SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 3

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that airs on Nickelodeon. The show follows the adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city, and being pursued by the evil Plankton. It spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

Hmm, honey...? [wakes up] What? [groaning] Ohh! I have got to get my hands on a Krabby Patty! And no one's gonna stop me! [runs out of his house, panting, but tiptoes past SpongeBob's house, then pants some more to the Krusty Krab, putting his face up against the door] There it is... unguarded! All I have to do is--! Wait, it's too easy. There must be some kind of... [sees dripping coming from above the door inside] ...security? [looks up and notices a bucket] This is our burglar alarm? A bucket of water? Ha-ha. [walks in, knocking the bucket off the door] That was too easy. [sniffs] Hey, this isn't water. This is... [realizes] gas!

[A robotic arm with an ignited match drops it, lighting a screaming Squidward on fire, who runs all the way into the kitchen, where another bucket of gas falls on him and then fire is seen again, as he screams again in pain. Finally, he walks up to the Patty Vault, wide-eyed, and opens the door to reveal hundreds and hundreds of Krabby Patties. In later TV airings, after Squidward says "There it is...", the camera zooms in on the Patty Vault, and Squidward does the same routine after the zoom in.]

[gasps] Holy shrimp! I don't know where to start. [picks up a patty] All that matters is that it's just you... and me... and nobody...

Squidward? [Squidward's face drops] Is that you?

[turns around] SpongeBob? Uh, uh, uh... what are you doing here? [points at SpongeBob. While pointing at him, he notices he's showing the patty in his hand and puts it behind his back again]

I always come to work at 3:00 AM. This is when I count the sesame seeds. [takes off his green hat] What are you doing here?

Uhh, I forgot my...

And why is the patty vault open?

Oh, I thought that...

And why are you holding a patty behind your back?

I... I... I... no, I didn't do...

And why are you acting so nervous? And why are you sweating so much? And why do you look so hungry? And... [stops, and grins very smugly]

No, no, wait...it's not what you think. Th-This is a big misunderstanding. You've got to believe me, I... Listen, I am telling you! You better listen to me, SpongeBob!

You like Krabby Patties, don't you, Squidward?

Yes! Yes! I admit it, SpongeBob! I LOVE KRABBY PATTIES!!!! [eats two patties]

SpongeBob I knew it all along, Squidward. No one can resist a Krabby Patty. [Squidward eats a bunch of Krabby Patties in all sorts of ways, even a dozen at a time] Squidward! How many are you eating? Squidward! [Squidward keeps eating all the Krabby Patties in the vault, Pac-Man style] Squidward, you can't eat all those patties at one time! SQUIDWARD!!!

What's gonna happen? Am I gonna blow up?

No, worse - it'll go right to your thighs!

My thighs? [pan down showing Squidward's enlarged thighs]

SpongeBob ...and then you blow up!

[Then the Krusty Krabs explodes. We see the ambulence carrying Squidward's head while the physician carries a bucket of Squidward's body]

[chuckles] I remember my first Krabby Patty...

[Episode ends]

Oh Gary, I'm too young to have my butt kicked! There are so many things in life I haven't gotten to do! [cut to SpongeBob in an office building at a desk, on the phone] Hang on, I'll transfer your call. [cut back to a knock on the door] Who is it? [door falls down. SpongeBob sees Flats and screams] Flats!

It's butt-kicking time!

Gary, there's something I want you to know, but I'm too scared to remember what it is. [Flats cracks his knuckles more and more. SpongeBob breathes harder and harder. Flats brushes his teeth and gargles. SpongeBob breathes harder]

Let's do it!

Go away, Gary. I don't want you to see this. It'll be ugly. [Gary gets out a camera from his shell]

Are you ready?

Hold on. [puts a blindfold over his eyes] Okay, I'm ready. [Flats punches SpongeBob, but it doesn't hurt him] I said I'm ready. [Flats tries again but same result happens] Didn't you hear me? I said I'm ready. [Flats punches him again and this time SpongeBob giggles] That tickles. [Flats keeps punching him but nothing seems to hurt SpongeBob] Gary, I'm absorbing his blows like I was made of some kind of spongy material! Do you know what that means? I get to go to work tomorrow! [cut to next day where SpongeBob is in the Krusty Krab kitchen, grilling, and Flats is still punching SpongeBob, then scene cuts to him playing cards with Gary] You have any sevens?


[chasing jellyfish, walking out of the bathroom, sleeping, and eating breakfast, while Flats is still punching him. Cut to boating school as SpongeBob is sitting at his desk and Flats is punching, but is now exhausted. He passes out due to exhaustion] Flats, are you okay? [everyone cheers] Do not cheer me, my fellow adult classmates. Flats was the real victim here. A victim of a society that's riding down a violent road to nowhere; a road I call... [clenches fist] ...'violence road'.

