SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 2

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that airs on Nickelodeon. The show follows the adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city, and being pursued by the evil Plankton. It spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

[SpongeBob is shown crawling into his pineapple.]


Not now, Gary.


I'm not in the mood, Gary.

Meow. [the scene changes to SpongeBob's bedroom. Off-Screen] Meow.

[crawls into bed] Just leave me and me untied shoes alone, Gary. [Gary roars like a lion, knocking SpongeBob off the bed and onto the floor] Okay, Gary, you have my attention.

Meow. [ties SpongeBob's shoes]

[gasps] Gary! Well, I'll be! You can tie shoes! [Gary shows himself wearing shoes that look like old-style bowling shoes, under his shell] Hoppin' clams! How did you learn to do that? [Gary's shell opens revealing a record. The song, Loop Dee Loop by Ween starts and SpongeBob starts dancing]

♪Wanna learn how to tie your shoe? [the scene changes to show SpongeBob in a classroom wearing a teacher's outfit and on the chalkboard there are sketches of shoes]

It's a very easy thing to do. [Gary appears on a stool. SpongeBob puts on his glasses and taps the board with his pointer]

Just sit on down [Patrick appears in the desk next to SpongeBob] and I'll give you the scoop, [Patrick holds out an ice cream cone and SpongeBob gives him a tied shoe that looks like SpongeBob's shoe. Patrick looks surprised]

What's that? [the scene changes to show the words "Loop Dee Loop" in shoelaces and SpongeBob pulls on two of the aglets] It's called the loop-dee-loop.

[the scene changes to show SpongeBob's leg with an untied shoe] You gotta take a lace in each hand, [two SpongeBobs hold an aglet in one of each's hands goes up and past the screen. The scene changes again to show the SpongeBobs crossing each other's paths] You go over and under again.

[the SpongeBobs come back around under the cross path that they made. The go upward and past the screen. They come back and pass each other's path one more time] You make a loop-dee-loop and [the scene changes to show a small SpongeBob tying the lace of a big SpongeBob's shoe] pull. And your shoes are [the Big SpongeBob is shown wearing a top hat and giant shoes. He takes his hat off and kicks the newly tied shoe. It flies off] lookin' cool.

[the scene changes to show a SpongeBob multiplying into multiple SpongeBobs and follows the lyrics] You go over and back, left to right, Loop-dee-loop [the scene changes to show SpongeBob holding his laces while jumping] and you pull 'em tight, [the scene changes to show SpongeBob with a bunny toy] Like bunny ears [a present appears] or a Christmas bow, [the bunny toy becomes a bunny slipper and SpongeBob is seen wearing it and the present as shoes] Lace 'em up and you're ready to go.

[SpongeBob runs out of the scene. The scene changes to show SpongeBob jumping off of a tight rope wire swing thing. He stops and spins around and then falls] You make a loop-dee-loop and pull, [the scene changes to show SpongeBob and Gary falling into a giant shoe that looks like SpongeBob's shoe] And your shoes are lookin' cool.

[SpongeBob pulls on the laces and wings appear on both sides of the shoe and the shoe plane takes off. The scene changes to show the plane passing giant tied shoe laces. The shoe plane hits a roller coaster track and the wings fall off and it becomes a roller coaster car] You make a loop-dee-loop and pull, [the shoe falls off of the track and lands on the ground] And your shoes are lookin' cool.♪ [SpongeBob and Gary pop out of the shoe and the episode ends]

French Narrator:
Ah, beautiful springtime, a time for fun and frolic for most, [the scene cuts to the Krusty Krab, zooming in and then right at the front door. Squidward is there] but not for this poor slob. [referring to Squidward]

Oh, what a beautiful day and here I am trapped in a prison of high cholesterol. [the bell dings] No one ever comes in on Sunday. [the bell dings again] Why can't Mr. Krabs just let us go home? [the bell dings again. Squidward gets angry and growling into SpongeBob. The scene changes to to SpongeBob ringing a bell, set on the order window. Squidward runs up to SpongeBob] SpongeBob, stop ringing this bell! [picks it up and slams it on the bottom of the order window]

I was just testing it. [Squidward leans through the order window getting in SpongeBob's face]

I will ring the bell when there's an order. But... [the scene zooms out to show that the restaurant is empty] There's no customers! There hasn't been one all day and there isn't gonna be any! [struggles to pick up the cash register, but successfully does so and he slams it down making a bell noise]

One Krabby Patty coming up!


