SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 1

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that airs on Nickelodeon. The show follows the adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city, and being pursued by the evil Plankton. It spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

There it is. The finest eating establishment ever established for eating: The Krusty Krab, home of the Krabby Patty... with a Help Wanted sign in the window. For years I've been dreaming of this moment. I'm gonna go in there, march straight to the manager, look 'em straight in the eye [breaks the fourth wall and looks the audience in the eye], lay it on the line and I can't do this! [starts to run home, but Patrick stops him] Hey, Patrick--

Where do you think you're going?

I was just-

No, you're not. You're going to the Krusty Krab and get! That! Job!

I can't! Don't you see!? I'm not good enough.

Whose first words were "May I take your order?"

Mine were.

Who made a spatula out of toothpicks in wood shop?

I did.

Who's a, uh, who's uh, oh... [grimaces and contorts twice while trying to come up with a good third line] Who's a big yellow cube with holes?!


[jumps] Who's ready?

[also jumps] I'm ready!

[jumps the second time] Who's ready?

[jumps higher] I'm ready!

[jumps the third and final time] Who's ready?!

[jumps really high] I'M READY! [runs toward the Krusty Krab] I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!

[Squidward is seen cleaning graffiti on the restaurant's windows. That octopus is spraying stain remover and attempting to wipe off the graffiti.]

[cleaning graffiti of himself with the word "loser," sees SpongeBob, and sighs] Oh no, SpongeBob. What could he possibly want?

[in background, at first while Squidward was talking] I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! Go, SpongeBob! Go, SpongeBob! Go, SpongeBob! Go, self!

[Squidward looks at the Help Wanted sign, screams, and runs inside to warn Mr. Krabs.]

[while SpongeBob says, "I'm ready," one more time in the background] Mr. Krabs! [cuts to the ordering window, where Mr. Krabs is seen happily sniffing a handful of money. Squidward runs up to him] Hurry, Mr. Krabs, before it's too late, I gotta tell you about-- [interrupted by SpongeBob]

Permission to come aboard, captain! [in the Powerpuff Girls Narrator's voice] I've been training my whole life for the day I could join the Krusty Krew [normal voice] and now I'm ready. [trips on a nail stuck in the floorboard. He bounces back and forth on the ground, and shouts and blurts incomprehensibly upon each hit. The restaurant manager, Mr. Krabs and Squidward look at each other. His fall causes him to bounce against the ceiling. SpongeBob yet again shouts and blurts incomprehensibly while his bounces and ricochets around the building accelerate. He then rolls to a stop at the feet of Squidward and Mr. Krabs.] So, uhh, when do I start?

Mr. Krabs:
Well, lad, it looks like you don't even have your sea legs.

Mr. Krabs, please! I'll prove I'm fry cook material! Ask Squidward, he'll vouch for me!

[Mr. Krabs and Squidward quickly walk away from SpongeBob. Squidward looks at Mr. Krabs.]

[deep breath] ...No.

[Mr. Krabs winks. Squidward and Mr. Krabs head back to SpongeBob, who looks completely puzzled at what he's hearing.]

Mr. Krabs:
Well, lad, we'll give you a test, and if you pass, you'll be on the Krusty Krew. Go out and fetch me... a... [SpongeBob takes out a notepad] uh, hydrodynamic spatula... [SpongeBob quickly jots down what he says] with, um, port-and-starboard-attachments, [more scribbling] and, uh... turbo drive. [more scribbling] And don't come back ‘til you get one. [puts a Krusty Krab crew hat on SpongeBob's head]

[SpongeBob sees how he looks in a mirror, there are sparkles on his hat, and he has a huge, satisfied smile.]

[saluting Krabs] Aye aye, captain! [reading] One hydrodynamic spatula, with port-and-starboard attachments, turbo drive, coming right up, sir! [salutes again]

Mr. Krabs:
Carry on! [SpongeBob leaves] We'll never see that lubber again.

[smiling] You're terrible. A hydro-what?

