

I don’t want your blessing!

[runs upstairs after Miguel] Miguel! Stop! Come back! Miguel! I'm trying to save your life!

[slips through the metal gate trying to escape] You're ruining my life!


[angrily] Music's the only thing that makes me happy. And YOU, you WANNA take that away! YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND! [marches upstairs]

Imelda: [singing "La Llorona"] Y aunque la vida me cueste, Llorona No dejar de quiererte.

I-I thought you hated music.

Oh, I love it. I remember that feeling - when my husband would play and I would sing, and nothing else mattered, but when we had Coco suddenly, there was something in my life that mattered more than music. I wanted to put down roots. He wanted to play for the world. We each made a sacrifice to get what we wanted. Now, you must make a choice.

But I don't wanna pick sides. Why can't you be on my side? That's what families are supposed to do - support you, but you never will. [wipes a tear from his eye and runs off]

Coco  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Backstage at the Sunrise Spectacular, Ernesto bumps into Imelda.]

Don't I know you?

[Imelda removes her boot, and with it, she hits Ernesto across the face]

That's for murdering the love of my life!

[Imelda thrusts her boot in Ernesto's face.]

Who?! Who the-

[Héctor appears around the corner.]

She's talking about ME!! [to Imelda, touched] I'm the love of your life?

I don't know, I'm still angry at you.

Héctor?! How did you-

[Imelda hits Ernesto with her boot again]

And that's for trying to murder my grandson!


[Miguel appears around the corner]

She's talking about me!

YOU!! [realized] Wait… you're related to Héctor?!

Coco  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Did you get my letters?

I got three letters. Carried them in the book you gave me, the Bartram.

I probably sent 103. Did you write to me?

Whenever I could. If you never got them I can summarize.

No, it's --

I pray you're well. I pray I'm in your thoughts. You are all that keeps me from sliding into some dark place.

But how did I keep you? We barely knew each other. A few moments --

A thousand moments! They're like a bag of tiny diamonds glittering in a black heart. Don't matter if they're real or things I made up. The shape of your neck. The way you felt under my hands when I pulled you to me.

Cold Mountain  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Come down from there!

No sir- here's just fine.

I'll just shoot the horse out from under you.

You ridin' Captain Teague's animal?

I am.

He dead?

I hope so. (pause, both their horses walk along the mountainside) Well, gimme your gun and ride on home! I'm done fightin'- I'm sick of it!

I give you my gun, you gonna shoot me dead!

I will not shoot you- but nor am I goin' down this mountain lookin' over my shoulder for you.

That's what they call a conundrum. (pause) I tell you what I got on my side.

What you got on your side? (they both stop their horses)

... The confidence of youth. (he draws his gun, he and Inman shoot each other)

Cold Mountain  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now look, Mr. Carter, here's a front-page story in the Chronicle about a Mrs. Harry Silverstone in Brooklyn who's missing. Now, she's probably murdered. Here's a picture of her in the Chronicle. Why isn't there something about it in the Inquirer?

Because we are running a newspaper...


There's no proof that that woman is murdered, or even that she's dead...It's not our function to report the gossip of housewives. If we were interested in that kind of thing, Mr. Kane, we could fill the paper twice over daily.

Mr. Carter, that's the kind of thing we are going to be interested in, from now on.

Citizen Kane  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

These men who were with the Chronicle. Weren't they just as devoted to the Chronicle politics as they are now to our policies?

Sure, they're just like anybody else. They got work to do, they do it! Only they happen to be the best men in the business!

Do we stand for the same things the Chronicle stands for, Bernstein?

Certainly not. Listen, Mr. Kane, he'll have them changed to his kind of newspapermen in a week!

There's always a chance, of course, that they'll change Mr. Kane, without his knowing it.

Citizen Kane  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sometimes, I think I'd prefer a rival of flesh-and-blood.

Oh Emily, I don't spend that much time on the newspaper.

It isn't just the time. It's what you print - attacking the President.

You mean Uncle John.

I mean the President of the United States.