[The register drawer shoots open, knocking Squidward out of the way. A bunch of coins fall onto the floor. The scene changes to show Mr. Krabs' office where Mr. Krabs is writing something on a sheet of paper and he stops to hear the money dropping.]

Mr. Krabs:
That sounds like me money dropping. [the scene changes to show the outside of the office and Squidward is picking up the coins. Mr. Krabs opens his office door] What's going on out here?! My babies! [runs up to Squidward and shoves him away] Get away, you barbarian! What have you done? Nice clean money... soiled! [scoops up the coins in his claws] I'll take care of ya. Let papa clean ya up. [the scene changes to show a long shot of SpongeBob staring out from the order window] Clear the way! [runs into the kitchen and starts washing them off in the sink] No, no, no, don't cry, little ones.

What's wrong, Mr. Krabs? [Mr. Krabs gets startled and throws the dimes in the air. One dime rolls into the sink and starts to roll towards the sink drain]

Mr. Krabs:
Me dime! [the dime rolls around the sink drain. Just as it seems like it's about to fall down the drain, it flips over facing away from the drain. Mr. Krabs gives a sigh of relief. Then the dime jumps, winks, and goes down the drain] No! [grabs the dime in the drain] I got it, boy! [tries to take his claw out] What the? It's stuck! You gotta help me, SpongeBob!

You've gotta let go of the dime.

Mr. Krabs:
I can think of ten good reasons to never let go of a dime, boy. There's got to be another way! Grab me captain's quarters and heave! [SpongeBob pulls on Mr. Krabs from behind a couple times until Mr. Krabs gets thrown back without his arms] Me arms!

Oh no, not again!

[Mr. Krabs hits the wall, the impact causing the shelf above him to slant and drop a pot, a glass, a pan, a mug, a treasure chest, an anchor, a buoy, and a scuba suit on his head. A giant bump rises up on Mr. Krabs' head and then a dime falls on it, causing Mr. Krabs to fall over and black out.]

Patrick, is everything okay in here? [hears Patrick sobbing and opens a stall door, then sees him sitting on the toilet with a bag over his head] What are you doing in there, Patrick?

[resentfully] Wouldn't you like to know?

And why is that bag on your head?

[sarcastically] Why? Oh, no reason... [angrily] Except you gave me the ugly! [whips the bag off. SpongeBob recoils and gasps as Patrick walks out] What am I gonna do?! I can't go out looking like this!

Just remember what we talked about; there's power in pride.

That may be fine for you, but I was one of the beautiful people. Now look at me! [his breath reaches SpongeBob, who smells it and makes a disgusted face] I'm almost as ugly as you!

BLEGH! [He covers his nose in disgust]

I always thought if I was as ugly as that guy, I don't know what I'd do.


What's my mom gonna say?


Oh, my gosh, if my sister finds out...


...wait, I don't have a sister. If the bank...


I mean it's one thing if you have bad shoes or even bad hair, but—

[having had enough, he enlarges to stop Patrick's babbling] PATRICK! [shrinks back to normal] You're not ugly, your breath stinks. Really bad.

[Patrick sighs with relief, his stench in the shape of skull and crossbones]

[relaxed] Ah, what a relief...

[his eyes water from the foul smell] Argh, barnacles, Patrick! What did you eat?!

Oh, some roast beef, some chicken, a pizza...

No, I mean just this morning.

Some roast beef, some chicken, a pizza...

What else?

Well, I had some of your sundae.

[realizing] Sundae...

SpongeBob, what do you like better? The Kutie Krab or the Kooky Krab?

For what, dare I ask?

The new name for our new look. I mean, "The Krusty Krab" has got to go. Who wants to eat at a place they think is crusty? Bleh.

Well, sure it's a terrible name, but this is a terrible place. Therefore, the name should be left alone. Right, SpongeBob?

I got it. How about The Khaotic Krab?

How about The Kissy Krab? [smooches]

[dressed as a king] The King Krab.