[Squidward and Mr. Krabs laugh. While Squidward laughs, his nose moves distinctly while he inhales and exhales. Mr. Krabs' laugh sounds like a pirate. As they laugh, SpongeBob is shown leaving the Krusty Krab.]

[After the Anchovies ravaged the Krusty Krab, only to be saved by SpongeBob, who did well with his first job as fry cook]

Mr. Krabs:
That was the finest fast-foodsmanship I've ever seen, Mr. SquarePants. Welcome aboard. [gives SpongeBob a name tag]

B-but, but, Mr. Krabs...

Mr. Krabs:
Three cheers for SpongeBob! Hip-hip!

[weakly] Hooray, Mr.—

Mr. Krabs:

[quickly] Hooray.

Mr. Krabs:

[quickly] Hooray. Mr. Krabs—

Mr. Krabs:
I'll be in my quarters, counting up the booty. [wheels a wheelbarrow piled with an enormous stack of cash to his office. As he walks towards his office, Patrick enters]

Good morning, Krusty Krew!

What would you like to order, Patrick?

One Krabby Patty, please.

[The instrumental to "Living in the Sunlight, Loving in the Moonlight" starts playing. SpongeBob flies back to the kitchen, using his spatula]


[A score of Krabby Patties is immediately fired through the servery, which Squidward dodges, colliding into Patrick and sending him flying out of the Krusty Krab. Cuts to Krusty Krab exterior; crashing noises.]


Mr. Krabs! Mr. Krabs!! [sarcastically singing] Mr. Krabs, come see your new employee!

Tiny Tim:
[at the same time as Squidward] ♪ I'm right here to stay when I'm old and gray, I'll be right in my prime. Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight, having a wonderful time! ♪

[The final instrumental of Tiny Tim's "Livin' in the Sunlight" plays (xylophone solo, followed by a timpani beat and a final note), and the further sounds of shooting Krabby Patties and smashed glass play at the same time, ending the first episode]

Oh, I didn't have to be a fool to get Sandy's attention. Am I the biggest loser on the beach?! [Loser 1 walks up to SpongeBob, shining red]

Loser 1:
No, I am. I forgot to put on sunscreen. [places a fin on herself, and it leaves a sounding mark, which vanishes]

Ouch. [a fish walks up to the two]

Loser 2:
No, I am. I got sand in my buns. [shows them two sandy hamburger buns. There is a rumbling coming from the sand and a whale pops his head out of the sand]

Loser 3:
No, I'm the biggest loser on the beach. They buried me in the sand and forgot me.

What happened to you?

I lost my best friend.

How? [SpongeBob grabs a sand guitar and sings he is front of the sand castle and a sand telephone he built earlier]

When I ripped... [his underwear starts ripping] my pants. [starts to sing] I thought that I had everybody by my side, but I went and blew it all sky-high, and now she won't even spare a passing glance, [The curtain comes down and a spotlight shines on SpongeBob] all just because I [rips his underwear again] ripped my pants. [the other three "losers of the beach" assemble on a sand stage with sand instruments and sing]

♪When big Larry came round just to put him down, SpongeBob turned into a clown, and no girl ever wants to dance with a fool who went and [Loser 1 turns around and suddenly, her bottom then rips, splitting open, revealing her white underwear] ripped his pants!♪

[singing voice, a crowd begins to gather] ♪I know I shouldn't mope around, I shouldn't curse, but the pain feels so much worse. 'Cause winding up with no one is a lot less fun than a burn from the sun...♪

♪Or sand in your buns!♪ [instrumental break. The loser scrapes the two buns together to make a rhythm then the curtain shows waves crashing about: drum, clarinets, and bass drum]

♪I learned a lesson I won't soon forget... so listen and you won't regret. Be true to yourself; don't miss your chance... and you won't end up like the fool... who... ripped... his... pants!♪ [the whole group comes together one by one in sync with the music and they rip their pants. By now, a huge crowd has gathered and is cheering the group onstage. A blimp flies by with SpongeBob's name on it. It's revealed that SpongeBob and his band were having a concert]


Sandy! [she gets onstage and hugs SpongeBob. He returns the embrace]

Your song is true. If y'all want to be my friend, just be yourself. [Larry walks up]

[impressed with SpongeBob's singing during the big concert] SpongeBob, that was so righteous. [hands SpongeBob a pencil] Would you... sign my pants?

