Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,824

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Things could be different for you, Josephine. Serge doesn't run the world.

He might as well.

Is that what you believe?

I know it.

Oh. Well, then it must be... must be true. My mistake.

Chocolat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rumor has it you are harbouring Madame Muscat. Is that true?

You make her sound like a fugitive.

She is a fugitive. From her marriage vows, which have been sanctified by God.

Joséphine? Come out here a minute. Let His Radiance have a look at you, hm? [shows the Comte the ugly bruise on Joséphine's forehead] Is that sanctified enough for you? It's not the first time.

I am truly sorry. You should have come to me. Your husband will be made to repent for this.

Tell him to repent on someone else's head.

Chocolat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Happy birthday, Grandmama.

The invitation said five o'clock.

I should have read it more closely.

If you had you would know there were supposed to be no gifts.

Don't worry so much about supposed to.

Chocolat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I have two announcements. Number one, if you enjoyed what you ate here, you're going to love my chocolate festival on Sunday.

Advertise on your own time. What's for dessert?

That brings me to number two. It is my duty to announce, that there is no dessert here tonight. [guests sound disappointed] Because it's on Roux's boat.

[uncomfortable silence]

Any complaints, see me.

Chocolat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

And these are for your husband. Unrefined cacao nips from Guatemala, to awaken the passions.

Psshh. You've obviously never met my husband.

Well, you've obviously never tried these.

Chocolat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[at confession] Each time I tell myself it's the last time, but then I get a whiff of her hot chocolate, or...

Madame Audel:
...Seashells. Chocolate seashells, so small, so plain, so innocent. I thought, oh, just one little taste, it can't do any harm. But it turned out they were filled with rich, sinful...

...And it melts, God forgive me, it melts ever so slowly on your tongue, and tortures you with pleasure.

Chocolat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after Serge admits he started the fire] People could have died. Do you want there blood on your hands? On my hands?

Should I go to Père Henri and ask for forgiveness?

[calmly] Listen to me Serge. Listen very carefully. You must leave this village at once and never return.

Why would I leave my home and my café?

[shouting] Because I'm evicting you, that's why! What you have done puts you beyond anyone's help! Beyond my help, anybody's help! Now get out! Unless you will tell the police what you have done, get out! GET OUT GET OUT!

Chocolat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tell me about the Bronx.

What's to tell about the Bronx? It's uptown and to the right.

What made you start dancing?

Who knows? I'm Puerto Rican. We jump around a lot.

A Chorus Line  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

My mother was kind of middle-aged and frumpy.

Whose isn't?

At fourteen she was middle-aged and frumpy.

A Chorus Line  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tapping's not my strongest point!

I see that.

A Chorus Line  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Casey:
[after being told that Buddy Repperton has a switchblade] Empty your pockets, Buddy.

Fuck I will. You can't make me.

Mr. Casey:
If you mean I don't have the authority, you're wrong. If you mean I can't turn out your pockets myself-

Yeah, try it, you little bald fuck and I'll knock you through the wall! Fuck!

Mr. Casey:
[turns to Buddy's friends] You two boys go up to the office. Stay there. Don't go anywhere else. You got enough trouble without that. [turns back to Buddy] Now... if you don't empty your pockets right now, I'm gonna call the cops. [Buddy reaches into his pocket, pulls out a switchblade and drops it on the floor] Go to the office, Buddy.

Christine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I bet this thing won't even start.

George LeBay:
She'll start. [Holds up some keys] You'll need these.

[Arnie and Dennis look out the open passenger door, at the old man standing near the car.]

How much do you want for her? Whatever it is, it's not enough.

Jesus, Arnie.

Sonny, you ever owned a car before?

Yeah, he owns a Mustang-

No. Just got my license.

Name's George LeBay.

Arnie Cunningham. What are you asking?

[Gives Arnie the keys] Start her up.


[LeBay nods. Arnie sits back down behind the wheel, and the Plymouth starts on the first try.]

Her name's Christine.

I like that.

Come on Arnie, we gotta get goin', huh?

My asshole brother bought her back in September '57. That's when you got your new model year, in September. Brand-new, she was. She had the smell of a brand-new car. That's just about the finest smell in the world. 'Cept maybe for pussy. When he got her, she had six miles on the odometer. Goddamn roller when through hell and back with Christine.

If your brother likes this car so much, why is he selling it?