Mrs. Puff:
[walks in] Sorry I'm late, class, I... [gasps as she sees SpongeBob's fist and Flats on the ground] SpongeBob! I can't believe you beat up a new student! [zoom out of school] I'm going to kick your butt!

[Episode ends]

Mr. Krabs:
Barnacles! I'll never find-- [sees the tombstone and it shows his real name, Smitty Werben Man Jensen] The grave! Am I really going to defile this grave for money? Of course I am! [digs and hits something] Jackpot! [opens up the coffin] Ooh. It's beautiful. Come to papa. [takes the head off with the hat on] Hey, come on, Smitty, let go! [takes his head off] Rest in pieces, Smitty. [jumps out of the hole] I got the million dollar hat.

[lightning and thunder booms. Smitty stands up from his grave with his head in one hand]

Hey, man, that's my hat. Give it back.

Mr. Krabs:
What? No way. Just crawl back into your hole, bone boy. Go ahead, play dead.

I guess I'm gonna have to take it from you.

Mr. Krabs:
Yeah, right. You and what army? [But then, the skeleton zombie army came with an eerie moaning]

Only the army of the living dead. [all the other dead bodies are walking towards Mr. Krabs]

Mr. Krabs:
[scared] Oh, no! I've seen this on the late show! You ghoulish fiends hold me down and take turns nibbling on my innards, then you eat my brain and leave my body for the buzzards!

That's disgusting. We just want the hat back.

Mr. Krabs:
No flipping way! [takes the head of a swordfish and uses it as a sword] Back off! Back off, I say!

Attack. [the skeleton zombies ready to draw their weapons]

Mr. Krabs:
Tallyho! [sword fights a few zombies] Look at me, I'm Errol Fin! [chops up more bodies] You're falling apart, marrow brain! You must be kidding. [sword fights them] Back to oblivion! [jumps over a group of zombies] Oh, ho! How's your sister? All right, boneheads. Playtime's over. Yee-hoo! Ha-ha! [twirls around and destroys more of the skeleton zombies in the morning Mr. Krabs finishes destroying all the skeleton zombies and runs out of the cemetery] Wa-ha! A million dollars. I've got a million dollars! [runs back to his curio stand where the fish are talking altogether at once] Oh, there you are. Well, I got it. The rare novelty soda drinking hat. Let's start the bidding at one million dollars! [all of the fish look at each other and then laugh]

Yeah, you want that all at once?

Fish #3:
One million dollars. You gotta be kidding!

Hey! The poor sap's not kidding. Didn't you hear? They found a whole warehouse full of them. THEY'RE WORTHLESS! [the camera goes to a bunch of soda drinking hats are in the dumpster. The fish crack up laughing. SpongeBob walks by with a hat that has clapping hands on the top of it]

Let's give Mr. Krabs a big hand. [laughs]

Now that's worth a million dollars. [SpongeBob laughs again and he leaves the background. Nat runs after him and the other fish follow] Hey, kid, wait up!

Fish #2:
I saw him first!

Fish #3:
I'll give you one billion dollars!

[Fred rows his row-boat along the ground to chase SpongeBob]

Mr. Krabs:
Well, that's a spirit breaker. [throws the soda drinking hat away and breaks down sobbing]

[walks by with flowers in hand] What a baby. [walks off and the episode ends]

[Two puppets appear on the TV screen]

Puppet 1:
Hey, where you going?

Puppet 2:
To my job.

Puppet 1:
You have a job?

Puppet 2:
Why wouldn't I? I'm not some lazy inconsiderate jerk who lays in bed all day.

Puppet 1:
Say, where can I get one of these jobs?

[The camera pans down to reveal that it's SpongeBob handling the puppets behind the TV screen]

[voicing puppet 2] Oh, they're everywhere, especially if you're green and have six tentacles. [voicing puppet 1] Thanks. I'm gonna go look for one, so I can stop [normal voice] MOOCHING OFF MY FRIENDS, and they can get back to their lives!

This isn't my show! SpongeBob, the remote control's broken! Get over here and fix it!

[completely had it; flips the TV away] I've got a better idea! Why don't I call someone whose job it is to fix it?! You know why? Because when I need a job done, I get someone with a JOB to DO THAT JOB!

[pause] What're you saying?

[SpongeBob loses it, and takes Squidward, still in bed, bursts out of his house, and runs to the Krusty Krab, screaming]

Mr. Krabs:
[talking on the phone] Donate to the children's fund? Why? What have children ever done for me?

