


Katsumi Matsunaga:
[On tape, Remembering the events in 1983] Our class went on a trip. We all start on August 8 for three days and three nights. Our research advisor Professor Koga, had suggested we visit a local sanctuary. There is an old temple in this village called the Yomiyama Shrine. He said that if we all plead there, he was sure that the curse would be lifted. There were twenty-two students in total, me included. Only the half believed him. The second day, we went up the mountain to visit the shrine. The shrine was a very old and shabby place, as if it had been abandoned by the world. Despite of carrying the town name, it seemed that no one had maintained at all. So we decided to clean the place while we were there.

[after cleaning the place, the 1983 class pray]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
At that time, we were hoping that maybe we could lift the curse. And after praying, our teacher confidently declared: "Now everything will be alright" But it was not. It would not be so easy.

[the skies cloud over and starts to rain]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
As soon as we left the temple, suddenly clear skies clouded over and it began to rain, with lightning and everything. As we hurried down the mountain, the first victim was a boy named Hamaguchi.

[Students slowly down the road, one of them carrying an umbrella]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
He was a bit silly. He was the one who brought an umbrella and used it while we were on a mountain, in a lightning storm... he was walking in front of me, when...

[lightning strikes the boy with umbrella, the boy falls dead]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
For a second, my vision went white and I heard a great explosion. Hamaguchi was hit by lightning. I still remember the smell of his burning skin... Anyway; we all walked in panic and ran leaving Hamaguchi behind, desperate to get out of the mountain as fast as possible. But moments later we started running blindly through the rain...

[a girl slips and falls off a cliff]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
A girl named Hoshikawa...

[1998, a truck carrying a excavator starts rolling on a steep street to a house at the end of the street]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
She slipped and fell from a high and steep hill. All we could do was ask for help to get to the lower part of the mountain. Pray in the shrine, had no effect.

[Kouichi appears resigned]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
Now this is the important part. After finally we reached the lower part of the mountain, was there when it happened. And in saying that I mean... I...

[long silence]

Naoya Teshigawara:
[Placing the tape in the recorder] Well, I'll play it.

Katsumi Matsunaga:
Now, this is the important part. Right after we got to the bottom of the mountain, was there when that happened. And for that, I mean...

[the young Matsunaga is fighting with another boy next to a tree]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
It happened in the woods outside the inn. I had a discussion with a guy named *click*, we ended up fighting. And then... And then...

[the boy lies on the ground with a wound on his face]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
Next thing I knew was that he was no longer moving. When I saw more closely, I saw went through him a branch. *click* was dead.

[the young Matsunaga desperately runs through the woods]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
Terrified, I returned to my room at the inn. It was decided that we would stay one more night. The police came to ask about the thunderbolt and the girl who fell. They asked many questions, but I could not say anything about *click*. I did not sleep that night. I was sure someone was going to find the corpse of *click* and they all would scare. but in the morning, there were no signs that this happened. So I went back and searched the woods myself.

[Young Matsunaga returns to the tree and nobody is there]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
But... he was not there. He had vanished without trace. I was so impressed... I asked the others what had happened to *click*. But they all looked at me like I was crazy. "Who is he?" They said, "Don't know anyone by that name." Said. Even they said they only had nineteen people, not twenty. That's when I realized... The guy I killed, had been the extra student all the time. I know without a doubt that I killed to *click*. Nothing will change that fact. That's why I decided to come clean here. This is my confession. It's been two weeks since the trip, and just Me, the only person involved in his death, reminds to *click*. But I have a feeling it's only a matter of time. That is why, while my memory is still clear, I want to tell you the truth, and how to stop the calamity. Listen: Send the dead where they belong, send the dead to death. this is how you can stop the calamity once it starts.

Izumi Akazawa:
[Entering the roof] Oh, there you are. [Nudging Teshigawara to break through]

Naoya Teshigawara:
[Angry] Hey, what's wrong?

Izumi Akazawa:
Can be that you two exist again, but you better get ready.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
For what?

Izumi Akazawa:
[to Kouichi] It's your fault [Kouichi grasps]

Naoya Teshigawara:

Izumi Akazawa:
People will say that. There is no way you will be considered completely innocent, and I'm also sure that I will be accused of incompetence.

Kouichi Sakakibara:

Naoya Teshigawara:
[to Izumi] What side are you on?

Izumi Akazawa:
I can't blame Kouichi, no matter what anyone says. But this is not over yet. The calamity and my job as countermeasures leader, is just the beginning.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
I wonder if anyone will hide until the summer holidays begin.