Absolutely, buddy.

[SpongeBob bends down to sign Larry's pants. His underwear then rips off completely, leaving SpongeBob "au naturel." Someone off-screen whistles. SpongeBob covers his crotch, grins, and blushes sheepishly, ending the episode.]

Tum-ta-dum! Today's the big day, Squidward! Don't wanna be late! [he flies into his closet, gets dressed, and goes outside] Gotta hurry! Hold it! Hold everything! [SpongeBob and Patrick stand outside, with bags] I would not want to miss this. The day SpongeBob moves! I can't believe it's really happening.

Don't worry, Squidward. I'll come visit you.

Don't try to cheer me up, SpongeBob. [changes his smile to a frown briefly] Please.

Here come my parents. [Patrick beings to cry and the car horn sounds as SpongeBob's parents drive up]

Mrs. SquarePants:
SpongeBob! Hi, honey, we're here!

Mr. SquarePants:
Come on, SpongeBob, hurry, hurry, son, your mother has dinner waiting.

Hi, Mom.

Hello, Mrs. SquarePants! Let me help you with these bags. [picks up the bags and carries them to the car]

Just give me a minute. [As Patrick continues to cry in the background, SpongeBob walks back to where his house used to be.] I cannot hold onto you any longer, little pebble. [buries it into the ground in the middle of where his house used to be] You hold too many memories. [as he starts to cry, a tear falls from his nose and into the ground where the seed absorbs it, it then starts to glow. Then SpongeBob shakes Squidward's hand] Well, Squidward, this is goodbye. [walks away]

Goodbye, SpongeBob, goodbye. [dances and celebrates] Goodbye, SpongeBob. Bye-bye-bye. Goodbye, SpongeBob. Ha-ha. Goodbye, goodbye. [Patrick lies on the ground, bawling, as SpongeBob gets in the car]

Mrs. SquarePants:
Come on, SpongeBob.

Goodbye, Patrick. Goodbye, Bikini Bottom.

[Patrick holds onto the back of the boat, lifting the front into the air, as he cries, begging for SpongeBob to stay.]

[still dancing and celebrating] SpongeBob is leaving. He's leaving, he's leaving! [the seed shakes violently] La, la, la, la, la, la, la ha ha ha ha! [the seed shakes even more violently] He leaving, ha ha! [seed still shakes, then it sprouts three roots] SpongeBob is leaving, he's leaving!

[Suddenly, the ground starts shaking. Squidward stops dancing, while SpongeBob, his parents and Patrick stare, bemused. A giant green stem grows out of the ground, SpongeBob's house grows from the plant and drops where his old house used to be and on Squidward. The stem then goes back into the ground]

My house is back! [SpongeBob, his parents, and Patrick all happily run into the pineapple] Aww! Good old pineapple! It was exactly where it used to be! [continues praising all of the returned belongings he possessed in his original house. SpongeBob returns to Squidward buried under the floor] Aww, Squidward, isn't this great? I'm back forever!

[muffled] Forever?

It's not about winning, it's about fun!

What's that?

Fun is when you... [thinking to himself] fun is... it's like... it's kinda... sorta like a... what is fun? I... let me spell it for you. [singing while showing the letter "F"] ♪ F is for friends who do stuff together, [cut to a bored Plankton, then cut to SpongeBob showing the letter "U"] U is for you and me, [as the letter "N" while performing a cartwheel] N is for anywhere, anytime at all ♪

[the letters "F" and "U" reappear next to SpongeBob] ♪ Down here in the deep blue sea ♪

♪ F is for fire that burns down the whole town, [cut to SpongeBob, visibly scared] U is for uranium... BOMBS, [cut back to Plankton] N is for no sur-vi-vors, WHEN YOU--- ♪

Plankton! Those things aren't what fun is all about. Now, do it like this: [does some wacky dance moves] ♪ F is for friends who do stuff to-- ♪

Never! That's completely idiotic!