[SpongeBob suddenly appears, as he furiously grabs the phone and throws it away]

You want your dime back?! [takes one out] TAKE IT! Now Squidward can come back, right?!

Mr. Krabs:
[checks the dime through a telescope] Wrong! [throws the dime at SpongeBob's face] That ain't my first dime.

[throws out more dimes at Mr. Krabs' face] Then have some more dimes! I've got plenty of 'em!

Mr. Krabs:
You can't put a price on me first dime! And I can't forgive that thievin' bilge rat Squidward for stealin' it!

[SpongeBob suddenly grabs Mr. Krabs by the throat and holding him up in the air]

LISTEN, YOU CRUSTACEOUS CHEAPSKATE! SQUIDWARD HAS BEEN LIVING IN MY HOUSE DRIVING ME CRAZY! [shakes him violently] AND YOU'RE NOT GONNA HIRE HIM BACK ALL BECAUSE OF A STUPID DIME?! [a prehistoric dime falls out of Mr. Krabs' back pocket. SpongeBob suddenly calms down and lets go of Mr. Krabs] What's that?

Mr. Krabs:
[gasps] Me first dime! [hugs the dime] Oh, Dimey, I'll never lose you again!

This is a dime?

Mr. Krabs:
I've been in business a long time, boy.

So, if Squidward never stole the dime, he can come back to work, right?'

Mr. Krabs:
Aye, lad, just let the dime and me have our privacy. [kisses the dime. SpongeBob cheers before running off]


My name?

Yes, your name, son.

Uh... Beef Wellington?

[chuckles] No, your name.

Uh... uh... the fork on the left?

Heh. Stop joking. Tell him your name.

My name...? [zoom inside of SpongeBob's brain again where all the SpongeBobs are trying to search for a name]

Smaller SpongeBob #3:
[as he checks file cabinets] What's his name?! What's his name?! I've got nothing on a name!

Smaller SpongeBob #4:
[pressing a key on a keyboard connected to a computer] Come on, baby, what's the name?! [The computer bursts into flames. Panicked shouting is heard from other smaller SpongeBobs as they are running wildly around while papers are flying]

Smaller SpongeBob #5:
WE THREW OUT HIS NAME! [More smaller SpongeBobs begin to run around while more papers are flying. SpongeBob's brain then breaks in half. Cuts back to Squilliam and Squidward with SpongeBob stammering for a moment. Then he splashes water on Squilliam and then starts to bark and going wild.]

Oh, I am so very sorry! I don't know what has gotten into that-- [screams as he notices SpongeBob with a bowl of hot soup by Fred]

SpongeBob More soup for your armpit?! [holds up Fred's arm and throws the soup on his armpits, causing him to scream in pain, runs over to Martha and grabs her head] Please enjoy the food! [slams her face into her food then runs up to Nat] Would you like some cheese on that, sir?! [pulls out a cheese grater, picks him up and grates his butt with it as Nat screams.]

[Every fish screams and panics]

[frightened] No! No!

[Patrick, still tied up, runs out of the kitchen, screaming. And Mr. Krabs, still tied up, also runs of the kitchen and warns everyone that there's more danger for some things that he cooked so badly.]

Mr. Krabs:
Run for your lives, everyone! It's the appetizer!

Mr-! [Squidward puts his hand over SpongeBob's mouth]

Will you be quiet? Now listen, what did these robots in the movie look like?

Well, they had piercing red eyes, metal pinchers for hands, and they ran on batteries.

Okay, so tell me, does Mr. Krabs look anything like that?!

[Mr. Krabs barges out of his office, still screaming. He now has burning red eyes, the pair of tongs snipping in his claw, and the batteries in his pocket, just like the robot in the movie. SpongeBob and Squidward both scream in fear. Mr. Krabs continues screaming as he runs into the bathroom]

I'll evacuate the customers, you call the navy!

[runs over to the phone] Hello, Operator? Get me the Navy!

Hello, you've reached the Navy's automated phone service.

Squidward, the robots are running the Navy!

NOT THE NAVY! [on the microphone] Attention, Krusty Krab! Run for your lives! Robots are taking over the world! [pause] OUR WORLD! [Then the customers run and scream in panic] What do we do now?

I don't know! [notices a nickel] Hey, a nickel! [points at it]



Mr. Krabs:
[walks out of the bathroom, his eyes back to normal] Ah, that's better. [walks back to his office] Bee-boo-boo-boo-bee-bop, boo-boo-bop.

We need to find out what that robot did with the real Mr. Krabs, but how?

Well, in the movie the hero teams up with a buddy, and they get the poop on the robot.

They poop on the robot?

Yeah, you know, they get the straight poop, ask questions, get information.

