Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Season 7

Aqua Teen Hunger Force (also known by various alternative titles) (2000–) is an American adult animated television sitcom from the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim programming block. The show follows the exploits of three anthropomorphic fast food items: Master Shake, the milkshake; Frylock, the carton of French fries; and Meatwad, the meatball.

[on Death Island]

I am bored. Let's go back home.

We parachuted here!

Yeah, I know, because it was cheaper!

The tickets said one-way.

Round-trip was INSANE. You want to pay those prices, be my guest!

Had we rented the boat like I wanted, we could get back in the boat and go home!

Well, we didn't do that, did we? Because someone didn't assert themselves enough. I keep telling you to read my book, Master Your Finances and $hake it Up!

[Shake opens the book]

"Chapter 1: Make Every Problem Your Slave." Seriously, did you even pick it up?

Yeah, we got a garage full of 'em.

Well, that's cause they didn't sell, because YOU shut the website down!

Hey, y'all, we can take these jetskis over here.

SHUT UP, Meatwad. I'm discussing my book over here!

Alright, Shake. You win. How do you make THIS problem your slave?

Well, I'll tell ya. "Rule 1: Assess the situation." (looks around) We are fucked.

Y'all see these jetskis?

"Rule 2: Apply blame." You, Frylock. You're the one.

What about these jetskis?

"Rule 3: Don't let the blame-ee hear about you blaming them." Hey, Meatwad, Frylock really jobbed us on this, didn't he?

Yeah, you probably shouldn't say that with him...standing right there. You see these jetskis?

"Rule 4: Make a suggestion, but don't own up to it in case it sucks." Hey guys, what if we make a boat out of sand, BUT it's a glass bottom boat? Then we can host tours for this roasted bird and get money to buy a plane ticket outta here from an airport that does not exist.

That idea sucks.

Yeah, I know. Whose idea was that, Meatwad?

Two jetskis, right over here.

Which leads me to rule 4. "Take well deserved nap." Good night, good luck, the end.


Larry Miller:
I think you recognize me.


Larry Miller:
You might've seen me in one of those Christopher Guest movies. "Best in Show?" "Waiting for Guffman?" "A Mighty Win?" No?


Larry Miller:
Alright, well I'm a stand-up comedian, I've been on Letterman, Leno, Conan. Dozens of times, really everyone.


Larry Miller:
How about the...uh... "The Nutty Professor" movies? That may be more of your speed. The Klumps?

Oh, yeah! The one where Martin Lawrence, uh, Martin dresses like an old woman, you know, but he's a cop! He's not an old woman, he's a cop! [hours later] His partner gets shot, you know, and then they rip his mask off, and then like "You''re not an old woman, right? You're Martin!" "Big Nanny" or big... "Big Granny" or something. "Big Granny 2", maybe there was a sequel. So, were you in that?

Larry Miller:
No, but very close.

You were the judge of the gymnastics contest! I know that!

Larry Miller:

Nah, no, that guy was black.

Larry Miller:
Well, close enough. "Pretty Woman?" "Boston Legal?" "10 Things I Hate About You?" Doing anything for you?

You sell hair?

Larry Miller:
You know what? I admire a man like you because yes, let's cut to the chase. I am the celebrity spokesman for a line of artificial hair. And I also occasionally sell hair, myself, on the weekend because I have... [Larry laughs] a gambling problem that's all-consuming.

Want a beer?

Larry Miller:
No thank you.

How 'bout some lo mein noodles? Come on in.

Larry Miller:
Lo mein, no.

I was just about to toss these. [Carl sniffs] They reek.

Larry Miller:
Yes, clearly. Well, the point is you qualify for a free 7-day trial for the Larry Miller Hair System for men.

Dude, if it's so great, then how come you ain't got it?

Larry Miller:
We only have one and God told us to bring it to you!

Free hair, made out of painted and corrugated sheet metal. Come on, what's the catch?

Larry Miller:
If I didn't fully believe in this product, why else did you think I spend my weekends selling and installing the Larry Miller hair system for men?

Well, cuz you said you got a bad gambling problem.

Larry Miller:
I know I do. I know I have that problem, and that's half the battle admitting it. It... it's like I've just become someone else for weeks. It takes control. And you know what? I'm not ashamed to say it. Well, I'm a little ashamed. Alright, I'm mortified, but the point is I believe in this product and my ability to make money off of it. Try one on!

I thought you had one?

Larry Miller:
Well, now we have many.

Oh, it's really slick.

Larry Miller:
It's lanolin, from someone else's skin. Someone who returned it.

They're lost [Carl laughs].

Larry Miller:
Here, step into this simulator.

Uh, I don't see any, uh...

Larry Miller:
This van!

Master Shake:
I have a gun and I will shoot your hand clean the hell off. I will do it!

[carrying hot dogs] Hey y'all.

Master Shake:
Do it right now! I'LL GO GET MY GUN!

You know, they giving out free hot dogs over at that car dealership down the way.

Master Shake:
I prefer the meat of the burger!


...yeah, that meat...ain't looking so good. Seems like the burger has moved some, ain't it?