Here, let me help you. [grabs Plankton hands while helping him dance] ♪ F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me ♪ [stops singing] Try it!

[performs a cartwheel] ♪ N is for anywhere, anytime at all ♪

♪ Down here in the deep blue sea ♪

Wait, I don't understand this, I feel all tingly inside. Should we stop?

No! That's how you're supposed to feel!

Well, I like it. Let's do it again!

[the scene cuts to the flower beds] Okay!

SpongeBob and Plankton:
♪ F is for frolic through all the flowers, [cut to Plankton inside a ukulele. SpongeBob is dressed Hawaiian style] U is for ukulele. [cut to the two at a Noses shop] N is nose-picking, [cut to SpongeBob blowing gum with Plankton inside] sharing gum, [cut to SpongeBob licking sand at Plankton] and sand-licking, here with my best buddy. [cut the two having fun with the "FUN" letters in the background] Hahahahahahahaha! ♪

[At the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs is looking through a telescope at SpongeBob and Plankton.]

Mr. Krabs:
Arrgh, mutiny.

[SpongeBob and Squidward are trying to drag along some big items. SpongeBob is dragging an anchor and Squidward is dragging a flaming boat.]

SpongeBob? Truce? [both wave a white flag]


SpongeBob, I can't take it anymore. If we keep this up, neither of us will win the award!

You're right. We should save our energy for work where we really need it. [it’s now dawn]

Okay, let's have a good clean fight.

And may the better man win.

[They shake hands smiling]

[thinking] He's nothing but a lying, boneless, ink-squirting, big-nosed phony.

[thinking] Look at that bucktooth, corn-fed smile, you can't trust him as far as you can throw him.

[thinking] As soon as he stops shaking my hand...

[thinking] ...I'm gonna make a run for it.

[SpongeBob and Squidward stop shaking hands, laugh nervously, and hastily run for the Krusty Krab where Mr. Krabs is opening it up.]

Mr. Krabs:
Money, money, gonna make some money! [sees SpongeBob and Squidward come running over] Ah, it warms me wallet to see me employees coming in so early. Boys, you're early! [Mr. Krabs realizes that they aren't stopping for anything] Wait! [both push Mr. Krabs out of the way and start doing nice stuff]

Look, Mr. Krabs! Clean floors!

Clean tables, Mr. Krabs! [presses too hard on the table while he is cleaning and breaks it in half]

Clean dishes, Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:
What's going on here?! [SpongeBob drops and breaks the dishes and mops them just like that]

It's much more efficient to clean dishes this way, Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:

Flowers and chocolate for you, Mr. Krabs!

Look, I'm putting my own money in the register, Mr. Krabs! [SpongeBob puts his money into the register. Squidward and SpongeBob are in the kitchen] Two spatulas to increase productivity, Mr. Krabs! Faster, SpongeBob, faster!

There's nothing to this patty flipping, Mr. Krabs! I'll easily double your output, SpongeHog!

Mr. Krabs:
Boys, boys, boys! [music gradually speeds up; both SpongeBob and Squidward make many patties to overflow the kitchen, cornering Mr. Krabs] Help! Help! [the amount of Krabby Patties fills up the kitchen and the Krusty Krab itself, causing the whole restaurant to explode, sending thousands of patties raining down in front of the citizens]

Hey, free Krabby Patties!

Mr. Krabs:
[with his head bursting through one of SpongeBob's employee pictures] Wait, you've got to pay for those! Wait! Wait! Wait! Boys, the Krabby Patties! [SpongeBob and Squidward come through the picture frame that Mr. Krabs is in and ask him who is the winner, while Mr. Krabs is still complaining about the Krabby Patties]

So, who's the winner of Employee of the Month?

Me, me! It's me! [SpongeBob and Squidward continue calling out simultaneously about who is the winner]

Mr. Krabs:
Boys! Wait! Boys, the Krabby Patties! Boys, wait! [the three continue to argue as the episode fades to black]

[screams as he gets shot out of Mr. Krabs' dream cloud and into Plankton's dream on a building. The plunger is stuck onto a building] Hey, Plankton's dreaming about Bikini Bottom.