I never thought I'd say this, but, SpongeBob, let's get that poop!

[Squidward and SpongeBob dive in. SpongeBob grabs rope, Squidward grabs tools, and SpongeBob grabs records, cuts to Mr. Krabs]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, hello, boys. What can I do for ya? [they both lock the door] Hehe, why did you lock the door? Why do have that rope? WHO’ WATCHING THE CASH REGISTER?! (gets attacked by Squidward and SpongeBob] SpongeBob, Squidward, what’s the meaning of this?! Unite me this instant!

[grunting] Don't get me wrong, Patrick. It's great that we helped that guy out, but there's no one left in town to sell chocolate bars to. [trips up on a rock and falls.] Whoa! [makes another grunting noise. Cut to him with a box flat on his face] Let's face it, Patrick. We're failures.

[walks in from the left, carrying a box] I can live with that. [places his box on SpongeBob's box and sits on it, making a small squeaking sound]

Let's change our names to Why and Bother.

[appears behind the box] CHOCOLATE! [his screaming knocks SpongeBob, Patrick and the boxes over]

[Cut to SpongeBob and Patrick, whom they babble in fear]

[simultaneously with Patrick] No, no! Don't hurt us. Please don't hurt me. No no. Please...

[simultaneously with SpongeBob] No! Have mercy on me! Please spare me!

[cuts to him laughing manically] Finally! I've been tryna catch you boys all day! NOW THAT I GOT YOU RIGHT WHERE I WANT YOU...!!! [calmly and gladly] I'd like to buy all your chocolate. [holds up a large amount of cash]

[Cut to SpongeBob and Patrick looking shocked, chocolate bars fall out of Patrick's shorts, along with a Hershey's kiss. Cut back to Tom, SpongeBob, and Patrick. SpongeBob and Patrick are melting.]

Thank you for your patronage.

[Bubble transition to the next scene. Patrick is pushing a wheelbarrow full of cash.]

Are we living the fancy life yet, SpongeBob?

[Cut to the money in the barrel. SpongeBob pops out.]

Not yet, pally! First, we got to spend all the money.

But what are we gonna spend it on?

[thinking] Hmm...

[Bubble transition to the next scene, a boat in a bottle with "Fancy!" on top is seen at night. Cut to the inside of the boat.]

[walking in from the left] Good evening, sir. Table for one, please.

Sorry, but the whole restaurant has been rented to a private party.

[shocked] But it's my only night to be fancy! Oh, who could afford to rent out the whole restaurant?

Oh, a couple of rich entrepreneurs [leans over to Squidward] and their dates.

[Cut to SpongeBob, Patrick, Mary, and mom; Mary is seen holding a glass.]

So, how long have you two ladies known each other? [beat]

What? What did he say?

[The screen fades to black, ending the episode.]

Hey, watch where you're swinging that... [SpongeBob casts Squidward's shirt out in the lagoon] SpongeBob, be careful with... [SpongeBob hooks Squidward’s nose]

[The camera cuts to an overhead view of the boat as a loud rip is heard and Squidward screams loudly in pain, then walks up to Mr. Krabs with his nose torn off.]

Okay, I've had enough.

Mr. Krabs:
[laughs] Oh, Squidward, you got to lighten up. [SpongeBob is still casting out items while Mr. Krabs talks to Squidward] Sure the lad's a bit overeager, but you've got to learn to roll with the punches, go with the flow. And don't bring anything on a boat that you ain't prepared to lose! [laughs. The hook in SpongeBob's fishing rod touches Mr. Krabs millionth dollar. Gasps] Me millionth dollar! [SpongeBob rips Mr. Krabs' pants off and casts his dollar to the lagoon] SpongeBob, wait! SpongeBob, you hooked me millionth dollar on the back swing! Reel it in before I keelhaul ya!

[Ominous orchestral music begins playing. Mr. Krabs' pupils shrink in shock]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh no. SpongeBob, quick, reel it in! Can't you hear the music? That's a 4/4 string ostinato in D minor! Every sailor knows that means death! Hurry, SpongeBob! The music’s getting faster! [opens the door] There you are, you stinking bilge rats. [darts to the trumpeters] STOP PLAYING THAT MUSIC! [to the conductor] STOP IT PLEASE! [to the violinists] I'm begging ya! Come on, honey, you can make it. Swim faster! Come to me, baby! Come on back! Hurry, SpongeBob!

Here she comes. [Mr. Krabs begs. SpongeBob reels the dollar in.] She made it!

Mr. Krabs:
[holds up the dollar and cheers] For a second or two, I thought she was a goner!

Squidward, he lost something near, and dearer at him, haven’t you-

Look again.