Cause he's stone-cold dead, that's why. Died six weeks ago.

Christine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I got the car and that's it!

Mrs. Cunningham:
That most certainly is not it! [to Dennis] How could you have let him do this?!

I didn't let him. I mean he wanted the car and he bought it. I tried to talk him out of it, in fact.

Mrs. Cunningham:
[coldly] Mm, I doubt that you tried very hard.

Yeah, well I'm going home.

Mrs. Cunningham:
I think you should.

OK that's it, I'm getting the fuck out of here!

Mr. Cunningham:
Oh, Arnie, now what kind of language is that?

Mrs. Cunningham:
[sharply] WHAT did you say?! What did you say?!

Look, you wanted me in college courses, I'm there. You wanted me in the chess club instead of the band, OK, I'm there too. Now I managed to get through seventeen years without embarrassing your bridge club or landing jail! Now I'm telling you, I'm gonna have this, this one thing!

Mrs. Cunningham:
You are not keeping any car at this house!


Christine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[as Arnie drives a smoking Christine into the garage] Stall Twenty! Stall Twenty! Get it over there and shut it off, before we all choke to death! [To Dennis] Kiddo, you sold him that piece of shit? You oughta be fuckin' ashamed of yourself.

I didn't sell it to him. I tried to talk him out of it.

You shoulda' tried harder. I knew a guy had a car like that once. Fuckin' bastard killed himself in it. Son of a bitch was so mean, you could've poured boiling water down his throat and he would've pissed ice cubes! [to Arnie] Okay. That's the last time you run that mechanical asshole in here without an exhaust hose... I catch you doing it one time, and you're out, you understand? HUH?

Yes, sir.

And I'm gonna tell you somethin' else right now. I don't take any shit from you kids. This place is for working stiffs gotta keep their cars running so they can keep bread on the table, it's not for rich-assed, snot-nose kids who wanna go dragging around on the Orange Belt. I don't allow no smoking in here, neither! You wanna' butt, you go out in the junkyard!

Oh, well I don't sm-

[interrupting] Don't interrupt me, punk! Don't interrupt me, don't get smart!

Uh, sir?


[points at Darnell's own men who are smoking at a card table] Those men over there smoking. You better tell then to stop.

You trying to help your buddy right out of here, jerk?


Then shut your pie-hole. I know a creep when I see one. [Turns back to Arnie] I think I'm looking at one right now. You're on probation... you get it? You screw around with me once, I don't care how much money you paid up in front, I'll throw you out on your ass! Now you got it? HUH?

Yessir, yessir.

Good! Now, get the hell outta here, we're closed.

Christine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Dennis comes back to George LeBay's house while LeBay is working in the yard. He looks up and glares at Dennis.]

What the hell do you want?

I know about your brother. I know he died choking on exhaust fumes.

You don't know shit, kid. My brother died because he wanted to. He ran a rubber hose from the exhaust pipe.

Arnie would have never bought that car if he'd known somebody died in it.

Either you're dumber than you look, or you don't know your friend very well. He had the same look in his eye that my brother always had. Probably the only thing my brother ever loved in his whole rotten life was that car. No shitter ever came between him and Christine, if they did... watch out! He had a five-year-old daughter choke to death in her... he wouldn't get rid of her. He just rode around with the radio blaring, not a care in the world except for Christine. Only time I ever interfered with it was when Rita killed herself.

Who's Rita?

His wife! He didn't care a rat's ass about her! She died the same way he did... then I made him get rid of it... for decency, ya know? Of course, the car came back three weeks later.

What do you mean "came back"?

[LeBay just gives him a look that says "You know what I mean."]

Christine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Dennis' football injury puts him in the hospital, Arnie comes by on Thanksgiving. They discuss Buddy Repperton and the damage he and some friends of his did to Christine.]

What if you fix her up, and he just comes back and does it again?

He won't do it again.

Christine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

A toast. Death to the shitters of the world, in 1979.

Oh, come on, Arnie. You know I can't drink to that.

Well, what can you drink to?

What about to us? You know, to friendship?

Friendship. That's real good.

[They drink the toast. Arnie carelessly finishes his beer and tosses it out the window.]

Hey, Dennis. Look. [Lets go of the wheel] Ta-daa!

Come on!

[Dennis tries to grab the wheel, but Arnie stops him.]

I want you to see this. I want you to see this! This is great alignment; you just don't see this anymore! Don't be scared.