Zap! [zaps a building near SpongeBob and fish: Incidental 93, Incidental 40, Incidental 86 come running out] I see you. [stomps up to another building, twenty times the size of his normal self] Zap! [shoots a green laser out of his eye]

My leg!

I see you. Zap!

Plankton! [tries to get himself untied from the rope around his ankle]

I see you... [SpongeBob gets untied and drops to the ground] Zap! [zaps and disintegrates the building that SpongeBob was on, then walks to the Krusty Krab. People continue to: Fred, and Incidental 73 scream in panic] Oh look, it's the Krusty Krab, home of the Krabby Patty. [stomps on it] Crush! [picks up the Krusty Krab sign and starts to lick it as if it was a lollipop and walks off] Lick, lick!

[as he runs around] This isn't a dream! This is a nightmare!

Meow! Meow!

[stops and looks. Appears more and more worried.] Gary! Gary! No!

Meow! [Plankton still coming towards Gary making giant step sounds]

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Gary! [jumps over to Gary and hugs him] I've got you, Gary!

Peek-a-boo! Here comes my foot! [stomps his foot on SpongeBob & Gary] YEAH! Huh? [lifts up his foot] YOW!

[suddenly turns into a pin] I think he’s got the point. [laughs]

[deflates and shrinks] WHOA!

Patrick, you open this door. [Patrick is rolling SpongeBob away] Patrick, sometimes I just don't understand you. [SpongeBob sneezes] Hey! [walks over to Patrick's house] Okay, Patrick, where's SpongeBob?

Uhh, uhh, he's not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep. Beep.

Okay, now tell me, [shows two rocks] since when do you have two houses?

Since I ran out of space to put my stuff.

Uh-huh, yeah. Since when does your house have feet? [SpongeBob's feet are sticking out of the other rock]

This is my mobile home. [SpongeBob sneezes the rock off]

Hiya, Sandy.

[holding SpongeBob's hand] Hmmm, the dirt therapy seems to be working just fine.

Patrick, SpongeBob has to see a real doctor.

No, he doesn't! I'm taking good care of him! Show her, SpongeBob! Say 'ahh'.

Ahh... [exhales a green gas that kills all the plants, clams, and everything else in its path]

See? He's even worse than I thought.

[wearing a clothespin on his non-existing nose] What do you mean? He's fine. [Sandy snatches the clothespin off of his nose]

I'm okay, Sandy, really. [sneezes again, enlarging himself more]

I'm taking you to the doctor right now! [rolls SpongeBob away]

Hey, that's my patient! [runs over and pushes SpongeBob the opposite way] You can't take him to the doctor's!

[rolling SpongeBob the other way again] Don't be silly, Patrick!

[carrying SpongeBob the other way] He's mine! [Sandy is log rolling SpongeBob the opposite way]

SpongeBob, you'll be better soon. [Patrick is using a wheelbarrow for SpongeBob]

I'll save you! [Sandy is using SpongeBob as a basketball]

I'm better, guys! Really! [Sandy and Patrick both push him into each other, squeezing him until he launches into the air]

Now look what you've done, Patrick!

What I've done? Everything was fine until you showed up!

You should be arrested for impersonating a doctor!

Hey! I'm a good doctor! Right, SpongeBob? [SpongeBob comes down and rolls away]




I can't stop! [screams while he rolls down a hill] Help me! [Mr. Krabs is cleaning some dimes]

Mr. Krabs:
Shiny dimes.

Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:
SpongeBob? [runs out the front doors] Stop, SpongeBob! Stop...!

[SpongeBob stops just in time. Mr. Krabs sighs in relief until SpongeBob sneezes so hard that he releases a cloud of pink bubbles that fill the screen and destroy the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs glares at SpongeBob, who returns to his normal size.]

Mr. Krabs:
I'll roll for you, boy.

But, Mr...

Mr. Krabs:
8 paces, north, that's a good start, lad.

But, Mr...

Mr. Krabs:
1, 2, 3...