Mr. Krabs:
[Laughs as he plays jumprope with his eyes]

You’re right. How do we get out of here?

If we're real quiet, we can sneak over to the lifeboat.

Okay. [he and Squidward take a step, but then start screaming as they sprint over to the lifeboat. They jump into it but then come back onto the boat tied up; Mr. Krabs pops his head out of the lifeboat]

Mr. Krabs:
[angrily] So, you thought you'd skip out on old Krabs, did ya? Even after you promised to help me. I know what you're thinking. "It's just a dumb old dollar. Let's just leave the old man. He won't notice." [sobs] Well, it's not going down like that. There's only one use for a backstabbing crew like you: [scene cuts to Mr. Krabs hanging his line over the boat. SpongeBob and Squidward are attached to the line] live bait.

You're crazy! If that clam didn't come before, what makes you think he'll come now?!

Mr. Krabs:
[dressed up as a conductor] Ohh, he'll come. [taps the book using his baton and the doors open up to the live-action orchestra and begins to play the 4/4 string ostinato in D minor; SpongeBob and Squidward shake and scream in terror]

Mr. Krabs, listen, I work with SpongeBob all day long, so I know what I'm talking about when I say... [yells] you are completely out of your mind! [Mr. Krabs laughing maniacally while conducting the orchestra. The giant clam emerges above the lagoon coming closer to the two on the line; Squidward screams] Get us out of here!

Mr. Krabs:
Come on, fresh meat! [SpongeBob and Squidward scream as they try to wiggle back and forth to avoid the giant clam] Keep thrashing! He likes it! [both continue to scream and bounce up and down really fast] Come on, boy! Closer. Closer. Almost there. [a giant clam shows the dollar on its tongue] That's it! [closes the doors to cause the music to stop. The giant clam stops in mid-air and Mr. Krabs jumps inside it to take the dollar] Aha! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Look, boys, I finally got it! [rubs his dollar on himself] I finally got me millionth dollar!

[The cabin doors strangely open by themselves to play the ominous music again. The giant clam closes its mouth, with Mr. Krabs inside, and dives into the lagoon. The cabin doors close as the conductor takes a bow.]

Oh, poor Mr. Krabs. Gone forever out of our lives. [a tear falls down his cheek] Why couldn't it have been me?!

Yes, why couldn't it have been you?! [sobbing]

Why did he have to go like this, why?! [crying]

Why did he have to go like this and leave me tied to this idiot?! [both sob loudly]

Mr. Krabs:
Hello, boys! [SpongeBob and Squidward stop sobbing]

SpongeBob and Squidward:
Mr. Krabs? [Mr. Krabs' head is above the lagoon]

Mr. Krabs:
Have you boys met... [holds his millionth dollar up] ...me millionth dollar? [laughs]

Wow, how did you get it back?

Mr. Krabs:
It wasn't easy. Old Blue Lips is quite the fighter, so, eventually, we settled on a trade.

What did you give him? [Mr. Krabs jumps back up on the boat, revealing himself as only having a head and left arm]

Mr. Krabs:
Nothing important. [laughs. SpongeBob and Squidward look shocked]

French Narrator:
Hooray. It looks like our prehistoric pals have just discovered fire, but they will soon learn that when you play with fire, you may get burned. Stay tuned. [cut back to Patchy, who is laughing hysterically]

I told you prehistoric times were fun! Hey! How's about I teach you kids how a caveman makes a fire with [holds up two sticks] two sticks? [rubs them together] Yeah... Doesn't get any cooler than that, huh? Chalk one up for Patchy! [a "I" is chalked up on the wall below a sign reading "Prehistory"] Rubbing... [he pants. Nothing is happening, and he eventually gives up] I guess this is a type of wood that doesn't burn. [a laser shoots through and lights the two sticks on fire, startling Patchy] Potty! [we see Potty with a laser cannon on his back]

[squawk] Laser technology. Score one for the future. [cut to the digital screen next to the prehistory chalk labeled "The Future." The score goes from "00" to "01"]

Well, I have something that you'll never find in your little [air quotes] future: a real live caveman. Hmm... [the caveman walks in from behind] Hey, there he is! Come on in, big troglodyte fella. Come on… [the caveman is very slowly approaching] You see kids, I found him frozen in a block of ice and then I spent three days thawing him out with my mom's hair dryer. I call him Cavey. [the caveman approaches the camera, and recoils in horror. Patchy chuckles] Isn't he something? It's OK, Cavey. [another "I" is chalked up for "Prehistory"]

That's nothing, old timer. Make way for the future. [a door swings up and a robot named X-29488 enters the room]

Greetings. I am the X-29488. How may I serve you? ["The Future" score goes from "01" to "02"; beat]

Where do you keep getting all this stuff!?