[holds up a lollipop] The Kandy Krab.

[dressed like a beat poet] The Kool Krab. [dressed as a cowboy] Or the Kowboy Krab. [stretched out] The Kurly Krab. [dressed as a mad scientist] The Kreepy Krab. [dressed as a crazy killer jungle man] THE KILLER KRAB!!

[gasps] No!

You're right, too scary.


SpongeBob and Pearl:
The Kuddly Krab! [they both hug and laugh. A rainbow of colors fills the screen. Pearl, SpongeBob and an anguished Squidward stand outside the new restaurant. The sign for the restaurant is now a heart and a cutesy robot Krabs is waving his arms atop it. The restaurant outside itself is tie-dyed with colors and rainbows and the flags are now hearts. Balloons are hanging from the roof and giant lollipops come from the chimney. Pearl and SpongeBob, giggling, walk back in the restaurant. Squidward is so mad that the two K's on his uniform catch on fire and he shakes the pole. Incidental 22 and Fred drive by in a car.]

Incidental 22:
It's a shame old man Krabs sold the Krusty Krab.

That's a darn shame. Hey, lady! Do you know where we can get something to eat around here?

That's it! I quit! [rips off his uniform, revealing nothing under it. A police whistle is blown and Incidental 118 comes over and writes him a ticket for indecent exposure and places it between his legs.]

[Bubble transition to SpongeBob and Patrick at the grill frying patties. They both whistle to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", then stop, and they both wipe their foreheads.]

SpongeBob and Patrick:
Whew! [SpongeBob drops his spatula]

[laughs] Dropped my spatula. [bends down to pick it up]

Uhh, me too. [drops his spatula and bends down to pick it up]

[SpongeBob and Patrick bend back up and SpongeBob takes off his hat, then Patrick takes off his, they both put their hats back on, then they both put their hands on the grill; Patrick's hand burns after a few seconds]


Aha! [shows the fake hand] You're copying me!


Why are you doing that?

So I can win an award like you.

Well, it's annoying, so stop it!

Stop it. [both imitate the others facial expressions]

Say, you're good.


SpongeBob and Patrick:
Ha! Darn. [both look at each other with suspicion, while rubbing their chins. They later watch each other as they dance to "Mary had a Little Lamb"] Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as... PICKLE FISH LIPS!!!!! [both cover their mouths] Seaweavel. [both cover their mouths again] Yorgyshmorgies. [both cover their mouths yet again]

[in his head] At least I'm safe inside my mind.

[in his head; as SpongeBob realizes that he wasn't safe in his mind] At least I'm safe inside my mind.

[SpongeBob and Patrick then scream in panic and run out of the Krusty Krab.]

Stop copying me!

There's no award for that!

[leaning against the Krusty Krab sign pole, reading a newspaper, a Krusty Krab hat falls near him] Well, I guess it's safe to go in now. [puts his hat back on and walks back in]

[he and Patrick are still running] Patrick, how long are you gonna keep this up?

Until I have as many awards as you.

We'll see about that!

No, we won't.

[takes out a jump-rope] I'm the jump-rope champion of Bikini Bottom.

Me too. [takes out a jump-rope]

Oh, yeah? I call this one: The Slice N' Dice. [crosses his arms and jump-ropes while Patrick tries to imitate but ties himself up with his rope] Ha! Not a scratch on me. [his body breaks down into pieces, which later hop away]

Oh, no, you don't! [squeezes the rope on himself breaking his body down into smaller pieces, then he and SpongeBob repeatedly hit their heads with a hammer]

Not much fun being me, now, huh, Patrick?

Are you kidding? I used to do this [SpongeBob stops hammering his head but Patrick does not notice] way before I started copying you. [Patrick hits himself faster and too hard, he stops and gets dizzy...] Wheeeee-eeeeeyeeehhh-eeeeh. [...as trophies appear and spin around his head, tweeting like birds. He falls on the ground; SpongeBob laughs and runs into Patrick's rock painted as SpongeBob's house; SpongeBob gets angry and steam comes out of his head] My turn! [runs into the pineapple rock as SpongeBob quickly runs into his real house]

Robot Krabs:
Okay, now let's hear that formula.