I'm scared for you, man, for what's happened to you, this fuckin' car!

I know you're jealous. But you'll be fine as long as you stick with me. And you know what happens to shitters who don't.

No. What does happen?

Well, let's not kid each other, Dennis.

Who are the shitters?

All of 'em.

Arnie. Leigh's on your side. She cares a lot about you. She does.

[Arnie snickers, then laughs.]

Heey! Don't you like this beer? I thought you liked beer.

Did you hear what I just said?!

Let me tell you a little something about love, Dennis. It has a voracious appetite. It eats everything. Friendship. Family. It kills me how much it eats. But I'll tell you something else. You feed it right, and it can be a beautiful thing, and that's what we have. You know, when someone believes in you, man, you can do anything, any fucking thing in the entire universe! And when you believe right back in that someone, then watch out world, because nobody can stop you then, nobody! Ever!

You feel this way about Leigh?

What? Fuck no, I'm talkin' about Christine, man! No shitter ever came between me and Christine. Now, you watch this. [Arnie puts his foot down, and Christine passes 100 miles per hour as Arnie steers into the oncoming lane. A car just manages to steer out of the way.] CHICKENSHITS! Oh, there is nothin' finer than being behind the wheel of your own car. [Grins] 'Cept maybe for pussy.

Christine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ebenezer Scrooge:
Haunt me no longer!

A Christmas Carol  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[wailing] I can't put my arms down! [continues bawling, as Mother tries unsuccessfully to put his arms down]

Well, put your arms down when you get to school. [winds scarf around Randy's neck, as he resumes wailing]

A Christmas Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're full of beans, and so is your old man.

Scott Schwartz:
Oh, yeah?


Scott Schwartz:
Says who?

Says me!

Scott Schwartz:
Oh, yeah?


Scott Schwartz:
Well, I double-dare ya!

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] The exact exchange and nuance of phrase in this ritual is very important.

Huh! Are you kidding? Stick my tongue to that stupid pole? That's dumb.

Scott Schwartz:
That's 'cause you know it'll stick!

You're full of it!

Scott Schwartz:
Oh, yeah?


Scott Schwartz:
Well I double dog-dare ya!

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] Now it was serious. A double dog-dare. What else was left but a "triple-dare you"? And finally, the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple dog-dare.

[over narrator's voice] This guy's really dumb.

Scott Schwartz:
I triple dog-dare ya!

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] Hmm. Schwartz created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple-dare and going right for the throat!

All right, all right.

[Flick sighs and hesitantly sticks his tongue out]

Scott Schwartz:
Oh, go on, smart-ass, and do it!

[tongue out] I'm goin', I'm goin'!

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] Flick's spine stiffened, his lips curled in a defiant sneer. There was no going back now.

[puts his tongue on pole] This is nothin'. [tries to pull off, but can't and realizes Schwartz was right.] Stuck? Stuck?! STUCK! STUCK! [he starts screaming and bawling]

Jeez! It really works! Look at him!

[the school bell rings and the students run back to the school except Flick, who keeps bawling]

Ralphie, come back! Come back! Don't leave me, come back!

But the bell rang!

Scott Schwartz:
Well, what are we gonna do?!

I don't know, the bell rang!

Don't leave me, come back! Come back, come back! [he bawls as he is still stuck to the pole]

A Christmas Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Parker:
What is the name of the Lone Ranger's nephew's horse?

Ah... Victor! His name is Victor.

Mr. Parker:
How the hell did you know that?

Everybody knows that!

Is this another one of your silly puzzles?

Mr. Parker:
Yeah, another one of my silly puzzles. This one could be worth fifty thousand bucks.

What is it this time?

Mr. Parker:
Name the great characters in American literature.

Mrs. Parker:

Mr. Parker:

Mrs. Parker:
The Lone Ranger's nephew's horse?

A Christmas Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Parker:
[from downstairs] Ralphie! Randy! Down here in two minutes! And I mean two minutes!

[Randy runs first to the drawer, and Ralphie pushes him aside]

Come on, Ralphie, I got here first!


[Randy starts kicking and hitting Ralphie from behind while Ralphie is at the dresser pulling a pair of socks out of the drawer and finishes]

Cut it out! [He leaves to put his Boy's Life Red Ryder magazine in his mother's magazine in their room]

A Christmas Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] A "C+"?! Oh, no! It can't be!