Naoya Teshigawara:
Definitely yes.

Mei Misaki:
Some people may have already gone.

Naoya Teshigawara:
[to Mei] Do You think that?

Mei Misaki:
Yes It happens every year. There are always people leaving Yomiyama during the summer holidays.

Naoya Teshigawara:
Everything is so strange, but you're really strange, Misaki. You talk as if this doesn't concern you.

Mei Misaki:
Do you?

Naoya Teshigawara:
Could it be that you're the extra one?

Mei Misaki:
[to Naoya] Could also be you, you know?

Naoya Teshigawara:
[Surprised] Me? No way! Don't joke about that.

Mei Misaki:
Really there is no other way?

Naoya Teshigawara:
[Shocked] No, no, no! I don't remember being dead! And, not wanting to brag about... But I still remember all the things I did as a child! [Everyone laughs]

Yuuya Mochizuki:
Since there is a possibility that my sister could be involved... Ah, my sister is...

Kouichi Sakakibara:
Ms. Tomoka, right?

Yuuya Mochizuki:
Anyway, I could not keep it secret...

Izumi Akazawa:
[Angry] You told it?

Yuuya Mochizuki:
In detail. She went to Yomi North, so she knows the rumors about class three.

Naoya Teshigawara:
And she gave us a surprising piece of information.

Tomoka Inose:
[Arriving at the table] One of our regular customers is a man named Katsumi Matsunaga.

[Recalling when she saw him at the bar]

Tomoka Inose:
I knew he was at Yomi North, but recently I found out that he was at class three in 1983. I took the plunge to ask him what had happened that year. And he said...

Katsumi Matsunaga:
[after taking a shot of whiskey. Pretty desperate] The curse of that year... was not my fault. I saved them all! I saved them !I knew I had to tell them! So... I left it there...

[Back to the kids at Inoya Bar]

Kouichi Sakakibara:
What does that mean? What does he leave? Where?

Tomoka Inose:
Apparently he could not remember. I asked him several times, but he insisted that he did not remember.

Naoya Teshigawara:
It's a curious thing, isn't it?

Izumi Akazawa:
Did that Matsunaga stopped the calamity? And he left the clue somewhere?

Naoya Teshigawara:
It must be so. So, I thought we should talk to Matsunaga.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
[to Tomoka] Do you know where we can find him?.

Tomoka Inose:
No, I don't know where he lives.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
[Resigned] Damn!

Izumi Akazawa:
[to Kouichi] Kouichi, you know someone who was in the same class with him. Right?

[Kouichi is surprised]

Kouichi Sakakibara:
Where were you all during the sixth hour?

Ikuo Takabayashi:
To meeting hall, to take care of certain things.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
What things?

Yuuya Mochizuki:
You had many strange experiences since you came here, right?

Kouichi Sakakibara:
If you know, Can you tell me what's going on?

Yuuya Mochizuki:
Sorry, I can't. Just that. coming soon, something very unpleasant might happen to you.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
What do you mean?

Yuuya Mochizuki:
At the meeting, Akazawa said we needed to discuss something, without your presence there. But if you don't like what will happen, try to bear it. remember that you are doing it for all of us. Please.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
All of us?

Izumi Akazawa:
[Recalling her words] This is for all of us. Forgive us.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
Is this one of those class rules?

Yuuya Mochizuki:

Kouichi Sakakibara:
[Confused] I just don't understand. [to Yuuya] I can ask you something?

Yuuya Mochizuki:

Kouichi Sakakibara:
I need a class list copy

Yuuya Mochizuki:
Don't you got one?

Ikuo Takabayashi:
It's not fair. I disagree with the way Akazawa handles that. It's not fair that she forces us to think like her. [to Kouichi] There are so many things you want to know.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
Yes, there are.

Ikuo Takabayashi:
Then you can ask. I will tell you everything I know.

Yuuya Mochizuki:
Takabayashi, wait! Do you mean that?

Kouichi Sakakibara:
Fine. Mei Misaki... Does she exists?

Ikuo Takabayashi:
She... [He suffers a heart attack and dies before he can respond]

[Takako flees after attempting kill to Mei Misaki]

Kouichi Sakakibara:
She said: "Send the dead to death" How did she know that?

Izumi Akazawa:
She heard the tape. The tape you found in the old class three classroom, right? Ogura told me. [Kouichi remembers having spoken to Ogura]

Kouichi Sakakibara:
I see. Does the tape was brought to you?

Izumi Akazawa:
Yes, by Mochizuki. As the countermeasures leader , I had to listen it.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
But, why she thinks that Misaki is the dead one?