Sorry, no can do, Mr. Krabs.

Robot Krabs:
[his eyes are now on fire] WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!

But we did everything you said-- I followed all the rules! I even ate 105 black licorice jellybeans through a straw! [holds up a straw]

Robot Krabs:
Now why can't you tell me the formula?

It's your rule: never speak the formula. You told me to keep it in [holds up a bottle with the secret formula in it] ...this bottle. [Robot Krabs' eyes open widely with a "ding!" sound effect]

This is it, Plankton. [pushes a lever] Gently now... [he continues to push the lever, getting overly excited as he gets closer. The penny that Mr. Krabs was chasing earlier rolls under the door, then Mr. Krabs rushes in and everyone in the kitchen gasps, including the guy on the penny]

Mr. Krabs:


Guy on the Penny:

Robot Krabs:

Mr. Krabs:
How could you do this, SpongeBob? Givin' me secret formuler to this...imposter?!

Robot Krabs:
Don't listen to him, SpongeBob. Remember: ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuloli.

Mr. Krabs:
SpongeBob, no! don't listen to him! I'm the real Mr. Krabs!

Robot Krabs:
Don't listen to him. He's obviously a robot. [exhaust pipe smokes]

Mr. Krabs:
Well, if I was a robot, which I'm not, at least I'm well-put together, not some rusted-out, steam-driven pile of junk!

Robot Krabs:
Who are you callin' steam-driven...?

[yelling in frustration] QUIET!! Until I know who the real Mr. Krabs is, nobody moves, [holds a hose attached to a tartar sauce machine] nobody gets hurt.

Mr. Krabs and Robot Krabs:
Tartar sauce?!

Mr. Krabs:
Take it easy with that thing, son.

[squirts some tartar sauce, causing Mr. Krabs to jump into robot Krabs' arms] I'll do the talking around here. I think I'll ask you two a couple of questions; questions only the real Mr. Krabs could answer.

Mr. Krabs:
[smiles while Robot Krabs looks worried] Okay, then.

First question: what time does the Krusty Krab open?

Robot Krabs:
[beats Mr. Krabs to it] 9:30 A.M.

Right. [to Mr. Krabs] That's one strike, Mr. Fake.

Mr. Krabs:

Nuh-uh-uh! I'm running this quiz show, I'll ask the questions. If there's gonna be any 'buts', they're gonna be from me. [while rubbing the hose nozzle] Okay, now, question two: how much does a Krabby Patty cost?

Mr. Krabs:

On Wednesday...

Robot Krabs:
99 cents.

Right again! [to Mr. Krabs] You're starting to look pretty phoney right about now. I'd be nervous if I were you. Now, only the really real Mr. Krabs could answer this- if we're discussing the secret formula on the third Wednesday in January and it's not raining outside after we've gargled with vanilla pudding, what do we do?

Mr. Krabs:
That's an easy one. You just...just.. let's see...if it's... uh... if it's January... with... with vanilla pudding... you... uh... pass? [gets shot with tartar sauce]

[opens the door] Out into the cold, grown-up world alone without a sweater.


I don't know when I'll be back.

I know how busy you are.

So, uh... that's it. [Patrick is sleeping]

Shh, he's asleep.

Soooo loooong... [SpongeBob slowly closes the door of grandma's house, but then slams it with a sad look on his face. He starts throwing a tantrum.] I DON'T WANNA GROW UP! I want cookies! [holds a big cookie and snaps it in half in front of his face] And milky! [holds a giant milk bottle, then comes up with a sweater] I want a sweater with love in the stitches! I wanna wear diapers! [comes up with a diaper on and puts some baby powder into it] I wanna ride in my wagon! [rides in a wagon, then holds a big teddy bear] I wanna cuddle-wuddle with Mr. Stuffykins! I wanna rockey-rock my seahorsey! [rocks on his wooden seahorse with a hat and a lollipop] And I want a kissy on my boo-boo! [shows his bruised finger]

[SpongeBob starts crying hysterically. He lies on the floor and cries while slamming his fists against the ground and then rolls like a wheel. Grandma looks at him sadly. SpongeBob then sits on the floor as his eyes pour tears into his mouth. Grandma thinks for a second. SpongeBob then starts crying like a sprinkler, flooding the entire house.]