Never you mind, pops. Let's go see what Cavey thinks. [squawks. Cavey slowly approaches the robot, and touches it. The robot's eyes start flashing red. A siren goes off]

Attack! Attack! [Cavey starts to run off and the robot gives slow chase, shooting lasers at him. For every shot, "The Future" score keeps going up]

Potty! You're ruining me caveman show!

Attack! Attack! [the robot continues to shoot lasers. Cut to the exterior, which is rumbling]

French Narrator:
Will Patchy ever get control of the special? [cut to SpongeGar, mesmerized by the fire] What will SpongeBob do with fire? [cut to the SpongeBob B.C. screen] Stay tuned to SpongeBob SquarePants B.C. and find out.

[Fade on a black screen. After the commercial break, we cut back to Patchy's cave house, the house still rumbling.]

French Narrator:
Welcome back to SpongeBob SquarePants B.C. Sounds like things have gone from bad to worse for Patchy. Let's watch. [inside, the robot is still firing lasers, and Cavey throws a giant rock at him. Patchy is huddled behind the couch. Potty watches with a soda and popcorn]

[squawk] This is great.

Ahoy, glad you're back. [ducks a laser] Let's watch the rest of SpongeBob B.C. while I get things straightened out around here. Whoa! [ducks as a giant rock falls on him. He comes up dazed] Or... maybe not. [collapses. Cut back to the freeze frame of Sponge, Pat, and Squog]

French Narrator:
When we last saw our hungry troglodytes, they just discovered fire. How long will it take for them to mess it up? Let's see.

Are you crazy?! A dirt circle won't stop that monster! I'm running for my life! [does so]

SpongeBob and Patrick:

[The sea bear comes back and resumes mauling Squidward]

Don't run! Sea bears hate that!

Thanks for the tip. I guess I'll just limp home, then. [does so]

SpongeBob and Patrick:

[The sea bear comes back and resumes mauling Squidward]

They hate limping more than running!

[offscreen] Well, I guess I'll just have...

[The sea bear comes back and resumes mauling Squidward]

I should have warned you about crawling!

[The sea bear comes back and resumes mauling Squidward]

[offscreen] What'd I do that time?!

I don't know, I guess he just doesn't like you!

Pretend to be somebody else!

Here, draw a circle! [tosses Squidward the stick]

[offscreen] Okay!

[The sea bear comes back and resumes mauling Squidward]

That was an oval! It has to be a circle!

MOVE OVER!!! [gets inside the circle; the sea bear comes up to Squidward in the circle, then notices the circle itself below before snarls as it points a threatening claw at him, and leaves] Hey, it worked! You guys saved my life! [everyone cheers "hooray"]

Yeah, I'm glad it was just a sea bear. This circle would never hold back a sea rhinoceros.

What attracts them?

The sound of a sea bear attack. [a sea rhinoceros appears, snorting]

Heh, good thing we're all wearing our anti-sea-rhinoceros undergarments. Right, Squidward?


Mr. Krabs:
Well, Mr. Squidward, it's almost closing time, and we haven't seen eye or antennae of ol' Plankton for hours. Yes, sir, I think this time, he's finally given up for...

[over megaphone] Attention, Krusty Krab management! This is your better speaking!

Mr. Krabs:
What?! [Plankton is standing outside the Krusty Krab with a megaphone]

[over megaphone] I have the restaurant surrounded. Give me the secret formula or I'll destroy the Krusty Krab! [Mr. Krabs and Squidward run outside to Plankton]

Mr. Krabs:
Ah, you and what army, bug?

[chuckles] What army? What army!?! Look around you, Krabs! [scene pans out to show the Krusty Krab surrounded by something green]

Mr. Krabs:
...You planted grass?

Grass?! [starts laughing maniacally, joined by his family]

Mr. Krabs:
Uh-oh. [Mr. Krabs and Squidward scream and run into the Krusty Krab with the Plankton family behind them; and a blackout, within the Krusty Krab shaking and thudding noises, as if in a fight; scene cuts to Mr. Krabs' face] You'll never get away with it, Plankton! [Mr. Krabs is in the toilet, with only his head exposed as Squidward is stuck inside the toilet, surrounded by Plankton]

You're right. The pipes are much too narrow. Besides, what I really want is the Krabby Patty formula.

Mr. Krabs:
Well, you might as well forget it. The formula is locked away in me safe, and I'll never give ya the combination. [laughs]

Silence! [jumps on the flushing lever and sends Mr. Krabs spinning around and his eyes are tied up] I think you'll find we're more than capable of figuring it out for ourselves. Oh, boys? [Plankton snaps his finger and his family assembles into a giant human hand and ear; they twist the lock, figuring out the combination] That's it, a little to the left...