Miss Shields:
[as the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz] C+! [cackling] C+!

[Ralphie looks down to see "P.S. You'll shoot your eye out!"]

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] Oh, no! "You'll shoot your eye out"?!

Oh, no!

Ralphie as Adult:
My mother must've gotten to Miss Shields! There could be no other explanation.

Miss Shields and Mrs. Parker:
[sing-song; Mrs. Parker dressed as a jester] You'll shoot your eye out! You'll shoot your eye out! [they both laugh evilly]

Ralphie as Adult:
Was there no end to this conspiracy of irrational prejudice against Red Ryder and his Peacemaker?

A Christmas Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Mr. Parker accidentally flips the hubcap out of Ralphie's hands with the nuts in it]

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] Oh! For one brief moment, I saw all the bolts silhouetted against the lights of the traffic, and then they were gone.

Ohhh, fffffuuuuuudge.

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] Only I didn't say "fudge." I said the word. The Big One, The Queen Mother of Dirty Words: The "F-Dash-Dash-Dash" word.

Mr. Parker:
[stunned] What did you say?

Uh, um--

Mr. Parker:
That's... what I thought you said. Get in the car. [Ralph hesitates] Go on.

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] It was all over; I was dead. What would it be? The guillotine? Hanging? The chair? The rack? The Chinese water torture? Hmmph. Mere child's play compared to what surely awaited me.

[Ralphie gets into the car.]

Mrs. Parker:
Everything go alright?

[Ralphie doesn't answer.]

Mr. Parker:
[closes the trunk and checks his watch] Ah!

[Ralphie watches Mr. Parker gets into the car]

Mrs. Parker:
8 minutes.

Mr. Parker:
You know what your son just said?

Mrs. Parker:
No. What?

Mr. Parker:
I'll tell you what he said. Randy?

[He inaudibly whispers the "F-Dash-Dash-Dash" word in Mrs. Parker's ear]

Mrs. Parker:
[shocked] AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! RALPHIE!!!!

[scene switches to Ralphie with soap in his mouth]

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] Over the years, I got to be quite a connoisseur of soap. My personal preference is for Lux, but I found Palmolive had a nice, piquant after-dinner flavor; heady, but with just a touch of mellow smoothness. Lifebuoy, on the other hand--

[disgusted] Yuck!

Mrs. Parker:
You ready to tell me?

[mumbles and nods his head.]

Mrs. Parker:
[removes soap from his mouth] All right. Where did you hear that word?

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] Now, I had heard that word at least 10 times a day from my old man. My father worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium; a master. But I chickened out, and I blurted out the first name that came to mind.


Mrs. Parker:
[satisfied] Oh... I see. [puts soap back in Ralphie's mouth]

[yells with soap in his mouth]

Mrs. Parker:
[dials Mrs. Schwartz] Hello, Mrs. Schwartz? Yes, I'm fine. Um, Mrs. Schwartz, do you know what Ralph just said?

Mrs. Schwartz:

Mrs. Parker:
No. He said... [inaudibly whispers the "F-Dash-Dash-Dash" word into the phone]

Mrs. Schwartz:
[through phone] NO, NOT THAT!

Mrs. Parker:
Yes, that. Do you know where he heard it?

Mrs. Schwartz:
[through phone] Probably from his father.

Mrs. Parker:
No! He heard it from your son!

Mrs. Schwartz:
[through phone, angrily screaming] WHAT?! WHAAAAAAT?! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! [She is heard in the background smacking Schwartz, and Mrs. Parker covers her mouth in shock.]

AAAAGH!!! WHAT'D I DO, MOM?! WHAT, I DIDN'T DO NOTHING!!!! AAAAAAAGH!!!!!! [Mrs. Parker winces as Schwartz screams and bawls in pain, with his mother shrieking and wailing in the process. she then puts the phone back and hangs up]

Ralphie as Adult:
[narrating] Another shot of mysterious, inexorable official justice.

Mrs. Parker:
[takes soap of Ralphie's mouth.] Rinse out and go to bed. Ooh, am I glad you finished your homework this afternoon, 'cause I want you getting right into bed, and I don't want to see any lights on. You are being punished, so no comic-book-reading. I'm gonna come in there, and if there are any lights on-- [shocked] W-- Don't you give me that look,you're gonna get it!

A Christmas Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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D Mahatma Gandhi