Take it easy, SpongeBob! [picks up SpongeBob, who is still crying] SpongeBob? SpongeBob! [she holds SpongeBob's mouth, stopping him from crying] SpongeBob, you don't have to be a baby to get all of Grandma's love.

[sniff] I don't?

Of course not. [pushes a cork in the floor and all SpongeBob's tears drain out] No matter how big you get, you will always be my little baby boo, and remember, you can kiss your grandma and still be an adult. [hands SpongeBob his sideburns and a chocolate chip cookie] Here you go. [SpongeBob puts on his sideburns and eats the cookie]

Thanks, Grandma. [bites the cookie] Uh, Grandma, could you not mention this to the guys down at the Krusty Krab?

No problem. [hugs SpongeBob. Outside, Squidward and everyone else are laughing as the episode ends]

[Meanwhile, a group of octopuses are angrily chasing after a happy-go-lucky Squidward. He sucks the noses off of three houses whilst running by. SpongeBob and Patrick are walking by when they see Squidward run past them.]

Hey! That looked like Squidward! [the mob runs past them] That looked like Squidward also, in angry mob form! [Squidward has approached a dead end]

Hold it right there, Mr. Tentacles!

Stand back! I've got gardening tools! [the policeman hands him an envelope]

Here! Just read this! [Squidward looks at it]

What is it?

A well thought out and organized list of complaints! [the mob shouts out in agreement. SpongeBob and Patrick walk by]

Patrick, look! It's Squidward! [he runs up to the octopus and hugs him, but he's a different octopus with eyebrows and mustache, and a shirt like Squidward's] Squidward! We finally found you! [the octopus pushes SpongeBob off him]

Male Octopus:
Get off me, and I'm not Squidward! [pause]

Are you Squidward now?

Grievances?! This town is a grievance! There should be a law against so many stuck-up tightwads living in one place! This city needs to be destroyed! [pause] Or at least painted a different color.

F.Y.I., you don't have to live here, you know. [Squidward, and the crowd, smile]

Hey, you're right! [the crowd members' smiles fade] And I'm leaving A.S.A.P.! [meanwhile, SpongeBob and Patrick are trying to find Squidward]

Are you Squidward?

Male Octopus:
No. [he walks up to the croquet woman]

Are you Squidward?

No. [Patrick talks to a fire hydrant]

Are you Squidward? [pause] That's okay, take your time. [SpongeBob walks up to him]

Any one of these Squidwards can be the real Squidward, Patrick! [the town rumbles as Squidward rockets the leaf blower out of Tentacle Acres and laughs maniacally. The octopuses smile]

Freedom! Woo-hoo! [SpongeBob and Patrick watch him fly over the horizon]

Well, we know one thing: it sure isn't that guy. [the episode ends]

Would it be all right if Gary and I did some laundry over here?

Laundry? But we used to do laundry!

And, uh... SpongeBob, could we borrow some soap?

[on the verge of breaking down] Soap? But we used to use soap! [holds up two different types of soap] Do you want Fresh Scent or Heavy Du... Du...

Here it comes.

...Du... Du... Du.... [breaks out in a fountain of tears, each falling into the separate soapboxes and lathering them up in his hand] ...TYYYYYYYY! GARY, PLEASE COME BACK GARY! GARY, PLEASE COME HOME! I'M A WRECK WITHOUT YOU! [stops crying] I know! If you come back, there'll be a new no-rules rule. You can do whatever you want, when you want! [runs up to the sofa and tears it up furiously] If you feel like rippin' the sofa, then you rip it up! [runs up to the litter box] And the litter box? Forget about it! [he dumps the litter on his head] The world is your litter box! [he runs to the fridge and opens it] And you don't even have to wait around for me to feed you anymore! 24-hour fridge access! [he takes a milk carton and drinks it] And you don't even have to use a bowl! [he runs to a giant carving of Squidward] And I know how much you like my prized driftwood carving of Squidward. [scratches at it] Well, think of it as your own personal scratching post! What do you think, Gary? Won't it be fun, Gary? [we see SpongeBob has carved Squidward into a heart]

How pathetic.