Mr. Krabs:
Curse you, Plankton, and your ability to join together to form a working human ear! [the family opens the safe and inside is the secret formula, which is a book labeled "Recipe for a Krabby Patty," in a bottle]

Hot dog! [Plankton hops up the stairs to the formula] Yes. It's mine! The formula's mine. After all these years, it's finally mine! [Plankton pulls the cork from the bottle and smells it as if it were champagne; he pulls the formula out of the bottle] Let it be known that on this day, I, Sheldon J. Plankton, single-handedly overthrew the Krusty Krab!

[variously] Ahem.

[notices his cousins annoyed by him not giving them credit] Eh, and, of course, I had a little help from the family. [goes back to Mr. Krabs, who is still stuck in the toilet]

Mr. Krabs:
Plankton, wait. You can't look at the formula.

Begging won't help.

Mr. Krabs:
I'm telling you, you won't be able to handle the truth. There are some things in this world that weren't meant for mortal eyes.


Mr. Krabs:

I don't care. [Mr. Krabs is shocked] Drum roll please! [Plankton rolls himself a snare drum roll on the snare drum, then runs to Mr. Krabs' desk] Finally, after all these years, I'm about to find out what makes a Krabby Patty taste so good! [opens book] The secret recipe for one Krabby Patty is... a pinch of salt...

Mr. Krabs:
Plankton! Wait!

[turns page] ...Three teaspoons of chopped onions...

Mr. Krabs:
I'm warning ya!

[turns page] ...A cup of love...

Mr. Krabs:
Don't do it!

...mixed together with the most important ingredient of all... four heaping pounds of freshly ground...! [turns page and it has Plankton picture] ...Plankton!?! [Plankton stares wide eyed at the formula and looks at Mr. Krabs]

Mr. Krabs:
I warned ya.


[Back in the Krusty Krab, the book falls on the ground and the family reads the recipe and gasps; they all run screaming in whole terror while Mr. Krabs laughs, except for Clem who just stands staring at the book]

Mr. Krabs:
Hey. Why ain't you running?

Well, I can't read.

Mr. Krabs:
Get out of here! [Clem runs away laughing goofily while Mr. Krabs gets himself out of the toilet; Squidward reveals that he wasn't murdered by Plankton's army, but he is alive and comes out of the toilet as well as he rubs his head; SpongeBob arrives while holding a mop]

Hey, guys. Did I miss anything? [Squidward picks up the formula]

Mr. Krabs, is this really the secret ingredient for the Krabby Patty?

Mr. Krabs:
Of course not! [points to the Chum Bucket] And Plankton will probably figure that out and be back again to find out what the real formula is. But don't worry, boys. The formula's safe from harm. I got it hidden in me most secret hiding place - a place no one, not even Plankton, would ever figure out! [Mr. Krabs starts laughing and hopping up and down]

Let me guess. It's at home, under your mattress.

Mr. Krabs:
[gasps and runs to his house, screaming] Curse you, Squidward! [episode ends]

"Local nutcase tries to fly"?! I'm a nutcase because I follow my dreams? Well, they laughed at the guy who invented light bulbs, too!

No, they didn't.

[eyes widen] You'll see.

[walks outside, and past Monroe and his Mother]

Look, mom, it's the Bird Man of Bikini Bottom.

Wow! I wonder why he's still using his legs!

Come on, Bird Man. Flap your wings and fly! [makes flapping motions; he and Incidental 115 laugh cruelly; SpongeBob walks away, only to encounter many other fish]

Cap Fish:
Hey, Bird Man, going to check on your eggs?

Maybe he's looking for a statue to poop on.

[steps in front of SpongeBob and starts flapping his arms and making chicken noises; a crowd of fish around him laughs]

Go on and laugh, but it is a sad day in Bikini Bottom when a guy is ridiculed for having dreams! [two fish holding babies stand to the side of him]

Mother #2:
You think you're the only one with unfulfilled dreams?

I was supposed to be a concert pianist... until I realized I didn't have any fingers. [looks at his hands]

We all had dreams.

What makes you so special? [the crowd of fish turns into an angry mob, along with pitchfork and torches]


[the mob chases him; he starts panting, then stops] Huh? [camera zooms out to reveal SpongeBob just stepped off the edge of a cliff and he screams]

Incidental 41:
Good riddance, dreamer!

[screams as he lands in a Mud Removal truck] Ooh! [the truck makes a sharp turn and SpongeBob falls out, covered in mud; while falling] Well, it can't get any worse. D'oh! [lands in a Feather Delivery truck; sticks his head up, which is now covered with feathers] I guess I spoke too soon.