MR. KRABS, I WANNA GO TO BED!!! [pauses] Mr. Krabs, I'm sorry, but it's just a game, ya know?

Mr. Krabs:
A game. That's... right. Of course it is, my mistake. [picks up the game board and folds it in half] I guess I got a little carried away, eh? Though it is treasure we're dealin’ with here. Sorry, for disturbin’ ya, lad. [walks away while SpongeBob shuts the door; Morning arrives, and then the clam "rooster" crows everyone up.] Avast! Pineapple, ho. Heave two, and prepare to be boarded.

Aw, go home already. [gets out of bed and looks out the window] I'm done playing that game, Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs:
That's Captain Krabs to you, and this is no game. We're gonna be pirates.

[excited] Pirates?

Mr. Krabs:
Aye! How'd you like to go on a real treasure hunt, with a real treasure map?

SpongeBob and Patrick:
[Patrick appears from the side of SpongeBob's house] Treasure? [dancing around] We're gonna be pirates, we're gonna be pirates!

Mr. Krabs:
Ay, ay, ay. Belay that skippin'. Pirates don't skip. [throws them a bag of pirate stuff] Put on this pirate garb, so I won't be embarrassed to be seen with ya. Arrgh.

Oh, Patrick. Look! Peg legs and eye patches.

Mr. Krabs:
Now, don't you feel more like pirates?

[walks towards the plank using two peg legs] Look, I'm Peggy the Pirate! [falls on the plank]

[walks towards the plank with two separate eye patches covering his eyes] I'm Blindbeard the Pirate! [falls on SpongeBob] Ow.

Mr. Krabs:
Arrgh! [fade to ship sailing across in midair] Keep a sharp lookout, SpongeBob. Accordin' to the map, we're close to the first landmark.

Really? Can we see the map?

Mr. Krabs:
Uh... no! Only the captain can lay eyes on the map.

Okie dokie, then.

Mr. Krabs:
Arrgh, a pirate doesn't say, "okie dokie, then." A pirate says, "arrgh!"

Okie... oops. [laughs while a jellyfish flies by him] I mean... [standing up] arrgh! Captain Krabs. [his eyes widen and sees a rock nearby] Captain, we're about to hit... uhh... I mean... ARRGH, Capt., ARRGH, we're, ARRGH, about, ARRGH, to hit, ARRGH...

Mr. Krabs:
Out with it man, ARRGH!

I, ARRGH, think, ARRGH, he's trying, ARRGH, to say... [crash] "land".

Mr. Krabs:
Arrgh!! From now on, only the captain says, "Arrgh!". Status report, Mr. SquarePants?

The whole ship is underwater, captain.

Mr. Krabs:
Arrgh. We're marooned then. Our treasure hunt will have to continue on foot.

What’s so great about dumb ol' Texas? [the bus suddenly speeds back; the doors open revealing Sandy with an angry look on her face]

What did you say?!

Texas is dumb?

[the bus drives off again] Don't you dare take the name of Texas in vain!

You mean we can't say anything bad about dumb ol' Texas?

No, you can't!

Oh, then can we say people from Texas are dumb?

No! You can't say NOTHIN' ABOUT TEXAS!

[gets an idea] Ohhh, so we shouldn’t say anything bad about [turns and shakes his rear end] TeEeXxaAAaAsss.

[blushes angrily] I'm warnin' you, SpongeBob!

Look, Patrick, I'm Texas! Duh, howdy, y'all! Howdy y'all!

I'm Texas, too. Git a dog, little longie! Git a dog!

Howdy y'all!

Git a dog, little longie! Git a dog!

Y'all best cut it out!

[while Patrick does armpit farts] The stars at night are dull and dim, whenever they have to be over dumb ol' stupid Texas! [Sandy gets steaming mad. SpongeBob turns into the shape of Texas] Hey, Patrick, what am I now?

Uhh, stupid?

No, I'm Texas!

What's the difference?! [SpongeBob and Patrick laugh]

[drops suitcases] Y'all best apologize, or I'm gonna be on you like ugly on an ape!

You'll have to catch us first! [he and Patrick run off] We did it. We got her.