(crazed) Yeah, the ants are breeding. They want to TAKE IT FROM US.

Master Shake:
But that ain't happening on our watch, right man! Gimme five.

Get your fucking hand out of my face.

Master Shake:
PROFANITY VIO-! Ohh! Ohhhhhh, profanity violation! Phil! PHIL!

Wh-What's up, what's going on?

Master Shake:
Phil, he is INDISCRIMINATELY dropping F-bombs on the heads of all these kids around here.

Yeah, there's-there's nothing about profanity in the bylaws, so...

Master Shake:
Come on, man. Don't you wanna see this end?

Look, I get paid by the hour, man.

Master Shake:
Phil, come on. Please, I know you.


Master Shake:
We've been through a lot together, haven't we- Hey, how is your wife?

Don't listen to him, man!

Master Shake:
Didn't she have a baby or something while we were here? What'd you name it, I was wondering.

Penelope. I've told you like, five times.

Master Shake:
Might be nice to get this over with-


Master Shake:
-and spend some time with that cute little...

It's a girl.

Master Shake:
Girl, great, that's right!

Don't fall for it, Phil!

Master Shake:
I might be able to give you and her some uh, some sesame seeds off of this bun to play with...

He's trying to trick you, Phil!

Master Shake:
...IF we could maybe end this soon?

I- He's gotta take his hands off. That's the only way he's gonna be disqualified.

Master Shake:
I'm WELL-VERSED in the bylaws, asshole!

Master Shake:
Well, angel, we meet again. But this time, it is I who possess the power. Isn't that right, Neil?

Ugh! Neelzebub!

Master Shake:
Neelzebub, right. You may be interested to know that I purchased six cases of beer for Neelzebub and his underaged friends, and then I am going to drive them all to the Insane Clown Posse show.

And how is that gonna defeat me?

Master Shake:
That's a pretty good question. Neil?

Hey, guys, you want to see me fart on something?

Master Shake:
Neil, over here, please.

Oh, God! Read from the scrolls!

Master Shake:
Hmm. I'll hypnotize you like a vampire. Bite your neck and set your head on fire.

Are those actual ICP lyrics?

Master Shake:

"I'll hypnotize you, then bite your neck, then set your head on fire" there's, like, one -- one item in there is not necessary at all, and you can take your pick.

Master Shake:
Neil, he's not doing anything. Got nothing here.

It's gonna take like a few minutes now, 'cause you weren't standing still and you didn't have your hands up. So can you, like, drive us to the concert now?

Master Shake:
But your mom's gonna pick you up, right?

Yeah, um, Lee's mom.

Master Shake:
Leeman the demon? I thought he was grounded.

He's uh, he's sneaking out.

Wait, wait, wait. If he's sneaking out, how is his mom going to pick you up? Does he tell his mom he's sneaking out? 'Cause then it's not really sneaking out, right?

Master Shake:
Yeah, Neil? She won't know about it.

Uh, well, can you pick us up, also?

Master Shake:
Both ways?!

You're just chauffeuring these guys around.

Master Shake:
You never even told Lee's mom, did you? Did you?! That was not part of the deal, Neil.

Ooh, quick question. Is this is part of the deal? [sends Master Shake to the flaming area]

Whoa! no way!

Oh, my god, that's fuckin' awesome.

Master Shake:
[reappears charred and burning] Aah! aah! That's your cue, Neil! Come on!


No way!

Master Shake:
Call upon the power! aah!

Can you show me that? Show me that! You got to show me that!

Well, maybe when you're older, tiger. How old are you, anyway?

14 1/2.

Master Shake:
Neil! You said you were fully licensed to do this!

Well, Yeah, I said that, but um, my Dad's an attorney, and he says you got to get everything in writing. Sorry.

Master Shake:
Fine. You know what? I'm ending this now. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.


Master Shake:
Nice to meet you all. I'll see you all in hell. [sticks a shotgun in his mouth and kills himself]

[intro sequence] 100, 100, 100. 10 times 10 equals 100. There are 100 cents in a dollar. A football field is 100 yards. There are 100 senators in Congress. The sum of the first nine prime numbers is 100! The boiling temperature of water is 100! Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born! The number of tiles in a standard scrabble set is 100! The temperature of the human 98.6 degrees, which is close to 100! 9 Plus 8 minus 6 is 11, which is 89 away from 100!

Master Shake:
[sequence ends; Frylock has written the number 100 all over the walls of the Aqua Teen House] Now, all right, all right. See, now you're just pulling that out of your ass. That is an ass-pull, my friend.

What about "One Hundred men and a Girl"?!

So what?

It's a 1937 musical comedy film starring Deanna Durbin.

So is "3 Men and a Baby."

I didn't like the men in that, but I liked the baby.

100 Is everywhere, man. Don't you see it?

Yeah, 'cause you done wrote it all over the walls with a crayon, man. And I do one little cotton-pickin' rainbow, and i get my heinie spanked. [Microwave beeps] Oh, lunch is ready. Sausage and two bagels. [the sausage and two bagels are arranged on the plate in the form of the number 100]

Look, see? Look at the plate!