Gary? [the heart breaks in half and one half hits him. The two walk to the laundry room]

[patronisingly] I'm sorry, SpongeBob. But Gary's with me now. You had your chance and you failed. You have to stop living in the past. Face it, SpongeBob, you're only hurting yourself. [he takes off his shorts and puts them in the machine; Gary crawls in after them] It's what Gary wants, and what Gary wants is me. Right, Gary? Huh? [the two notice Gary is in the machine, nudging in Patrick's shorts] He only liked me for my shorts!

No, Patrick. He wanted the cookie in your pocket! [Gary is indeed eating the cookie. He finishes and crawls out up to SpongeBob]


G-G-Gary? [Gary burps and happily meows] Whee! [hugs Gary] Oh, Gary, I knew you'd never leave me! Aww... [giggles, he takes his leash] Let's go for a walk, pal! [the two walk out of the house and Patrick is left alone heartbroken and devastated]

Gary? I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL...! [the episode ends]

Okay, Mrs. Puff, what's my final score?

Mrs. Puff:

Whoo! And how many do I need to pass?

Mrs. Puff:

[raising arms slowly] Whoo.

Mrs. Puff:
Hundred. [SpongeBob stops]


Mrs. Puff:
600. You need 600 to pass. You got six.

Don't worry. I'll be all right, Mrs. Puff. Besides, this means that I get to be in your class for a whole 'nother year! [he slams his fist down, which causes a piece of the motor to fly upward] Well, see you next Tuesday! [SpongeBob walks off and the piece crashes on Mrs. Puff. She inflates like she always does when SpongeBob crashes. SpongeBob runs out to his unicycle-like bike] Yeah! [singing] I'm gonna get my driver's license and it's only gonna take one more year, one more year, one more super duper year. [goes around in circles on his bike] One more super-spectacular, extra-magical, extra-fantastical year! [Mrs. Puff looks on, still inflated]

Mrs. Puff:
[thinking] Oh, Neptune. Another year with him! Barnacles! Dirty barnacles! I've got to do something to save myself. Oh, there's only one way out: a teacher's ace in the hole! [starts to talk, when she does, she deflates to her normal size] ♪ Extra crediiiiit! ♪

What was that, Mrs. Puff? [Mrs. Puff runs over and shakes him in joy]

Mrs. Puff:
Extra credit, SpongeBob! The extra credit! [laughing wildly] I still have a chance! I mean, you still have a chance.

[muffled] What's extra credit?

Mrs. Puff:
It's when you get credit for the things you weren't able to do before.

[singing] ♪ Oh… ♪

Okay, Man Ray! Are you ready for your first day at Goodness School?

[Man Ray pulls an apple out from behind him and places it on his desk]

Pat, get your wallet out. [SpongeBob nudges Patrick with his elbow, and Patrick pulls his wallet out] Okay. Goodness lesson #1: You see someone drop their wallet! [whispers to Patrick] Patrick, drop the wallet.

[Patrick throws his wallet on the ground]

Now, what would you do?

Man Ray:
[holding Patrick's wallet up to him] Excuse me sir, but I do believe you've dropped your wallet!

Doesn't look familiar to me.

Man Ray:
What? I just saw you drop it, here.

Nope, it's not mine.

Man Ray:
It is yours. I'm trying to be a good person and return it to you.

Return what to who?

[Man Ray slaps his face in annoyance, then pulls Patrick's ID out of the wallet]

Man Ray:
Aren't you "Patrick Star"?


Man Ray:
...And this is your ID.


Man Ray:
I found this ID in this wallet, and if that's the case this must be your wallet.

That makes sense to me.

Man Ray:
Then take it.

It's not my wallet!

Man Ray:
[in anger and frustration] You dim bulb! Take back your wallet or I'll rip your arms off! [Man Ray then stops to clench his stomach in reaction to SpongeBob pressing the button that activate the tickle belt Man Ray is wearing, then falls backwards laughing]

Ah-ah! Wrong! Good people don't rip other people's arms off!

[Man Ray continues to laugh uncontrollably, pleading to make it stop]

[Cut to the morning where Mr. Krabs walks to work crying, and SpongeBob walks in laughing.]