Krusty Krab, here we come! [turns head around to Sandy] Can we say that plants from Texas are dumb? Can we say that shoes from Texas are dumb?

Ok, Patrick, that's enough.

Why? Do you think that old slowpoke Texas is gonna— [...catch up, which she is. And fast. Patrick's eyes bug out and he screams]

Run faster, Patrick! [both of them scream; they go around each side of a huge rock. Sandy crashes right through the rock, obliterating it, and walks while twirling a lasso. Her shoe engulfs the screen, Sandy lassoes Patrick and brings him into the background]

[screams] SpongeBob! [Nuclear explosion is heard and a mushroom cloud appears. SpongeBob screams. SpongeBob stops in front of a leaf and shakes as Sandy karate chops the leaf and SpongeBob in half]

Hi-yah! [SpongeBob jumps with his halves and he gets back together] Y'all gonna take back what ya said!

No! Almost there! [runs toward the Krusty Krab. Sandy's lasso turns into the shape of SpongeBob; SpongeBob screams. As he jumps for the Krusty Krab, Sandy throws her lasso. SpongeBob hangs onto the door as Sandy pulls him towards her]

SpongeBob! You've been messin’ with the bull! Now here come the horns!

[grunts] Sandy! No! [the front of the Krusty Krab tears off as Sandy has pulled tight enough]

Howdy, y'all!

Wha-what's this?

It's a party!

[hops over to the Krusty Krab, hogtied and covered in bandages] For you!

For me?!

It's your own little slice of Texas! Check it out, Sandy! We got square dancing... [Flats is holding a square] ...giant Barbecues... [Squidward is holding a sharp, spiky Q]

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

...homemade peas-in-a-can pie... [Pearl is holding a pie with a can of peas in it] ...and we got our very own 10 gallon hats! [SpongeBob and Patrick put ten gallon water jugs on their heads] So, what do ya think? Are you gonna stay?

[Sandy starts to laugh and tears of laughter spew out and fill her helmet. Everyone frowns as they mistake Sandy's laughing for crying]

Don't cry anymore, Sandy, I'll go get your bags.

[takes out the flusher handle, attaches it to her helmet and flushes the water out again] I'm not cryin', I'm laughin'! I appreciate what y'all are tryin' to do, SpongeBob, but home isn't about barbecues or pecan pies, home is where you're surrounded by critters that care about ya. [Everyone gathers around Sandy]

Huh? Duh. What am I doin'? I was home all along, and it took me until now to realize it.

Does that mean you'll stay?

I'm stayin'! [everyone cheers, except Squidward]

That makes me feel all wiggly.

Yeah, who needs dumb ol' Texas? [cheering stops; cut back to the Bikini Atoll]

What did you just say?!

Should I start running now?

[After SpongeBob finds out that Plankton used him for his plan]

[gasps] "Mega Bucket"?! You used me...for land development! That wasn't nice!

Haven't you figured it out, SpongeBob? Nice guys finish last. Only aggressive people conquer the world! [laughs evilly]

Well, what about aggressively nice people?

Huh? What are you doing? [SpongeBob brings out the hot dogs in the hot dog stand, he ate earlier and puts them back where they belong. Then he puts the kites back where they were] Wait, SpongeBob! Stop! [a girl is crying because she has sand on her ice cream. SpongeBob takes it and wipes the sand off with his eyelashes] Butterfly kisses... Can't take it... It's too cute... It's-it's disgusting! [Scooter is crying at his broken surfboard]

What happened? [points to surfboard]

I hit a reef with my new board, dude!

No problem! [shapeshifts into a surfboard]

Whoa! [grabs the surfboard] Killer!

SpongeBob, stop! Before it's too late! Your kindness is bringing everybody back! [everyone comes back] Get back! Wait! [everyone, on their way back to the beach breaks through the construction barriers, trample and squish Plankton underfoot] Ouch! Ow! Ow! No! Ooh!

[is surfing with SpongeBob] Cowabunga! [he and SpongeBob arrive back to shore] Thanks, dude! That was awesome! [just then, Plankton begins straining and weeping]

Gee, Plankton, I'm sorry about the Chum Bucket.