He's still Uncle John, and he's still a well-meaning fathead who's letting a pack of high-pressure crooks run his administration. This whole oil scandal...

He happens to be the President, Charles, not you.

That's a mistake that will be corrected one of these days.

Citizen Kane  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Six years ago, I looked at a picture of the world's greatest newspaper men. I felt like a kid in front of a candy store. Well, tonight, six years later, I got my candy -- all of it. Welcome, gentlemen, to the Inquirer! Make up an extra copy of that picture and send it to the Chronicle, will you please? It'll make you all happy to learn that our circulation this morning was the greatest in New York, 684,000.

Six hundred and eighty-four thousand one hundred and thirty-two!

Right! Having thus welcomed you, I hope you'll forgive my rudeness in taking leave of you. I'm going abroad next week for a vacation. I've promised my doctor for some time now that I'd leave when I could, and I now realize that I can't.

Say, Mr. Kane, as long as you're promising, there's a lot of pictures and statues in Europe you haven't bought yet.

You can't blame me, Mr. Bernstein. They've been making statues for two thousand years, and I've only been buying for five.

Promise me, Mr. Kane.

I promise you, Mr. Bernstein.

Thank you.

Mr. Bernstein?...You don't expect me to keep any of those promises, do you?

Citizen Kane  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

This gentleman was saying...

Boss Jim Gettys:
I'm not a gentleman. [To Emily] Your husband's only trying to be funny calling me one. I don't even know what a gentleman is. You see, my idea of a gentleman...Well, Mrs. Kane, if I owned a newspaper and I didn't like the way somebody was doing things, some politician say, I'd fight him with everything I had. Only I wouldn't show him in a convict's suit with stripes so his children could see the picture in the paper, or his mother.

Citizen Kane  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after his affair with Susan is revealed] I'm staying here. I can fight this all alone.

Charles, if you don't listen to reason, it may be too late.

Too late. For what? For you and this public thief to take the love of the people of this state away from me?

Charlie, you got other things to think about. Your little boy, you don't want him to read about you in the papers.

There's only one person in the world who decides what I'm going to do, and that's me.

You decided what you were going to do, Charles, some time ago.

Citizen Kane  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I set back the sacred cause of reform, is that it? All right, that's the way they want it, the people have made their choice. It's obvious the people prefer Jim Gettys to me.

You talk about the people as though you owned them, as though they belong to you. Goodness. As long as I can remember, you've talked about giving the people their rights, as if you can make them a present of Liberty, as a reward for services rendered...Remember the working man?

I'll get drunk too, Jedediah, if it'll do any good.

Aw, it won't do any good. Besides, you never get drunk. You used to write an awful lot about the workingman...He's turning into something called organized labor. You're not going to like that one little bit when you find out it means that your working man expects something is his right, not as your gift! Charlie, when your precious underprivileged really get together, oh boy! That's going to add up to something bigger than your privileges! Then I don't know what you'll do! Sail away to a desert island probably and lord it over the monkeys!

I wouldn't worry about it too much, Jed. There'll probably be a few of them there to let me know when I do something wrong.

Mmm, you may not always be so lucky...You don't care about anything except you. You just want to persuade people that you love 'em so much that they ought to love you back. Only you want love on your own terms. Something to be played your way, according to your rules.

Citizen Kane  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Asking about the potential for war in Europe] Isn't that correct?

Don't believe everything you hear on the radio. Read the 'Inquirer'!

How did you find business conditions in Europe?

How did I find business conditions in Europe, Mr. Bones? With great difficulty. [He laughs heartily]

You glad to be back, Mr. Kane?

I'm always glad to be back, young man. I'm an American. Always been an American. Anything else? When I was a reporter, we asked them quicker than that. Come on, young fella.

What do you think of the chances for war in Europe?

I've talked with the responsible leaders of the Great Powers - England, France, Germany, and Italy - they're too intelligent to embark on a project which would mean the end of civilization as we now know it. You can take my word for it. There'll be no war.

Citizen Kane  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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