Takin' him to the cleaners! That's a hot one! [Mr. Krabs leans against the Krusty Krab doors] How'd the card game go last night, Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
I lost.

Barnacles, Mr. Krabs! How much money did ya lose?

Mr. Krabs:
I didn't lose any money. [sheds away a tear] I lost...

Don't tell me you lost the Krusty Krab!

Mr. Krabs:
I lost... [SpongeBob grabs him]

Mr. Krabs, please tell me you didn't lose the... Krabby Patty secret formula!

Mr. Krabs:
I... lost... [points to SpongeBob] YOU!


Mr. Krabs:
I bet your contract, and I lost.

[stares blankly, then laughs] Good one, Mr. Krabs. Well, I gotta go make those Krabby Patties. [begins to walk to the door, but Mr. Krabs' claw stops him. After continually walking and getting nowhere, he falls to the floor]

Mr. Krabs:
I'm afraid... you don't work here anymore.

[runs out the door to the two] Please tell me this isn't a joke.

Go on, Mr. Krabs. Tell him. Tell him all about your cruel, sick joke.

[walks over] As much as I love cruel, sick jokes, I'm afraid he's not joking. [points at SpongeBob] You work for me now, SpongeBob. [whips out a bucket with the initials "CB" on it] Time to put on the official Chum Bucket bucket helmet. [jumps onto SpongeBob's head, kicks off the Krusty Krew hat and puts the bucket on his head. SpongeBob screams and runs to Mr. Krabs while knocking Plankton and the bucket off his head]

But Mr. Krabs, I don't wanna work for him! [tugs at Krabs' shirt collar] I wanna work for you, here at the Krusty Krab! [he and Krabs start crying loudly and hug]

Mr. Krabs:
I'm sorry, boy! It's all my fault!

[pretending to sound genuinely sad] What kind of cold, heartless person would break apart such a loving relationship? [whips out a crowbar] I would! [jumps up and uses the crowbar to pry SpongeBob off Krabs. SpongeBob goes flying with Mr. Krabs' arms still clung to him]

Mr. Krabs:

Mr. Krabs! [slams into a cage and Krabs' arms fly off him. Plankton walks over and shuts the door]

This is your greatest blunder, Krabs. For fifteen years, I've been throwin' those card games just waitin' for you to slip up. I may not have the precious Krabby Patty formula, but I've got the next best thing: the guy who makes 'em! [a propeller emerges from the cage] I'm gonna run you out of business, Krabs! [the propeller spins and pilots SpongeBob into the Chum Bucket]

Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:
SpongeBob! [cries and then stops] Can I have my arms back? [Plankton walks over and throws the arms on Krabs' head.]

[Heavy metal music plays. The bell rings. SpongeBob tears off his blue robe, showing off his extremely large, muscular body. Patrick rips off his own green robe, underneath which he is wearing a business suit. He tears off the business suit, also revealing an extremely large, muscular body. The two dive at each other, screaming, until they collide. They wrestle and continue to wind up in twisted positions. They spin around and wind up wrestling with themselves. They realize this, and dive back at each other. Patrick sits on top of SpongeBob, holding his foot]

Forget the Chum Bucket! This is personal. [takes off SpongeBob's shoe and licks his foot slowly]

[SpongeBob screams in agony. The two wrestle again. SpongeBob sits on Patrick's chest and screams as he lifts up a pencil with the eraser side pointing toward Patrick; he slowly brings it down to his name tag and erases the "Pat" in "Patrick," leaving "rick".]

NO!! My name's... not... RICK!!!

[Patrick tackles SpongeBob in a puff of smoke and the two wrestle once more before they stop.]

I don't like you!

I don't like you more!

I never liked you!

I 1,000 times never liked you!



[They struggle to push each other until both of their pants rip and fall down. Patrick's underwear is yellow. SpongeBob's underwear is pink.]



SpongeBob and Patrick:
[their eyes start to water] You do care! [both start crying and hug each other]

Let's promise never to fight again, buddy!

Yeah, pal! Let's go home!

[both walk away holding hands and whistling while the audience boos]

Mr. Krabs:
Hey! Where ya going?

Get back here and kill each other!!

You're my best friend ever!

You too, Patrick!

You know, these were white when I bought 'em.

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