Forget about that. I just can't take so much kindness in one sitting. [bunches up into a ball] NEED... HATRED... [crawls away]

Volleyball, anyone? [everyone uses SpongeBob as the ball] Serve up! [laughs] Ouch! [laughs] Ouch! [laughs] Ouch!

[The bubbles transition to Squidward squirting some mustard inside a rope circle then he chuckles and shows SpongeBob the mess]

Oh, boy! Something for me to clean up. [starts cleaning it and Squidward is standing next to a rope which he is about to cut]

April Fools! [laughs as he cuts the rope which grabs SpongeBob]

Whooaahh! [the rope sends him into some bags of flour. Squidward is laughing through all of this and rolls on the floor. Then SpongeBob is taken around a bar] Whoa! Blblblblblblbl... [screams as he is sent slamming face-first into the wall]

Oh, no!

[Squidward's eyes pop out as he laughs hysterically. SpongeBob screams and flies into Bubble Bass' rear]

Whoooaa! [cut to Squidward cheerleading, laughing, and jumping into the air. Then SpongeBob smashes into the ceiling]

[runs and holds out his arms to catch SpongeBob] I'll catch you, SpongeBob. [he giggles to himself. SpongeBob screams as he plummets toward Squidward, who quickly sets out a garbage can in front of him, and SpongeBob falls into the goop in the can] Oops. [dumps SpongeBob, who is now the shape of the can, out of the garbage can] April Fools, you little sausage! [he laughs]


[SpongeBob starts to cry and runs out of the Krusty Krab]

SpongeBob, I was just kidding. C'mon, c'mon. You guys know I was just kidding... Right?

Incidental 37B:
Aww, man, poor kid.

Incidental 45:
That guy has definitely got some issues to work out. [the customers angrily glare at Squidward as they begin to leave]

Incidental 71:
April Fools... jerk. [all the customers storm out the door in disgust as Squidward starts to look upset by their reaction]

Wait, don't go.


Wait, wait, wait, it was a joke! Uh-huh... [looks around at the mess he has made and winces, then he looks at Bubble Bass, who has a hole in his bottom due to the "prank" and Squidward starts to feel ashamed of himself] Why is it whenever I'm having fun, it's wrong? I didn't mean to make him cry. I guess this means I'd better tell SpongeBob I'm sor-eaach. [makes silly face] Huh? I guess this means I'd better apolo- [throat goes haywire] gii! This is gonna be tougher than I thought.

Barnacle Boy:
[takes away the conch signal from SpongeBob] Alright, that's it! Gimme that! You're running us ragged.

Mermaid Man:
[while crawling on the walkway of SpongeBob's house.] Must... must answer clarion call! [collapses]

Barnacle Boy:
We're exhausted!

[while tearing up] I'm sorry, Barnacle Boy. I didn't mean it. I... just wanted to spend time with you. You're my heroes! [starts crying.]

Barnacle Boy:
[while SpongeBob is crying] It's too late for that, Mr. Contest Winner. I'm gonna destroy this thing with my... [echoing] sulfur vision! [he tries to use his sulfur vision to destroy the conch but is unsuccessful. He tries again, but he still doesn't succeed] Well, I'll destroy it when I get back to the [puts the conch in his pocket], uh, Mermalair. Uh, and as for you...

Mermaid Man:
Barnacle Boy, [as he gets up] don't squash his enthusiasm. After all, he could be the hero of tomorrow, or the villain. Besides, I remember another [he takes out a picture] young [the image shows Barnacle Boy as a kid holding a lollipop] whipper-snapper, who wanted to be a super-hero. [chuckles]

Barnacle Boy:
You don't even remember breakfast, you old coot.

Mermaid Man:
[walks up to SpongeBob, still crying] Maybe the conch signal is too much responsibility. [SpongeBob stops crying] But how would you like to spend the rest of the afternoon on patrol?

Barnacle Boy:

Mermaid Man:
[while he and SpongeBob are running to the Invisible Boatmobile] To the Invisible Boatmobile! [Barnacle Boy becomes angry]

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