I don't know what you're talking about. [turns on the television]

Kid Puppet:
100 Kisses from the angels on my tummy / 100 kisses from my Mommy when I'm crummy / 100 sins leaves you dead within / 100 nails that pierce your skin! 100! 100!

Turn it off! [shuts eyes] Turn it off right now!

[turns it off] Come on. It's a coincidence!

Master Shake:
You told me this was episode 3, which means I've been doing episode 3 for eight freakin' years!

TV Exec:
Actors just get, uh, so immersed in their characters that they lose track of time and space.

Master Shake:
(angrily pounds his fist on the table) How dare you talk to me about my craft?!?!?!? [Master Shake's Voice Over Actor (Dana Snyder) appears from inside Master Shake]

100 Episodes is syndication. That's where I cash in! I know it, and you know it!

TV Exec:
The show is eleven minutes long. So really... You have only 50 half-hours.

We can pad it. I can do magic.

He's saying we're only halfway there, buddy.

Who fuckin' asked you? I just did a voiceover for kitty litter that paid more than this piece of shit has paid, and I get residuals!

Well, the cat's where it's at.

You are fired! And I'll see you jack-holes in another eight years! And I'm gonna have another 50 ready! Open up the bank book, boys, 'cause I'll be back.

[Shake flies back to New Jersey; back at the Aqua Teen House]

Where you been for like three days?

Master Shake:
Hey, let's just joke around and entertain 18- to 34-year-olds, shall we? Pick a card, any card. Come on, pick one. [holds out playing cards]

Look, I can't be doing that. Frylock's out front mowing the number 100 into the lawn. [shows Frylock, in a trance like state, mowing the number 100 into the lawn] And we need to get him some help, have an intervention or something.

Master Shake:
Look, he's gonna resist it. You know how proud he is. That's why I think we should frame him for murder!

Well, let's find some middle ground here. I mean, maybe we could have an intervention and then frame him for murder?

Master Shake:
Look, you can't open a candy store and sell hamburgers out the back and be a scientist and an animal-trainer school. Just doesn't work.

Well, what the hell does that mean?

Master Shake:
[dumps Hot Sauce on Meatwad and spreads various plastic body parts on the floor] Means do one thing, and do it right. Now, get out there with this bloody ax and say, "Ooh, I did it. Oh, God, why did I do it?!"

Okay, I'll do it, but ain't you trying to frame Frylock for murder?

Master Shake:
[leaving the room] Yeah, you better get him to say it, too.

[later, two officers are at the scene, one officer tastes the fake blood]

Officer 1:
Yup. This is the stuff. Hot sauce.

[enters the room holding an axe] I did it. Oh, God, I did it.

Officer 1:
[ignoring Meatwad] Good thing this wasn't blood. I'd be licking AIDS right now.

I did it, y'all. Oh, God I did it.

Officer 2:
[holds one of the body parts] Hey, these body parts are plastic.

Master Shake:
Damn it! Listen, you semi-digital A-hole! I had those made in Hollywood! I'm a member of the Union, and I'm a trained professional! Now do your job sir!

Officer 1:
Feels like a hundred degrees out!

[Frylock gives the officer a worried look as he has been paranoid about the number one hundred being everywhere]

Officer 1:
Time for lunch. 1:00.

[Frylock gives the worried gaze]

Officer 2:
Hey can we have a hundred beans for lunch?

[Frylock gives the worried gaze]

Officer 1:
No, Tom, I've told you for the one hundredth time. [Frylock gives the worried gaze] No one sells beans individually. It's just not efficient.

Officer 2:
Man, I feel like I haven't had beans in a century! [Frylock gives the worried gaze] What about Cascade of Beans on a hundred 100th street?

[Frylock gives the worried gaze]

[repeating themselves] One hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred....

Officer 1:
Oh, I've gotta take a ten one hundred...

One hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred...

Walkie Talkie:
One hundred one hundred one hundred...

Officer 1:
Hey we'd better go. [the officers go outside]

[the officers form the letter C with their hands]

See you soon.

See you soon? C is the roman numeral for one hundred! Did you hear all that?

Master Shake:
I think that cop was Tom Savini.

One hundred! They kept saying one hundred man! It's coming, man!

What's coming?

I don't know, but I don't like it.

Master Shake:
[looking out the window at 100] Hey, jerk water, you cruising for sex? Get your stinking zeroes off my lawn.

It's not nice to talk to strangers!

Dammit it, it's him!

It's who?

It's the Number 100. Don't look him in the eyes, man.

Be a good boy and [begins smashing in the house] GIVE ME THE EPISODE!

Episode? What the hell does he mean?

Master Shake:
This is Episode 100, and if we finish this show, he'll collect our epi-souls forever! I don't know–that's just what I think! I'm speculating!

Show?! What do you mean, show?!

Master Shake:
Hello? The last nine years? These freakin' Meatwad and Ignigokt beanies, which are still available at

What the hell you talkin' about, fool?

Master Shake:
They sell all our stuff for more than you can buy at other places!

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