Izumi Akazawa:
Since our trip to the beach, Takako has been emotionally unstable. [Rising from the ground] I'll get to Takako.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
No, Akazawa! It's too dangerous to go alone! [Is heard a message from the PA system]

Takako Sugiura:
This is an important message from the countermeasures leader to the students from class three. [All students listen attentively] Now you will hear the tape recorded fifteen years ago when calamity stopped at midyear. [Takako plays the tape]

Katsumi Matsunaga:
[On tape]... I want to tell you the truth, and how to stop the calamity. Listen: Send the dead where they belong, send the dead to death. this is how you can stop the calamity once it starts. [Takako stops the tape]

Takako Sugiura:
These are the facts, calamity stopped at midyear fifteen years ago, and the dead one in this year is... Mei Misaki... I know this because we went to the same elementary school and her left eye was intact. But now, she lost the left eye. What does this mean? It means she was reborn incomplete. Now we know that Mei Misaki is an impostor. And that is why we should... [Fully insane]... KILL HEEER!

[first lines]

Student Girl:
[Voice over] A girl from the class three's third year died.

Student Boy:
[Voice over] Everyone are talking about it. She dropped her umbrella when she fell down the stairs and it pierced her throat.

Student Girl:
[Voice over] Really?

Student Boy:
[Voice over] It was so terrible, the witnesses were told that they never talk about it.

Student Girl:
[Voice over] Wasn't her a class delegate? I heard that her mother died in a car accident that day. Do you think that is the curse?

Student Boy:
[Voice over] Have you heard about that?

Student Girl:
[Voice over] The most famous secret in that school. The Curse of the Class Three and the story that began Twenty-six years ago.

Student Boy:
[Voice over] Yes...

Student Girl:
[Voice over] Does that mean it will happen again this year?

Student Boy:
[Voice over] Maybe. Nothing happened last year.

Student Girl:
[Voice over] Once it begins, someone dies every month, right?

Student Boy:
[Voice over] Yes, at least one person related to that class dies in the month.

Student Girl:
[Voice over] Not only students?

Student Boy:
[Voice over] They say that family members also are at risk. Especially parents and siblings.

Student Girl:
[Voice over] You seem know too much about...

Student Boy:
[Voice over] One of the guys in my kendo club is in the Class Three. He told me that in secret. Although he didn't seem to believe it.

Student Girl:
[Voice over] But someone actually died...

Student Boy:
[Voice over] Yes... probably the best thing is get away from someone from that class.

Student Girl:
[Voice over] You're rigth...

[last lines]

Kouichi Sakakibara:
[Listening the ring from his cell, on the Caller ID, the name "MIZUNO" is seen] Hello?

Sanae Mizuno:
Are you in your break now? Do you have time to talk?

Kouichi Sakakibara:
What's wrong?

Sanae Mizuno:
Sakakibara, I want to confirm something.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
Confirm what?

Sanae Mizuno:
About the girl that you told me about yesterday, Mei Mizaki. Are you sure she exists?

Kouichi Sakakibara:
Yes, I'm sure.

Sanae Mizuno:
Is she there? Are you sure? Where's she now?

Kouichi Sakakibara:
She didn't come to school today.

Sanae Mizuno:
Then, she's not there.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
Why do you ask that?

Sanae Mizuno:
Yesterday I spoke with my brother. he refuses to talk about the incident happened twenty-six years ago, or last week's accident. But when I spoke him about Mei, his behavior suddenly changed. "What are you talking about?" he said. "There is no a girl like her in our class!" he said. He stood in his words.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
But it's a lie...

Sanae Mizuno:
He meant it, and he had no reason to lie.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
[Hearing quite static] Mei Misaki exists!

Sanae Mizuno:
[Entering to an old elevator] What?

Kouichi Sakakibara:
[Voice with static interference] Can... you... hear... me?

Sanae Mizuno:
I just enter the roof's elevator. I have to go back to work.

Kouichi Sakakibara:
[Voice with static interference] Ahh, that... explains the static.

Sanae Mizuno:
But that's...

[When the elevator doors close, the old elevator motor begins to fail by a short circuit, the pulleys are released, the steel cables break and the elevator falls twelve stories down the shaft]

Kouichi Sakakibara:
[while Mizuno's cell phone falls to the floor] Mizuno, can you hear me? What's going on?

[the elevator car crashes loudly in the ground level. Mizuno's body hits violently the ground dying immediately, then the elevator car crushes her. Kouichi hears all the crash over his cell phone]

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