French Narrator:
[Note: television version only] [the scene freezes] Will SpongeBob learn to fly? Stay tuned.

[A crowd of fish is searching for SpongeBob.]

Incidental 37B:

Hey SpongeBob!


[hiding behind a rock] If I don't give these feverish favor-seekers the slip, I'll never get to fly with the jellyfish. [quietly flies away]

Hey! There he is! [SpongeBob flies faster] He's getting away!

No! He owes us favors!

Get him!

[The angry crowd chases after him, into Downtown Bikini Bottom; while SpongeBob flies past the buildings in a straight line, the crowd runs up and down each building; they stop at a cliff, before Jellyfish Fields; SpongeBob keeps flying.]

I'm almost at Jellyfish Fields. I'm gonna make it!

Incidental 41:
He's headed for Jellyfish Fields! We'll never catch him now!

Cannonball Jenkins:
[off-screen] I'll take care of this!

It's Cannonball Jenkins!

Cannonball Jenkins:
[inside a lit cannon, wearing a red helmet and suit; launches out of the cannon and toward SpongeBob; he collides with him, and SpongeBob's inflatable pants explode; the two hurtle toward the ground; SpongeBob falls even further as Cannonball Jenkins opens up a red parachute] I told you nothing good would come from city folk and their flying machines! [the crowd watches as SpongeBob crashes to the ground; they walk over]

What have we done? [starts to cry] Come on, everybody! I think a proper burial is in order. [picks up the pants] A pair of pants like these come around... once in a lifetime. [the crowd leaves; SpongeBob, now in his underwear, regains consciousness]

Well, it was fun while it lasted. [walks up to Jellyfish Fields, then walks away] I guess I'm not meant to fly after all. [sighs; starts to raise up in the air; a group of jellyfish are below him, carrying him up] Huh? Hey! My jellyfish friends are helping me fly! Without pants! I guess it just goes to show... [the jellyfish carry him back to Bikini Bottom] ♪You don't need a plane to fly♪ [Incidental 41 looks out the window at him] ♪Plastic wings may make you cry♪ [a flock of scallops fly by] ♪Kites are made for windy days. Lawn chair with balloons... fly away♪ [the crowd of fish bury SpongeBob's pants as the mourn over them] ♪Inflatable pants... you may as well skip!♪ [arrives at his home; the jellyfish put him back on the ground] ♪If you want to fly, all you need... is friendship. Yeah.♪ [the jellyfish buzz away; waves] Goodbye, jellies! You taught me a valuable lesson. Although I'm not quite sure what it was.

[walks up] Hey! Let's fly down to the pizza house for a slice.

No more flying for me, Patrick. I'll leave that to the jellyfish. [opens his door]

Suit yourself. [lifts up his arm and flies]

[turns back around] Did Patrick just...? [laughs] Nah! [enters his house again, but opens the door one last time, just to make sure]

So, Patrick’s the strangler? Gee, do you think you know a guy?

Tattletale Strangler:

He's not?!

Tattletale Strangler:
[rips off the fake mustache] I AM!!!!

Hey, how did you do that without a shaving cream?

Tattletale Strangler:
Oh, it's a fake, you idiot! I bought it at the party store!

[Everyone suddenly came back]

Did somebody say "party"?

[The Tattletale Strangler screams and runs out of the house]

Tattletale Strangler:
I can't take it!

[runs after him] Wait, bodyguard, I need protection! [the Strangler gets into a taxi]

Tattletale Strangler:
Step on it! I'm being chased by a maniac! [SpongeBob chases after the taxi]

I'm not safe! Come back! D-ohh! [taxi goes to the Bikini Bottom Airport and an airplane takes off]

Tattletale Strangler:
Finally, away from that guy.

[on the airplane a row behind the Strangler] Good idea, bodyguard. He'll never find us up here. [the Strangler jumps out of the plane screaming, he opens his parachute, but it is actually SpongeBob] Good thinking, bodyguard. The Strangler could have been on that plane. [the Strangler takes out a giant pair of scissors and cuts the strings off the SpongeBob parachute and plummets right into the Bikini Bottom Police Station jail. SpongeBob comes running up to him] Bodyguard, bodyguard!

Tattletale Strangler:
LOOK KID! I'M NOT YOUR BODYGUARD![cries] I'M THE STRANGLER! SEE!?[looks toward his "WANTED" poster on the wall]


[the police officers walk up]

Officer Nancy:
Good job, SpongeBob, you put the Strangler behind bars!

Tattletale Strangler:
At least I'm safe from that yellow idiot.

Hey, Mack. [the Strangler turns and sees Patrick in the cell with him] What're you in for? [the episode ends]

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